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Variation Differences 7 Most of us can recognise hundreds cues of people - friends, family, people 1 Investigate variation ‘ve only see occasionally, and celel ‘You can spot people you know from a long way off. They have different heights and builds, individual voices, and distinct ways of walking. We have thousands of features like this which vary. The differences between us are called variation. Hidden variation Some differences are easy to spot, but most variation is hidden. For example, you might be able to hold your breath for longer than most people, or maybe your heart beats more times per minute. Nobody would know this from looking at you. Your blood looks the same as your friend’, but it may belong toa different blood group. ‘numberof people (%) RECEP D blood group 4 This equeney chart shows hed of blood types in Egypt. val Cr} Dprities on TV. The shapes of their faces differ and their hair, eye, and skin colours vary Because of variation, each of our bodies works differently: We also behave Everyone has one ofthe 4 main boli differently - we prefer different television programmes and laugh at different jokes. There ae more thant 7 billion people in the world. We all have different combinations of features, so we are all unique. Discontinuous variation ‘With some features, there are only a few possible variations. Fo! example, everyone has one of the four main blood groups: 0.4% = ‘AB. Features like this show discontinuous variation. There's lots of variation in hai ts hair and eye colours, but they be sorted into afew main colours, Most people have black and bro ae ea eyes but other colours are common in some Par | ee Variation can be displayed on a freque™ 1a ofeach bar shows the number of people in each Scanned with CamScanner ge Variation and classification Continuous variation ray Body measurements, like height or body mass, lation, They can take any 20 Bos To make a (requency chart, you collect the values = together in equal-sized groups, Then you plot the * '° number in each group, P — pa i differ Unique ences O36 140-144-148 152 156- 160-164-168 Everybody’ fingerprint has a unique pattern of sia Jems 135° 19, 18) 418) 28 lines. Even identical twins have slightly different heights of 12-year-old isin centimetres (cm) ingerpeints, EYS2y peswcn ale Has, + Frequency charts for continuous variables often have ths sort @ adifferent shaped face of shape. @ a different pattern on the coloured part of each eye (itis) @ aunique voiceprint © a distinctive way of walking, Any of these features could be used to check their identity. Biometrics Using features like fingerprints to identify people is called biometrics. Many countries use biometric data on passports, Security systems like those used at airports need to be fast, reliable, and as cheap as possible. It can be difficult to decide which biometric features to use. Each has advantages and disadvantages. Iris patterns vary more than fingerprints and face shapes. They provide tighter security, but people have to stop to look into an iris scanner. Face shapes can be detected from further away. They could be used to make a door open as soon as someone walked up to it. Fingerprint scanners are the cheapest, but a This scanner uses fingerprint they don't work well with dirty or damaged fingers. Ueto oes identity. Scanned with CamScanner Objective # Each type of cell uses the instructions in different genes parcels of ‘colouring for Rachel's aN \>° These trees have vironments, the same genes but very di rited features a nwo older sisters and her ; ache ut to give birth again sum i took afferent, ut jee ad some of each they have all inherite: ent's features. ae when we ‘Some features are present ‘ he » born, For example, Rach : solour and blood group won't change ye colour fe as she gets older. Other feature: i develop as we grow and age. Rachel tl is still growing - she can’t be sure ep oe in > how tall she will get, or what her final body mass will be. Genes Your features depend on the genes you inherit from your parents, There ‘sa copy ofthese genes in the nucleus of every cell in your body. They act | body's recipe book. Genes tell your cells what to do. Your cells form tissues and organs, so instructions in your genes shape your whole body, Most cells only have certain functions. They don't use every gene, Some of Rachel cells just produce colour for her hair. They follow the instructionsin her hair colour genes and make her hair black. Some genes are the same in everyone, so they produce the same body pans Raneone. However there are many different genes that control hair colo coe Rachel's hair would be a different colour if she had inherited different genes. Variation caused by genes is inherited Variation. iferent