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PyQt5 Installation

For Windows:


1. Install python3.8 version and above

2. Install visual code

3. Steps to install PyQt5

Step 1: Copy the path where python files are installed in your system

path: C:\Users\manoj\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs

Step 2: Open command prompt

Step 3: Moving the python directory by using below command

>>cd path

Step 4: By using the below command to install pip

>>py -m pip install --upgrade pip

Step 5: By using the below command to install the PyQt5

>>py -m pip install pyqt5

How to check the whether the PyQt is installed in your PC:

> Type the code below in your visual code IDE.

import PyQt5

For Linux:


1. Install python3.8 version and above

2. Install visual code

3. Type the below code in your terminal:

sudo apt-get install python3-pyqt5

How to check the whether the PyQt is installed in your PC:

> Type the code below in your visual code IDE.

import PyQt5

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