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Pollution and D

Industrial town are overcrowded, damp, polluted. The air was

polluted with smoke and pollutants from factories, the water is
polluted by the burning coal and by-products of the production
processes involving manufacture of iron, steel and chemicals,
people in the town also burnt coal for cooking and heating,
increasing the air pollution.

The population of the towns and cities is growing rapidly, there

were insufficient amenities and services to cope with this large
amount of number. In most towns there were little or no clean
drinking water and proper drainage systems. Housing was in a
very short supply that a family can only live in one or two
rooms. The life expectancy of people living in cities was
wayyyyy lower than those who lives in the countryside.
In 1842 Edwin Chadwick published report entitled “The
Sanitary Condition of the Labouring Classes”.

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