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Cortical and spinal excitabilities are differently

balanced in power athletes

Sidney Grosprêtre, Amandine Bouguetoch & Alain Martin

To cite this article: Sidney Grosprêtre, Amandine Bouguetoch & Alain Martin (2019): Cortical and
spinal excitabilities are differently balanced in power athletes, European Journal of Sport Science,
DOI: 10.1080/17461391.2019.1633414

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Published online: 28 Jun 2019.

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European Journal of Sport Science, 2019


Cortical and spinal excitabilities are differently balanced in power


EA4660, C3S Culture Sport Health Society, University of Bourgogne Franche-Comté, Besançon, France & 2Cognition,
Action and Sensorimotor Plasticity (CAPS), INSERM UMR1093, University of Bourgogne Franche-Comté, Dijon, France

It is recognised that power-sport practices have a particular effect on lower-limb neuromuscular parameters. Less is known
about corticospinal network adaptation, however, or whether these adaptations are specific to the lower limb. In the
present study, the corticospinal and spinal excitabilities of upper and lower limbs have been examined in a group of
untrained participants (UT, n = 10) and compared to those of a group of well-trained athletes practicing parkour (PK, n =
10). This activity, consisting of overcoming obstacles offered by the urban environment, was chosen as a model of power
activity. The motor evoked potentials (MEPs) induced by transcranial magnetic stimulations and H-reflexes and maximal
M-waves evoked by peripheral nerve stimulations were elicited in both upper- (flexor carpi radialis [FCR]) and lower-limb
muscles (soleus [SOL] and gastrocnemius medialis [GM]). The results tended toward an overall greater corticospinal
excitability in PK than in UT (as evidenced by greater MEP/Mmax ratio) and lower spinal excitability (lower Hmax/
Mmax). H/MMAX ratio was lower for PK (0.32) than for UT (0.41) in SOL (p = 0.02), while MEP/MMAX was greater for
PK than for UT in FCR (PK: 0.12; UT: 0.06; P = 0.04) and in GM (PK: 0.05, UT: 0.03, P = 0.02). In both limbs, the
decrease of spinal excitability induced by parkour practice was counterbalanced by an increase in cortical excitability.
Finally, the present study indicates that such long-term power practice leads to similar corticospinal plasticity in upper and
lower limbs, explained by the similar solicitation of those muscles.

Keywords: PARKOUR, freerunning, transcranial magnetic stimulation, H-reflex, motor evoked potential

. Parkour, a power-practice, induces many changes of the cortico-spinal network.
. Such power athletes have lower spinal excitability than untrained, but greater corticospinal excitability.
. Same behavior have been observed on both upper and lower limbs.

activation level (Casabona et al., 1990; Grosprêtre
It is recognised that with long-term sport practice, the et al., 2018). Since voluntary activation level is not
type of training shapes the neuromuscular profile of a direct marker of cortical excitability, the question
an athlete’s lower limb. Especially, power-type ath- of the balance between spinal and cortical adap-
letes showed greater mechanical twitch of plantar tations induced by such long-term practice remains
flexors (Casabona, Polizzi, & Perciavalle, 1990; Gros- open. Moreover, corticospinal excitability, com-
prêtre, Gimenez, & Martin, 2018; Lattier, Millet, monly assessed by the amplitude of the motor poten-
Maffiuletti, Babault, & Lepers, 2003; Maffiuletti tial evoked by transcranial magnetic stimulation
et al., 2001). However, while neuromuscular par- (TMS), has been rarely assessed in athletes (Mosca-
ameters have been well documented, less is known telli et al., 2016) and, to the best of our knowledge,
about the modulation of corticospinal networks never in power athletes.
with the practice of a power-type activity. This is of To explore this issue, it is necessary to find a
particular interest since power athletes have shown reliable model for athletes who present the typical
a low spinal excitability associated with a high power-type neuromuscular profile. Among several

Correspondence: Sidney Grosprêtre, C3S Laboratory, UPFR Sport, 31, Chemin de l’Epitaphe, 25000 Besançon, France. E-mail: sidney.

