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Tai ligu nay duge ding chung véi sdich ETS 2016, cde ban chi can lam bai xong va dua theo tir vung ri tap dich lai hoan chinh. Méi cuén séch lam di 2-3 lan sé higu qua hon kim vi rdi chuyén cuén khdc. Hay Ién lich trinh cho minh vi du 20 day hia ban than phai lam di 10 test tham chi 10 day xong 10 day, tinh than cdt 16i két qua, hy vong tai ligu nay sé gitip cdc ban di nhanh hon va ving hon, 1. opening of two additional stores (mé thém 2 cira hang) = event to celebrate new stores (sy kign a8 ky nigm cita hang méi) 2. giveaway: something that a company gives free, usually with something else that is for sale (mét cai gi dé mA mot céng ty cung cp mién phi, thudng 1A voi mot cai gi dé khac dé 1a dé ban) => Present (n) qua tng (mién phi). 3. raffle: a competition or game in which people buy numbered tickets and can win prizes (mt cugc thi ho§c trd choi ma moi nguéi mua vé s6 va cé thé gianh giai thuéng) => SYN: lottery, lotto (trd choi x6 s6, béc thm tring thuéng) 4, To arrange a meeting (dé sip xép cude eip EDS to make appointment (4é 1én cudc hen) 5. following dates: ngay sau day 6. private showing: buGi trung bay rig 7. a living room set: bé dé ndi cho phong khach 8. regular works hours: gié lim viéc théng thuéng 9. initiative: sang kién/ké hoach, SYN: plan 10. generally (adv) nhin chung 11. Officially start (bat dau chinh thire) = effective (cd higu luc) 12. Change (thay déi) = adjust (diéu chinh) 13. determine: xdc dinh/ quyét dinh, SYN: decide 14. normal banking hours: gié im vigc théng thuéng cia ngan hang CAu 157 - 159: Tir vyng cdn nim chic 7. Present = introduce (gidi thigu) famous (néi tiéng) 9. poetic songs: Nhiing bai hét mang tinh chit tho ca __Ngudisogn:QuinMinh 10. fluid = smooth, fluent, easy: Mugt ma, diéu luyén 11. melodious: pleasant to listen to, like music (d8 chju dé nghe, nhu 4m nhac), SYN: melodic, informal easy on the ear => du dong. 12. intimate: RESTAURANT/MEAL/PLACE private and friendly so that you feel comfortable (riéng tu va than thign dé ban cam thay thoai mai) => riéng tu/im cing/thoai mai, SYN: warm, comfortable, private. 13. Setting: the place where something is or where something happens, and the general environment (noi xay ra sy viée hoje nhiing gi xdy ra va méi truong chung) => khung canh 14, award-winning chef: Dau bép timg doat/nhan giai thuéng 15. for more information about a full listing of dishes (dé thém théng tin vé danh séch day di cde mén &n)= view a full dinner menu (xem toan b§ thye don cia mén an) 16. a small restaurant (m6t nha hang nh6) = spac&SNimited (khéng gian bj gidi han) \ ing, especially a change or something ic biét 14 mét su thay déi hod mét cdi gi 17. Undergo something: to experien unpleasant (dé trai qua mét diéu git d6 khé chu) => trai qua, SYN: e: 18. refurbish something: to \d decorate a room, building, etc. in order to make it more attractive, more useful, (dé lam sach va trang tri mét cn phéng, xdy dung, vv dé kim cho né hp din hon, hitu ich hon, vv),=> cdi tao, stra chita, tan trang, SYN: renovate 19. put on hold: to pause, postpone or suspend an activity (tam dimg, hodn hojc tam nging hoat dng) => hoin, dimg hoat déng, SYN: postpone 20. a lack of thiéu 21. thanks to sb/sth: because of someone or something (vi ai dé hode cai gi dé) => nhé vao 22. fund = money: tién, quy 23. architectural preservation society: Hiép héi bao tén kién tric 24. house = contain, hold, store: Chita __Ngudisogn:QuinMinh 25. based in: used to form adjectives showing the main place or area in which something or someone works, lives, or does business (duge sit dung dé hinh thanh tinh tir hign thj dia diém hoje khu vye chinh trong dé mét cdi gi dé hoe ai dé Lam viée, séng hoac kinh doanh) => sinh séng 26. stage: a separate part that a process, etc. is divided into (mdt phan riéng biét ma mét qué trinh, vv duge chia thanh, => giai doan, SYN: phase 27. initial: happening at the beginning; first (xay ra ngay tir dau; Dau tién) => bat dau, SYN: begin 28. a decade ago (m6t thap ki vé trudc) = ten years a go (mudi nam vé truéc) 29. The restoration of a building (khéi luc Iai tda nha) = undergo major refurbishment (trai qua viée tan trang/cai tao Ién) Cau 162 — 164: Cae tir vung cin nam 30. reminder: something, for example a letter, that reminds you to do something which you might have forgotten (mt cai gi d6, Wy nhur mot la thur, nhc nhé ban lam didu gi d6 ma ban c6 thé quén) => th macaw, loi nhac nho 31. single issue: 4n pham déc nhat s (eto. are complimentary, they are given free, 32. complimentary: If tickets, bo é thi ching 1a mign phi, die bigt 1a boi mot especially by a business (0 doanh nghiép.) => mign phi, 33. associate member: someone who is a member ete of something, but who is at a lower level and has fewer rights (ai dé [a thanh vién cia mét cAi gi dé, nhung ai & mite thap hon va cé it quyén hon) =>thanh vién so cdp/co ban, SYN: basic member 34. be filled with: chita day, chita dymg nhigu 35. prompt = remind: nhc 36. up-to-date: modern, recent, or containing the latest information (hién dai, gan day hoie chita théng tin méi nhat) => hign dai, SYN: contemporary, modern, state- of-the-art => méi nhdt, cAp nhat méi nhat 37. index of: an alphabetical list, such as one printed at the back of a book showing which page a subject, name, ete. is on (mt danh sch theo thit ty bang chit cai, ching han nhu mét danh sdch duge in & mat sau cua mét cudn sach hién thi trang, chi dé, t8n, v.v .. trén), => danh sach, SYN: list, ——_Newisisogn:QuanMinh 38. archives: a place where historical records are kept (archives [ plural ] a place where historical records are kept) => lu trit, kho hu trit, SYN: store 39. job posting (dang tuyén dung) = job notices (théng bao tuyén dung) 40. a list of educational opportunities (m6t danh sach cde co hdi vé gido duc) = an index of relevant courses for professional development (mét danh sch cita cdc khéa hoc c6 lién quan dé phat trién chuyén mén) 41. specify: to state as a condition (condition = stipulation) => quy dinh, SYN: stipulation 42. Unless otherwise specify: trir khi c quy dinh khac 43. warehouse: a building where large quantities of goods are stored, especially before they are sent to shops/stores to be sold (mét ta nha noi luu trit s6 lung lon hang héa, dic biét ld truéc khi chting duge giti dén cdc cita hang / cita hang sé dugc ban) => nha kho, SYN: storehouse, store, SGeroom 44, standard ground shipping: Van chuyéi 9 tiéu chudn 45. via: théng qua 46. fragile: easily damaged, broke foghotined (dé bj hong, bi hong hode bj tn hai), => dé vo, SYN: easily broken. 47. bulk: something that very Rrge (cai gi dé ma rét Ién), => s6 Iuong lén. 48. expedite something: to make a process happen more quickly (dé lim cho mét qua trinh xay ra nhanh hon), => nhanh, ting toc, SYN: speed up, hurry, quicken. Cum: expedited service dich vu chuyén phat nhanh. 49. express order: don dat hang héa toc 50, amout = money: tién 51. the following business day: ngay lam vigc tiép theo 52. process = carry out: thyc hién, tién hanh, xir ly SYN: deal with 53. out of stock: hét hang 54. delivers products with care (van chuyén sin pham cdn than) = orders are delivered in perfect conditions (don dat hang duge van chuyén trong diéu kign hoan ho). __Ngudisogn:QuinMinh 55. an error in recipient's address (sai dja chi ctia ngudsi nhan) = the shipping address is incorrect (dia chi giao hing khong ding) 56. opening address: state/speech opening (phat biéu khai mac) 57. medication: a drug or another form of medicine that you take to prevent or to treat an illness (m6t loai thudc hoac mét loai thuéc khac ma ban ding dé phong ngira hod diéu tri bénh) => thuéc, SYN: drug. 58. adolescent: in the process of developing from a child into an adult (trong qua trinh phat trién tir tré em thanh ngudi lon) => thanh thiéu nién 59. prescription (for something): an official piece of paper on which a doctor writes the type of medicine you should have, and which enables you to get it from a chemist’s shop/drugstore (m6t manh gidy chinlntige ma bac si viét loai thuéc ban nén c6, va cho phép ban lay né tir cira hangs! ith ciia nha héa hoc) => don thude 60. pharmaceutical: connected with makin? and selling drugs (két ndi véi viée san xuat va ban thuéc )=> duge/th 4899) am 61. labeling of makeup produ i nhan san phdm trang diém 62. opening address (phat biéu khai mae) = an introductory talk (giéi thigw/mé diu cuge néi chuyén) 63. medicine for young people (thudc cho thanh thiéu nién) = medication for children and adolescents (thudc cho tré em va thanh thiéu nién) 64, Nature reserve access card: Thé truy cp vao khu bao tén thién nhién 65. courtesy: polite behaviour that shows respect for other people (hanh vi lich sv thé hign sy ton trong déi véi ngudi khéc) => lich sy, tri an, SYN: politeness, Cum: special courtesy tri an dc biét. 66. facilities: rooms, equipment, or services that are provided for a particular purpose ( phong, thiét bj hode dich vu duge cung 4p cho m@t muc dich cu thé) => thiét bi, SYN: equipment —_Neuivisogn:QuanMinh 0 67. premises: the buildings and land used by a shop, business, hotel ete (cde toa nha va dat duge sir dung béi mét cra hing, kinh doanh, khdch san, vv) => co sé (kinh doanh), SYN: building(s), property, site, office 68. dashboard: the part of a car in front of the driver, which has controls on it (mot phan ciia chide xe phia true ngudi lai, c6 digu khién trén n6) => bang diéu khién 69. license plate number: the official set of numbers and letters shown on the front and back of a road vehicle (b6 dugc hién thi & mat truée va mat sau ciia phuong tign giao thong dudmg bd) => bién sé xe. 70. Business newspapers: Té bao kinh doanh 71. paper: a newspaper => bai bao, SYN: