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Role of Water in

Urban Planning and

Role of Water in

Urban Planning and

By William J. Schneider, David A. Rickert,
and Andrew M. Spieker


G E 0 L 0 G I CAL 5 U RV EY C I R C U LA R 601- H

Washington J973
United States Department of the Interior
ROGERS C. B. MORTON, Secretary

Geological Survey
V. E. McKelvey, Director

First printing 1973

Second printing 1973

Free on application to the U.S. Geological Survey, Washington, D.C. 20242


Urbanization-the concentration of people in urban areas and the

consequent expansion of these areas-is a characteristic of our time. It has
brought with it a host of new or aggravated problems that often make new
demands on our natural resources and our physical environment. Problems
involving water as a vital resource and a powerful environmental agent are
among the most critical. These problems include the maintenance of both
the quantity and quality of our water supply for consumption, for
recreation, and general welfare and the alleviation of hazards caused by
floods, drainage, erosion. and sedimentation.

A prerequisite to anticipating, recognizing, and coping intelligently with

these problems is an adequate base of information. This series of reports is
intended to show the relevance of water facts to water problems of urban
areas and to examine the adequacy of the existing base of water information.

6 .;( .7ckut/'t;._,~l
E. L. Hendricks,
Chief Hydrologist



Forevvord ---------------------------------------------------------------- III

Albstract ----------------------------------------------------------------- F.£1
Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------- 1
Urban impact on resources -------------------------------------- 1
Purpose of circular --------------------------------------------------- 2
Water in urban planning and management ---------------------------------- 2
Relationship to overall natural resources ------------------------------- 2
Regional approach---------------------------------------------------- 3
Integration into urban planning and management ----------------------- 3
Types of information --------------------------------------------- 4
Relation to planning ---------------------------------------------- 4
F.lydrologic elements of urban vvater appraisals ------------------------------ 5
Relationship of hydrologic data to urban problems ----------------------- 6
Aln evaluation matrix -------------------------------------------------- 6
Washington-Baltimore case study -------------------------------------- 7
Summary and discussion -------------------------------------------------- 9


PLATE 1. Washington-Baltimore water-resources evaluation matrix ________ In pocket

FIGURE 1. Simplified flow diagram of the urban planning process shovving

interrelation of water-resources investigations and planning
programs --------------------------------------------------- H5
2. Map showing the Washington-Baltimore urban area --------------- 8



TABLE 1. Sequence of hydrologic analysis applied to land use and planning

functions --------------------------------------------------- H6

Water in the Urban Environment

Role of Water in Urban Planning and Management

By William J. Schneider, David A. Rickert, and Andrew M. Spieker

ABSTRACT divert water long distances at consideral'le cost.

Concentrations of people in urban areas intensify New York City, for example, divert~· water
water problems such as flooding and pollution, but these from more than 100 miles away to n1eet its
deleterious effects on water resources can be minimized demands.
or corrected by comprehensive planning and manage- Water is used in urban areas to dispose of
ment. Such planning of the water resources of an urban
area must be based on adequate hydrologic data.
man's wastes. He disposes of sewage and indus-
Through the use of a matrix, urban water problems trial wastes by discharging them into streams
can be evaluated and availability of data assessed. The and other water bodies. The severity of the
Washington-Baltimore metropolitan area is used as a resulting pollution depends upon the de:qoree of
case study. The completed matrix provides both a means waste treatment and on the amount of waste
for developing a meaningful dialogue between the
effluent in relation to the amount of water
hydrologist and the urban planner and a method for
developing a work plan to insure consideration of available for dilution. Storm runoff also con-
water-resources data in urban planning. tributes heavy pollution loads as rainfall
flushes contaminants from urban streets. The
INTRODUCTION disposal of solid wastes in dumps and s~nitary
landfills poses a pollution threat to ground-
Water is a vital resource for human activ- water resources as water, leaching through the
ities. Its natural distribution is governed by wastes, carries with it both biological and chem-
climate and the physical character of the land ical contamination.
surface. Urbanization, however, has altered this Construction of housing and highways ex-
natural distribution as water has been utilized poses bare soil to accelerated erosion. In Fair-
to supply man's needs and to carry away his fax County, Virginia, highway construction in-
wastes. Water is, in a sense, both artery and volving 197 acres contributed 37,000 tons of
vein to urban life. sediment to the local stream over a 3-year
period. This sediment chokes streams s.nd fills
reservoirs, severely limiting their uses for rec-
Urbanization has significantly altered both reation and esthetic enjoyment and their ca-
the quantity and quality of our water resources. pacity to accommodate floods.
The concentration of people in urban areas has Flooding is increased by urban development.
modified the natural landscape, bringing about Tht~ roofing and paving of land surfaces and
water problems that strongly affect their daily insi;allation of storm sewers concentrate storm
lives. runoff and increases the flooding hazard. For
Large cities require huge amounts of water example, in a 1-square-mile area, complete
to satisfy both domestic. and industrial needs. storm sewering and paving of 60 per~ent o:f
To meet these needs, cities commonly have to the surface--comparable to dense residential