Scanned with CamScanner Identical twins Humans ar T animals are affected by their envir ». Your environment doesn't ju uur surroundings. Everything ink, do, and learn affects yor ‘Samuel an dentical twins. They inherited th enes from their parents, The twins ¥ » tell apart when they were babies. S: 2s ill last year: He lost a lot of weight, but he still plays football, Moses prefers boxing. He has built up his muscles by lifting weights. You can see differences between the twins - this is environmental variation Most of your features are affected by both your genes and your environment. You can inherit the genes for a fit, athletic body; but you won't have one unless you eat well and train hard. Changing environments Between 1985 and 2005, the average height 2005 of Chinese teenagers increased by 6 cm. This isnt because their genes have changed. 1985 Young people have a better standard of living now and more nutritious food, so more of v them reach the maximum height their genes $ £7. can produce Your genes and environment interact throughout your life to control the way you grow and develop. Variation and classification = ‘& Identical twins have the same genes but environmental variation can make them different. le ee oseaoe nore ae a » Q Lust two visible features that Rachel has inherited from her mother, 2 Explain how a gene can influence what you look ike, 3 st two of Rachels features that won't change after she is born because they are not affected by her environment. “4 People whose diets lack certain minerals are often shorter than average. this an ‘example of genetic o environmental variation? '5 The lower leaves on a tee are often thinner and paler than those near the top. ‘What difference in their environments could cause this? 6 {fa seed from a bonsai was planted outside in a field, would it row into another ‘miniature tree? Explain your answer 7 Choose features from this list that are controlled by both genes and the cntomert ngnen ple agen pate Bed om lat a ‘eye colour, body mass, and health. Scanned with CamScanner classification i arthropods Putting animals in groups ps data about How do you store ow can Objectives 2 million species, and i i . © Understand what ‘You make sure they all have vet classification mvoWes I different names? To make these ibs easier scientists put similar jobs easier scl scies together: They use their .s and differences to sort Peed ' animals 3% 2y ies are animals, and here ete aed na everywhere use : « can be classified as plants or animals. The difference bery her living things while plants make they = Classify invertebrates into their major grou similarities them into groups and sub-groups. This is classification. Scientists the same system. Most are a type Most specie: them is that animals feed on ot own food. Vertebrates and invertebrates Plants and animals are divided into smaller subgroups. For animals, the fy division is between vertebrates and invertebrates. Vertebrates have bony backbones. Invertebrates don't. skeletons Sometimes it’s hard to tell which is which. A roundworm and snake look similar. The roundworm is an invertebrate, but the snake has a backbone ig vertebrate Groups of invertebrates Vertebrates and invertebrates can both be sorted into smaller subgroups wih different characteristics. These animals belong to completely different groups. The roundworm isan invertebrate but the snake has a backbone so it's a vertebrate. } arthropods molluscs , sain have joint echinoderms cnidaria Jontedlegs have a soft body have spiny skin have tentacles annelids co) ( have segmented bodies, nematodes flatworms havelong thin bodies have flat bodies Invertebrate groups. Scanned with CamScanner Variation and classification Arthropods Most invertebr ies belong to one subgrou arthropod: — wer bear eae ¢ subgroup ~ the arthropods. Their ; wroup an animals with jointed legs’, There are more than a million | 2", QE ge arthropod species, so they need to be split into small beet gal x subgroups. ibe ie A go all ladybid ul beetles OR fal spotted ladybirds ~ on the 7-spotted ladybird / e | crustaceans mytiapods } insets arachnids have 2pasot__have ong bodes have 6 les have 8 | antennae divided into segments Arthropods are divided into smaller Each group of arthropods has diferent characteristics and smaller groups until ech {r0up contains a single species, Insects artiopod " ' Most arthropod species are insects ~ animals with six legs. Nearly a million does it have 6 eas? insect species have been named. A third of all insect species have tough jes | no covers over their wings — they are beetles. insect other arthropods Five thousand of the beetle species are called ladybirds. They have fee co eee brightly coloured, rounded bodies. Many ladybirds are red Seren are with black