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Patient began to experiencing progressively a dizziness three times in a less than a minute

while standing, also another severe dizziness that can rate 8/10 occurred last from 2 – 5
minutes long accompanied with the numbness in his hand and feet also vomiting
(November 27). He reports o loss of consciousness associated with the headache. When
the headache stops for a day, same month November 30, patient endure again dizziness
that needed assistance of his family member. The frequency and duration had been
monitors and been a month since the patient didn’t experience dizziness again.

Diagnosis of the physician:
Laboratory examinations request and result:
Medication given:
 Medications:
Generic name;
Brand name (in parenthesis)
Response to treatment:
PQRSTU of Pain:
P: Precipitating (Provocative)/ Aggravating/
Palliative (Alleviating or Relieving Factors)
 Precipitating Factors: What brings out the
 He believes that his routine brings out the symptom of his illness.
 Aggravating Factors: What makes the
symptoms worse?
 The patient works as a call center agent and has a night shift after his last shift
Friday night, he didn’t sleep on Saturday morning and in the afternoon when he
ought to be getting some rest, instead he insist to sleep during night.
 Palliative Factors: What relieves the
 When taking a medicine and monitoring his BP and as his family member
frequently ask if he feel dizziness.
Q: Quality (Character)/ Type of Symptom/ Quantity
 What is the symptom like?
 Patient didn’t show any symptoms.
R: Region (Location) and Radiation of Symptoms
 Ask if pain is localized, if not, to where does it
 Pain is in his head.
S: Severity/Intensity and its Progression
 Mild – little or no effect to daily
T: Timing
 Duration: How long does the symptom last?
 Dizziness last up to 2 – 5 minutes.
 Frequency: Continuous or intermittent (recur
at intervals)?
 Intermittent, repeated twice only.
U: Understanding Patient’s Perception of Pain
 Describe how the patient understands the
significance of pain
 Even the patient was unaware of suddenly dizziness the pain is tolerable and can
handle the headache.

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