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Game programming Report:

Table of Contents
Document status: …………………………………………………………………………………….…1

Game definition: ………………………………………………………………………………………..2

Requirements: ……………………………………………………………………………………….…..2

Analysis of requirements: …………………………………………….……………….……….…..5

Wire frames: ……………………..………………………….……………….………..…..5

Game scenarios: …………………………………………………………………………..8

Use cases: …………………………………….……………………………………………...9

Document status

Name Salma Saeed Osman

Code 190214
department MM
2|P ag e

Game definition:
Title: Paddle ball

Domain: Action

Description: A ball that the player controls it to smash a wall of bricks by

deflecting the bouncing ball with a paddle.


1-Game shall have menu list

2-Game shall have leader board
3-User can pause and continue the game
4-User can control the game only by the mouse
5-Game shall have many levels
6-Game shall have sound system
7-Game shall contain instruction page and tutorial video
8- Game shall have score system

ID Requirement type
Req_1 Menu list shall contain start ,settings , functional
levels, exit buttons to control game
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Req_2 The player can use start button to start functional

the game
Req_3 The player can use restart button to functional
restart the game
Req_4 The player can use settings button to functional
control sound system
Req_5 The player can choose among many functional
Req_6 Game shall contain leaders board functional
contains name of the players and the
highest scores

Req_7 The player can pause the game and functional

continue easily
Req_8 The player should use the mouse to functional
control the game
Req_9 Game shall have difficulty functional
Req_10 “Easy” option shall be the default Non-functional
Req_11 Game shall have three types of bricks functional
Req_12 The First type of bricks shall be functional
smashed from the first time the ball
touches it
Req_13 The second type of bricks shall be functional
smashed from the second time the ball
touches it
Req_13 The third type of bricks shall be functional
smashed from the third time the ball
touches it
Req_14 The shape of Second and third type of functional
bricks shall be changed after the first
touch to appears as broken
Req_15 Each type of bricks has different color functional
Req_16 Game shall have sound for each action functional
Req_17 Game shall have background music functional
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Req_18 Game shall have special sound when functional

user press the game buttons
Req_19 Game shall have special sound when functional
the ball smash one brick
Req_20 Game shall have special sound when functional
user smash more than one brick at the
same time
Req_21 Game shall have special music when functional
user win the level
Req_22 Game shall have score board in the functional
background of the game
Req_23 Each type of bricks has different score functional
Req_24 Score points shall be doubled if the functional
ball smashed more than brick in the
same type
Req_25 If the user achieves a score higher than functional
the scores in the leaders board, he can
enter his name to be saved in the
leader board.
Req_26 Game shall contain instructions page functional
to explain how to play the game
Req_27 Player moves to the next level when functional
he smashes all the bricks of current
Req_28 the level difficulty will be increased, functional
after the player has smashed half of
the bricks
Req_29 After the player has smashed half of functional
the bricks, the ball's speed will be
Req_30 Each level grants the player three lives. functional
Req_31 If the player does not catch the ball functional
with the paddle, the player loses a live
Req_32 The game ends when the player loses functional
all of his lives and sees the game over
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Req_34 The player shall be able to replay the functional

level after the game over
Req_35 The game shall have data base to save functional
player progress
Req_35 The user should be able to launch the Nonfunctional
game in milliseconds

Analysis of requirements:

Wire frames:

1-main page:

2-setting page:
6|P ag e

3-game page:
7|P ag e

4-gameover page:

5-leader board page:

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Game scenarios:
1-player can begin playing the game by clicking the start button on the
main page and can learn how to play the game by visiting the
instruction page.

2-players can control the game's sound system via the settings page, as
well as the level's difficulty.

3-Once the game has begun, the player must use the mouse to control
the paddle and aim the ball in order to smash the bricks and earn more

4- To advance to the next level, the player must smash all of the bricks.

5- The player should catch the ball and not leave the game.

In order to avoid losing a life,

6- The player can control the game by pressing the pause and continue

7- If a player runs out of lives, he can replay the level.

Use cases:

Use Case ID Primary Actor Use Cases

UC1 player Start new game
UC2 player Move paddle
UC3 player Hit bricks
UC4 Data base Save progress
UC5 player Resume game
UC6 player Win level
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Use Case ID: UC1

Use Case Name: Start new game

Actors: Player

Description: In this case of use, the player starts new game

Trigger: The use case begins when the player choose to start new game

Preconditions: ____

Post conditions: The player must control the paddle to move ball

Normal Flow: 1. User click “start game” in the main page

Use Case ID: UC2

Use Case Name: Move paddle

Actors: Player

Description: In this case of use, the player controls paddle to move ball

Trigger: The use case begins with the player choose to start new game

Preconditions: The player must start the game

Post conditions: The player smashes the bricks

Normal Flow: 1. User click “start game” in the main page

2. Player controls the paddle via mouse
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Use Case ID: UC3

Use Case Name: Hit bricks

Actors: Player

Description: In this case of use, the player controls the ball to smash bricks

Trigger: The use case begins when the player smashes

Preconditions: 1. The player must start the game

2. The player shall control the paddle
Post conditions: Score of game shall be increased

Normal Flow: 1. player clicks “start game” in the main page

2. Player controls the paddle via mouse
3. Player move ball to smash bricks

Use Case ID: UC4

Use Case Name: Save progress

Actors: Data base

Description: In this case of use, the progress of player shall be saved in data base

Trigger: The use case begins when the player exit or pause the game

Preconditions: The player shall exit game

Post conditions: Data base shall load the player progress to continue the game

Normal Flow: 1. Player click “exit game” in game page

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Use Case ID: UC5

Use Case Name: Resume game

Actors: Player

Description: In this case of use, the player shall resume game

Trigger: The use case begins when the player resume game to continue playing

Preconditions: The player shall pause the game

Post conditions: the player shall control paddle to move ball

Normal Flow: 1. Player click “pause button” in game page

Use Case ID: UC6

Use Case Name: Win level

Actors: Player

Description: In this case of use, the player win the present level

Trigger: ________

Preconditions: The player shall hit all the bricks to win the level

Post conditions: the player moves to the next level

Normal Flow: 1. Player click hit all the bricks in the game page
2. Player move to the next level
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Open new game scenario:

13 | P a g e

Continue game scenario:

14 | P a g e

Change settings scenario:

15 | P a g e

win scenario:
16 | P a g e

lose scenario:

Class diagram:
17 | P a g e

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