housing-can increase the average annual flood more data and new ways of pr~senting and
by a factor of more than four. Such increases interpreting these data. During recent years,
in flooding have serious implications when one public awareness of water proble"lls has come
considers that much of the urban growth in the about as part of the growing for our
United States is by encroachment upon flood deteriorating urban environment. The concern
plains. for and the awareness of the environment as-
In addition to these physical effects on the pects of urban living have resulted in a chang-
water resources, urbanization also alters recz:e- ing attitude toward urban planning. In some
ational and esthetic values of water bodies. urban areas the traditional functk--Ial-economic
Indiscriminate development of waterfront prop- approaches to planning are being broadened in
erty has reduced or even destroyed the esthetic scope by including consideration of the natural
appeal and decreased the recreational potential ·resources of the area.
of many areas. Litter and other wastes, as well Furthermore, our present urbar water prob-
as general degradation of the local environ- lems have created a need for new types of data
ment, have further depleted the value of the and new techniques of analysis as well as for
water resource. increased demand fo~ the mort~ traditional
Although water resources in urban areas are types of hydrologic data for both planning and
altered by the urbanization process, the dele- management.
terious effects can be minimized or corrected In response to these needs, tl' ~ Geological
by comprehensive planning and management. Survey established an Urban Water Program
But such planning of the water resources of to develop as one of its objectivef the capabil-
urban areas must be based on adequate hydro- ities of supplying hydrologic information in a
logic data. form readily usable by urban cfficials. This
circular deals with one major aspect of the
PURPOSE OF CIRCULAR program-the adaptation of water-resources in-
Today a wealth of hydrologic data is a vail- formation to urban planning and management.
able to planners and managers. Much of it, It represents the efforts of the r.uthors, both
however, is basic data that in its raw form has singly and jointly over a 3-year ra.riod, in de-
little, if any, direct application to most urban veloping a rationale and technique for relating
water problems. These data have been collected hydrologic information to urban planning and
either as part of general monitoring networks management. Others, of course, have con-
or as specialized data from specific projects. tributed significantly to this development, espe-
The principal agency in the collection of these cially William W. Barnwell, Anchorage, Alaska,
data is the U.S. Geological Survey. and Kenneth E. Vanlier, University, Alabama.
The basic data consists of observations of Although still preliminary and subject to fur-
both surface water and ground water. Surface- ther revision, the approach has l'~n used as
water data are mainly observations of stage the basis for preparing programs for several
and flow; ground-water data are observations major urban areas. The rationale and tech-
of depth to the water table or the pressure head niques presented herein are intended to stimu-
in confined aquifers and of the permeability of late dialogue between hydrologists and planners
aquifer materials. Data on the quality of these and to provide a framework for full considera-
waters, mostly on inorganic constituents, are tion of water resources in urban rlanning.
also available. Many other types of special
hydrologic data are available. These data are
essential to the understanding of our water re-
sources, which is needed for intelligent plan- RELATION TO OVERALL NATURAL RESOURCES
ning and managing of urban areas. Public concern over environmental quality
Although the available hydrologic data repre- has focused sharp attention upon our national
sent a significant contribution to management resources. The peaceful revolution from exploi-
of urban water resources, emerging new ap- tation of land, water, and mineral"" to the con-
proaches to urban planning will require even servation and wise use of our natu~ai resources

