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Once upon a beautiful morning in Costa Rica, there was a palace that shines brightly as the sun
says hello to the morning dews of the leaves, and the petals of the flowers that dances together with the
breeze of the cold morning wind.

The King and his three sons wake up each day with the genuine smiles painted on their faces,
but the ambience drastically changes when the King’s eye started to lose its vision.

The prince and his two older brothers go to the different places searching for a bird that has a
magical healing property in curing their blind father.

Along their journey, they saw a dead body near the church of the city. The cold body has been
left without any single penny for a burial arrangement.

The prince stops for a while and pay for the sake of the man’s dead body to be buried. However,
his two older brothers just pass by without a single thought of helping the dead to have a burial.

After, they continued their journey in finding the bird until the night has come. The spirit of the
man appears and offers the prince in guiding him with his quest as a payback for his goodness towards
the man’s dead body.

The prince together with the spirit have encountered adventures along their quest for a magical
bird. They do not stop in searching until the prince returns bringing the bird, a flying horse and a
princess in tow.

His two brothers saw him and got so jealous with the prince. They planned to abandon the
prince and throw him over the cliff and claim that they are the ones who find the bird. And so, they did
their evil plans.

The prince falls down the cliff but luckily, there was a branch of a tree on the cliffside that
catches the prince’s coat.

He gets back the bird, the horse, and the princess from his two evil brothers, and returned to
the palace safely.

The prince directly gets the bird and follow the steps on how to use the bird’s sweet magic. The
prince prayed so hard wishing to bring his father’s lost vision back. The prince has succeeded from
saving his father from blindness, and the brightness of the palace has returned.

Everyone is grateful about the good news, and the Prince marry his Princess and they lived
happily ever after.

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