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Received: 5 October 2018

DOI: 10.1002/jobm.201800447
| Revised: 5 December 2018
| Accepted: 16 December 2018


Isolation and characterization of high temperature tolerant

mutant from the cyanobacterium Anabaena doliolum

Yattapu P. Reddy | Ravindra K. Yadav | Keshawanand Tripathi |

Gerard Abraham

Centre for Conservation and Utilization of

BGA, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research The mutant strain of the diazotrophic cyanobacterium Anabaena doliolum able to
Institute, New Delhi, India tolerate high temperature was isolated by induced mutation techniques using ethyl
methane sulphonate. This mutant strain exhibited higher temperature tolerance than
Gerard Abraham, CCUBGA, ICAR-Indian the wild type. The wild type was able tolerate temperature up to 40 °C whereas the
Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi- mutant was able to grow at an elevated temperature of 48 °C. This mutant exhibited
110012, India.
higher growth rate, heterocyst frequency, and nitrogen fixation. Mutant strains
exhibited comparable levels of chlorophyll, phycocyanin, PS II activity, and O2
evolution as compared to unexposed control. Results also showed that the mutant
accumulated low levels of peroxides and lipid peroxidation products with enhanced
activity of antioxidant enzymes. The FAME analysis revealed quantitative and
qualitative changes in the profile of fatty acids in the mutant strain. Maximum number
of saturated fatty acids was observed in the mutant strain followed by control whereas
the wild type exposed to elevated temperature showed least diversity of fatty acids.
Enhanced level of antioxidant enzymes coupled with efficient modulation of fatty
acid profile could therefore enhance the mutant to resist the high temperature stress.
The results could be exploited further to decipher molecular mechanisms underlying
the temperature tolerance and enhancing the utility of A. doliolum as efficient
biofertilizer for rice paddy keeping in view of the future climatic change scenario.

antioxidant enzymes, biofertilizer, cyanobacterium, elevated temperature, fatty acids, mutant

1 | INTRODUCTION exhibit considerable ability to tolerate a number of

abiotic stress factors [2–5]. Elevated temperature leads to
Increased anthropogenic activities and rapid industrialization inhibition of growth and photosynthesis, production of
has created a lot of pressure on the earth's atmosphere and reactive oxygen species and damage of RNA and protein [6–
resulted in an increase in the level of green house gases which 9]. Mishra et al. [10] observed that the cyanobacterium
trap heat and enhance the temperature leading to the Anabaena doliolum exposed to temperature stress encounter
phenomenon “global Warming.” According to Mckenzie oxidative stress conditions due to the production of reactive
et al. [1] the earth is warming and the global mean temperature oxygen species. Stimulation in the level of antioxidant
change over the 21st century is likely to be about fivefold enzymes in cyanobacteria exposed to elevated temperature
greater than in the past century. An increase in the stress has been reported in cyanobacteria [11]. Oxidative
temperature can lead to adverse impact on various organisms stress conditions have been reported to lead to changes
including the cyanobacteria. In general, the cyanobacteria in the fatty acid composition of the membranes [12].
J Basic Microbiol. 2019;1–9. © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim | 1