has brought with it both concern and under- supply of good-quality water is a problen1 that
standing of the interrelation of all natural re- has reached near-crisis proportions in some
sources. Indeed, it is more than an interrela- urban areas. All these problems are reg·ional
tion ; it is an interdependence. in scope and transcend local community boun-
Many examples of interdependence can be daries. The solutions to these problems must
cited. Flood magnitudes are related to land likewise be undertaken on a regional scalG..
characteristics: steep slopes and tight soils ac- The regionalization of problems can 1 1 ~ ex-
celerate flooding; permeable soils, marshes, pected to intensify as urban areas continue to
swamps, and flood plains attenuate flooding by expand and coalesce. In virtually all urban re-
retarding runoff. Recharge of ground-water gions, the fragmented governmental ir~titu­
reservoirs is dependent upon infiltration char- tions are ill equipped to deal with re.-rional
acteristics of soils; the degree of siltation of problems. As a start towards attacking these
rivers and lakes is determined by erodibility regional problems, Councils of Governments
characteristics of these same soils. Minerals have been organized in most metropolitan
leached from the soils by infiltrating rainfall areas. Some of these councils are assuming
add chemical .constituents to the water resource, operational responsibility for certain functions
and its organic composition is altered by decay- such as transportation and waste disposf.l. Re-
ing vegetation. Water, on the other hand, also gional planning, however, is usually the central
influences other natural resources. Landslides unifying activity of a typical Council of Gov-
and mudslides often result when unstable soils ernment.
become saturated. Runoff helps shape the Water management provides an excellent
topography of the land surface, and stream.flow example of the regional scope of urban prob-
carves valleys and creates flood plains. Water lems. Typically, water flows in and out of urban
concentrates minerals in usable deposits. areas with no regard for jurisdictional boun-
Man's activities have intensified the interre- daries. The principal source of surfac·e-·water
lationship between water and the other natural supply may be located far upstream fro'll the
resources. Water has been generally available area itself. Urban areas commonly are r~rved
to meet the demands of urban areas. Much of by ground water withdrawn from aquifers
the development, however, has been both uni- whose boundaries do not coincide wit]' city
lateral and unifunctional in approach: engi- boundaries. Sewage effluents from s~wage
neering works were designed to supply water treatment plants of cities are discharged to
to the cities and to carry away the wastes. The streams, creating problems for urban areas
result of this approach are apparent. Polluted downstream. These water problems require re-
rivers, rapid eutrophication of lakes, and de- gional solutions.
graded recreational and esthetic benefits of
water resour.ces attest strongly to the need for INTEGRATION INTO URBAN PLANNING AND
consideration of .all natural resources, includ- MANAGEMENT
ing water, in urban planning and management. Water-resources investigations have not. been
traditionally considered as components of the
urban planning process. This fact is due in
It is becoming increasingly apparent that large part to the divergent backgrounds of
many, if not most, of the problems facing the water-resources scientists and urban planners.
Nation's urban areas are regional in nature. The water-resources scientist, or hydrolo~:ist, is
The most highly publicized problems are in the usually trained in the physical sciences (geol-
ar,eas of crime, drugs, poverty, schools, and ogy, chemistry, geophysics) or engineering,
transportation, but the problems of the natural whereas his counterpart, the urban planner,
environment are rapidly assuming equal im- most likely had his training in the social sci-
portance. Problems of water and air pollution ences or landscape architecture. The divergent
are extremely serious in many areas. Managing training of physical scientists and social scien-
the ever-increasing mountain of solid wastes tists has complicated the communication pro-
taxes our ingenuity. Maintaining an adequate cess necessary for incorporating water-resource

