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Toolbox Talk

Fire safety

Fire safety refers to precautions that are taken to-

• Prevent or reduce the likelihood of a fire starting.
• Alert inhabitants of a building if a fire starts.
• Enable those that are threatened by a fire to survive.
• Reduce the damage caused by a fire.

Fire safety measures are systems used to ensure the safety of occupants in the event of a fire or
emergency and include-
• Means of escape & emergency lighting.
• Fire- fighting equipment.
• Means for detecting & giving warning in case of fire.
• Fire evacuation signs.
• Fire procedure and training of employees.
• Measures to mitigate the effects of a fire.

Threats to fire safety are referred to as fire hazards. A fire hazard may include a situation that increases
the likelihood a fire may start or may impede escape in the event a fire occurs.
Precautions we take.
 Regular safety/housekeeping tours by management and safety department.
 Clear away rubbish and waste regularly.
 Only smoke at our designated “smoking” area.
 Hot work is controlled by a Safe System of Work or a Permit to Work where appropriate to ensure all risks are
adequately controlled.
 Ensure you know your part in the fire safety plan. Know where extinguishers are, what types they are and know
how to use them.
 Make sure you know our evacuation procedure and where your escape routes are.
 We test the alarm will at 10:30hrs -10:45hrs every Friday.

In The Event of Fire

If you discover a fire:
 Break glass at call point to alert others.
 Evacuate by the nearest available exit clearing your work area of colleagues and closing doors behind you.
 Do not re-enter the building unless told to do so by the incident controller.
 Always obey instructions given by a Fire Warden or Incident Controller/Manager.
 Only use an extinguisher if trained or to aid your escape.
 Always keep your back to the escape route as you fight the fire, to ensure you are not cut off.
 Beware of smoke billowing round you. More people are killed by smoke than by heat.
 Brief the incident controller at the assembly point.
If you hear the fire alarm:
 Make your way to assembly point as quickly and safely as possible and await further instructions.
 Our assembly points are at the main car park.

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