Tasaka et al. [13] and Allakhverdiev et al. [14] demonstrated harvested by centrifugation at 10,000 rpm for 5 min and
that an increase in the unsaturation of fatty acids in membrane were washed with 50 mM sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.5).
lipids enhances the tolerance to salt stress in the mutant The washed filaments were resuspended in 500 µL of 0.1 M
cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. Inductionn of phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) and exposed to different concen-
temperature tolerance in these organisms could be better trations (0.05–0.5%) of the mutagen for 5 min in the dark at
understood through random mutagenesis. However, most of room temperature. Mutagen was finally removed from the
these studies have been conducted by exposing the organism cultures by washing the cells with sterile sodium thiosulphate
to high temperature and comparing the response with respect (10% w/v) for 5 min. Cells were washed with phosphate
to the control. A number of studies have been carried out in buffer (0.1 M), centrifuged at 1250 g for 5 min, and the pellet
cyanobacteria to enhance their efficiency to tolerate was resuspended in BG11 medium and kept for 24 h in dark.
environmental stress [15–17]. The treated cultures were further plated on agar plates.
The cyanobacteria are distributed in terrestrial, freshwa- Cultures were treated with LD50 concentration of EMS and
ter, and marine ecosystems and these organisms exhibit subsequently exposed to high temperature ranging from 40 to
remarkable capacity to tolerate various environmental 50 °C for screening. Colonies developed at high temperature
extremes [18]. Nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria are used as of 48 °C was used for developing batch culture of the mutant
biofertilizer for rice cultivation and sensitivity of the cyanobacterium. These mutant cultures were again plated on
cyanobacteria to elevated temperature may limit their agar plates containing minimal medium and sub cultured
exploitation as biofertilizer for rice paddy. Therefore, several times. The mutant thus isolated were sub cultured
cyanobacterial strains adapted to grow and fix nitrogen under several times in BG11 medium and observed for the genetic
high temperature can be selected for developing biofertilizer stability for at least five generations. The stable mutant thus
considering the anticipated increase in temperature due to obtained was used for further experiments. Mutant was grown
climate change. This will help in developing a sound and maintained at a temperature of 48 °C and a comparison
cyanobacterial biofertilizer technology and it may help was made between the wild type (control) and wild type
reducing the dependence of the chemical nitrogen fertilizers exposed to 40 °C.
to a certain extent and also to minimize the global climatic
change. Therefore, in the present study, efforts were made to
2.3 | Measurement of growth
develop temperature tolerant mutants from the cyanobacte-
rium Anabaena doliolum through random mutagenesis. Growth was determined in terms of dry weight. A known
volume of homogenized cyanobacterial suspension was
filtered through Whatman No. 42 filter paper and oven dried
at 60 °C and cooled in a desiccator until constant weight was
achieved. The difference in initial and final weights was
2.1 | Experimental organism and culture
recorded as dry weight [20].
The experimental organism Anabaena doliolum was provided
2.4 | Estimation of pigments
by Prof. A.K. Rai, Department of Botany, Banaras Hindu
University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India. A. doliolum and Total chlorophyll content was determined by cold extraction
the cyanobacterium was routinely maintained in BG-11 method developed by McKinney [21]. The phycocyanin
medium without added nitrogen [19]. The pH of the medium content was estimated according to the method of Bennett and
was adjusted to 7.5 and the cultures were routinely maintained Bogorad [22].
in a culture room at 30 °C illuminated with white fluorescent
tubes emitting 72 μmol photon m−2 s−1 PAR (photosyntheti-
2.5 | Estimation of PS II activity and
cally active radiation). Cultures were shaken manually at least
photosynthetic oxygen evolution
two to three times a day. Experiments have been conducted in
triplicate with triplicate samples for each experiment. Photosynthetic O2 evolution was measured using polaro-
graphic oxygen electrode enclosed in air tight reaction vessel
and connected to an oxygen analyzer (Digital oxygen system,
2.2 | Mutagenesis, screening, and selection of
model 10, Rank Brother, UK). A known amount of A.
doliolum culture (4.5 mL) was transferred into the reaction
For the mutagenesis, freshly prepared filter-sterilized solution vessel. Corresponding temperature of the vessel was
(50 mM sodium phosphate buffer; pH 7.5) of potent chemical maintained by circulating water in the jacket chamber around
mutagen Ethyl Methane Sulphonate (Sigma, USA) was used. the reaction vessel. Polarizing voltage was set at 0.6 volt.
Exponentially growing filaments of A. doliolum were Light was provided using a projector lamp at photon fluence
| 3

rate of 95 μmol m−2 s−1 on the surface of reaction vessel. O2

evolution was recorded for 3 min and expressed as
μ mol mg chl−1 h−1. Photosystem II (PS II) activity was
measured in terms of O2 evolution in the presence of p-
benzoquinone (PBQ, 2 mM). Photosynthetic electron trans-
port activities were measured according to the methods
described in Rai and Raizada [23] and Lien [24].