information into the planning process. than 60 years are available. Most of these data
With the incr·easing emphasis being placed are observations and measurements made over
on quality of environment, the urban planner is a continuing period. In addition to these basic
finding it increasingly necessary to understand measurements, many types of SJl ~ialized data
the physical system of the region for which he and studies are available. In mr.ny cases, the
is developing a plan. On the other hand, the collection of the specialized data was spurred
same awareness is forcing the hydrologist to by special need and made possib 1 ~ by develop-
consider the context in which he studies the ment of specialized instrumentat:~~'ln and meas-
physical system. Water, of course, is an im- uring techniques. Examples are data on flood
portant element of this physical system. Thus, profiles, aquifer yields, stream time-of-travel,
the need for a close working relation between and salt-water intrusion. More re~ently, water-
the urban planner and the hydrologist is being resources investigations projects have been
recognized, and both are becoming increasingly supplying data on regional bases. Although gen-
concerned with environmental factors such as erally collected for a specific objective, they
air and water pollution, flood plains, ground- nevertheless contribute to the overall bank of
water resources, sand .and gravel resources, and data vital to the appraisal of wr.ter resources
unstable soils and slopes. Land-use planning is of urban areas.
becoming more environmentally and resource Also needed-and available-nre hydrolog-
oriented. ically related data. For example, data on water-
Today urban planners are also using increas- supply systems and wastewater disposal facil-
ingly rigorous analytical methods. Theoretical ities are important as a set of hydrologically
research in regional analyses has evolved a sys- related data, as are data on many other cultural
tem of modeling of various combinations of developments such as locations of areas served
regional development, assigning a range of dif- by septic tanks and sewer systems and locations
ferent policies and constraints, and then evalu- of sites and types of solid-waste disposal.
ating the resultant economic and functional con- Some hydrologic information can be directly
sequences. In the evaluation of viable develop- integrated into the urban planring process;
ment alternatives, the planner must be aware other information, to be useful tc the planner,
of the physical system. This awareness includes must be analyzed, interpreted, and sometimes
at least rudimentary understanding of hydrol- combined with other kinds of data.
ogy and other physical sciences. Just as the
planner must be aware of the relation of RELATION TO PLANNil'T~

hydrologic factors to his planning, so must the The goal of the urban planner is to guide the
hydrologist be knowledgeable in the processes future development and growth of cities and
of urban planning. Together they must develop regions to minimize problems and optimize the
thedevelopment-alternative/resource-impactre- quality of living. Thus, the many and diverse
lationships necessary for sound decision mak- forces that create pressures for gr()wth andre-
ing. Close teamwork is necessary and requires newal of the urban environment are the prin-
joint understanding of both the resource system cipal concern of the urban planner. Guidelines
and the planning process. In a sense, both the for future development are usually expressed
planner and the hydrologist must extend their in a comprehensive plan that proposes the
competences beyond traditional boundaries. future arrangement of uses of land, such as
This, in turn, will likely lead to development .of residential, .commercial, industriaL transporta-
new dis·ciplines within both professions. tion facilities, schools, hospitals, parks, and
open space. The comprehensive :r1an is based
on studies of current conditions z.nd forecasts
Hydrologic information has traditionally con- of population growth, anticipated future land
sisted of various types of water measurements uses, social changes, transportation, prospects
including river stage, streamflow, depth to for future commercial and industrial develop-
ground water, artesian pressure head, and ment, governmental policies, and other factors
water quality. Records that date back more which may influence urban development.

Thus, planning is a complex and multifaceted The development of useful products involves
process that attempts to integrate all the a partnership between the hydrologist and the
physical, economic, social, and political impli- urban planner and an evolution of products
cations of urban development into an orderly from basic data through stages of compilation
plan. Land-use planning is the part of this and interpretation to user-oriented products.
larger pr·ocess that is concerned with the loca- Figure 1 is a simplified flow diagran1 which
tion and density of development of the various illustrates the evolution of such an interdisci-
space-demanding functions of urban activity. plinary effort. The effort begins with the
The water-resources system is in reality a identi.fication of problems and definitio,_ of ob-
subsystem of the physical urban system. There- jectives. The ultimate goal is improvei urban
fore the planner must consider the water- dev·elopment. This goal can be appr.oached, as
resources subsystem in the broader context of shown in the diagram, by following two parallel
all the other subsystems. In order for him to paths. The upper path represents the activities
consider this water-resources subsystem, how- of the urban planner, and the lower path repre-
ever, he must have information available to sents the inputs of the water-resourcP.s scien-
him in formats that he can understand and tist. Inherent in the activities of th~ urban
use. Howev·er, the traditional products of the planner are all planning considerations,, includ-
hydrologist are not always easily understood ing technical, institutional, legal, and political
by those involved in urban planning. items.
, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - P L A N N i N G PROGRAMs----------------~

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f----+ URBAN


FIGURE !.-Simplified flow diagram of the urban planning process showing the
interrelation of water-resources investigations and urban planning.