article 72, launched: ra mat, tung ra 73. enterprise = business: kinh doanh . XO 74. enterprise professionals: nhing chuyén RIVE kinh doanh 75. keep someone informed: gitip cho aj ddvndim duge tin tire particular purpose, situation, of people (dé thiét ké hode sip xép thit gi do sao cho phi hgp voi myc di huéng hodc nhém nguai cy thé) => thidt ké, t6 chic. SYN: Design, held. 76. gear sth to/towards: to design S nize something so that it is suitable for a 77. stay up-to-date: dam bao c4p nhat méi nhat 78. reporter: someone whose job is to write about news events for a newspaper, or to tell people about them on television or on the radio (mot ngudi c6 cng vige viét & cdc sy kign tin tire cho mdt té bao, hoe néi véi moi ngudi vé ho trén truyén hinh, ) > phéng vién, nha bao, SYN: correspondent, journalist 79. hub: You can describe a place as a hub of an activity when it is a very important centre for that activity (Ban cé thé mé ta mét dia diém 1a m6t trung tam hoat d6ng khi dé 1a m6t trung tam rat quan trong cho hoat dong d6.) => trung tim, SYN: center 80. interaction: the activity of talking to other people, working together with them etc ( hoat dng néi chuyén véi ngudi khdc, lim vigc cing véi ho, v.v.) => tong tic 81. commermorative = celebrate: ky nigém_ ——_Neuisisogn:QuanMinh 82. archive: kho Iuu trit 83. grant = approve, accept: cho phép 84. inception: the start of an institution, an organization, etc (su khéi dau cia mot td chite, mot té chite, v.v.) => sy thanh lap, sy bat dau 85. audio project: dy én 4m thanh 86. take on: to accept some work or responsibility (chdp nhan mét sé céng viéc hoac tréch nhigm) => dim nhiém 87. inception: the beginning of an organization or official activity (sy khéi dau cia m6t td chtte hodc hoat dong chinh thitc) => bat dau, khoi dau, SYN: beginning, start 88. tentative: (of a plan or idea) not certain or agreed, or (of a suggestion or action) said or done in a careful but uncertain way because you do not know if you are right [(ctta mét ké hoach hoac ¥ twéng) khéng nhat dIMD hoe ding y, hodc (cia mét dé nghj hoc hanh dng) néi hod thye hign még} a i boi vi ban khong biét néu ban 1a ding] = 89. provisional assignment (oritmaggm thai) = tentative assignment (nhigm vy tam thi) 90. switch = change: thay d6i > 91. unique: the only one of its kind ( duy nhat thude loai nay) => ddc nhat v6 nhi 92. feasible: that is possible and likely to be achieved (diéu dé 14 6 thé va c6 kha ning dat duge) => kha thi, c6 thé thuc hign duge, SYN: practicable 93. was employed by client (di duge thué béi khdch hang)= used to work in marketing department at Frampton Clother (di tig lam vige 6 bd phan tiép thi tai céng ty Frampton Clother) 94, first-rate: extremely good (cue t6t) => hang nhat. 95. accommodation = room, apartment: phong, cn hd 96. spectacular: very exciting to look at ( rat tha vi khi nhin vio) => ngoan muc, hing vi, SYN: magnificent, splendid ——_Neuivisogn:QuanMinh 97. biking trail: a path or marked route that is intended for people riding bicycles (duéng dan hoge tuyén dudng duge danh d4u danh cho nhing ngudi dap xe dap) => duémg mon danh cho xe dap. 98. backyard: a small space surrounded by walls at the back of a house, usually with a hard surface (mét khéng gian nhé bao quanh bai cdc bite twong 6 phia sau cia mot ngéi nha, thuéng 1a véi mét bé mat cimg) => san sau. 99. oversize = large lén. 100. courtyard: an open space that is partly or completely surrounded by buildings and is usually part of a castle, a large house, etc (mét khéng gian mé mét phan hodc hoan toan duge bao quanh béi cac toa nha va thuéng 14 mot phan cua mét lau dai, mét ng@i nha lén, vv) => sén trade. 101. breathtaking = spectacular ngoan mye, hing vi 102. gathering (n) sy ty hop = meeting cude hop, 103. peak season: mia cao diém * gS 104. closely = carefully cn than, ty my 105. miscellaneous: consisting of 2a of various things that are not usually connected with each other (bao gga Bt hin hop cic thir hic nhau khéng thuimg dugc két néi voi nhau) => link 106, extra large guest rooms (phong khach eye én) = oversize room phong Ién. 107. inn = hotel, guest house, lodge: khach san, quan tro 108. residential: suitable for living in; consisting of houses rather than factories or offices (Thich hgp dé 6; bao gém nha & chit khéng phai nha may hay vn phong) => nha 6 109. back issue: n ban/An phim ci 110. monthly = every month 111. library: a set of books, CDs, videos ete that are produced by the same company and have the same general appearance (mt bd sch, dia CD, video, vv duge sin xuat bai cling mét céng ty va cé cling hinh thre chung) => loai sdch 112. cover photograph: anh bia ——_Newisisogn:QuanMinh 113. take advantage of: tan dung 114, draw: to attract or interest somebody (dé thu hat hoac quan tam ai d6) => thu hat, SYN: attract 115. vendor = seller: ngudi ban hang 116. live music : nhac séng 117. carousel (a round platform with model horses, cars, ete. that turns around and around and that children ride on at a fairground - mét nén thém tron voi mé hinh ngwa, xe hoi, vv ma quay xung quanh va xung quanh va tré em di xe trén tai mot hdi chg) => trd choi du quay ngua 118, a miniature train: xe lira kéo (dang mini) 119. real tractor : may kéo that sw very interested in an gS ubject, and spending a lot of time quan tam dén mot hoat d6 Hee Mie cho dé va danh nhiéu thoi gian dé thyc hign n6) => chuyén nghiép A 121. pavilion: a temporary bujldidpased at public events and exhibitions (mdt toa nha tam thoi duge sit dung ta ir kign va trién lam cong céng)=> nha rap, lu 122. decorate = a medal huy churong 123. span = length: chiéu dai 124, lap: one journey from the beginning to the end of a track used for running, ete (m6t hanh trinh tir dau dén cudi dong duge sit dung dé chay, v.v.) => vong, Exp: the fastest lap on record vong quay nhanh nhat trén ky luc. 125. sibling: a brother or sister => anh/chj em rudt 126. pay an entry fee (tra phi vao cia) = 5S registration fee is required (phia ding ky vao 5$ thi duge yéu cau). 127. Thad no ideal = I don’t know: téi khong biét TEST 2 ETS 2016 PART 7 CAu 153 - cfu 154: Tir vung cn nim 1. get away: to leave or escape from a person or place, often when it is difficult to do this / to go somewhere to have a holiday, often because you need to rest (dé réi khoi hoac trén khéi mét ngudi hodc mét noi, thudng 1a khi khé thyc hién viée nay / di dau dé dé 6 mot ky nghi, thudng a vi ban can nghi ngoi). => trén chay/di dau dé nghi ngoi. 2. fantastic: extremely good (cute ky t6t) => tuyét voi, SYN: wonderful, outstanding 3. accommodation: a place to live, work, stay, etc. in (noi sinh séng, lam viéc, luu tra, v.v. trong:), SYN: rooms, place to stay, housing => ché 6. 4. boat tour: Chuyén di tham quan bang thuyén NON 5. souvenir shop: Cita hang qua lu #\Y 4. plus: added to (duge thém vao) => tl ao/cong Voi 5. firework: a small device contaii iiQpowder that bums or explodes and produces bright coloured lights and Ia used especially at celebrations (m6t thiét bi nhé cé chita bét chy hoc phat va tgo ra céc loai dén co mau sdng vi tiéng én Ian, durge sit dung dic biét tai Ié ky nigm) => phdo hoa/phao beng. 6. show = program: chuong trinh, budi biéu dién 7. free admission: mién phi vao cita/mién phi vé vo Cau 155 — cau 157: Tir vung can nam 8. employment = job: vige [am 9. be eligible for: di digu kign/dit tu céch 10. paid sick leave: nghi phép ém duge huong luong 11. paid vacation nghi phép duge tra long 12. length of service: tham lam viée C&u 158 — Cau 161: Tir vung can ndm chic __Newiisogn:QuanMinh 13. task = duty: nhiém vu 14. handed = deal with: xir ly, giai quyét 15. accomplish = complete: hoan thanh 16. organize = held: t6 chite 17. score of: a lot of people or things (rat nhiéu ngudi hoc nhiing thit) => nhid SYN: more 18. liscensing: the process of giving or getting official permission to do something (qua trinh cho hoc nhan sy cho phép dé lam mét cdi gi d6) => cdp phép 19, productive: lam viée rat higu qua/nang sudt 20. congenial: pleasant to spend time with because their interests and character are similar to your own (d@ chju dinh thai gian véi vi s6 thich va tinh cdch cia ho twong ty nhu sé thich cua ban) => hgp tinh, an y, SYN: suitable 21. conscientious: careful to do everything thatgNb our job or duty to do (can tha dé lam tat ca moi thir ma d6 ‘gm vu cia ban dé 1am), than, chu dao, tn tuy, SYN: diligent, cd, thorough is done to earn money; the state of being ¢ hign dé kiém tién; tinh trang Lim vige) => 22. employment: work, especially employed (dic biét 14 khi né cong viée, vi 1b. 23. unhappy in job (khong vui véi cong vige) = felt disappointed work (cam thay that vong vé céng viéc) Cau 162 — Cau 163: 24, lapse: a short period of time during which you fail to do something well or properly, often caused by not being careful (m6t khoang théi gian ngin ma ban khong lim diéu gi d6 tét hodc dang cach, thuéng 1a do khéng can than) => hét higu lye, SYN: expire 25. keep up with: to do whatever is necessary to stay level or equal with someone or something (dé lam bat ctr digu gi la cdn thiét dé 6 mic d6 hodc bing véi mot ai dé hodc mét cai gi d6) => bat kip/theo kip. 26. promotions: khuyén mai 27. partner company: céng ty déi tac __Newiisogn:QuanMinh a Cafu 164 — cfu 165: 28. find out: to learn by study, observation, or search (hgc bing céch nghién ciru, quan sat hoe tim kiém) => tim hiéu, kham pha, SYN: discover 29, definitely : in a way that is certain or that shows that you are certain ( theo cdch chic chin hogc digu d6 cho thdy ring ban chic chin) => chan chin, SYN: certainly 30. every cent: timg xu 31. sparkling: shining and flashing with light (sing va nhdp nhdy véi anh sng) => lap Linh. 32. in working order: A machine or device that is in