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2 Name: Quintab, John Benedict T. 1 Grade/Section: 11 - 1CT Al 2 Submitted to: Ma'am Jah ° : Date Submitted: Dec 14, 2022 This is my family there are only three of us in my family, me, my Dad, Benedict Quintab, and my Mom, Rexsy Quintab I am an only child which means growing up I felt a bit lonely I've always wanted siblings so I bothered my parents over and over again to have another kid just so I could have someone to play with but they would always take it as a joke and say 'No' I've always questioned why they'd always say no until when I slowly realized that they we're too old to have another kid. When my parents had me my mom was 42 and my dad was 43 and in my opinion, that's a bit on the later side to have a kid when I was asking to have siblings they were already in their 50's when I realized that I could finally see why they would always turn me down when | asked for siblings. Back then when I was going through my rebellious phase me and my parents would get into arguments a lot we would argue over stupid stuff that I find embarrassing today but no matter how much we argue I still love them from the bottom of my heart. Reinard Hernandez ~ Reinard is a quiet person he only talks to a few people I met him over a game called Minecraft he’s quite a nerd at it and is pretty fun to play with. hernandez.9 Julian Santino De Jesus - Julian is a jokester he’s funny always makes jokes and is a pretty chill dude he’s also fun to play with, like Reinard we also met at Minecraft. 3 jesus.94695 3 Ullie De Leon - Ulliis the loud and funny guy he’s pretty fun to hang out with and is pretty chill we also met at Minecraft on Dear Ma’am Jah People who play the role of shaping and molding us to discover ourselves in that journey are extremely rare. At present, as I position my head high, I respect the teacher who helped shape me into the person Iam today. I sincerely appreciate you for all of your patience in converting me from an aimless kid into an accountable and focused adult. I will always be grateful for all I have learnt from you, whether it was about the subject you taught or about life in general. If I can be of any help in the future, I will gladly do so. Thank you very much for everything. Yours Sincerely, John Benedict T Quintab.

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