The parallel paths, however, are not mutually use and planning functions. Although only
exclusive. At any point in the water-resources hydrologic factors are listed, geologj c, topo-
investigation, available information can be in- graphic, and demographic inputs are necessary
troduced into the planning process. Som·e basic for each successive step in the develo:rment of
data and technical information, for example, the comprehensive planning maps.
can be used at all stages of planning. Similarly,
each step in the formulation of a plan for urban HYDROLOGIC ELEMENTS OF UF BAN
development can feed back to the water- WATER APPRAISALS
resources program to enable a continuing reap- Appraisals of urban water problem·~ can be
praisal of the program to insure that this com- both simple or complex. Often may types of
ponent of the planning program remains hydrologic data are needed for appraisals of
relevant. but one urban water problem. For sone prob-
As the planning ·efforts progress, the analyses lems, however, specific types of data are needed.
of the basic hydrologic data must of necessity A water-resource appraisal, therefore, must be
become more complex. Table 1 shows the designed with care, and the data and informa-
sequence of hydrologic analysis applied to land tion available must be evaluated in terms of

TABLE 1.-Sequence of hydrologic analysis applied to land use and planning functiO?'~
[Number of variables required for synthesis increases -+ J
3d Gen ~ration, compre-
Basic data Basic maps and 1st Generation, 2d Generation, translation hensive planning
sections interpretive planning to planning maps
Aquifier data Water yield Recharge maps AIIowable septic tank density Ultima+-"! design
Ground-water levels Water-level maps Water-availability maps Water-use density Land-u~e compatibility
Streamflow measurements Hydrographs Permeability maps Landfili sites Alternate choice
Water-quality data Streamftow maps Poiiution susceptability Foundation suitability
Precipitation Weii location maps Transmissivity
Evapotranspiration Depth of water Drainage maps
Water-quality maps Analog-digital models

specific objectives. A unifunctional approach AN EVALUATION MATRIX

that will provide answers to a single problem
Although a critical need for wF.ter-resource
may be a useless input to other urban water
information for urban planning hP.s developed,
urban planners are not generally able to iden-
RELATIONSHIP OF HYDROLOGIC DATA TO tify the hydrologic parameters that are needed
URBAN PROBLEMS for specific water problems. To help bridge this
Urban water problems can be broadly classi- gap, a water-resources evaluation matrix has
fied into nine general categories, which are been developed. The matrix provides a means
adequate for broad-scale planning. These urban for determining the relative importance of
water problems, in turn, relate to other urban water-related problems and for identifying the
problems, and appraisals from a water-oriented data needed to evaluate these prolJ lems for the
viewpoint must also consider the relation to purpose of urban planning.
the general problems. The matrix (pl. 1) lists nine fllbject cate-
For example, disposal of solid wastes is a gories in which water-related urb~.n problems
major problem of urban areas, because, in ad- may occur. Although all categori& are not ap-
dition to health and logistic problems, pollu- plicable to every urban area, in ag~regate they
tion is a serious consideration. Water entering represent those urban problems that are either
the waste material from rainfall or other water oriented or water dependent. In some
sources leaches organic and inorganic materials areas it is possible that a peculiar water-
from the waste. This contaminated water tends oriented problem may exist. This problem can
to move toward the ground-water reservoirs easHy be accommodated in the matrix by the
and then to streams. Aquifers and streams can addition of another column.
be readily polluted by this process. The matrix also lists 51 possible. data inputs
The hydrologic aspects of the sanitary land- for evaluation of the problem areas. The inputs
fill problem, while only a small part of the include the standard types of basic hydrologic
overall problem, are nonetheless complex. If data as well as information based on interpre-
landfill sites are to be selected to minimize tation and analysis of these data. In addition
ground-water pollution, detailed hydrologic in- to water-resource items, the list includes the
formation is needed on the ground-water sys- interfacing factors of climate, land, and cul-
tem. Similarly, information on floods is re- ture. These factors, especially the cultural, are
quired if the wastes are to be kept from direct
essential to any appraisal of urban influences
contact with water bodies. Land characteristi¢s
on water resources.
such as types of soils and slopes are also re-
quired, as are data on climate and existing The matrix aids in the development of re-
cultural features. The problem can only be source evaluation in two ways. First, by pro-
assessed properly by considering pertinent moting interdisciplinary discussior. it leads to
hydrologic information in conjunction with a mutual understanding of the water-related
climatic, land, and cultural resources informa- problems. Second, it serves as a checklist for
tion in terms of the total impact on the entire determining the data needs for evaluation of
resource system. each problem.