working order is functioning properly and is not broken (MOt may hoe thiét bj dang hoat dng ding chtte ning va kh6ng bj hng) => hoat déng binh thuéng 33. fabulous: very good; excellent (rat t6t; Xudtageh> tuyét voi. 35. close to: from a short distance (ti ing cdch ngin) => gin 34. complimentary = free mign phi s 36. meal = breaskfast Ss Cau 166 — ciu 168: Y a thé theo 37. History of sport: Lich str 38. ancient times to the present: cé dai dén hién tai 39. attain: to succeed in achieving something after trying for a long time (dé thanh. cong trong vigc dat duge mét cdi gi dé sau khi cé ging trong mét thoi gian dai) => dat duge 40. engaging: pleasant, attractive, and charming (dé chiu, hap din va quyén ri) => thu hit, SYN: acttractive 41. readable: easy and enjoyable to read (dé va tha vi dé doc) => dé doc, tha vi dé doe. 42. cover = include: bao gsm 43. section = part: phan __Newiisogn:QuanMinh 44, campus: the buildings of a college or university and the land that surrounds them, (cdc toa nha ciia m6t truéng cao ding hodc dai hoc va ving dat bao quanh ho) => khu6n vién trudng dai hoc/cao dang. 45. lost over time: mat theo théi gian 46. bibliography: a list of the books and articles that have been used by someone when writing a particular book or article (m6t danh sach cdc cudn sach va bai béo da duge sir dung béi mét ai dé khi viét mét c1 bai viét cy thé) => danh sch nhimg cudn sdch, bai bao ding dé tham khao Ite viét 47. reference work (Books and other works that contain useful facts and information, such as dictionaries, encyclopedias, and bibliographies - Sach va cdc tac phdm khac cé chita théng tin va théng tin hitu ich, chang han nhu tir dién, bach khoa toan thu va thu myc) => séch tham khao, SYN: reference book. 48. companion volume: a book that complements another on a related subject, usually by the same author(mét cudn sach bé sur 10 MOt chi dé khéc c6 lién quan, thuong la béi cling mét tac gid) => sch hus 49. a well-written work (mét téc pham du é attained another perfect score (dat duge mét sé diém hoan khao) me Céu 169 - cfu 172: xy 50. premier: best or most imfoor (t6t nhdt hoe quan trong nhdt) => hang ddu, SYN: leading, chief 51. retention: the action of keeping something rather than losing it or stopping it (hanh déng git gi d6 thay vi mat né hodc dig nd) => gid chan, SYN: retain, cum retention employee gitt chan nhan vién 52. foremost: the best or most important ( tt nhat hodc quan trong nhat) => tdt nhat, quan trong, SYN leading, top 53. a publishing company (céng ty xudt ban) = the premier puplisher of travel and tourism books (nha xuat ban hang dau vé du lich va sdch du lich) 54, started six years ago (bat dau cach day 6 nim) = founded six years ago (thanh lap 6 nam vé truéc) 55. Public library trustees: Uy vién thu vign céng cOng 56. allocate: to give something officially to somebody/something for a particular purpose (dé cung c4p cho mét cai gi dé chinh thite cho ai dé / mét cai gi dé cho mét muc dich cu thé) => phan phat/phan bé/phan phéi 57. issue = matter: van dé 58. locked when it is not officially open (khéa khi né khéng mé cita chinh thite) = locked during nonbusiness hours (déng cia trong suat gi khéng kinh doanh) 59. crew: a group of people working together with special skills (m6t nhém ngudi lam vige cling véi cdc ky nang dic biét) => nhém, d9i, SYN: group, team 60. floor lamp: dén sa t bj chiéu sing wiggle 62. fixture: a piece of equipment that is ide a house or building and is sold as part of the house (mét thiét bj uae pi ih bén trong mét ngéi nha hode mot tba nha va duge ban nhu mét phan ee 4) => thiét bi, SYN: equipment 61. ceiling light fixture: 63. fit = suitable phi hop 64. best-sellling models: Nhimg mau ban chay nhat 65. a variety of something: a lot of things of the same type that are different from each other in some way (nhiéu thir cing loai khéc nhau theo mét cach no d6) => nhiéu, SYN: a lot of, more 66. pattem: a small piece of material, paper, etc. that helps you choose the design of something (m6t manh nhé cia vat ligu, gidy, vy gidp ban chon thiét ké ciia mét edi gi 6) => miu, SYN: sample 67. economical: using money, time, goods ete carefully and without wasting any (six dung tién bac, thai gian, hang héa wv mét cdch cdn than va khong King phi) => kiém, syn: cheap 68. versatile: able to do many different things (cé thé lim nhiéu viéc khac nhau) => da nang, linh hoat, SYN: flexibility 69. exposed to: ‘Ngurai sogn: Quan Minh 45 : very small drops of water that are present in the air, on a surface or in substance (rat nhé gigt nude cé mat trong khéng khi, trén bé mit hode trong mot > do Am, SYN: wet 71. look = appearance: bé ngoai 72. cubicle: a small room that is made by separating off part of a larger room (mot can phéng nhé duge lam bang cach tach ra khéi mét phan cia mét can phong 1én hon) => small room (phéng nhé) 73. moderately: to an average extent (dén mite trung binh), => hop ly SYN: reasonably 74, update the room (cp nhat/hign dai héa cin phong) = modemize a room (hién dai héa can phong) 75, mount: gan 76. the most popular model (mau phé bién/ru hegre nhat) = best selling models (mau ban chay nhat) . DY 77. last longer than (kéo dai hon) = cies (thoi gian lau hon) Cau 181 — Cau 185: Ning te wane ga 78. feature = have: cd xy 79. stainless: with no marks oe made of a substance that is not damaged by air or water and that does not change colour (khéng c6 dau vét trén d6, hoe durge kim bing chat khéng bj hu hai béi khéng khi hoc nuéc va kh6ng déi miu) => khéng gi chita va thiét 80. cookware: containers and equipment used for cooking (nhimg bi duge sit dung cho nau an) => thiét bi ndu an. 81. pot: ndi, pan: chio 82. novice: someone who has no experience in a skill, subject, or activity (ngudi khéng cé kinh nghigm vé ky ning, chii dé hoe hoat dng) => ngudi khéng cé kinh nghigm, SYN beginner 83. core: the central part of an object (phan trung tim cla mét déi tgng) => 16i 84, aluminum: is a light, silver-grey metal used for making pans, etc ( 14 mét kim loai mau xam bac, nhe duge sir dung dé lam chao, v.v.) => nhém it chao 85. pan sides: —_Newivisoan:QuanMinh 8 8 8 8 a extend up: kéo dai 2 copper: ding * for grip stability: dé viéc cam chao duge én dinh S . stainless steel exterion: mat ngoai lam bang thép khong gi 90. copper disk loi ding 91. straining holes: 16 thoat hoi 911. base: the lowest part of something, especially the part or surface on which it rests or stands (phan thdp nhat cua mét cdi gi dé, dac biét 1a mot phan hoac bé mat ma nd nim hodc dimg) => day 92. pouring spout: vai rét 94. saucepan: ndi 95. bounded bao boc 96. tempered-glass lids: nim bang kinh cw RS 97. utensil: a thing such as a knife, sj that you use when you are cooking (mét thir nhu dao, thia, vv ma ban sien khi ndu) => dd diing/dung cu gia dinh 98. immensely: extremely => 99. evenly = equaly: déng déu 100. stress = emphasize: nhdn manh Cf 186 ~ cfu 190: 101. symphony: a long complicated piece of music for a large orchestra, in three or four main parts (mt doan nhac phite tap dai cho mét dan nhac Ién, trong ba hoje bén phan chinh) => ban giao huang 102. host: someone who introduces and talks to the guests on a television or radio programme (ngudi giéi thigu va néi chuyén véi khach trén chuong trinh truyén hinh hoic radio) => ngudi gid thigu chong trinh, nguéi phat thanh vién 103. piece: a single item of writing, art, music, ete. that somebody has produced or created (m6t téc phim dc nhat ciia vin ban, nghé thudt, 4m nhac, vv ma ai dé da san xudt hoic tao ra) => tac phim, SYN: work _—_Newivisoan: QuanMinh 104. add = state further néi thém Cau 191 — cau 195: 10: be responsible for: chu trach nhigm cho 106. abroad: nude ngoai 107. gathering information thu thap théng tin 108, word processing: xtr ly van ban nhan 109. interpersonal skills: ki nang méi quan hi 110, objective = target: myc tiéu ul extinction: sir tuyét ching 112. result in: din dén 113. as circumstances require: do hoan canh bangagerveu cau 114, disposable food containers: 115, durable packaging material: Ke bi bén bi 116. make up: chiém © 117. stationery: van phong phi 1p dung thre in ding 1 lan 118. exponentially: theo cp s6 nhan 119. organizing an event (té chite sy kién) = organize a conference (té chitc héi nghi) 120, relocate (déi dja diém) = move (di chuyén) 121. newsprint: the cheap paper that newspapers are printed on (gidy ré tién durge in trén bao) => gidy in bao TEST 3 ETS 2016 PART 7 1. take on: to begin to perform or deal with : undertake took on new responsibilities (dé bat diu thy hign hoge déi phé véi: cam két chiu tréch nhigm méi) => dim nhigm, SYN: undertake 2. respond to: phan héi/tra 16i 3. retrieve: to find and get back data or information that has been stored in the memory (tim va ly lai dit ligu hodc théng tin da duoc hu trit trong b6 nhé) => khéi phuc, tim lai, khéi phuc, SYN: get back, bring back, recover, regain 4, be delighted to: vui mig dé lam gi 5. accept an assignment (chap nhan mét nhiém vy) = take on the assignment (dam nhiém nhiém vu) 6. a computer problem (mét van dé may ti ‘oblem with my email system (16i voi hé théng email) 7. application: don xin dang kj in vige 8. checkbook: a book containing detachable forms for writing checks on a bank ( +h c6 chita cdc biéu mau cé thé thao réi dé viét séc trén ngdn hang) => 9. check guarantee card: thé bio lanh séc 10, teller: a machine that pays out money automatically (mét may tra tién ty dng) => may rit tién 11. clear = complete hoan thinh 12. give: to allow or make it possible for someone to do something (dé cho phép ho§c 1am cho ai dé cé thé lim mét cai gi dd) => cho phép, SYN: allow 13. all times are local: thai gian duge tinh theo gid dia phuong _—_Newibisogn: QuanMinh 14. to go on vacation