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{ reformer | communalism and unteuchablty. He opposed caste system, the purdeh system, dowry.ete. He campaigned for liberation of women. He worked for the uplfment of Harljans METHODS USED BY GANDHIJI: . 1) Satyagraha: This term is of two words-Satya means truth and Agraha means force. It was a moral force"). bom of truth and non-violence. It meant to refuse to submit to what is wrong, It does nt involve hatred bidet Gtr ae techniques of Satyagraha are fasting, non-cooperation and civ : ‘e lence, Passive Resistance includes the use of phy ical force for achievit vals whereas Satyagraha excludes the use of violence. ue ener 6° 3 Doctrine of ‘Non-Violence: Non-Violence or Ahimsa means nonkilling or avoiding injury. Itis not negative Nut a positive and active force. Itis the virtue of the strong, 3) Swadeshi: It means producing necessary items in one’s own country and using them for one’s own use a being dependent on imported goods.Gandhiji emphasized the use of Charkha and Khedi. 1) Mass Movement:He built his faith in the ability of Indian masses to participate in the freedom struggle. OP Under the leadership of Gandhi, the Indian National Congress decided in 1920 at the Nagpur Session to slart the Non cooperation Movernent.Non-Cooperation Movements a way of protesting in which one does a co-operate with the evil doer. Gandhi asked the people not fo assist he foreign government to rule over rm, CIRCUMSTANCES LEADING TO THE NON-COOPERATION MOVEMENT : 4) The Rowlatt Act,1919:According to Rowlett Act, Tt could arrest any person without assigning any reason for the arrest,search any place without a warrant ‘and imprison anyone without trial.Restrictions on movements of individuals. Suspension of the Right of Habeas Corpus. Government could continue to use the extra ordinary repressive powers it had during the war. Meetings were held all over the country to show peoples roeentment to the inhuman repressive measures. The Indian press,to0.93¥0 full support to the mass gitation 2)The JallianwalaBagh Tragedy:A large but peaceful crowd gathered at Jallianwala Bagh in Amritsar on April 13, 1919, o protest against the arest of leaders tke Dr. Saifuddin Kitehlu and Dr Satya Pal Jallianwala Bagh had only one ex, its other three sides were enclosed Dy ‘buildings. General Dyer came with troops blocked the only exit ofthe compound and ordered his oops 9 PT fire on the crowd without warning, The troops kept on firing til their arimurition was ‘oxhausted.A large number of people were Killed and wounded in cold blood. 3) The Khilafat Moverent:Turkey had fought against he Bish in the First World War At the end of the Frat Turkey was defeated. The Sultan of Turkey, who was the Caliph was deprived of all authority. The Caliph was looked upon by arge sections of Muslims 2s religions head. They felt that any weakening of the Caliph’s positon would adversely affect the postion @ the Musins.The Muslim population in Indiaunder the Teadership ofthe Al brothers, Mohammed Aland Shaukat ‘Ai, starteda powerful agitation known as the Killafat Novernent. The Khilaft Movement adopted ine rnon-cooperation programme to fight against British The programme consisted of boycot of foreign ‘goods, Legislative councils government schools and collages and surrendering of tiles and distinctions inthis movement, Hindu-Muslim unity was fostered and @ int front against the Bish imperialism was put up. Programmes during the Non-Cooperat Movement: J} Boycott of government schools, colleges ‘and cours, 2} Boycott of legislative Council, boycott ‘of law courts, boycott of british goods 3} Surrender of tiles and honorary posis 4) Popularizaton of Swadesh and Khadi by reviving hand spinning 2 hand weaving.5) Hindu-Muslim unity 6) Estabishment of national schools and colleges and panchayats all over the India 5) Removal of untoucrabalty and other measures of Harijan welfare. 4) Prcketng of shoos sling foreign goods and aver 9} People gave generous contributions to the movement Repression by the government: Processions and pubic meetings were banned. Organizations like the repress and tre knlatat were deciared legal. Prison fst fs for and became a place of pilgrimage under | Gandhi's inspiration. ihPCOOPERTAIONMOVEMENTE: ot! say tote =e. heura a vilage in Gorakhpur cistritin Uttar Pradesh ooo oe peasants marched the police station to protest against the police officer who had bea otunteers picketing a liquor shop. The police fed atthe peasants. Fis ‘angered them and they set the > nearby pole station on fre kilirg Britsh poliernen. Gach & Paleverin Ahimsa’ was hurt by his ander ee i et poperation roverent in 1922. He asked the congressmen 1S attend constructive Works Nee emeva untouchabity, Hindu-Musli unity and popularization of ‘Swadeshi and Khadi. IMPACT OF THE PERATION MOVEMENT: 5 4) The nabonal movement became @ mass movernent, 2) fostered Hindu-Muslim unity. 43) The Congress became a revolutionary organization. 4) Promoted Social reforms 5) Itinstlled confidence in the people of India and made them bold 6) Spread Nationalism to every rat of the country. 