2.6 | Estimation of heterocyst frequency and

nitrogenase activity
The number of heterocysts per hundred vegetative cells is
referred as heterocyst frequency. For the estimation of
nitrogenase, acetylene reduction assay was performed
according to Stewart et al. [25]. The nitrogenase activity
was expressed in terms of nmol C2H4 mg chlorophyl l −1 h−1.
FIGURE 1 Growth (dry weight) of the wild type cyanobacterium
A. doliolum at 30 and 40 °C and mutant (48 °C) in response to
2.7 | Determination of lipid peroxidation and elevated temperature
peroxide content
Lipid peroxidation was assessed by measuring the total heterocyst frequency of the mutant cyanobacterium did not
thiobarbituric acid reactive substances and it is expressed as change significantly in response to exposure to elevated
equivalent of malondialdehyde (MDA) with minor modifi- temperature. As compared to control, 34.1% increase in the
cations as suggested by Cakmak and Horst [26]. Total heterocyst frequency was observed in the wild type
peroxide content was estimated according to the protocol cyanobacterium. The mutant cyanobacterium, on the other
given by Sagisaka [27]. hand, showed a marginal increase of 9% in the heterocyst
frequency with respect to the unexposed (control) wild cells.
It was also observed that the mutant cyanobacterium exhibit
2.8 | Estimation of antioxidant enzymes better nitrogen fixation potential as compared to the wild type.
Superoxide dismutase activity was assayed by monitoring the In the wild type exposed to 40 °C, the nitrogenase activity was
inhibition in the reduction of nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) found to decrease by 74% whereas in the mutant strains able to
according to the method of Giannopolitis and Ries [28]. grow at 48 °C the inhibition was 39% (Fig. 2).
Ascorbate peroxidase activity was determined according to
Nakano and Asada [29]. The catalase was assayed by
measuring the disappearance of H2O2 according to Aebi [30].
Glutathione reductase activity was estimated according to
Tietze [31].


3.1 | Growth, heterocyst frequency, and

nitrogenase activity
An inverse relationship was observed in the growth of the
cyanobacterium with exposure to temperature (Fig. 1). More
than 24.9% inhibition in the growth was observed when the
cyanobacterium was exposed to elevated temperature of
40 °C, while exposure to 45 °C inhibited the growth
completely. However, the mutant strains of the cyanobacte-
rium A. doliolum were able to grow at 48 °C and produced
significant quantity of biomass. Elevated temperature FIGURE 2 Heterocyst frequency and nitrogenase activity of wild
resulted in increase in the heterocyst frequency of the wild type A. doliolum and mutant in response to elevated temperature
type cyanobacterium (Fig. 2). On the other hand, the (Values are means of three independent observations)

3.2 | Pigment content and photosynthetic 3.4 | Fatty acid (FAME) profile
Fatty acids play an important role in relation to thermo
Chlorophyll, phycocyanin content, gross photosynthesis, and tolerance in cyanobacteria. The FAME profile of the wild
PS II electron transport chain activity by the wild type A. type and mutant cyanobacteria was analyzed to assess the
doliolum and its high temperature tolerant mutant strain are quantitative as well as qualitative changes in the fatty acid
presented in Table 1. Wild type exposed to elevated profile (Fig. 5 and Table 2). Unsaturated fatty acids (35%)
temperature showed decrease in the chlorophyll and constitute the major fatty acids in the wild type cyanobacteria,
phycocyanin content as compared to the mutant strains followed by saturated fatty acids (23.2%), aromatic fatty acids
which showed marginal reduction in the pigment content. In (21.3%), and higher alkanes (20.5%). However, in the wild
the present experiment, the wild type strain unexposed to high type exposed to elevated temperature, aromatic fatty acids
temperature exhibited the highest O2 evolution and PS II (91.7%) constituted the major fatty acids, followed by alkanes
activity, followed by the mutant strain and the wild type (4.3%), unsaturated fatty acids (2.5%), and saturated fatty
exposed to elevated temperature. PS II activity of the wild acids (2.6%). On the other hand, the mutant showed marked
type and mutant cyanobacterium was found to be reduced by variation in fatty acid composition than the wild type control
31 and 16%, respectively (Table 1). Similarly, gross and treatment. Unsaturated fatty acids (47.9%) constituted the
photosynthesis (O2 evolution) decreased by 19.6 and 7.8%. major fatty acids in the mutant followed by alkanes (31.3%),
The mutant strain was able to maintain comparable levels of saturated fatty acids (14.5%), and aromatic fatty acids (6.3%).
PS II activity and O2 evolution as the wild type strains Maximum number of saturated fatty acids was observed in
exposed to elevated temperature. mutant strain, followed by control. However, the wild type
exposed to elevated temperature showed the least diversity
of fatty acids. From the results, it appears that in the mutant of
3.3 | Lipid peroxidation and antioxidant A. doliolum the fatty acid biosynthesis was shifted from short
enzyme activity chain to long chain fatty acids as compared to control.
The extent of oxidative damage in relation to exposure to
temperature in the wild type and mutant cyanobacteria was 4 | DISCUSSION
studied by estimating the H2O2 and MDA content and the
activity of antioxidants. Significant increase in the In the present study, we have employed one of the most
accumulation of H2O2 was observed in the wild type commonly used chemical mutagenesis techniques to enhance
cyanobacterium exposed to elevated temperature (p > 0.01, the thermotolerance of the cyanobacterium A. doliolum.
Fig. 3). However, the mutants accumulated comparatively The mutagenesis resulted in stable alterations in this strain
less peroxides and products of lipid peroxidation as and the mutant cyanobacterium was able to tolerate relatively
compared to the wild type. This observation is supported high temperature up to 48 °C. However, the wild type was
by the increase in the activity of antioxidants by the mutant. able to tolerate temperature up to 40 °C. Increase in dry
Although, the SOD, APX, CAT, and GR activities increased weight accumulation indicates that the mutant is tolerant to
in response to temperature in the wild type cyanobacteria, high temperature. Bisen and Shanthy [15] observed increase
the mutant strain exhibited further enhancement in the in the growth parameters of the herbicide resistant mutants of
antioxidant enzyme activity (p > 0.01, Fig. 4a and b). the filamentous, diazotrophic cyanobacterium Anabaena
Exposing the cyanobacterium (both wild type and mutant) doliolum. The mutant cyanobacterium exhibited better
to elevated temperature possibly resulted in enhanced pigment profile in terms of high chlorophyll and phycocyanin
generation of ROS and corresponding increase in the SOD content. A wide range of pigments have been observed in the
activity. The CAT, APX, and GR activities also showed a cyanobacteria [32]. Better pigmentation especially the
similar trend. chlorophyll probably helps the mutant cyanobacteria to