© 2019 European College of Sport Science

2 S. Grosprêtre et al.

activities that include jumping or fast running, 70.9 ± 8.7 kg, body mass index: 22.9 ± 1.2) and a
parkour was shown to develop particular leg power group of power athletes practicing parkour (PK
(Puddle & Maulder, 2013). Parkour is a modern group; n = 10, age: 23.4 ± 3.4 years old, height: 179 ±
physical activity that consists of using the environ- 7.1 cm, mass: 75.5 ± 10.6 kg, body mass index: 23.5
ment, mostly urban, as a playground featuring ± 2.9). An unpaired two-tailed t-test indicated no stat-
obstacles. Thus, running through the city and over- istical difference between age and all anthropological
coming walls, fences, or rocks – typical parkour parameters (all P > 0.31). Participants in the PK
activity – involves lots of high-drop jumps and plyo- group were intensively training in parkour (11.5 ±
metric actions. In fact, the traceurs (parkour athletes) 3.6 h / week) for 5.5 ± 2.3 years with no noticeable
have already demonstrated higher drop jump per- experience in other sports activities. The UT group
formance and eccentric forces of the lower limb included recreationally active males (less than 2 h of
than other athletes, such as gymnasts (Grosprêtre & physical activity/week) with no current or past experi-
Lepers, 2016). It has been recently shown that tra- ence of power or strength physical activities.
ceurs exhibited low spinal excitability of the soleus
muscle when compared to untrained individuals,
along with greater central activation (Grosprêtre
Experimental design
et al., 2018). Since parkour also requires particular
power in the arms to overcome high walls in a All participants underwent three experimental ses-
dynamic modality (in contrast to, for example, classi- sions, carried out on the dominant side (leg and
cal rock climbing), traceurs should also exhibit par- arm), determined during the first session according
ticular neuromuscular characteristics of the upper to the items of the revised Waterloo questionnaire
limb. To date, the concomitant analysis of corticosp- (Elias, Bryden, & Bulman-Fleming, 1998). Overall,
inal and spinal excitabilities in such power-type ath- three participants reported a left laterality (foot and
letes has never been performed. hand): two in the PK group and one in the UT
In the present study, two groups were recruited group. The first session was designed as a familiaris-
and compared to each other: a group of well-trained ation session of 30 min and included instructions and
traceurs and a group of untrained participants with a few nerve and cortical stimulations. The two follow-
no past or current intense activity. The aim was ing experiments were carried out in sessions of about
then twofold: (i) to analyse and compare between 2 h. The experimental design is depicted in Figure 1.
the groups’ corticospinal and spinal excitabilities of Each of the two main sessions was devoted to asses-
upper and lower distal limbs and (ii) to determine if sing the neurophysiological parameters of either the
parkour practice induces similar neural adaptations distal lower limb (session A) or upper limb (session
in upper and lower limbs. It can be hypothesised, B). For each tested muscle, TMS was used to evoke
first, that traceurs may exhibit lower spinal excit- the motor evoked potential (MEP) and peripheral
ability and greater corticospinal excitability than stimulations to evoke H-reflexes and M-waves of
untrained. Second, we hypothesise that parkour prac- the soleus (SOL), gastrocnemius medialis (GM),
tice may lead to similar neuromuscular profiles in and flexor carpi radialis (FCR) muscles.
upper and lower limbs because this activity involves Participants were seated in an isokinetic ergometer
upper-limb actions similar to those in the lower limb. chair (Biodex system 4, Shirley, NY), which enables
the recording of instantaneous muscle torque. In
session A, particular care was taken in setting the domi-
Methods nant leg’s hip and knee joints at 90° (0° = full extension)
and ankle joint at 90° (i.e. the angle between the leg and
the sole of the foot). The ankle was firmly strapped to
Twenty young males took part in the present study. the dynamometer, with the motor axis aligned with
None of them reported having any neurological or the external malleolus of the ankle. In session B, the
muscular disorders. After being fully informed rotation axis of the dynamometer was aligned with the
about the investigation and possible related risks styloid process of the ulna. Participants’ hands were
and discomfort, all participants gave written firmly strapped in a neutral position to a homemade
informed consent to participate in the study. The accessory adapted for wrist movement recordings.
research protocol was approved by a regional ethics The upper arm was vertical along the trunk (shoulder
committee, and performed in accordance with the abduction and elevation angles at 0°) and the forearm
latest version of the Declaration of Helsinki. semipronated and flexed at 90°. During all exper-
Participants were subdivided into two groups: a iments, particular care was taken to monitor the sub-
group of untrained participants (UT group; n = 10, jects’ posture during the test and to avoid head
age: 24.5 ± 2 years old, height: 175.4 ± 8.9 cm, mass: rotations in order to maintain constant cortico-
Cortical and spinal excitabilities of power athletes 3

Figure 1. Experimental design. Each illustration depicts the electrode arrangements and isokinetic measures. White circles represent electro-
myographic recording electrodes, while black circles and square represent stimulation electrodes. MVC: Maximal Voluntary Contraction.
ECR: Extensor Carpi Radialis. FCR: Flexor Carpi Radialis. SOL: Soleus. GM: Gastrocnemius Medialis. STIM: stimulation site. MEP:
Motor Evoked Potential.

