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Capstone Update #3

1. What you plan to accomplish by the end of the week

- Making a prototype of my app, and maybe fixing some bugs.

2. Your needs, including time, space, materials, and personal contacts

- Time, a lot of time.

3. Any obstacles you anticipate?

- My app will be based on the website, so I need to change some codes for optimization.

4. A summary of your progress for that week

- This week, I made a prototype of my app by using React Native. I made my project as a website first
and I turned it into an app by using it.

5. An explanation of what core skills you employed during your work and explanation of what core
skills you employed during your work and learning that took place
- Problem solving skills, Skills to use React Native properly, JavaScript Skills

6. Any challenges you encountered and how you moved forward

- As I mentioned on the capstone update #2, I was going to turn my website in to an app by using
React Native. To do this, you need to download the React Native on your computer or you use the
virtual service that provides you to use React Native instead of downloading it. I plan was using
GoormIDE, but it did not work well. GoormIDE did not support the latest version of React Native, so
I was not able to use the new feature. Because of these problems, I found a new service called, ‘Snack
Expo Dev’ which have the latest version and features. Also, it was so much easier to use it compared
to GoormIDE.
7. Include picture and/or video of your progress

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