7) it popularized the cult of ‘Swaral. | CIVIL DIOBEDIENCE MOVEMENT (1930-1234) Civil Disobedience Movernent Resolution was taken at Sabarmathi Ashram in 4930 by the Congress Working Committee, Before stating the movement Gandhii served on the British government ‘Eleven point Ultimatum’. After wating in van for its response, he started this mass movement. FACTORS LEADING TO THE CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE MOVEMENT: 1) Simon Commission: Noveriber 1927, the Britsh government appointed the Simon commission (after Cee Ts Chairman Sir jo Simonto Investigate the need for further constitutional reforms. It had no indian representative, The comission was composed of seven British members. I WS ‘opposed by Indians. This was seen as a violation of the principle of ‘self-determination and insult to the self-respect of the ry stage and in every form.The | Indians. The National Congress decided to boycot the commission ‘at eve | Muslim League andthe Hindu Nahasabha decided to support the congress decision. The day the | commision reached Bombay, an ALL INDIA HARTAL was organized. Wherever the commission wentit was greeted with black flag | Gemonstrations under the slogan ‘Simon Go Back .The Government used brutal suppression and police attacks to break the popular opposition. Recommendations of the Simon Commission: 4) Dyarchy should be abolished and there should be complete @utonor'y the Provinces including the department of lw and order, but the Governor should be glven overrdingpowers In certain matters like the internal security. 2) Provincial Legistatve councils should be enlarged. 3) Federal government a the centre should embrace not only British India but also the Princely states. 1) The Governor-General should select and appoint the members of his cabinet. 5) High courts should be under he administrative contra ofthe government of India. 6) The Communal representation was to continue, 2)Dectaration of PoomaSwarl;The Calcutta session othe conaress had served an ultimatum to the ‘Nehru report bythe end of 1929 oro face a mass movement Since te British Government to accept the one year timetimit,Brsh did not positively respond Jawaharlal Nehru as made the president of the congress at the historic Lahore session of 1929.It passed a resolution declaring POORNA SWARAJ complete independence)to be objective of congress. The congress working committee decided the following programme: 4) Preparation forthe Civil Disobedience movement ; 2) The werd Swa| Inthe censitution would mean complete independence s goa for national moverrent. PROGRAMMES OF CIVIL DIOBEDIENCE MOVEMENT: DANDI MARCH:In 1930,Mahatma Gandhi began the historic maron from Sabarmati Ashram to Dandi,a village on the Gujarat sea coast.A number of people followed him.Gandhiji violated the salt laws at Dandi by picking up some salt lft by the sea waves, He had selected to attack the salt laws because he salttax affected all sections of society, especially the poor. 1) Defiance of salt laws, 2) Boycott of liquor, 3) Boycott of foreign cloth and British goods of al kinds, 4) Non-payment of taxes and revenues, ; This Movement was diferent from Non-Cooperaton Movement. The former involved non-payment of taxes and land-revenu as well as violation of laws of cifferent kinds in addition to Non-Cooperation activities, THE PROGRESS OF THE MOVEMENT: |) Violation of salt laws ll over the country was soon followed by defiance of forest laws in Maharashtra and itaka. Demonstrations and the ‘campaign to boycott foreign goods and refused to pay taxes and the Picketing of liquor shops were a part of the Gaily programme.2)This movement resulted in mass strikes and seting of parallelgovernments in several places, 3) Under leadership of Khan Abdul Ghatfar Khan, popularly known as “Frontier Gandh’, the Fathnsoranzed the KhudaiKhitmaigars (Servants of God) were pledged to non-violence and freedom struggle, Repression by the government: The Government resorted to fring, lath charges and imprisonment. Many Salyagrahis along with Gandhj were arrested. Congress was decsted ilegal and severe restcione were Imposed on nationalist Press. Satyagrahis were beaten brutally and wounded ones were thrown into the sea. GANDHI-IRWIN PACT: Since the Satyagrana could not be suppressed, the goverment through Te} Bahadur Sapru and Jayakar, started negotiations wih Gandhi. This resulted in the signing of a pact called the Gandhi iwn Pactin 1931, Acc otis, the viceroy agreed () ta release all he poltioal prisoners, expect ‘hose found quity of violence i) fo give back tothe salyagrats the confiscated properties fi) o permit eaceful picketing of liquors and foreign goods shops, iv) to permit free collection of sal rom the sea. And Gandhi agreed 1) fo suspend the Civil Disobedience movement. 2)To take par in the Second Round Table Conference. 3)Not to press for investigation into police excesses, SECOND ROUND TABLE CONFERENCE: Gandhi was the sole representative of the Congress for this Conference, twas scon deadlocked onthe minors’ issue, wth separate electorates being demanded now Tot only by Musims but also other depressed classes. The question of Independence or setting up of responsible government receded into the background, The British Government refused to give dominion Status to India, Gandhiji returned to India disappointed, RENEWAL OF THE CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE MOVEMENT:After Gandhi returned to India, he sought an interview with the new viceroy, Lord Willingdon. It was refused. The Congress passed a resolution for the renewal ofthe Civil Disobedience movement. in 1932, Gandhi was arrested. Congress started the movernent again hence, it was deciared illegal. In 1992, the British PM, Man Donald Ramsay gave his award known as the ‘Communal Award. Acc. toi, separate representation was to be provided for the minories. Gandhi was: in jail and very much shocked at dividing the Hindu community, He went on fast unto death, Dr. ‘Ambedkar, the leader of the depressed classes had a talk with Gandhi. This resulted in a settlement known as the Poona Pact. nearly doubled the seats for the depressed classes but there would be no separate electorates. Again he started the Individual Civil Disobedience Movement, but after some time, the champaign faded away. In 1934, the movement was called off. Gandhij withdrew himself from the active polos for 4 year. IMPACT OF THE CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE MOVEMENT: 1) It caused a tide of patriotic fervor in the country that would not leave the government in peace. 