with family (di nghi véi gia dinh) = arrange family's vacation travel plans (sp xép ké hoach du lich nghi mat ca gia dinh) 15. fill out customer satisfaction survey (dién hoan chinh vao miu khao sat khach hang) = complete a survey (hoan thanh khao sat) 16. business: hop tac Cau 160-162: 17. to get or achieve something desirable (dé c6 duge hoa dat duge didéu gi dé mong muén) => dat duge/cé duge, SYN: obtain, get, acquire, win 18. work= industry: nghanh céng nghiép 19, print works nganh céng nghiép in 4n 20. prospect: the possibility that something go ight happen in the future (kha nang diéu gi dé tot c6 thé xay ra trong tuong.l irién vong 21. be delighted at: vui ming 22. slace and nature: quy mé va tinh cha 23. draw sth up: to prepare chuan bi mét cai gi d6, thudn thio , usually something official, in writing (4é ci gi dé chinh thite, bang van ban) => phat 24, grant: an amount of money given especially by the government to a person or organization for a special purpose (m6t sé tién dirgc chinh phi trao cho mét cd nhan hoic t6 chite cho mét muc dich dic biét) => su trg cdp 25. rail freight: goods that are transported by train (hang héa duge van chuyén bing tau hoa) => van chuyén hing ha duéng sit 26. has chosen site on new plant (chon dia diém cho nha may méi) = the proposed site of the new plant (vi tri duge dé xudt cho nha may méi) 27. attract new investment (thu hit du tr méi) = encourage development in city khich phat trién trong thanh phd) Cau 163 — cau 165: —_Newibisoan:QuanMinh 0 28. state: to express information clearly and carefully (thé hign théng tin 19 rang va can than) => thé hién, SYN: express, show 29, defensive driving: The standard Safe Practices for Motor Vehicle Operation (Cac tiéu chudn lai xe an ton cho viée van hinh xe Motor) => tiéu chudn lai xe an. toan 30. in compliance with = obey: tuan tha 31. carry out = do, act: thy hién 32. next driving course (khéa hoe lai xe tiép theo) = next session (phién/khéa tiép theo) Cfu 166 — cfu 169: 33. relinquish: to stop having something, especially when this happens unwillingly (dé ngimg c6 mét cdi gi dé, dic biét 1a khi digu nay xay ra mién cudng) => tit bd, SYN: give something up 34. background: the type of experience, tr kién thite, kinh nghiém 35. found: to bring something into exisfence (dé mang lai mot edi gi d6 tn tai) => thanh lap, SYN: establish yO lucation, etc. that a person has => 36. venture:a business project ity, especially one that involves taking risks (m6t dy n kinh doanh hodc hoat déng, dae biét 1a mot dy an lién quan dén viée chap nhfn ri ro) => kinh doanh rai ro 37. direct: to control or be in charge of an activity, organization, etc. (é kiém soat hode chiu trach nhiém vé mét hoat d6ng, t6 chit, v.v.:) => diéu hanh, quan ly, SYN: manage, control 38. reasons are personal (nhiing ly do nay la vigc c nhan) = personal reason (ly do ca nhan) 39. extensive business experience (kinh nghiém kinh doanh chuyén sau) = diverse experience (kinh nghiém phong phi) Cau 170 — cau 172: 40. board meeting minutes: Bién ban cugc hop ity ban/hdi ding (board = committee, council) __Newiisogn:QuanMinh 41. statement = report ban bdo céo 42, noted: ghi nhén 43. grant: an amount of money given to someone, especially by the government, for a particular purpose (m6t khodn tién dugc trao cho ai dé, dac biét la boi chinh phii, cho m6t muc dich cu thé) => tién tro cdip, khodn tro cap 4. initiate: to arrange for something important to start, such as an official process or a new plan (dé sip xép cho mét cdi gi dé quan trong dé bit déu, chéng han nhue m6t quy trinh chinh thie hodc mét ké hoach méi) => bat dau, SYN: begin 45. a rise in the price of heating oil (su ting gid dau dé suéi Am) = increase the cost of heating fuel (ting chi phi nhién ligu suéi 4m) Cau 173 — cau 176: 46. sprinkler: a device with holes in that is used to spray water in drops on plants, soil or grass (m6t t c6 16 trong dé durge sit dung dé phun nude trong giot trén thye vat, dt hoac cd) => voi phun nude 47. valve: a device for controlling the ra i or gas, letting it move in one cl direction only (mét thiét bi dé kiém soa yy cita chat long hodc khi, cho phép né di chuyén theo mét huéng) O 48. lives up to: séng véi/séng ey 49. recall: to remember a partitufar fact, mt sy kign, sy kign hoic tinh hudng cy thé ent, or situation from the past (48 nhé qué khtt) => nhé lai, SYN: remember 50. hold up: to remain strong or in a fairly good condition (dé duy tri manh mé hoje trong m6t digu kign kha t6t) => duy tri 51. brass: metal, bright yellow metal made by mixing copper and zine; objects made of brass (kim loai, kim loai mau vang sang dugc lam bang cach tron déng va kém; d6i tuong lam bang déng thau) => ding thau. 52. sleeve: ché két néi 53. burst: to break open or apart, especially because of pressure from inside; to make something break in this way (dé pha vé mé hodc ngoai, dic biét la vi dp lye tir bén trong; dé lam mét cdi gi dé phd vo theo cach nay) => vo 54, crack: to break without dividing into separate parts; to break something in this way ( dé pha vo ma khéng chia thanh cdc phan rigng biét; dé ph vo mét cdi gi dd theo cdch nay) => nitt 55. stand behind: to support (someone or something) (dé hé trg (ai dé hode mot cai gi d6)) => hé tre Cau 177 — cau 180: 56, fruitful: producing many useful results (tao ra nhiéu két qua hitu ich) => hiru ich, SYN: useful 57. cost dynamic: bién dng chi phi 58, areas = field linh ve 59, decanor: the way that sb looks or behave => cur xtt, SYN: behave 60. visit = tour tham quan Cau 181 - cau 185: ee ; \ 61. wanted = hire tuyén dung 62. communication art: nghé thuat (eu ong 63. plus: c6ng véi xy 64, posses = have: cé/sé hiru e 65. attach = enclose dinh k&m Cau 186 — edu 190 66. outline = show: thé hién 67. insight: is being able to see or understand something clearly, often sensed using intuition (cé kha nang nhin thdy hoac hiéu diéu gi d6 16 rang, thudng duge cam nh§n bing tre gic) => cdi nhin sau sdc/sy théu hiéu 68. value: how useful => hitu ich 69, forward = send: giri, chuyén Cau 191 - cau 195: 71. dimension: a measurement of something in a particular direction, especially its height, length, or width ( do lang m6t th gi dé theo m6t hudng cu thé, dic bigt 1a chiéu cao, chiéu dai hoc chiéu rng ciia nd) => kich thuée 72. the quality of radio and television signals that are broadcast (chat luong tin higu phat thanh va truyén hinh duge phat song) => bit tin higu 73. breathtakingly: hap din, ngoan myc 74. consist of = include: bao gsm 75. knob dial: nim diéu chinh quay sé 76. tuner: the part of a radio or television that allows you to choose the broadcasting station you want to listen to or watch (m6t phan cia dai he phép ban cgohon dai phat thanh ban muén nghe hode xem) => mat dié dai/kénh chinh 77. involve: to make somebody take part in someig (dé lam cho ai d6 tham gia vao m6t cai gi d6) => tham gia, dinh liu, SYN» part in RRS Cau 196 — cau 200: 78. filing services: dich vy huu trit rules or suggestions (dé giai thich y twong, ) => dua ra, dat ra 79. set forth: to explain ideas, hoac dua ra cdc quy tic hodc 80. turn to: chuyén sang 81. shred: to cut or tear something into small pieces (dé thanh nhimg miéng nhé) => xé nho 82, an automatic climate control (kiém soat khi hau ty d6ng) = fully air conditioned (day du digu hoa kh6ng khi) = temperature control (kiém soat nhiét 6) 83. not done business (chua timg 1a di t: potential customer (khach hang tiém nang) 84, very fast = very quickly 85. Testimonial: loi chimg thyc «Hotin thanh 1 bai luyén tap ciing nlue bude thém 1 bude t6i muc tiéu » —_Newivisogn:QuanMinh 0 Cau 153 - cfu 154: . household appliance hiét bj gia dung . a wide range of =a variety of : trong pham vi rong én , syt da dang, 1 loat . kitchen appliance: thiét bi nha bép . air conditioning equipment: thiét bj diéu hoa . laundry appliances (thiét bi git 1a) = washing machines (mdy git) . exhibition = exposition, showcase, exhibit: 2 3 4 5. emphasize (nhdn manh) = focus (tp trung) 6 7 8 . cleaning system: Hé théng lam sach . Cfu 155 — cfu 156: 9. a personalized daily calendar (lich. te ngay cd nhan) = personalized calendars (lich c4 nhan) se 10. go through: to examine sofedbing that contains a collection of things carefully in order to organize them or find something (dé kiém tra mét cai gi d6 c6 chita mot b6 suu tap cdc thir m6t cdch can thin dé sap xép ching hoc tim mét cai gi dé) => kiém tra/xem xét ky ludng 11. digital images: anh ky thuat sé 12. traditional print photograph : bie anh in truyén thong 13. help you choose from dozens of formats and styles (gidtp ban chon tir hang t4 dinh dang va kiéu) = give advice about design option (dura ra léi khuyén vé thy chon thiét ké) 14. indie: Cau 157 — cau 159: show: thé hién, chi ra 15. crew: a group of people with special skills working together (mt nhém ngudi c6 ky ning dic biét lim vige cing nhau) => 1 nhém ngudi/d6i, SYN: team, group. __Newisogn:QuanMinh ls 16. project = forecast, predict: duc kién 17. insufficient: not large, strong or important enough for a particular purpose (khéng Ién, dit manh hode dé quan trong cho mét myc dich cy thé) => khéng du, thiéu, SYN: not enough, inadequate 18. authorize: to give official permission for something, or for somebody to do something (dé cho phép chinh thitc cho mét cai gi d6, hodc cho ai dé dé lam mét cai gi dé) => ay quyén, cho phép, SYN: allow, approve 19. assist: to help somebody to do something (dé gitip ai dé lam diéu gi d6) => gitip d6, hé try, SYN: support, help, aid 20. handle = deal with: xir ly, giai quyét 21. recruit tuyén dung = hire, employ thué 22. a long wait for repair (chd doi lau dé stra chita) = wait a week or longer for service ( dgi 1 tuan hodc lau hon cho dich vu) 23. employing more repair