In the development of a comprehensive pro- related problems that the planner faces. Second,
gram of water-resource evaluation, ranking of it provides the hydrologist with a similar
the relative importance of information needs is appraisal of the problems involved in ewlluating
necessary in order to establish overall program the impact of the water resources on tl'~ urban
objectives. The matrix lends itself readily to problems. Third, it provides for a realistic
such ranking while simultaneously providing consideration of water resources as an integral
the means for relative ranking of importance part of urban planning and management. Most
of data inputs for each problem area. The rank- significantly, it provides a means of
ing of the importance of the information needs communication between the hydrologist and the
of the planners is the first step and requires planner.
both dialogue and consensus between the plan- The obvious development from the n~atrix is
ners and the hydrologists. A suggested format a work program that encompasses the full scope
-one developed for the example presented in of water problems in a set of related work ele-
this circular and used in subsequent appraisals ments. In any metropolitan area, it is n'lt likely
-is a relative ranking on levels: a rank 3 is that the entire program could be under+aken in
most important, a rank 2 is moderately im- a single effort because of the magnitude of the
portant, and a rank 1 is least important. Those program. However, high-priority worl{ items
having no relevance are excluded and may be can be readily identified from the matrix and
considered as having a value of zero. undertaken in ord·er of priority. The matrix
When the information needs have been also identifies the overall data requirements for
ranked, the matrix can be used to determine the each data element and thus insures that the
relative importance of each data input to that total need for data is not overlookec1 in the
particular urban problem. This is accomplished consideration of one element of t:l1e work
by rankjng each data input as it relates on the program.
same scale (3 to 1) as the information need. WASHINGTON-BALTIMORE STUDY CASE
Again, a value of zero applies to input data
that are not relevant. The rank assigned is Plate 1 shows the application of the evalua-
recorded in the lower left section of each box, tion matrix to the Washington-Baltimor~ urban
as indicated on plate 1. A comparative value area. Because of its growth rate and vr.dety of
can then be assigned to each data component water problems, this area makes an excellent
by multiplying the indicated rank of the urban case study. The area, shown in figure 2, centers
problem and the assigned rank of the data around the standard metropolitan statistical
requirement. This value is recorded in the areas (SMSA's) of Washington and B2ltimore.
upper right section of each box. The sum of In addition to this core area, three rapidly
the values in the upper right section of a row growing Maryland counties are included. To-
of boxes is an index of the relative needs of gether they form an area of 4,530 square miles
hydrologic data for a total water-resource stretching eastward from the Blue Ridge
evaluation. Mountains to the Chesapeake Bay and south-
Upon completion of the matrix, the hydrolo- ward from the Pennsylvania State lin~ to the
gist can determine the availability of data to big bend in the Potomac River.
meet the requirements as identified by the Although the central cities had a slight de-
matrix. The need for data-collection programs crease in population during 1960-70, rapid
can then be determined, and the relative ease growth has occurred in the peripher~l areas
of such data collection can be assessed. Prior- within a 25-mile radius of the city centers.
ities on work elements can be assigned to pro- Development patterns in the subur':ls have
vide the planner with maximum information tended to be erratic, resulting in srrawling
in minimum time. growth during which large areas have. quickly
Thus, the matrix provides both the hydrolo- developed without regard to urban suitability.
gist and planner with an appraisal of problems The Washington-Baltimore area is a repre-
related to water in the urban environment. sentative slice of the physical environment of
First, it provides an appraisal of the water- the Atlantic seaboard. The geology is complex