TABLE 1 Effect of elevated temperature on the pigment content, oxygen evolution and PS II activity of the wild type cyanobacterium A. doliolum
and mutant
Temperature Chlorophyll (µg mg−1 Phycocyanin (µg mg−1 Oxygen evolution (µmol mg PS II activity (µmol mg
(°C) dry weight) dry weight) protein−1 h−1) protein−1 h−1)
30 4.61 ± 0.02 7.05 ± 0.83 153 ± 0.31 121.14 ± 0.18
40 2.62 ± 0.01 4.92 ± 0.28 123 ± 0.25 83.21 ± 0.12
48 3.01 ± 0.01 6.01 ± 1.76 141 ± 0.37 104.37 ± 0.16

Values are means of three replicates (±SD).

| 5

FIGURE 3 Cellular malondialdehyde (MDA) and peroxide

(H2O2) content of the wild type cyanobacterium A. doliolum and
mutant in response to elevated temperature

capture the light energy more efficiently than the wild type in
the process of photosynthesis. Chlorophyll plays an important
role in the harvesting of light to chemical energy during the FIGURE 4 The antioxidant enzyme activity (SOD, CAT, APX,
photosynthetic electron transport [33]. Phycocyanin content and GR) of the wild type cyanobacterium A. doliolum and mutant in
of the mutant cyanobacterium was found to increase. Increase response to elevated temperature (a and b)
in the phycocyanin content in the mutant may help in efficient
channeling of energy to the photosystem as compared to the elevated temperature and consequent damage of the hetero-
wild type. Genetic manipulation of Synechocystis 6803 cysts. Tel-Or and Melhamed-Harel [40] reported inhibition of
resulted in the generation of a number of strains with modified nitrogenase activity due to disturbed electron transport
phycobilisomes [34]. Increase in the phycocyanin content of activity imposed by osmotic stress. Osmotic stress conditions
the mutant cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongates has also have been reported to inhibit the assemblage of the
been observed by Suzuki et al. [35]. Photosynthesis is one of component proteins of the nitrogenase enzyme [41]. Stress
the most essential processes in cyanobacteria which convert conditions have been reported to induce heterocyst specific
the solar energy to energy rich compounds [36,37]. The damage in cyanobacteria making the nitrogenase enzyme
distribution of absorbed light energy between the two sensitive to external oxygen [42]. Heterocysts are found to be
photosystems is dynamically balanced and regulated. Energy more susceptible to osmotic stress conditions [43]. Further,
transfer from LHCII to the core antenna complex of PSII is the increase in the number of heterocysts in the wild type
affected at elevated temperatures [38]. Decrease in PS II exposed to elevated temperature also does not reflect the rate
activity and O2 evolution in the wild type could be due to its of nitrogen fixation. This may be due to physiologically
limited capacity to consume energy equivalents as observed inactive heterocysts devoid of active nitrogen fixing potential.
by Suzuki et al. [35]. However, the temperature tolerant Significant increase in the accumulation of H2O2 was
mutant maintained comparable levels of PS II activity and O2 observed in the wild type cyanobacterium. The mutants
evolution suggesting efficient transfer of energy from the accumulated comparatively less peroxides and products of
antenna pigments to the reaction center. lipid peroxidation as compared to the wild type. The
The number of heterocysts in the wild type increased due thylakoid membranes of cyanobacteria are highly suscep-
to elevated temperature. Increase in the number of heterocysts tible to damage to lipid peroxidation [44]. Increase in