workers (sit dng aie ng nhan sita chita hon) = recruit five more people (tuyén thém me }on nia) Cau 160 du 162: 24. fruit: the part of a plant that coi f one or more seeds and flesh, can be eaten as food and usually tastes-s: t phan cia cdy bao gdm méthode nhiéu hat va thit, ¢6 thé durge an nhi An va thudng c6 vi ngot) —> trai cay 25. juice: the liquid that comes from fruit or vegetables; a drink made from this (chat long dén tir trai cdy hoc rau qua; dé uéng duge 1am tir nay) => nuée ép 26. questionaire: bang c4u hoi 27. run : dign ra 28. a free sample of juice (mdt mau nuéc ép mién phi) = complimentary bottles of the the drinks (chai nudc uéng mién phi) 29. a discount certificate (gidy chtmg nhan giam gia) = 15% discount coupon (phiéu gidm gid 15%) 30. feedback questionnaires (bang cau hoi phan hdi) = a feedback form (mét mau phan héi) 31. Yum Cocoplum contained too much sugar (Yum Cocoplum chtta qua nhiéu dudng) = One of the juices was too sweet (M6t trong nhiing loai nude ép qua ngot) —_Newibisoan:QuanMinh 32. gather = collect; thu thap 33. artificially: in a way that has been caused by people rather than existing or happening naturally (theo céch da duge gay ra boi moi nguai chit khong phai la tén tai hod xy ra ty nhién) => nhén tao 34, flavor: huong vi 35. put together: chun bi Cau 163 — cau 165: 36. tap: a piece of equipment for controlling the flow of water, gas etc from a pipe or container ( mt phan cia kiém soat dong chay ctta nude, khi dét wv tit mét dudng dng hodc vat chtra) => voi, SYN faucet 37. filter: a device containing paper, sand, chemicals, ete. that a liquid or ga passed through in order to remove any materials that are not wanted (mt thiét bi cé chita gidy, cét, héa chit, v.v. mot chat long we khi duge truyén qua dé loai bd bat ky vat ligu nao khong mt 38. taste = flavor: hong vi we 39, Cartridge filter: 16i loc 40. spare: kept in case you need to Fe the one you usually use; extra (gitt trong trang hgp ban can phai thay thé mf trong nhimg ban thuéng sir dung; thém) => dy phong, dy trit, Exp: three spardeartridges 316i dy tri) 41, deposit accumulate: cin dong lai 42. lifetime: tudi tho 43. To select the filtering mode (dé chon ché 46 loc) = a switch that changes the mode from "filtered" to "unfiltered" (m6t céng tac ci ma thay déi ché dé tir loc sang khéng loc) 44, dispense: to provide something (dé cung cp mt cdi gi dé) => chy ra, phan phéi, SYN: allocate 45. bypass: a tube that allows gas or liquid to flow around something rather than through it (mét éng cho phép khi hode chat long chay qua mot thir gi dé thay vi qua n6) => bé qua. Cau 166 — cau 170: 46. on behalf of: representing dai dign/thay mat __Nguiisoan:QuanMinh a 47. urge: thie giye 4 be legislation modifying: chinh sira luat 49. proportion = part: phan 50. force: bude 51. compromises = weaken (suy yéu) 52. income = earnings, revenue thu nhp 5. . left similar ban: dé bé 1énh cam tuong tw 54, evidence: the information that is used in court to try to prove something (thong tin duge sir dung tai taa dn dé cé gang chimg minh digu gi do) => bing chimg 55. revenue: doanh thu 56. workforce: all the people who work in a particular industry or company, or are available to work in a particular country or area {ibe nhing ngudi lam vige trong mit nginh hoic céng ty cy thé hoi sin x ‘ge 6 mot quéc gia hose khu vuc cu thé) => luc lugng lao dong 57. support legislation modifying the trg su lap phap sira d4i Iénh cm = a change in the city law (sy thay side luat cia thinh phd) Cau 171 — cau 174: 58. commemorate: to do something to show that you remember and respect someone important or an important event in the past (lam diéu gi d6 4é cho thay ring ban nhé va tén trong ai dé quan trong hodc mét su kign quan trong trong qué khtt) => ky nigm, SYN: celebrate 59. chain = seri: chudi 60. assemble: they are gathered together in one place, often for a particular purpose (ching dugc tp hop lai véi nhau 6 mét noi, thudng cho mét myc dich cu thé) => tap hgp/hinh thanh 61. recipes: a set of instructions for cooking a particular type of food => céng thite lam mén an 62. dessert: sweet food served after the main part of a meal (thitc an nggt phye vu sau phan chinh cita bita an) => mon trang miéng __Newibisoan:QuanMinh 6: . submission: tae pham dy thi/bai dy thi 64. bear in mind = remember: ghi nhé 6: 6 6 6 6 . go well together: két hop tét véi nhau a side course: mén phy x complement = addition: bé sung = average person: ngudi binh thudng s a serving guide: huéng din phuc vu 70. inclusion = include: bao gém, dua vao 71. reward = give: trao, dua 72. manuscript: ban thio 7 ngudi, dja diém ho’ . characterize: to be typical of a person, placagehing (1a dign hinh cua mét =>dictumg. Ss little time (it théi gian) 74, a minimum of time (m6t thei gian Cau 175 — cau 176: t & 75. the allowable weight limits; a trong lvong cho phép 76. avoid: tranh 77. find out: to lear by study, observation, or search (hoc bang cach nghién ciru, quan sat hoac tim kiém) => tim hiéu 78. lightweight : made of thinner material and less heavy than usual (Lim bing vat ligu méng hon va it nang hon binh thuéng) => nhe, SYN: light 79. overweight bags: tii qué trong long 80. lightweight material: vt ligu nhe 81. travel-sized container: nhig vat chita/chai cé kich e& danh cho du lich (¥ néi mua loai vita sit dung) Cau 177 — 180: 82. defect: a fault in something or in the way it has been made which means that it is not perfect (mdt Idi trong mét cdi gi dé hodc theo cach né da duge thy hign cb} nghia 1a né khéng phai la hoan hao) => 16i, SYN: fault, error 83. case number (s6 vo may) 84, refer somebody/something to somebody: to send someone or something to a person or organization to be helped or dealt with (a8 giti mét ai d6 hoc mét cai gi d6 cho m6t ngudi hod t6 chite dé duge gitp do hod xit ly) => git dén ai d6 dé xir ly, SYN: send. 85, develop = arise: phat sinh, nay sinh 86. be entitled to: duge quyén dé lam gi dé 87. be eligible for: du diéu kién cho 88. proper shipping: van chuyén thich mine quy tic 89. result in: dan dén Cau 181 — cau 185: we 90. please take a moment: xin vui Henge inf chat thoi gian 91. The gates are too far apart (C4 s xa nhau) = distance between gates (khoang cach gitta cae cdi ct iu). Chit ¥ nghia cita tir: distance (ngoai nghia khong cdch né con néi céch xPathau): used to talk about a situation when something is far away from you in (duge sir dung dé néi vé m6t tinh huéng khi cé thit gi dé xa ban) 92. the reverse side: the back of something (mit sau cla mét cdi gi d6) => mit sau 93. questionaire: bing edu hoi 94. carry out: do, act => thy hién 95. pick up: lay 96. more extensive questionnaires (Cau héi day di hon) = a greater number of questions (m6t sé Iugng lén cae céu héi) Cau 186 - 190: 97. run = write: viét 98. story = article: bai bao __Nguiisoan:QuanMinh 8 99. an inaugural: is the first in a planned series of similar events (Ia lan dau tién trong mot loat cdc sur kign tuong ty duge lén ké hoach) = khai mac, me dau, SYN: opening, first, launching, initial, introductory 100. accompany: if a book, document ete accompanies something, it comes with it (néu mot cudn séch, tai ligu, vy di kém voi mét cai gi d6, né di kém véi nd) => di kém/oing SYN: go with 101. in person: by meeting with someone rather than talking on the phone, e- mailing, or writing to the person (bing cach gap g6 vai ai dé thay vi néi chuyén qua dign thogi, giri thi dign tir hode viét thu cho ngudi dé) => gap truc tiép 102. tentative meeting: cudc gp mit tam thdi/lam thai, SYN: provisional 103. logistics: the practical organization that is needed to make a complicated plan successful when a lot of people and equipment are involved (cdc té cite thy té dé 1a can thiét dé thy hign mt ké hogch phitc tap thanh cng khi c6 rét nhiéu ngudi va thiét bj ¢6 lién quan) => hu can NN 104. descretion: theo ¥ CS 105. sometime: lic nio dé. w 106. judgment: a decision or opinid after thinking carefully (mt cai gi dé ma ban hinh thanh sat decision , discretion Cau 191 — Cau 195: "it someone or something that you form kién vé mét ngudi ndo dé hoc mét => quyét dinh, SYN: 107. dispatch: to send something, especially goods or a message, somewhere for a parti m6t tin nhan, m6t noi ndo dé cho mét myc dich cy thé) => giti di, SYN: send. 108, status log: nhAt ky trang thai 109. out of stock: products that are out of stock are not available to buy ina store because they have all been sold ( cde sin pham hét hang khéng c6 sin dé mua trong cira hang vi ching da duge ban hét) => hét hang 110. separete shipment: giao hang rigng bigt 111. in the unlikely event of something: if something—which probably will not happen—actually happens (néu cé diéu gi dé - e6 thé sé khéng xay ra - thyte sit xdy ra) => Néu cé diéu gi dé 112. preferred method of delivery (phuong phap giao hing/van chuyén duge wu thich) = choose a shipping option (chon ty chon van chuyén/giao hang). 