0 so 100 MILES

FIGURE 2.-Map showing the Washington-Baltimore urban area.

and has strongly influenced the land-use pat- Natural resources are also profoundly dif-
terns, as well as the availability and develop- ferent on opposite sides of the Fall Line. For
ment of natural resources. The outstanding example, the Coastal Plain has abundant
natural feature is the Fall Line, which sepa- ground water both for domestic and industrial
rates the hard rocks of the Piedmont from the use. In the Piedmont, however, ground-water
unconsolidated or semiconsolidated sediments supplies are barely sufficient for domestic use
of the Coastal Plain. The Fall Line follows a and large developments must dep~nd on sur-
low rise of the land trending northeast through face-water sources.
Washington and Baltimore. Since coloni~l The hydrology of the W.ashingtC'n-Baltimore
times, the Fall Line has divided the region into region is dominated by the Potomr~ River and
two different economic areas. For many years the Chesapeake Bay. Urban planning for the
the flatter lands of the Coastal Plain were region must provide for continued development
largely planted in tobacco. The rolling hills of of these water bodies while simultaneously pro-
the Piedmont, on the other hand, were dairy tecting them from further degredation.
and stock-raising country. Agricultural uses Consultation with the staff of the Regional
still occupy the largest areas, but the pattern Councils of Governments and oth~r planning
is rapidly changing with urbanization and in- agencies in the area resulted in rB pid identifi-
dustrial growth. cation of water supply, pollution Joading, and

the estuaries as the critical wate-r-related urban The great need for data on water quality and
problems. Erosion and sedimentation, existing sources of pollution is consistent with recent
water quality, and urban drainage were further trends in urban water problems. Sewabe and
identified as serious urban water problems. Of waste disposal works historically have been
lesser importance, but of some concern, were designed to remove wastes rather than t-o pro-
the water-related aspects of solid-waste dis- tect water quality. A burgeoning population
posal and esthetics. Land deformation was not and an affluent society have produced more
deemed to be a problem. wastes than streams can assimilate, and the
E.ach ranking (pl. 1) was derived by inte- public is now demanding changes in the ap-
grating resource knowledge with knowledge of proach to waste disposal. Water pollution is
the present urban conditions and future plans now the most apparent and the most important
for urban growth. The type of considerations aspect of urban water-resource managerr~nt.
that went into the ranking process can best be
illustrated by a few examples. SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION
IThthe Washington-Baltimore area, municipal In the past, land was plentiful and res':lurces
water supply is .a critical problem for the entire were abundant. Both were taken for granted,
Washington sector. The municipal supply is and their uncontrolled development wa.s for
taken from the Potomac River, and in recent many decades the accepted way of urban
years at times the demand has almost equaled growth. Urban growth sprawled acro~s the
the flow in the :river. Although consideration is landscape without much regard for the ratural
being given to use of the upper estuary as an resources. Growth for the sake of growth be-
auxiliary supply, upstream reservoirs will prob- came the goal, and cities competed openl:T with
ably have to be developed in the Potomac basin. each other for industry and people. Ind~ed, if
Several plans have been proposed, but all are resources were considered, it was in terms of
controversial ; as yet no single plan is generally exploitation rather than environmental consid-
acceptable. The major scope and the critical and erations.
unresolved nature of the problem was the basis The large population shifts following World
for giving regional water supply a value of 3. War II brought about unprecedented urban
The problem of pollution loadings was iden- growth. Gradually, through the 1950's and into
tified as critical (3), while existing water qual- the 1960's, the price of neglect of our resources
ity was deemed serious (2). Although knowl- became apparent. The environment ~as rapidly
edge of existing quality is necessary to planning, becoming despoiled. Untreated sewage fr1m en-
it is the pollution loadings that primarily con- tire cities was discharged to streams, which
trols not only the present but future water became open sewers. Floods became more fre-
quality. The pollution loadings category was quent and more intense as urban runoff was
thus ranked as a more critical problem. Exist- accelerated from paved and roofed areP.s. To-
ing water quality is, nevertheless, a very im- day, water problems-especially those of pollu-
portant problem in the area, so it was given tion-besiege every urban area. In some ·areas
a rank of 2. they rank along with social and economic issues
The matrix analysis of data needs indicates as a major urban problem.
that the most important inputs are the cultural Indeed, the abuse of our natural resources,
factors of population and land use. Although especially in urban areas, has brought about a
this might appear startling to the hydrologist, peaceful revolution over protection of cur en-
one must recognize that water is only one of vironment. This attitude, in turn, has brought
many resources that an urban planner must about a new approach to urban planning-an
consider. The individual resource evaluations approach in which consideration of the natural
must be integ-rated, and to achieve this, each resources, especially water, is a significant fac-
evaluation must be made in relation to the tor. To be effective, the new approach requires
pivotal fa·ctors of population and land use. an input of new types of data to urban planning
Hence, these factors serve as the essential basis and ultimately to the decision-making process.
for any urban water-resource evaluation. Traditionally water-resources data have not

