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Testing Service Office

Child’s Data Questionnaire

(to be filled out by the parent/guardian of the child)

Please answer the questions as honestly and objectively as you can. Your answers will
help us better address the needs of the child. Thank you.

1. Please check the observed behavior characteristics of the child.

(Check all that apply)
-shy -independent -creative
-friendly -cautions -outgoing
-talkative -enthusiastic -active
-sensitive -tough -obedient
-artistic -reserved
Others, please specify:

2. Talents, Skills, Interest of your child.

3. Child likes/excels in (mentions specific subject/s):

4. Child expresses difficulty in particular subject/area:

5. How does the child learn best?

For Grade 1 Applicant only:

1. Describe the reading ability of the child. Check all that apply:
-has mastered the letter and sounds of the alphabet
-can blend sounds to form a single word (e.g. to, go, me, is, etc.)
-can blend and read c-v-c words (e.g. bag, ham, mat, etc.)
-can read some sight words like mother, like, because, etc.
-can read a simple sentence
-can read with speed and accuracy
-others, please specify:

2. Describe some numeracy skills of the child. Check all that apply:
-familiar with the concept of addition -can add numbers with the sum of more than 10
-can add up to the sum of 10 can tell time
-familiar with the concept of subtraction -by the hour only
-can subtract single-digit numbers -by the hour and half hour
Others, please specify:

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