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Assignment of java

Submit Date : 05/12/2022

Unit 1
Q.1 Explain the structure of java program?

Q.2 Explain JDk With its tools?

Unit : 2
Q 1 What is mean by class explain with one example?

Q 2 What is mean by class constructor explain with its type?

Q 3 Write short note on :

A) Method Overloading

B) Static keyword

C) Inner/ Nested Class

Unit : 3
Q 1 What is mean by interface explain with one example?

Q 2 What is mean by abstract Class explain?

Q 3 What is super key explain?

Q 4 explain In java user define Package?

Unit : 4

1) What is mean by exception handling?

Unit : 5
Q 1 What is mean by applet java and applet life cycle?

Q 2 What is the swing explain swing control like lebel box, button?

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