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mid level

what is class and object

super keyword
lamda methods
default dictionary
regular expression

difference b/w list and dictionary
python memory management
file handling
difference between list and set
difference between mutable and non mutable
try and except
types of expections
string reversion
diff b/w append and extend
how much you will rate for python
compile time and runtime

robot frame questions

different blocks in robot

explain cicd pipeline(continues integration continues development)
jenkins jobs,suits,Test cases,test steps,
what is keyword driven
how to import in robot file?
Types of rest response.
rest execution flow.
Types of variable declaration in robot
default keywords and user defined keyboards
different types of attributes in setting block.


Variables = 44:12
Strings = 1:16:07
Operators = 1:45:25
List = 1:56:56
Tuples = 2:09:40
Sets = 2:13:42
Dictionary = 2:18:58
control flow = 2:37:46
Functions = 2:37:46
for Loop = 2:50:30
While loop = 3:10:45
Input statements = 3:17:20
Simple calculator = 3:23:45
Task = 3:34:01

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