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Mr Iskandar Zulkarnain

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All praise and gratitude we pray to God Almighty, because it is because of his
blessings and abundance of grace that we are able to complete a written work on
Here the author presents a paper with the title "Ramadan Fasting", which we think
can provide great benefits for all of us.
Through this foreword, the author first apologizes and asks for understanding if the
contents of this paper are lacking. We hereby present this paper with great
gratitude and may Allah SWT bless this paper so that it can benefit us all.
Hopefully this paper is useful. Amen.

Medan 08th November 22

Alpin Agus Maulana


A. Background. …………………………………………………….…….1
B. Problem Formulation……………………………………………..……1
A. History of old english……………………………………………..…...2
B. Histroy of middle english ………………………………………….….3
C. History of modern english ………………………………………….…5


A. Conclusion…………………………………………………………….6
B. Bibliography…………………………………………………………..6

A. Background
Language is communication, English is the most widely used language in
communicating internationally. At least that's what's happening now. The question
is, why has English become an international language, why should it be English?
There are several reasons why English is used as an international language. This is
because English is one of the oldest languages in the world and comes from the
British plains, which is around the 8th century. Besides English being the oldest
language in the world, English has a very rapid vocabulary development.
According to a joint research team of Harvard University researchers and Google,
the addition to the vocabulary of the world's oldest language reaches 8,500 words
per year. Now the total number has reached 1,022,000 words.
There are actually a lot of reasons why English has become an international
language. Scientifically and conventionally in its current development.

B. Formulation of the problem

To discuss the history of the development of Old English to Modern English
A. History of old english
Old English which can be called Old English has a difference with today's English
or modern English. This language has a lot of Germanic vocabulary. In addition,
the grammar is close to German and Latin. Over the years, Old English has
undergone a change to Middle English. This incident occurred after the Normans
invaded and banned this language from being taught in schools for 300 years.

English was anciently spoken in England and southern Scotland between the
middle of the 5th century and the 8th century, at this time known as Old English.
The origin of the mention of English comes from Anglo-Saxon, Englisc or
Engliscgereord . English is a West Germanic language that is closely related to Old
Frisian, Old Saxon and is strongly influenced by Old Norwegian, which belongs to
the North Germanic language group.

The first time English entered the British Isles in 410 through the Anglo-Saxon
invasion. At that time the culture in these islands was still Romano-British. While
the languages used are Celtic and British Vulgar Latin (British Vulgar Latin). After
the invasion phase ended, Old English began to dominate in the islands. What you
need to know is that Old English is an Ingvaeonic (North-Sea Germanic) dialect
that is spread around the Jutland Peninsula and southern Norway. It turns out that
this area is the residence of the Nordic people. At this time Old English was
influenced by Old Norse due to contacts between the Norse and Anglo-Saxons.

Old English has language features that are still conservative. Well, these features
are five kinds of grammatical cases (nominative, accusative, genitive, dative, and
instrumental), three kinds of grammatical gender (masculine, feminine, and
neutral), and eight kinds of verb forms (infinitive, present indicative, past
indicative) , present subjunctive, past subjunctive, present participle, past
participle, and imperative). Here is an example of Old English
B. History of middle english
Around 1065 – 1066 AD, the Land of England was shot by three of the most
influential people. The first was Harold Godwinson, the last King of the
AngloSaxons and successor to Edward the Confessor. He was the son of Earl
Godwin who had previously served as a sort of vice-king for Edward before his
death. But Harold Godwinson's dominion over the English land was met with
opposition from two other names. The other two names are of Scandinavian
descent. His next name was William I Duke of Normandy who ruled in the
territory of Normandy or modern France with close ties to Edward the Confessor.
Even though he ruled in the Normandy area, William's ancestors were
Scandinavians who carried out the conquest to the South to France which made
many Scandinavians live in the Normandy area. And the last name is Haarald
Hardrada who is the King of Norway who has ambitions to conquer England as his
ancestors did. This is the starting point of how Old English is slowly being erased
and Middle English is coming to the fore.
Haarald Hardrada made an attack on England in 1066 with about 300 ships and
thousands of soldiers. Harald is helped by Harold's younger brother, Tostig
Godwinson, who defected from his own brother. At first, Haarald managed to
conquer York, the largest city in the North of England. Harold, who was waiting
for William I to arrive in the south of England, heard the news and immediately
brought his troops to Stamford Bridge to repel Haarald's troops. In the end Haarald
suffered a defeat and died at Stamford Bridge which also ended the Vikings' dream
to once again conquer England like their previous ancestors. Harold returned to
London exhausted only to hear from his subordinates that William had made it
across the English Channel and was already anchored in the Pevensie.

Harold once again brought his army tired from having just faced Haarald in the
North to take on William and the Normans. They met at Hastings in October 1066.
In that battle, Harold Godwinson and the rest of the English Army suffered a
crushing defeat and Harold himself was killed in battle. With this victory, William
officially rose to become king of England with the title William I as well as ending
the Anglo-Saxon domination on English soil.
British culture itself, including its language, began to change when the Normans
ruled in England, where many influences from France entered England at that time.
The rulers of Normandy called themselves Anglo Norman and began to introduce
the Norman French dialect and introduced new cultures such as building castles
and churches. Anglo-Norman language itself also has similarities with Latin and
was used in government until the early 14th century and most of this language was
spoken by people from the upper classes in England.
The 100-year war between England and France (1337 – 1453) was a turning point
in the re-use of the English language and the banning of the Anglo Norman
language, which strongly reeks of French. This is where Middle English became
very popular and the Normans living in England began to break with their
ancestors in France and assume that they were British. Other events that occurred
during the Middle English era were the Black Plague and also the Peasants' Revolt
led by Wat Tyler. At this time also the parliamentary system in England began to
be introduced by Simon De Montfort on January 20, 1265 which consisted of 23
prominent figures, 120 religious leaders, 2 knights from each county, 2 ordinary
citizens from each city, and 4 people from each port Confederation. Cinque.

C. History of modern english

For the Modern English section, there are several period divisions that accompany
it. The first period is Early Modern English (1500 – 1800) and the second is Late
Modern English (1800 – present). The Modern English period itself began to
develop during the early Renaissance, developing throughout Europe, especially
when Johan Guttenberg invented the printing press.
In the early days of Modern English, many new words in English Vocabulary were
discovered. Because literacy is increasing and the level of human mobility at that
time is getting higher, making many discoveries of new things which of course
requires new terms and words that they get from interacting with other language
users in the world and doing a lot of loan words. ). Adapted languages from Celtic
and Scandinavian are also still dominating at this time coupled with new variants
of modern Italian and German (both high and low), and a small part is influenced
by languages in Asia, Australasia, Africa, Eastern Europe , Asia Minor, and
America. At this time, the spread of English to the colonies in England began to be
intensively carried out, especially in the large colonies in America, Canada, and

A. Conclusion
English is an international language that is widely used in various countries, along
with the times the English language has undergone many changes, English is very
important for us, so we should master English well to make it easier for us to
communicate with other people.
B. Bibliography

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