in the symbiotic cyanobacteria in response to osmotic stress H2O2 and MDA level has been reported due to exposure to
conditions was observed Rai et al. [39]. The mutant elevated temperature leading to lipid peroxidation [10,45].
cyanobacterium exhibited better nitrogen fixation potential Ali et al. [46] reported lipid peroxidation and membrane
as compared to the wild type. Low levels of nitrogenase damage due to the oxidation of fatty acids by ROS. Hyper
activity in the wild type cyanobacteria could be attributed to activity of the antioxidant enzymes in relation to stress
probable inactivation of the nitrogenase enzyme due to conditions have been reported [47]. Scandalios [48]

FIGURE 5 Effect of elevated temperature on the FAME profile of the wild type (control), wild type exposed to elevated temperature
(treatment) and mutant cyanobacterium A. doliolum. Fatty acids comprised of saturated (SFA), monounsaturated (MUFA), diunsaturated
(DUFA), aromatic fatty acids and alkanes (A–C)

reported that a balance between SOD, CAT, and APX fatty acid biosynthesis was shifted from short chain to long
activities is important in determining the intracellular chain fatty acids as compared to control. Lipids and fatty acids
levels of ROS. Compared to CAT and POX, the APX play an important role in the tolerance of cyanobacterial cells
is considered to be specific to H2O2. Further, CAT is to various environmental stresses such as desiccation, salt
involved in the conversion of H2O2 into oxygen and induced damage, and low temperature [12]. The wild type A.
water, while APX plays an active role in the ascorbate doliolum produced higher quantity of saturated fatty acids as
glutathione cycle [49]. Enhanced activity of GR helped the compared to the mutant and wild type exposed to elevated
cyanobacterium Anabaena fertilissima to maintain the temperature. These results are in agreement with the
optimal redox activities and overcome the salinity observations of Patel et al. [51] who observed substantially
stress [50]. higher amount of saturated fatty acids in a wild type
The FAME profile of the wild type cyanobacteria exposed Synechocystis strain. Decreased levels of unsaturated fatty
to elevated temperature and the mutant cyanobacteria acids in their membrane lipids reduced the osmotic stress
revealed quantitative as well as qualitative changes. Unsatu- tolerance in cyanobacteria [52]. Stress-induced lipid accu-
rated fatty acids constituted 35 and 47.9%, respectively, in mulation was reported to be an immediate consequence in
the wild type and mutant cyanobacteria. Furthermore, cyanobacteria exposed to high temperature [53]. High
significant quantitative and qualitative changes in the fatty temperature results in excessive fluidity of membrane lipids
acid profile of wild type and mutant cyanobacteria were and alterations in hydrogen and electrostatic bonds between
observed in response to elevated temperature. From the polar groups of proteins which in turn leads to modification of
results, it appears that in the mutant of Anabaena doliolum the their structure leading to ion leakage [54]. Changes in
| 7

TABLE 2 Fatty acids (%) identified by GC-MS in the wild type CONFLICTS OF INTEREST
cyanobacterium A. doliolum and mutant in response to elevated
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
Common Fatty
Name acid Control Treatment Mutant ORCID
Lauric C12:0 0.23 – 0.10
Gerard Abraham
Mirystic C14:0 – 0.03 0.45
Pentadecylic C15:0 0.95 – 0.30
Palmitic C16:0 16.39 – 5.90
Margaric C17:0 0.82 – 0.16
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