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FUNCTIONS & WRITING FUNCTIONS 1 Go kaédej z opisanych sytuacji dobierz 3 Skoriezyles/Skoficzylas rozmawias z nowo pozneng wlasciwa reakcje. soba. Co powies2? 11 Chcesz przedstawi¢ sie grupie dorostych, A. Id lika to say hallo to averyona, B Let meintroduce mysef. Nice to meet you. 2 Nis doslyszales/doslyszalas nazwiska osoby, Mra Cisie preedstawia A Can you spell your last name, please? B Can | call you by your frst name? © Sony, Idian’t caten your surname, A. Pleased to mest you. B I's been rice talking to you. © Excuse me, 4 Pytasz kclegg, jak’ jest jogo brat, ‘A What's your brother Ike? B_ How's your brother? © What does your brother look like? 5 Choesz powiedzieé, 2¢ interesuiesz sie upeydlingio, Co powiose? A 'museless al upoyeing. B_I'miro upeycing, © I disiko upeyciing, WRITING %: Wskazowka Opis osoby powhien byé zwigzly, ale jednoczesnie poparty preykladami, Sq one koriecznym rozwinigciem punktéw z zadania egzaminaoypege. 2 Polaez zdania 1-5 ze zdaniami A-E. Lynnis very keen on painting. ‘Alex has a great sense of humeur, My mum dalikes winter sports. My grancma is really generous. 4. Przeczytaj zadanie egzaminacyjne i na podstawie podanych w nawiasach siéw dopisz brakujace ‘fragmenty zdai w e-mailu, Nastepnie zdecyduj, czy autor odniést sie do wszystkich elementéw zadania i odpowiednio je rozwinal. Do two) Kasy dotaczyla nowa kolezanka, ‘Wermalu do znaiomei: + opisz wyglad kolezenki ito, jak sig ubiera, ‘+ wyred opine na terat jel cherakteru, + przedstaw joj niecodzionne hobby. Limit stow: 50-120, My bost friend can bo quite stubborn. To: Kate She never goss skiing with us. He doesn't change his mind easily. She loves givhg gifts to her friends. He can always see the funny side of a situation, ‘She wants to stucy art in the future. mMoOm> a50N4 3. Rozwiti ponizsze zdania, podajac prayktady wzbogacajace opis. Uzyj podanych wyraz6w, nie zmieniajgc ich formy. 1. Marek's very ambitious. HARD- WORKING. He is hard-working and always comes to class prepared. 2. Dana is realy pretty. WAVY Sho . 3. Sera is qute sociable, FRIENDS She. — 4 Tomisrather calm. GET ANGRY He —__ 5 Ann's very helpful. TAKES CARE She. — 184) UNIT 1 Hi Kato, [nope you're doing OK, 'm fine and my school is OK, too, ‘There is a new ailin our class and | quite lice her She /name/ be) Her naneis Anne, Shoistall and she 2thave / long / red) hai with a finge. Her face “(be / full / freckles) Anne ‘(lke / wear dark clathes which mateh her heir. | think Annie "Ibe /ni¢e / person) She's quite soviabe: she likes to Nave a laugh and is ford ff people. Annie has an unusual hobby. Every Saturclay sha S(go/beach)___arnd collects shells. Then she makes hee own jewellery with them, “Tell me about your classmates. Wha are you friends with? Best, Peter 5 & W trakcle wymiany uczniow dzielisz pok6] z kolega/kolezanka z Anglii. Napisz w zeszycie e-mail do swojego nauczyciela angielskiego, w ktorym: * opiszesz osobe, 2 Ktorg dziels2 Poko}, + napiszosz, jak epedzacie woiny czas, * pointormujesz, kledy wracasz. Limit ekow: 50-120,

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