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School days Look at these groups of words. Which word in ‘each group isthe odd one out? Why? 42 primary secondary state streamed comprehensive private 2 canteen laboratory. library classroom gym playing fdés 2 teachers lecturers principal hhead teaching assistant 4 classes housework curiculum timetable uniform subjects TBS) Listen toa get eng bout her schol Tckthe words in 1.1 that she wes. (555) stem again and write down: 11 what the gl kes about her school 2 what she disks about her schoot ‘Choose the correct words in this email to a penfriend. ‘Hi Paco ‘You asked me abou th eduaton system in my country. I'm silt (1) shal the scoot because it's (2) esenial /compusory hee upto the (3) age/yearof 16. We yo to kindergarten ‘or mursery school first and then, when we're four or five years of (4) old /age, we (5) start /join primary school, where we spend seven years, [now (6) go / attend a state secondary school, which has about 1,000 (7) pupils / undergraduates, ‘We have six lessons a day and each subject is (8) Jauph/ learn by afferent teacher. We have a lotof homework and projects, and if we (9) lose /mis an import dealing, we vet tay (U0) following / afer Schoo o Finish the work and band it in, We have to wear a uniform nti ‘wee 15 but afer that we're (1) ler /allowed to wear our own clothes. When we're 16 we (12) cake / pass some exams. Then we can either (13) leave /depart school and 010 aiferet college or sy on fortwo more ears. Dating thos years we (14) fear /stidy just ee or four subjects. There are also (18) opportnies / occasion odo vocational courses like sport or mechanics at acolege of further eduction. Thavent decided what odo yet. Allthe bet, David Rewrite the ema in your notebook that itis tre for your eunty. 230 42 School ‘Look at this lst of school subjects and cross out any that are not taught at your school. Add any extra ‘subjects taught that are not onthe ist “Tick the subjects you lke best. Write a short paragraph giving reasons why you enjoy a particular ‘subject, Use some ofthe phrases in the box below to help you give reasons. a 1 Which subjects do you think are being taught? A: & 2 What diferences are there benween the cwo lessons? 3 Which method of learning do you prefer? Why? Ais very practical EBB complete the text below with the correct form of these verbs, Use each verb only once, | ¥m 16 som min) dees pra cain few weeks’ time. They're called GCSES, and my teachers have entered me for nine subjects, which is what most pupils at my schoo! | do, I'm going to go through all my notes to (2) thoroughly for these exams, because don’t want to have to 8) _ ‘any of them next year. I've always thought its better to @. all exams the frst time you (5) them, I'm certainly hoping I won't (6) ‘my maths exam. I've never been very good at maths, and I want to Oo itp atthe end ofthe year and spend more time (8)____histoy. geography and two foreign languages. I'm much better at those! 231 I Exam practice Reading and Use of English Part 2 For questions 4-8, read the text below and think ofthe word which best is each gap. Use only one word in ‘each gap. There an example atthe beginning (0) A different approach to education in Tamil Nadu, India Keumaram Sushila international Residential Shoal is s0n00! (0) __st_e ference. Every acadamis year, It makes a point of informing parents (1) chileren ae seeking admission that it gives more importance to organic farming and productive work (2) to formal marks-based education, This i (3) ‘of those rare schools where chiiren can ride horses as well as {do some mountaineering and keep ducks, goats and bees, it Is pointed (4) to parents that if they are onty keen on thei chiren getting top marks in exams, the schocl may (3) ‘be suitable for thom A small portion of the playground has (6) tured into an area for growing vegetables, with ‘Students aged 4-8 being taught the importance of consuming heathy food. Organic farmers also come | ‘and tak to pups about (7) _importantit isto preserve the local environment. Final ll Children are encouraged to take responsiblity (8) the animals and crops in their care, and to understand the complex rltionships of the natural word Writing Part 2: story (Note thac writing storys an option ony inthe First for Schools Writing paper) Your English teacher has asked you to write a story fo the school website. Your story must begin with this sentence: Ficherd could not baleve what he saw when he looked out ofthe classroom window. ‘Your story must include: + aflood Write your story (140-190 words 23

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