vestibular influences on the excitability of the motor then asked to reach 10% of these MVCs by means of
pool (Schieppati, 1987). The trunk was stabilised by monitoring the torque signal to record the spinal and
two crossover shoulder harnesses, and participants corticospinal responses of the lower and upper-limb
wore a collar fastened to the seat. The mechanical muscles. This procedure is used because TMS rarely
signals were digitised online (sampling frequency allows the recording of a visible MEP at rest in lower-
5 kHz) and stored for analysis in Tida software (Heka limb muscles due to the depth and small size of the cor-
Elektronik, Lambrecht/Pfalz, Germany). tical motor area for those muscles (Kobayashi &
After each participant’s installation (setting the joint Pascual-Leone, 2003). Consequently, the MEP of
angles) and preparation (electrode positioning), the those muscles is often recorded during a weak voluntary
experiment started by determining the participant’s activation that facilitates their recording (Sacco,
maximal torque of the targeted limb. First, a brief Thickbroom, Thompson, & Mastaglia, 1997).
warm-up consisting of eight to ten isometric contrac- However, while MEP is easier to record in the upper
tions of progressively increasing force level (from 20% limb at rest, the H-reflexes of these muscles are often
to 80% of their estimated maximal force) of either the facilitated by a submaximal contraction (Pierrot-Deseil-
plantar flexors or the wrist flexors was performed. ligny & Burke, 2005). Accordingly, to standardise all
Then, participants were asked to perform at least two measurements between the upper/lower limb and corti-
maximal voluntary contractions (MVCs) of either the cospinal/spinal responses, all responses were recorded
plantar flexors or the wrist flexor (depending on the during weak voluntary plantar or wrist flexions.
experimental session), separated by few minutes’ rest.
They were asked to reach their maximal isometric
torque by focusing on the considered muscle group.
Electromyographic (EMG) activity
The torque signal was displayed on a screen to help par-
ticipants understand the task. Further trials were per- EMG activity was recorded from three muscles of the
formed if the variation in maximal performance leg (SOL, MG, and tibialis anterior [TA]) and two
between these trials exceeded 5%. Participants were muscles of the forearm (FCR and extensor carpi
4 S. Grosprêtre et al.

radialis [ECR]). After shaving and dry-cleaning the & Pascual-Leone, 2003). Once the threshold was
skin with alcohol to ensure low impedance (<5 kΩ), determined, stimulation intensity was increased pro-
EMG signals were recorded by using two silver-chlor- gressively by increments of 5% of the maximal stimu-
ide surface electrodes (8 mm diameter) placed at an lator output (MSO) until MEP amplitude reached a
interelectrode center-to-center distance of 2 cm. Elec- plateau of its maximal value. Intensities used to
trode placement was performed according to the evoke maximal MEPs were not different between
‘Surface Electromyography for the Non-Invasive UT (72.8 ± 13.9%, 84.9 ± 16.6% and 85.9 ± 19.5%
Assessment of Muscles recommendations of MSO for FCR, GM and SOL, respectively) and
(Hermens, Freriks, Disselhorst-Klug, & Rau, 2000). PK groups (73.4 ± 8.6%, 87.6 ± 13% and 86.4 ±
For the SOL, the electrodes were placed 2 cm below 14.7% of MSO). By means of a monitoring of the
the insertions of the gastrocnemii over the Achilles’ torque signal, participants were asked to reach 10%
tendon; for the MG, electrodes were placed over the of their MVC 2 s before each stimulation and to
mid-belly of the muscle; and for the TA, electrodes hold it for 2 s after. The coil was secured by using a
were positioned at one-third of the distance on the tripod with a lockable articulated arm distributed by
line between the fibula and the tip of the medial mal- Otello Factory (T&O brand, France) and oriented
leolus. The common reference electrode for lower- to deliver anterior–posterior-directed current to the
limb measurement was placed in a central position brain. Ten stimulations were delivered to record
on the same leg (between stimulation and recording each MEP of the several muscles in each experiment.
sites). For the FCR, two electrodes were positioned
over the muscle belly at one-third of the distance
from the medial epicondyle to the radial styloid, and
Nerve electrical stimulation
for the ECR, at one-third of the distance from the
lateral epicondyle and the radial styloid. A common Peripheral nerve stimulations were used to record H-
reference electrode for upper-limb measurements reflexes and M-waves of the examined muscles; these
was placed over the medial epycondyle of the same were used as indexes of spinal excitability and neuro-
arm. EMG signals were amplified with a bandwidth muscular transmission, respectively. Single rectangu-
frequency ranging from 15 Hz to 5 kHz (gain = lar pulses (1 ms width) were delivered by a high
1000) then digitised online (sampling frequency: voltage (400 V) constant-current stimulator (Digiti-
5 kHz) and stored for analysis with Tida software mer model DS7A, Hertfordshire, UK).
(Heka Elektronik, Lambrecht/Pfalz, Germany). In session A, the posterior tibial nerve was stimu-
lated with a self-adhesive cathode (8 mm diameter,
Ag-AgCL) placed in the popliteal fossa and an
anode (5 × 10 cm, Medicompex SA, Ecublens, Swit-
zerland) placed over the patella. In session B, to
To elicit the MEP used as an index of corticospinal evoke FCR H-reflexes, two AgCl surface electrodes
excitability, a figure-of-eight-shaped coil (70 mm (8 mm diameter) were positioned in line with the
loop diameter) was positioned over the controlateral median nerve up to the cubital fossa and below the
motor cortex and connected to a stimulator biceps muscle belly, with the cathode 2.5 cm proxi-
(Magstim 200, Magstim Company Ltd., Great mal to the anode. Optimal stimulation sites were
Britain). The handle was oriented toward the back first located by a hand-held cathode ball electrode
of the head and laterally at a 45° angle, assumed to (0.5 cm diameter) in order to obtain the greatest H-
be approximately perpendicular to the central sulcus. reflex amplitudes for the lowest stimulation intensity.
First, the optimal spot for eliciting the greatest During each session, particular care was taken to
MEP, either in the forearm muscle or in the plantar avoid EMG responses from the antagonist muscles
flexors, was identified. The motor area of each (TA and ECR for sessions A and B, respectively) to
muscle was stimulated by starting from 1 cm posterior the stimulation. This was made possible by checking
and 1 cm lateral to the vertex of the subject’s head in antagonist EMG after each stimulation to ensure that
order to find the greatest amplitude for the muscle- no visible M- or H-wave could be elicited. Once the
evoked response with the lowest stimulation intensity. optimal sites were determined, stimulation electrodes
This position was marked on a bathing cap worn by were firmly fixed to them with straps.
the participant. The active motor threshold (AMT) The electrical stimulus was then increased by 2 mA
was then determined during weak isometric contrac- increments for the lower limb and 1 mA increments
tions of the considered muscles, defined as the for the upper limb from the AMT, defined as the
minimal TMS intensity required to evoke MEP intensity that gave the first responses at ∼50 μV
peak-to-peak amplitudes of ∼50 μV in the targeted amplitude, up to the maximal muscular response.
muscle on five out of ten consecutive trials (Kobayashi Four responses were first evoked at each intensity,
Cortical and spinal excitabilities of power athletes 5