113. due: expected to happen or arrive at a particular time (du kién sé xay ra hoe dén mt thoi diém cy thé) => dy kién, SYN: expect 114, item is Not yet available (mat hang chura cé sin) = item is out of stock (mat hang nay 1a hét hang) Cau 196 — 200: 115. put together: sip xép/chudn bi/tao 116, experience (v) trai nghiém 117. archive: a collection of historical documen@b records of a government, a family, a place or an organization; the placawiteré these records are stored (t4 hop cae tai ligu lich str hode hé so cu: dinh, dja diém hoae noi lau trit cde hé so ny) => kho lu 118. computer interface: trong ta tinh 119. small scale sample presbaijton: mt bai thuyéttrinh mu quy mé nho 120. put out: to publish a book, magazine, or newspaper, or produce a video or CD for sale (xuat ban sdch, tap chi hoc bao hoiic san xuat video hodc dia CD dé ban) => xudt bin, SYN: publish 121. interface: the way a computer program presents information to a user or receives information from a user, in particular the layout of the sereen and the menus ( cach chuong trinh may tinh trinh bay théng tin cho ngudi ding hoge nhan théng tin tir ngudi ding, cu thé 1a bé cuc cua man hinh va menu) => giao dién 122. definitely: in a way that is certain or that shows that you are certain (theo cach chic chin hodc diéu a6 cho thay ban chic chin) => chdc chin, SYN: certain 123. in the meantime: trong khi ché doi 124. fit: vira van/chita du. __Newisogn:QuanMinh 125. give a demonstration (dua ra m6t minh hoa) = show how it would work (thé hign né hoat déng nhu thé nao) TEST 5 ETS 2016 PART 7 Cau 153 - Cau 154: 1. syndicated (adj) a group of newspapers wstlekOne management => t6 hop. 2. chronicle (v) to describe events in the Ser in which they happened (48 mé ti ce sx kign theo thit tyr ma ching d@-xifQva) => ghi lai, m6 td, SYN: describe, record XS 3. journalist (n) someone ites news reports for newspapers, magazines, television, or radio (mét ngudsi Viét bao cdo tin tite cho bao chi, tap chi, truyén hinh hoc dai phét thanh) => nha bao, SYN: reporter 4, turn in: mé, SYN: open 5. channel: kénh 6. positive reviews: cée danh gid tich eye 7. media department: b6 phan truyén théng, Cau 155 — cau 156: 8. Please take a moment: Hay danh | chit thei gian 9. fill out: dién vao 10. in return: as an exchange for something (nhur m6t sy trao ddi cho mét cdi gi d6) => ddi lai —_Newbisogn:QuanMinh 0 11. a drawing: a competition in which people whose names or tickets are chosen by chance win money or prizes (mét cuge thi trong dé nhiing ngudi 06 tén hode vé duge ya chon bing co hi thing tién hodc giai thuéng) => trd quay sé tring thuéng, SYN: raffle, lottery 12. a variety of something: a lot of things of the same type that are different from each other in some way (nhiéu thir cing loai khdc nhau theo mt céch nio 46) => nhiéu, SYN: a lot of 13. letters to editor: thu téi bién tap 14. cover story (a main story in a magazine relating to the picture on the front cover (mét cu chuyén chinh trong mét tap chi lién quan dén hinh anh trén trang bia)=> anh bia tap chi 15. observe = watch, look at, see => xem, quan. 16. a pack of: a group of wild animals that liv: junt together, especially wolves (m6t nhém dng vat hoang da séng va sani 1g nhau, dic biét 14 nhimg con s6i) => mét bay/dan, cum: a pack of woh n soi. 17. biologist: someone who sis fos in biology (m6t ngudi nghién ciru hode it hoc. 1am vigc trong sinh hoc) => Ke 18. marshland (an area of soft Wet land -m6t ving dat 4m uét mém mai) => dim lay 19, enact: to make a proposal into a law (dé dua ra dé xuat thanh luat) => ban hanh. 20. landmark: You can refer to an important stage in the development of something as a landmark => mang tinh buéc ngodc 21. endangered: to put someone or something in danger of being hurt, damaged, or destroyed (dé dt mét ai dé hoe mot cdi gi d6 c6 nguy co bi t6n thuong, hu héng hoc bi phd hiy) => tuyét ching. 22. submission: bai dy thi 23, photography competition: cuéc thi anh Cau 160-161: 24, award: to officially give someone something such as a prize or money to reward them for something they have done (dé chinh thitc tng ai dé m6t thir gi dé nhu giai thuéng hoic tién dé thuéng cho hg vi nhig gi ho di lam) => trao, SYN: give 2. scholarship: an amount of money that is given to someone by an educational organization to help pay for their education (mét so tién duge mot t6 chite gido duc trao cho ai d6 dé gidp chi tra cho gido duc ctia ho) => hoc béng 26. high a school: trung hoc 27. certain qualification: nhimg tiéu chudn nhat dinh 28. an acceptance letter: mét 14 thu chap nhan 29. be eligible to: du diéu kién 30. academic year: the annual period of sessions of an educational institution usually beginning in September and ending in June (khodng théi gian thudng nién cia mot co sé gido duc thuéng bat dau vao thang 9 va kétghiic vao thang 6) => nim hoc ‘i ma duge dua dén | nguéi) => 31. aid: help that is given to a person (sv gi j sut gitip d3, SYN: help, support Cau 162 - Cau 164: 32. deposit: dit coc xy Sas 33. take sb to: dua ai dé dén notwfao dé 34, mail (v) to send a letter or package to someone (dé giri m6t Id thu hoc goi cho mét ngudéi nao 46) => giti, SYN: sent 35. checklist: a list that helps you by reminding you of the things you need to do or get for a particular job or activity (danh sch gitip ban bang cach nhac ban vé nhing diéu ban can kim hoie kiém duge mét céng vige hoe hoat déng cy thé) => danh sach/ danh sach kiém tra. 36. hints about packing (nhiing ggi ¥ vé g6i dd) = tips about packing (nhimg meo vé g6i dd) 37. details about hotels (chi tiét vé khach san) = descriptions of the hotels (m6 ta vé khach san) Cau 165 — cau 168: 38. host: held t8 chite __Nguiisoan:QuanMinh 8 39. exhibition = display, show, showing, exposition, showcase, exhibit, expo: trién lam 40. work: something created as a result of effort, especially a painting, book, or piece of music (mét thir gi dé duge tao ra nhw 14 két qua cita né Iu, dc biét 1A mt bite tranh, sich hodc mét phan 4m nhac) => tac phim 41. landscape painting: tranh phong cdnh 42. miniature: very small; much smaller than usual (rit nhd; nhé hon nhiéu so véi binh thuéng) => thu nhé, SYN: very small 43. miniature portrait: tranh chan dung thu nho. 44. a native of: thudc ban xir 45. portrait: a painting, drawing or photograph of a person, especially of the head and shoulders (mét bite tranh, ban vé hodc bite anh ciia mot ngudi, dic biét 1a dau va vai) 46. to date: up to the present time (dén th @ri tai) => cho dén nay, SYN until now 47. admission (ticket) counter: q vy bane 48. an employee of the muse in vién cia béo ting) = attention museum members (thanh vién cia bao 19) 49. bom in France (sinh ra & phap) = a native of France (ngudi ban xtr ctia phap) Cau 169 — eau 172: 50. commission: uy ban 51. unveil something: to remove a cover or curtain from a painting, statue, etc. so that it can be seen in public for the first time ( d8 logi bé m6t trang bia hoc bite man tirm@t bie tranh, bite tugng, vv dé né 6 thé duge nhin thay 6 noi cdng eGng lin dau tign) => tiét 16, céng bd, SYN: reveal, present, display, show 52, permanent nature exhibit: trién lim thién nhién cé dinh 53. rotating: to move or turn around a central fixed point; to make something do this (di chuyén hode xoay quanh mét diém cé dinh trung tam; dé Lim mét edi gi dé 1am digu nay) => luan phién 54, setting: khung cinh _—_Newvisoan: QuanMinh 55. natural diversity: sy da dang ty nhién 56. seaside environment: mdi truéng ven bién 57. cove: a small bay (an area of s bién duge bao boc mét phan boi dat that is partly surrounded by land mét khu vyc én) => m6t vinh nhé, SYN: bay 58. stony: having a lot of stones on it or in it (c6 rit nhidu dé trén dé hodc trong nd) => nhidu dé Cau 173 — cau 177: 59. a brief summary: mét ban tom tit ngan 60. off-site: not working or happening in a particular office, factory, ete. but somewhere else (khéng hoat déng hoje dang dién ra tai mt van phong, nha may, vw .. nhung 6 mot noi khéc) => ngoai tréi 61. flavor = taste: huong vi x» 62. scale: a set of numbers, amounts, cas measure or compare the level of duge sir dung dé do luéng hoje so something (m6t tap hgp cdc sé, sé tr sanh mite dé ciia mét cdi gi dé) =a m. 63. chance = random: n; 64. results of the study = result of the group taste test 65. is eager to: hdo hire dé lam gi dé 66. rate = judge: danh gid 67. check with sb: talk => ndi chuyén voi ai dé. Cau 178 — cau 180: 68. on pace: trong nhip d6/tién 46 69. rice crop vy lta 70. soybean crop: vy dau nanh 71. grain prices : gid ngii céc : a unit for measuring grain and fruit (equal in volume to 8 gallons) - mot t va trai cay (bang véi thé tich dén 8 gallon) —_Newbisogn: QuanMinh 8 plant that is grown in large quantities, especially as food (mt cay duge tréng véi sé lugng 1én, dic bigt li thye pham) => mia vu 74, Relief: also means the reduction or end of pain (cing cé nghia 1 gidm hodc két thic dau) > nhe nhom 75. meat: the flesh of an animal when it is used for food (thit cla mot con vat khi né duge str dung cho thye phim) => thit 76. for instance: example => vi du Cau 181 - Cau 185: 77. upcoming: happening soon (sip dign ra SYN sap toi) => sdp t6i, SYN forthcoming 78. apartment: cin ho 79. rent: thué 80. security deposit: dc coc dim bio . & \ 81. cover: chi tra, SYN: pay w 82. amount = money: tién 5 & Ss 83. sense of: an understanding a sur higu biét vé mot cai gi 46; ‘mething; an ability to judge something (mot ang dinh gid diéu gi dé) => hiéu biét, am hiéu 84, walking distance: not very far: close enough to reach by walking Her house is within walking distance ( khong phai rat xa: gan dit d& dat duge bing céch di bo Ngéi nha cia c6 la trong khoang céch di bd) => nim trong khoang cdch c6 thé di b6 85. balcony: ban cong 86. view: khung canh, quang cinh 87. unit = rooms, apartment edn ho 88. a renovated kitchen (nha bép dugc cai tao) = a updated kitchen (nha bép duge cap nhat) 89. the apartment remains in good condition (cin hé van con trong tinh trang tét) = the property was in good condition (Tai san & trong tinh trang t6t) Cau 186 — 190: _—_Newbisogn:QuanMinh 8 90. photo shoot: budi chyp anh 91. rehearsal: dign tap 92. costume and make up: trang phuc va trang diém 93. so far = until now cho dén bay gid 94, renowned = well-know: ndi tiéng 95. debut: he first public appearance of a performer or sports player (lan dau xuat hién trudc cng ching cia mét nghé si biéu dién hodc thé thao) => ra mat 96, starring: means being the main character in a movie or play (c6 nghia 1a nhan vat chinh trong phim hoac choi) => dién vién