2) Itwidened the base othe freedom struggle. Al sections ofthe society were mobiized by this movement. 3) The government was convinced that basic constitutional reforms were necessary, The Government of India Act of 1935, introduced the principle of federation and the provincial autonomy. 4) The depressed classes were given entry into the temple and access to wells which had been denied to them. 5) The moverent revved ihe wi o fight the elections. In 1937, Congress achieved positive results in the elections to the Central and Provincial Legislative Assemblies. 6) Women also came out of their houses to participate in this movement. INDIA ENT: Dthe Japenese threat: In 1941, Japan entered the world war against England and started advancing aoe Inda. The Japanese Army had attacked Burma ( Myanmar) and was marching towards Assam. eat of Japanese invasion of India convinced the Indian leaders that for Indian's safety the British ‘Should withdraw from India immediately. Gandhij believed thatthe Presence of Bish in India an ee ‘o Japan to invade India .Their withdrawal removes the bait ‘Gandhi i asked the British to quit 2)The Cripps Mission (1942): with the Japanese army rapidly advancing towards India, itbecame ‘Necessary ‘or the British to break the political deadlock in India. Churchill announced that Sir Stafford Cripps ‘would go to India for consultation with all the parties. The Cripps’ mission proposed the following Constitutional reforms: 4) India would be given a dominion status when the war would end. 2) A Constituent Assembly would be set up, which consist of the members elected by the lower house of the Indian legislature and the representatives of the princely states nominated by their rulers. It would be set up to draft a new constitution, 3) There would be a federation of British India and Indian states, 4) The Provinces would be free to. Join the Indian union, If they would not Join the Indian federation, they Would formulate their own constitutions which could have the ‘same status as the union of India, 5) Provisions would also be made for the protection of the racial and religious minorities, 8) During the critical years ofthe war, the power ofthe viceroy would remain as hitherto and he would be responsible for the defence of the country Failure of the Cripp’ 1. The Cripps Mission did not bring with it the promise of independence in the near future. 2. The plan involved partitioning the country. 3. The league opposed the creation of a single union. The proposals did not accept Pakistan specifically. ‘They did not grant the right of self-determination to Muslims. 4, The Hindu Mahasabha rejected the proposals because it feared the partition of the country. 5. People of the Princely states had no tight to send their representatives to proposed constitution making body. 6. The corgress was opposed to the principle of non-aggression of the provinces.. 7. The Congress wanted all subjects including defence to be handed over to the National Government, 8. The Sikhs, the Anglo Indians, the Indian Christians and the labour leaders also opposed them because they did not provide sufficient safeguards for their interests. QUIT INDIA RESOLUTION: The Congress working Committee met at Wardha near Nagpur in July 1942 and demanded the immediate withdrawal ofthe British from India, it adopted a resolution known as Quit India resolution. The all India Congress Committee passed the resolution at its meeting in Mumbai on 8 August 1942, The resolution said that the continuance of the Brtsh rule in india was not good for India nor the success of the allied Nations. It insisted that a provisional Government should be formed in India. If this demand was not grantedCongress ‘would start a non-violent mass struggle under the leadership of Gandhij, who said, “We shall door die’. Before the congress could start the movement, the government arrested Gandhi and other leaders. All over the country there were strikes and demonstrations which were lathi-charged and fired upon. People attacked the police station, post offices, railway station, etc, Jai Prakash Narayan, Ram Manohar Lohia, Aruna Asaf Aland Nana Patil were the leaders of underground movement, Government's Repressive Measures:The demonstrating crowds were machine gunned, and even bombed from the ar. Prisoners were tortured. The Miltary took over many towns and cites, India had not witnessed such intense repression, since the frst war of independence, 1857. Gandhij was detained at Pune. IMPACT OF THE QUIT INDIA MOVEMENT: ; - 4) Itdemonstrated the depth ofthe nationalist feling in India 2) It aroused among Indians capacty for struggle and spirtof total sacrifice 3)t made it clear thatthe Brilish would no longer find it possible fo rule india against the wishes ofits peope.4) It was the mass uprising before attaining independence. People from all pats of India took part in processions and demonstrations. 5) The Quit India movement strengthened the Congress socialist Party because ofits heroic role in the movement.) The British vernment’s days in India were nurmbered.7) There was nothing to stop the Indians from attaining freedom. 8) The od and young al joined inthe struggle for independence,

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