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• Hydrodynamics of a recirculating fluidized bed ments for the Practice School program (beyond

• UF 6 formation from the surface reactions of uranium the usual S.M. degree course requirements) the
and fluorine
• Auxiliary power recovery from coal gasification
courses listed in Table 1 have been found to be
processes particularly beneficial according to the students
who participated in the program. •
The projects at Oak Ridge are oriented toward
laboratory-type research and development work, REFERENCES
complementing the industrial nature of the
problems at the Albany Station. 1. King, C. J., and A. S. West, "The Expanding Domain
of Chemical Engineering," Chem. Eng. Progr., 72, 35
PROGRAM DESCRIPTION 2. Lewis, W. K., "Practice Training in Universities,"
Chem. Eng. News, 29 , 1397 (1951).
A SELECT number of graduate
E students
(presently the enrollment is limited
3. Walker, W. H., "The School of Chemical Engineering
Practice. A Year's Experience," Ind. Eng. Cherm., 9,
to 24) are admitted to the School. Since the pro- 1087 (1917).
gram is highly demanding, self-motivation, in- 4. Walker, W. H., "A Master's Course in Chemical Engi-
dustriousness, and other such qualities are also neering," Ind. Eng. Chem., 8,746 (1916).

mn :I
sought in addition to exceptional academic achieve-
ments. The requirements for the Master of Science
in Chemical Engineering Practice (Course X-A) book reviews
are the same as those for the Master of Science in
Chemical Engineering, except that 24 units of APPLIED CHEMICAL PROCESS DESIGN
Practice School experience is accepted in lieu of
the Master's thesis. By Frank Aerstin and Gary Street
Bachelor of Science graduates of the depart- Plenum Press, 1978, 294 pages.
ment ordinarily meet the requirements of the pro- Reviewed by Frank J. Lockhart
gram in two terms. Beginning in September University of Southern California, L.A.
following their graduation, students spend the This is not a textbook. Developments, discus-
semester at the Practice School; half at Albany, sions and derivations have been eliminated, leav-
New York, and the other half at Oak Ridge, ing a concise presentation of methods and correla-
Tennessee. Then they return to the Institute to tions useful in process design, pilot plants or
complete the program during the Spring term. production. Some of the methods are theoretical,
A similar program also begins in February and some are not; but they all are empirical in that
extends to the end of May. they can be used satisfactorily in the real world.
For the students who have graduated in chemi- Explanations are scarce, which means the user
cal engineering from other schools, the usual pro- needs prior education in the basics of topics such
gram of study involves one or two terms at the as fluid flow, heat transfer, and distillation. A
Institute followed by the field station work in the critical user will check the validity of various di-
Practice School. Students with chemistry majors mensional equations which probably have not
usually require an additional term at the Institute. been seen before. For example, page 16 has a di-
Although there are no specific course require- mensional equation for Reynolds number in a
circular pipe. It is correct, but it looks most un-
usual as NRe = 6.31 W/µ.D.
Suggested Prerequisite Courses. Some useful topics are included which are
seldom found in conventional chemical engineer-
ing textbooks. For example: relief valves, rupture
ChE Thermodynamics Same discs, vapor-liquid separators, and details on air-
Advanced Heat Transfer Heat and Mass Transfer
cooled heat exchangers. Continued, next page.
Industrial Chemistry Same
Catalysis and Catalytic Chemical Reaction
Processes Engineering
Analytical Treatment of Advanced Calculus for OMNI and MINI adoptions
ChE Processes Engineers come with solution books
Structure and Properties Physical Chemistry of
of Polymers Polymers ADVERTISEMENT

FALL 1980 205

The authors are to be commended for giving There are four parts : I. Comparing two treat-
stepwise procedure, followed by "sample deter- ments ; II. Comparing more than two treatments ;
mination" (i.e. an example), and at the end of III. Measuring the effects of variables; IV. Build-
each chapter its nomenclature, references to the ing models and using them. To give an idea of
particular methods and some selected readings. the coverage (but not the flavor) : Part I: Signifi-
This book covers the topics the authors con- cance tests; confidence intervals; normal, t, bi-
sider important, and the published correlations nomial and Poisson distributions ; randomization;
they prefer. Other engineers may select different replication; blocking. Part II: Analysis of vari-
topics and correlations based upon their own ex- ance; factorial designs; transformations; random-
periences. I consider they have covered the most ized blocks; incomplete blocks; Latin squares. Part
important topics and usually, acceptable correla- III: Factorial designs at two levels; normal prob-
tions. However, the graphical correlation on page ability plots; fractional factorials. Part IV: Re-
42, labeled the "optimum-minimum reflux rela- gression models ; response surfaces ; mechanistic
tionship ..." and being around 1.2-1.5, must truly models ; control charts ; variance components ;
be the "typical design-minimum reflux relation- modeling and forecasting with time series.
ship." The ratio of optimum to minimum reflux The flavor of this book is totally practical.
ratio for about 25 years has been less than 1.15, New topics are invariably introduced by example.
which is essentially off the graph. And this ratio The authors draw on their very considerable real
is decreasing more with increasing cost of energy. world experience to emphasize the concepts and
Line 4, page 277 says, "A vapor-liquid separa- techniques of greatest utility. Over and over they
tor is a drum where entrainment is generated," a stress the importance of finding appropriate
statement which I do not believe. models and of checking the adequacy of any as-
Where does this book fit? Possibly as an ap- sumed model (making "diagnostic checks"),
pendage to a chemical plant design course in a usually by inspection of residuals. Many common
university, but not as a textbook. Possibly as a pitfalls are pointed out: assuming independence
reference for an engineer who is away from the when serial correlation is present; mistaking as-
office, but not as a typical office-reference book. • sociation for causation; confusing statistical sig-
nificance with practical significance; dangers of
"happenstance data;" dangers of letting the com-
Adopt an OMNIBOOK and its solution puter replace the human brain where the brain is
manual of 543 problems is yours superior. Limitations of rigid mathematical
theories such as "optimal design" are indicated
(p. 472). In keeping with the more casual "data
STATISTICS FOR EXPERIMENTERS. AN IN- analytic" approach as opposed to a theoretical
TRODUCTION TO DESIGN, DATA ANALYSIS, mathematical approach, hypotheses. are not re-
AND MODEL BUILDING jected but "discredited," and reporting observed
significance levels or confidence intervals is
By George E. P. Box, William G. Hunter, and favored over a pure accept-reject procedure.
Stuart Hunter
This is clearly an authoritative book. I found
John Wiley and Sons, Inc. NY, 1978. xviii
it also to be tightly and clearly written, with very
+ 653pp. good use of figures, suitable problems, and ade-
Reviewed by Robert J. Buehler
quate references for further study. The geometric
University of Minnesota
concept of orthogonality in the analysis of vari-
This book is aimed at persons who collect and ance is an example of a topic well described at an
analyze data, including, in particular, engineers, elementary level which is usually found only in
chemists, biologists and statisticians. It claims to more advanced texts.
be "neither a cookbook nor a textbook on mathe- Not wishing to imply that the book is flawless,
matical statistics. It is an introduction to the let me say in closing that while the authors
philosophy of experimentation and the part that correctly emphasize the fundamental contributions
statistics plays in experimentation." The book is of the incomparable R. A. Fisher, they need not
intended for use as a text, but could also be used have followed his example in spelling Gosset
for self-instruction. No knowledge of calculus is ("Student") both correctly (p. 15) and incorrectly
assumed. (Gossett, p. 49). •


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