been interpreted or presented by the hydrolo- has the responsibility to conside:r such data in
gist in a manner whereby it can be readily used making decisions.
by the urban planner. And traditionally, the This circular has attempted to develop a
urban planner has utilized hydrologic data only rational approach to ·consideration of water re-
in terms of water supply and waste disposal. sources in the planning and management of our
The new environmental approach to urban urban environment. The utility of the approach,
planning, however, requires a meaningful input however, is dependent upon the ralevance of the
of water-resources information. Developing studies and the approapriatenese of the presen-
this input requires continuing communication tation of results. Hydrologic data may be ana-
and contact between the urban planner and the lyzed in many ways. Yet to be relevant, the
hydrologist in order to insure the relevance of data must be analyzed in a way that takes into
the data. For example, the hydrologist generally consideration the multifaceted aspects of the
has at his disposal information on river stages, entire planning process as well as the restric-
but until recently he has not translated these tions imposed by the managem~nt aspects of
data into flood-inundation maps that planners governmental jurisdictions. The analysis must
can use to prevent excessive urbanization of consider alternatives, and the alternatives must
flood-prone areas. On the other hand, planners be viable.
frequently are unaware that such basic data The hydrologist has the respor.':\ibility to pre-
as river stages can provide them with an effec- sent ·a strong documentation of the water re-
tive planning tool to limit encroachment upon sources of the area. He must present both the
flood plains. Recognition of the need for flood- advantages and disadvantages, from a hydro-
inundation information or for means of con- logic standpoint, of viable alternatives. He
verting flood-stage data. into flood-inundation must present the current assessment of the
information has resulted from meaningful water resource in a clear and firm manner. He
dialogues between planners and hydrologists. must clearly document the co~sequences of
The proper interpretation of water-resources alternative actions. In doing this, he must work
data is not only a valuable adjunct to long-range closely with and-perhaps even more-under-
planning, it is also useful to the urban planner stand urban planning procedur£.~, This is not I

in making day-to-day decisions. Such day-to- an easy process; experience has shown that, ex-
day decisions as the design of urban storm cept in a few cases, communication between the
drainage, location of sanitary land,fills, and per- hydrologist and the planner has been one of
mits for septic field drainage all require ade- parallel monologues rather than a meaningful
quate information on regional water resources dialogue. The new awareness of our environ-
that can be obtained from basic hydrologic data. ment, however, has provided botl' the need and
Today, a wealth of water-resources data is the motivation for better comn1unication be-
tween the hydrologist and the plgnner.
available to assist the urban planner in both
The final decision on the management of the
day-to-day and long-range decisions. These water resource rests, of course, with the plan-
data, however, must be interpreted and supple- ner. He has the responsibility to vreigh the facts
mented where necessary to provide an adequate presented by the hydrologist. In the total plan-
basis for decision making. If the environment ning process, water resources must be con-
is to be considered in urban planning, the sidered along with all other resources-social,
hydrologist has the responsibility to see that economic, cultural, and physical. If the planner
water-resources data are available to the urban is aware of the hydrologic consequences of his
planner in usable form, and the urban planner decision, the hydrologist has ful'Uled his role.


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