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We hope you find the information on our website and resources useful. As far as possible, the contents of this
resource are reflective of current professional research. However, please be aware that every child is different
and information can quickly become out of date. The information given here is intended for general guidance
purposes only and may not apply to your specific situation.

Early English Language Assessment
This Early English Language Assessment Pack is designed to support educators of newly arrived EAL
learners with assessing the speaking, listening and understanding skills, reading (including phonics),
comprehension and writing of these new arrivals.

It will provide educators with a basic understanding of where a child’s starting point may be and suggest
corresponding strategies, activities and resources to support both the children and the adults working
with them.

Each setting will have their own processes and assessment frameworks that they use to assess newly arrived
EAL learners. This Early English Language Assessment Pack is designed to be an initial, basic assessment
that focuses on the different areas of English. Educators should use their professional judgement about the
timings of assessments and follow their school’s policy in relation to this. This assessment is likely to be
the most useful when a child has had an opportunity to settle into their school rather than if it were to be
completed on their first day, for example.

If a child finds the assessment challenging or experiences difficulties with certain sections, it is advisable
to either move on to a different question or to stop the assessment. It might be appropriate to break the
assessment into smaller chunks and complete at different times to make it more manageable.

If a child finds this assessment easy and scores highly, educators may wish to carry out further, more
detailed assessments in order to further establish their next steps.

This Early English Language Assessment Pack comprises of the following resources:

• Early English Language Assessment - Child Visual Aids Sheet

• Early English Language Assessment - Child Recording Sheet

• Early English Language Assessment - Teacher Recording Sheet

• Early English Language Assessment - Teacher Feedback Sheet

Child Visual Aids Sheet

The Child Visual Aids Sheet is what a child will need

to look at in order to complete the Early English
Language Assessment.

Child Recording Sheet

The Child Recording Sheet is where a child will

record their written responses.

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Early English Language Assessment

Teacher Recording Sheet

The Teacher Recording Sheet is where the adult will record the child’s responses. There are boxes for adults
to record the child’s responses and a box to RAG (red, amber, green) rate each question.

Teacher Feedback Sheet

The Teacher Feedback Sheet is where the adult will collate the RAG ratings from each question and any
observations, notes or comments they have made. It could either be used alongside the Teacher Recording
Sheet or after the assessment has been completed. This will provide an overall picture of where the child is
working and help to establish what their next steps might be.

There are suggested strategies and activities that will support the child with that area of English and some
links to some of our resources, which may be helpful.

There are also links to some resources that may be useful to staff who are working with children who are
new to, or at an early stage of, learning English.

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