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Home work

1. HW Longfellow is the pot of poem …………….

a. My furry friend
b. Hurt no living things
c. How beautiful is the rain

2. about which season poet is taking?

a. Summer rain

b. Winter rain

c. Autumn rain

1. How rain clatters along the roof?

a. Like the tramp of hoofs.

b. Like the noise of bells

c. Like a roar of lions

2. Fiery street means ………

a. Very hot street

b. Clod street

c. Dusty street
3. When the summer rain comes?

a. After the dust and heat

b. After summer vacation.

c. After exam

4. How gashes and struggles out?

a. Rain

b. Horse

c. Air

5. Why summer rain is beautiful?

a. Because it removes dust and heat

b. Because it has wearing beautiful saree

c. Because it has make-up

6. What the rain does across the window pane?

a. It pours and pours

b. It does nothing

c. None of the above

7. Meaning of swift ………

a. Fast

b. Slow

c. Narrow
8. It is narrow street between the two buildings. It is called as….

a. Lane

b. Line

c. road

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