spots, but only one species has exactly seven spots ~ beetle other nsects Coccinella septempunctata does it have aight coloured, round body? Using a key ae Having all these subgroups makes it easy to identify each species using a key. A key uses simple questions to determine which groups and subgroups a species belongs to. Coccinella ladybird other beets isiteed with spots? septempunctata belongs to each of these groups: arthropods, elt | insects, beetles, ladybirds and spotted ladybirds spotted acybird other ladybids doesit have 7 spots? yes | no Coceinela septempunctata other spotted ladybids 4 Touse a key, start at the top and follow the arrows as you answer each question, 8 © Species are classified by sorting them into groups. © All animals are either vertebrates with backbones, cor invertebrates. © Invertebrates are classified into many groups and subgroups. Scanned with CamScanner Objective = Classify vertebrates into their major groups Unlike most mammals, bats let their body temperature drop down at night to match their surroundings. This saves energy so they don’t have to eat so much. A salamander and gecko look similar. Making GTOUPS cies than invertebrate sPesies, Dut itis uy There are fewer vertebra Or ate species form f /e main groups, The her elas them. VereDr The chart below help to group shares are sho features € (ee birds mammal nibians reptiles as (an, aT er Caterpoot aos hele Ons «she ih oils 10a ells chard scales ¢ feathers + producemy sles wings» have hair ‘Vertebrates have different body coverings, different woys of reproducing, and diferent ‘ways of taking in oxygen. Fish are only found in water. Their gills don't work in ai Amphibians can breathe air but they only reproduce in water. Their young have gills. Reptiles, birds, and mammals can live in drier places. They have waterpres body coverings and they can reproduce without water. ‘Mammals give birth to live young and feed them on milk, but other groups lay eggs Warm blood Mammals and birds keep their body temperature around 37°C ~ they are warm blooded. It takes a lot of energy to keep warm, so they need to eat more for their size than species in the other three vertebrate groups. Fish amphibians, and reptiles are cold blooded. Their temperatures usually si3¥ the same as their surroundings, but they can warm up by basking in the SU Amphibians and reptiles Ar pepiitenrd reptiles can be hard to distinguish from a distance. Both Shin gannal have four legs anda tail, The salamander is an amphibiat a ir ata ah and moist and it lives in cool, damp places. Its young a 0 they have gill instead of lungs, The gecko is a reptile. Tou; on land. Some reptiles liv environments, igh scales protect its skin and it lays its €88° in or near water, but geckos like hotter Scanned with CamScanner Variation and classification Unusual Mammals Whales are unusual mammals, They have very little hair and their bodies mined, put like other mammals they give birth to live young Mothers push their newborn calves to th > take their first breath. Thei offspring feed 0 rat least 6 month € Like all mammals, whales feed their young on milk Difficult to classify ‘Some species have characteristics from m ‘i ‘ics from more than one vertebrate group. Their body covering is usually the best guide to the group they belong in 1 1 1 t t It 1 lm Platypus Caecilian Armadillo + has gills + has a double layer of fur + smooth skinned + underside covered with soft fur + covered in smoooth skin lays eggs * lives in underground burrows low body temperature + lives entirely in water * offspring fed on ik * ajves bith to live young * feeds young on milk | & Some vertebrates don't share all the characteristics of their group. © Use the evidence below to classify each animal ‘a Dolphins feed their young on milk @ Penguins lay shelled eggs. bb Snakes have dry scaly skin. Whales lose their hair before they are born, 1g Komodo dragons have dry scaly skin. Sea turtles lay their eggs in the sand. Sea horses breathe using gills. 2 Bats are flying mammals. They sleep during the day, so they are rarely seen, List the features you would expect them to have. 3 Think of two very different vertebrates that live in water. Which vertebrate groups do they belong to? 4 Think of two very different vertebrates that lie on land, Which vertebrate groups do they belong to? 5 A pet snake only needs feeding once a week. Most cats and dogs eat twice a day. ‘Explain why cats and dogs need more food. 6 Explain what makes each ofthe following vertebrate animals different from most of their group: whale, bat, snake, and penguin. 2 Clas the following animals and describe a feature they have that does’ fit ther group: ol, platypus, caeciian, and armadil, Scanned with CamScanner

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