chinh, 97. acclaimed = famous néi tiéng 98. novel tiéu thuyét 99. run: trinh dién 100. actress: a woman who performs on thé\siage, on SS vi or in films/movies, especially as a profession (mét nguéi pitta biéu dién trén sin khdu, trén truyén hinh hode trong phim / phim, dae nghé) => dign vién nit 101. pursue: to do something diéu gi dé hoac cé ging da dudi ichieve something over a period of time (lam gu gi dé trong mét khoang théi gian) => theo 102. be packed with: déng dic, déng kin 103. a crowd of = many: nhiéu 104. costar: one of two or more famous actors who appear together in a film/movie or play (mdt trong hai dién vién ndi tiéng xudt hién cing nhau trong mét bé phim / phim hode trd chai) => dign vien déng cing Cau 191 — Cau 195: 105, baking dish: a usually ceramic dish in which items can be baked ( céi dia thuéng bang gém trong dé chira vat cé thé nuéng) => khay nuéng 106. flying pan:a flat metal pan with a long handle, used for frying food (mt chio kim loai phang véi mét tay cam dai, duge sit dung dé chién thuc pham) => chao chién __Newisogn:QuanMinh at 107. miss: thiéu 108. dented: a hollow area in the surface of something, usually made by something hitting it (m6t khu vue tréng réng trén bé mat cla mét thir gi d6, thudng duge tao ra béi mét thir gi dé dénh vio nd) => mop 109, a cutting board: cai thét 110. ice-cream maker: may lam kem_ 111. indicate: quy dinh 112. in circulation qualify: lwu hanh di diéu kién 113, periodicals: a magazine that is published every week, month, etc., especially one that is concemed with an academic subject (mt tap chi duge xudt ban hing tuan, thang, v.v., dic biét ld tap chi 6 lién quan dén mén hoc) => tap chi dinh ky 114. reference: the act of looking at something for information (hinh dng xem xét thong tin gi d6) => tra ciru thong tin. Céu 153 — Cau 154: 1. it’s time to visit: Dén théi diém/lic di téi. 2. record: hé so, SYN: file AN 3. maintain = keep: gitt \ 4, Schedule an appointment (én lich mi moo = make an appointment (dt mot lich hen) wo 5. dentist: nha si xy au 55 Ca eS Cau 155 — Cau 156: 6. cummunity center: trung tam cong déng 7. offer = give: dua ra/cung cdp 8, cooking class: lép hoe nau an 9. appetizer: a small amount of food or a drink that you have before a meal (mét lugng nhé thie an hode dé uéng ma ban cé truée bita dn) => mén khai vi 10. poultry: meat from chickens, ducks and geese (thit tir ga, vit va ngong) => thit tir gia cim 11. pasta: mi 12. visit administration office (dén van phong hanh chinh) = in person (gap truc tiép) Cau 157 - Cau 159: __Newisogn:QuanMinh a 13. municipal = city, urban (thanh phé, dé thi) 14. cubic: relating to a measurement of space which is calculated by multiplying the length of something by its width and height (lién quan dén m6t phép do cita khong gian dugc tinh bing cach nhan chiéu dai cua mét cdi gi d6 boi chiéu rong va chidu cao cilia nd) => M3. 15. meter ( device that measures and records the amount of electricity, gas, water, etc. that you have used or the time and distance you have travelled, etc. thiét bi do va ghi lai long dién, khi dét, nude, vv ma ban da sir dung hod théi gian vi khodng cach ban di di du lich, v.v.) => déng hd do 16. property ID: sé nha 17. lot: 16 dat 18, due date: ngay dén han thanh toan 19. net amount due: sé tién thye phai tra 20. account will incur a late fee (tai khoa se sinh mét khoan phi tré will be applied for late payment (mot sé durge thém vio cho vi ton mudn) Cau 160-161: os 21. state = show: thé hién. © 22. a side from: ngoai ra 23. peak hour: gié cao diém 24. attendance: s6 Ivgng nguéi tham dy/tham gia Cau 162-164: 25. district = area, region ( khu vyc) 26. foster: to encourage something to develop (khuyén thich cai gi dé phat trién) => phat trién, thac day, SYN: encourage, promote 27. accommodate = meet: dap ing 28. shit ca lam viée 29. compensate: tra tién bdi thuéng __Newisogn:QuanMinh Cau 165-168 : 30. household appliance: thiét bj gia dung 31. microwave oven: 1d vi song 32. a top of the line: dong cao cdp 33. a clasp: cdi mée 34. scratch: to damage the surface of something, especially by accident, by making thin shallow marks on it (dé lam hong bé mat clia mét cdi gi d6, dic biét 14 do tai nan, bang cach lam cho cac dau higu ndng can mong trén dé) => xudt, SYN: damage 25. initial problem: van dé ban dau 26. replace the broken shelf (thay thé phan/phu kién/linh kién) Cau 169 - 170: ~~ 27. firm = company: cdng ty CS 28. high prolife: attracting a lot of attenti nhigu sw chi y va quan tam tir e6ng eb) => ni celebrated bj hong) = a replace part (thay thé terest from the public ( thu hat rat tiéng, SYN: famous, well-known, 29. clerical: relating to oftich Qo, especially work such as keeping records or accounts (lién quan dén cng viée vin phong, dac biét 1a céng viée nhu gitt hd so hoie tai khoan) => céng vige van phong 30. verbal: spoken rather than written (n6i thay vi viét) => bang 16i néi 31. thrive: to become, and continue to be, successful, strong, healthy, etc (tré thanh va tiép tuc thinh céng, manh mé, khoe manh, v.v.) => phat trién, SYN: develop 32. a fast-paced work: méi truéng lam vige nhip 46 cao 33. secondary school certificate: bang trung hoc 34, commensurate (with something) (formal) matching something in size, importance, quality, ete (phi hop véi mot cdi gi dé vé kich thude, tim quan trong, chat lugng, vv) => tuong ximg/phi hgp, SYN: match, suitable Cau 172 — 175: 35 mechanical engineer: ky su co khi __Newisogn:QuanMinh tt 36 accomplishment: thinh tyu 37. up to the point: dén thi diém nay 38. biographical details: chi tiét vé tiéu str Cau 176 — 180: 39. work ethic: the belief that work is valuable as an activity and is morally good (niém tin ring céng viée c6 gid tri nhu mét hoat dgng va dao dite tét) => dao dite nghé nghiép 40. exposure: the attention that someone or something gets from newspapers, television etc ( sur chi y tir m6t ai d6 hoc mot cai gi dé duge tir béo chi, truyén hinh, wv) => quing céo, SYN publicity, ad. 42. visibility: the fact or state of being easy to see ( thy té hodc trang thai dé thay) > su hign dign 43. rate = price: gid XO 44, struggle: vat lon w 45. draw = attract: thu hut 46. feature = have: c6 47. casual fare: gid ca phai ae y 48. open for only a few months (mé cira chi khoang vai thing) = opened three months ago (m6 ctra 3 thang truée dé) Cau 181 — 185: 49. watercolorist: a person who paints with watercolours (m6t nguéi vé bang mau nude) => ngudi vé tranh mau nude. 50. celebrated = famous: néi tiéng 51. nitive: thude ban xt/ban dia 52. gallery = exhibit phong trung bay 53. a permanent exhibit: trién kim vinh ctru/lau dai 54.early work: tac pham dau tay 55. grand opening: 1é khai trrong __Newiisogn:QuanMinh ts 56. run = take place dién ra 57. landscape: phong canh Cau 186 — 190: 58. enthusiast: a person who is very interested in something and spends a lot of time doing it (m6t nguai rat quan tim dén mét cdi gi dé va dinh rét nhigu thoi gian lam vige d6) => ngudi dam mé/say mé 59. catalogue: ligt ké, SYN: list 60. observe = supervise: gidm sat 61. intriguing: la, hap din, SYN: strange, attractive, appealing 62. acclaimed = famous: néi tiéng 63. omithologi nghién ctu vi person who studies birds (1 chim, SYN: compare bird ngudi nghién ciru chim) => nha t 64. avid: very enthusiastic about somethi na hobby) (rat nhiét tinh vé diéu gi dé (thudmg 1A sé thich)) => dam mé, s keen 65. be delighted to: vui mimg = 66. travel pattern: mé hinh bay se OF sim vat ly 69. ecology: the relation of plants and living creatures to each other and to their environment; the study of this (méi quan hé gitta thye vat va sinh vat véi nhau va méi trudng ca ching; nghién ciru vé diéu nay) => sinh thai hoc 67. physical characteristics: 68. capture: bat duge 70. premier: most important, famous or successful (quan trong nhat, ndi tiéng hodc thanh céng) => quan trong, néi tiéng 71. intricate: containing many small parts or details that all work or fit together 2(chita nhiéu phan nhé hodc chi tiét ma tat cd ede céng vie hoe phd hyp véi nhau) => phtte tap, SYN: complex 72. appendices: a part at the end of a book containing additional information (m6t phan 6 cudi sach chtra théng tin bé sung) => phy luc __Newisogn:QuanMinh 73. recount: tell someone a story or describe a series of events (ké cho ai dé mét cau chuyén hoc mé té mét loat céc sy kign) => ké lai 74. Stunning: extremely attractive or beautiful (cue ky hap dan hoc dep) => dep 75. creatures: sinh vat 76. appeal to: thu hat, hdp din Cau 191 — Cau 195: 77 inaugural: mo man/mé dau 78. pertain: to exist or to apply ina particular situation or at a particular time (t6n tai hoe dp dung trong mét tinh huéng cy thé hodc tai mét théi diém cy thé) => ap dung/tén tai 79. anecdote: a short story based on your personal experience (mét truyén ngan dya trén trai nghiém c4 nhdn cita ban) => giai thogi, truyén ngin 80. accompany: di kém/kém theo : ww 81. crafted: tinh té Cau 196 — 200: 82. deversified: da dang héa C xy 83. reorganize: tai co cu 84, enhance: ting cudng/ndng cao 85, stress: nhdn manh 86. customized: tiy chinh 87. house: chita 8 = trainsition: chuyén déi 89. serve as: phye vu nhu 90. permanent center: trung tim lau dai/cé dinh Cfu 153 — Cau 154: 1, employee picnic: Chuyén da ngoai danh cho nhan vién 2. courtyard: an open space that is completely or partly surrounded by buildings (mot khéng gian mé duge bao quanh hoan toan hoc m6t phan béi céc téa nha) => san 3. rain day: A second date scheduled for an outdoor event in case rain forces cancellation of the first date (Mét ngay thir 2 dy kién cho mot sy kign ngoai tréi trong truéng hop do mua hity bé ngay dau tién) => Ngay dy phong. 