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They Give Jacky Rights – Mudrooroo Narogin (Colin Johnson) Dr. K.



Mudrooroo Narogin (Colin Johnson)

They give Jacky rights,

Like the tiger snake gives rights to its prey;
They give Jacky rights,
Like the rifle sights on its victims.
They give Jacky rights,
Like they give rights to the unborn baby,
Ripped from the womb by its uncaring mother.

They give Jacky rights to die,

The right to consent to mining on his land.
They give Jacky rights to watch
His sacred dreaming place become a hole -
His soul dies, his ancestor cry;
His soul dies, his ancestor cry;
They give Jacky his rights –
A hole in the ground!

Justice for all, Jacky kneels and prays;

Justice for all, they dig holes in his earth;
Justice for all, They give him his rights—
A fiagon of cheap wine to dull his pain,
And his woman has to sell herself for that.
Justice for all, they give him his rights –
A hole in the ground to hide his mistrust and fear.
What can Jacky do, but struggle on and on:
The spirits of his Dreaming keep him strong!


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