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I Nyoman Sukarta

Jln Akasia 16, Gang Meskipun 10

Denpasar Timur, Bali
Hp. 082238118053

To Human Resourse Manager

Jln Kayu Aya Gang Astina Pura Peti tenget Seminyak Kuta
Through this application letter, I would like to apply to be employee your convenience company as
My collage has advised me tha there is vacancy for above position. I am was graduated from Hotel
Tourism Training Center (BPLP) Bali.
I have some practical training and job experience at five star hotel with most of my responsibilities to
ensure the guest are satisfied with the service. You can see detail of my certificate and my curriculum
I will be very happy if you could interview me soon, and I will be explaining about my self.
I look forward to hearing your reply.

Sincerely your,

(I Nyoman Sukarta)

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