5. entertainment: films/movies, music, etc. used to entertain people; an example of this (phim / phim, am nhac, vv dugc str dung dé giai tri moi ngudi; mét vi du vé diéu nay) => nhimg hoat dong giai tri 6. The annual employee picnic will be held on Thurday (budi da ngoai ciia nhan vién sé duge té chite vao ngay thir 5) = to announce an upcoming event (dé théng béo m6t su kién sap téi) Cau 155 — 156: 7. business need: nhu cau cla doanh nghiép/céng ty (business = company) 8. preferred customer: a customer who pays a cormeany a lower price for goods or services than other customers, especially bate they regularly buy from that company (khach hang tra tién cho cng rc gid thap hon cho hang héa hode dich vu so véi cdc khach hang khée, di viho thuong xuyén mua tir céng ty 46) => khdch hang quen from (someone or something (6 phia déi dién ‘dign, SYN: opposite 9. across from: on the opposi tit (ai dé hode mot cdi gi dd) + Cau 157 = 158: 10. Go over: to examine something (kiém tra gi dé) => kiém tra 11, To reschedule an appointment (Lén én lich lai cue hen) = arrange a new meeting time with you (sip xép thai gian lich hop méi) 12. Try to contact you again (cé gang lién lac lai lan nita vi ban ) = call Mr. Matsumoto again (Goi dng Matsumoto mét Lin nia) Cau 159 - Cau 161: 13. vessel (n) a large ship or boat (mét tau or thuyén Ién) => tau/thuyén In, SYN: boat, ship 14. abroad (n) trén tau 15. paid training: dao tao duge tra lvong __Newisogn:QuanMinh ats 16. great benefit: Igi ich tuyét voi 17. opportunities to advance: Co héi thang tién :a journey by sea, visitng different places, especially asa holiday/vacation hanh trinh bang dudng bién, ghé thim nhiing noi khée nhau, dic bi mét ky nghi / ky nghi) => chuyén hanh trinh duéng bién 19. cruise cudc di choi bién = travel 20. By going to the web site (bang cach truy cap vao Website) = visit website (ghé qua website) Cfu 162 - Cau 165: 21. Pen and ink drawing: vé bing bat myc 22. watercolor painting: A painting done in transparent watercolors (M6t bie tranh duge thyc hién trong mau nuéc trong suét) => tranh mau nude. 23. figure: a person of the type mentioned (m@hyBudi thuge loai duge a8 cAp) => nhan vat, SYN: character 24, filled to capacity: day 4p/day cl nd (on con ché tréng) 25. creative talent: tai ning sing aD 26. take sb in: din ai dé 27. costume: the clothes wom by people from a particular place or during a particular historical period (quan 4o duge ngudi dan mac th mét noi cy thé hoac trong mét théi kj lich sir cu tha) => trang phyc, SYN: garments, (set of) clothes, ensemble; dress, clothing, attire. 28. amateur: a person who is not skilled (mgt nguai khéng c6 ky nang) => ngwéi khéng chuyén 29. accomplished: very good at a particular thing; having a lot of skills (rat tot 6 mot didu cu thé; cé rit nhiéu ky ning) => tai ning, SYN: talented, gifted. 30. gallery: a room or building for showing works of art, especially to the public (mét phong hoac toa nha dé trung bay cdc tac phim nghé thuat, dic biét 14 cho céng ching) => phong trmg bay, SYN: showroom Cau 166 — Cau 168: __Newisogn:QuanMinh 08 31. invoice = bill hoa don 32. payment: the act of paying somebody/something or of being paid (hinh dng tra tién cho ai dé / m6t cai gi dé hode tra tién) => su thanh toan/chi tra 33. brochure: a small magazine or book containing pictures and information about something or advertising something (mét tap chi nhé hoc cudn sach 6 chita hinh anh va théng tin vé mdt cdi gi dé hoc quang c4o mét cdi gi d6) => t4p sdch nhé, t& roi, SYN: booklet, pamphlet, leaflet, flyer. 34, sightseeing: the activity of visiting interesting buildings and places as a tourist (hoat dng tham quan cc tba nha thé vj va dia diém du lich) => sy tham quan, SYN: visit 35. the balance due: sé tién con ng Cau 169-172: 36. coi small flat piece of metal used as momen 2 manh kim loai phang nhé duge sir dung lam tién) => déng xu . QS 37. concise: giving only the information ecessary and important, using few words (chi cung cp théng tin cn thié an trong, str dung vai tir) => tém tit, van tit, SYN: brief, short and to inepam short and sweet; abridged. 38. cover something: to incl Cy léthing; to deal with something (dé bao gsm. mét cai gi d6; dé ddi phd voi morcdi gi dd) => bao gm 39. ancient time to present: thai cé xua/eé dai dén nay 40. anecdotes: a short, interesting or amusing story about a real person or event (mét edu chuyén ngéin, thi vi hode tha vj vé mot ngudi hode sy kign thye su) —> cau chuyén ngan/giai thoai 41. alike: living; not dead => song dong 42. amusing: funny and enjoyable (vui va thét vi) 43. engrossing: if something engrosses you, it interests you so much that you do not notice anything else (néu mot cdi gi dé hdp thy ban, né Lim ban quan tam dén mite ban khéng nh§n thay bat cit digu gi khac) => cudn hit. 44, dull: not interesting (khong thu vi) => budn té, SYN: boring __Newisogn:QuanMinh 45. vacant: empty; not being used ( tréng; khéng duge sir dung) => trong, SYN: unoccupied 46. arid: having little or no rain; very dry (cé it hoc khéng cé mua; rt kh6) => kho can 47. humorous: funny and entertaining; showing a sense of humour (vui nhgn va giai tri; thé hign cdm gidc hai huéc) => hai huéc Cau 173 — Cau 175: 48. chaos: a state of complete confusion and lack of order (m6t trang thai hon toan nhim Hin va thiéu trat ty) => hén loan 49, dominant: more important, powerful or noticeable than other things (quan trong hon, manh mé hodec dang chit y hon nhiing tht: khac) => théng tri 50. entire = whole, total, full: toan b6 51. fleet: a group of planes, buses, taxis, etc. welling together or owned by the same organization (m6t nhém may bay, xe he, wy di cing nhau hoje thuge sé hitu cia cing m6t t6 chite) => ham d6i 52, jet: a plane driven by jet engin phan lyc) => may bay phan lye may bay diéu khién bang dng co 53. changeover: a complete change-from one system or method to another (thay 44i hoan toan tir mét hé théng hoe phuong phap nay sang mét hé théng hode phuong phap khac) => thay déi toan b6 Cau 176 — Cau 180: 54, commission (v) ity nhigm, SYN: authorize 55. lighthouse: a tower or other building that contains a strong light to warn and guide ships near the coast (m6t tba thép hode ta nha khdc c6 chita nh séng manh dé canh bao va huéng din tau gin bé bién) => ngon hai dang 56. official = officer: vién chire 57. untrained eye: used as a way of referring to someone with little knowledge or experience of a particular activity or subject ( dugc sit dung nhur mét cach dé cap __Newisogn:QuanMinh thitc hoac kinh nghiém vé mét hoat dong hoc chu dé cu thé) => duéi anh mit cua ngudi khong chuyén 58. good shape: _in good condition physically and functionally sound and sturdy (trong tinh trang tét vé thé cht va chite nang 4m thanh va manh mé) => trong tinh trang tot 59. dire: very serious or extreme (rat nghiém trong hoc cuc doan) => rat nghiém trong/c4p bach/bat buéc, SYN: imperative 60. brick: a rectangular block of hard material used for building walls and houses (m6t khéi hinh chit nhat cua vat ligu ctmg duge str dung dé xay tuéng va nha) => gach 61. address (v) to give attention to or deal with a matter or problem (dé chi ¥ hode gidi quyét van d& hode van d) => giai quyét, SYN: deal with, handle 62. corrosion (n) slowly damaged by something such as rain or water ( tir tir bj hu hai boi m6t thir nhu mua hode nuée) => an mp 63. base: nén/méng \ 64. remark: to give a spoken statement gan opinion or thought (dé dua ra mét tuyén bé n6i ctia mét ¥ kién hodc suy nghiy=>tuyén bé 65. aid: muc dich Y 66. navigation: diéu huéng 67. a local landmark: danh lam tai dia phwong 68. poster: 4p phich 69. signs: ban higu 70. pivotal: central and important (trung tim va quan trong) => chinh, cum: a pivotal, key 71. role vai tro chinh 73. phases: a particular period of time (mot khodng thdi gian cu thé) => giai doan 74, coincide: to happen at or near the same time (xay ra tai hoc gin cing mét théi diém) => cing théi diém, SYN: at the same time __Newisogn:QuanMinh 75. bicentennial: year that is 200 years after a particular event, esp. an important one; a 200th anniversary (ndim 14 200 nam sau mét sy kign cu thé, dc biét. m6t digu quan trong; ky niém lan thir 200) => 200 nam Cfu 181 — 185: all amount at a time (dé udng, chi udng mot hrong nhap 76. to drink, taking only a very rAt nho tai mét théi diém) => nl 77. notable = well-known néi tiéng 78. transfer = move: chuyén 79. entrepreneur: someone who starts their own business, especially when this involves seeing a new opportunity (mét nguai bit dau kinh doanh riéng cta ho, dic bigt 1a khi didu nay lién quan dén vige nhin thdy mot co h6i méi) => doanh nhan 80. savor: to enjoy food or an experience slowly, in order to appreciate it as much as possible (dé thudng thite mén 4n hoje mot tr im tir tit, 48 dénh gid cao nd cing nhigu cang t6t) => thuéng thie 81. confess: to admit that you have aoe wrong or something that you feel guilty or bad about ( thita nhan ri da lam diéu gi dé sai trdi hodc dé ma ban cam thy cé 16i hode x4ue78)=> tha nhanvthira nhan Cau 191 — 195: 82. sedan: a car with seats for four or five people, two or four doors, and a separate area in the back for bags, boxes, and suitcases (mét chiée xe véi ché ngdi cho bin hoi nam ngudi, hai hogc bén cita ra vao, va m6t khu vue rigng biét 6 phia sau cho tai x4ch, hdp va va li) => xe 4 ché 83. concierge: concierge: someone who is employed in a hotel to help guests arrange things, such as theatre tickets and visits to restaurants ( mét ngudi lam viéc tai mot khach san dé gitp khach sip xép moi thir, chang han nhu vé nha hat va tham quan nha hing) > ngudi try gidp, nhan vign hé tre khach hang 84, all time: moi lic 85. consumer demand/need: nhu cau ngudi tiéu ding 86. brief = a summary: tom tit __Newbisogn:QuanMinh 00

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