with an inter-stimuli interval of 10 s. This helped to were also compared statistically between the two
find both the intensities that were used in the follow- groups by two-tailed Student’s t-tests. A two-way
ing recordings: the one that elicits maximal H-reflex repeated measures ANOVA was performed on
(HMAX) and a supra-maximal intensity to record MEP/H ratios with the factors muscle (FCR vs. SOL
maximal M-wave (MMAX). This latter, defined as vs. GM) and group (PK vs. UT).
1.2 × maximal M-wave intensity, was set in order to Effect size was determined as Cohen’s d index, for
ensure that the M-waves lay on the plateau of their which an absolute value of d below 0.2 was con-
maximal value (Grosprêtre and Martin 2012). sidered a small effect, between 0.2 and 0.5 as moder-
Finally, ten stimulations were evoked for each par- ate, and above 0.8 and 1.30 as large and very large
ameter intended for analysis (HMAX and MMAX). effects, respectively (Cohen, 1992). Statistical analy-
sis was performed using STATISTICA (8.0 version,
Statsoft, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA). The level of sig-
Data analysis nificance was set at P < 0.05.
Peak-to-peak amplitudes of each electromyographic
response (M, H, and MEP) were measured and aver-
aged for the ten trials. It can be noticed that the Results
maximal H-reflex is generally associated with a Lower limb
small M-wave (MatH), which was also measured
and taken into consideration for the analysis. Muscu- Maximal plantar flexion torque was statistically higher
lar, spinal, and corticospinal responses were normal- (P = 0.027, d = 1.07) in PK (131.63 ± 25.82 N.m)
ised by the maximal M-wave of the corresponding than in UT (109.06 ± 14.50 N.m). During the 10%
muscle (MatH/MMAX, H/MMAX, and MEP/MMAX). MVC required to elicit the several evoked responses,
For each evoked potential, latencies were measured RMS/MMAX did not differ between the groups for
as the time interval from the onset of the stimulus arti- SOL (UT: 0.006 ± 0.003, PK: 0.008 ± 0.007, P =
fact to the first peak of the EMG responses. This 0.48) or for GM (UT: 0.009 ± 0.007, PK: 0.013 ±
method has been used to avoid approximate estimation 0.011, P = 0.31). SOL maximal M-wave (MMAX)
of the onset of responses as compared to EMG base- did not differ statistically (P = 0.59, d = 0.24)
line. Latencies were then normalised by the height of between PK (6.49 ± 3.06 mV) and UT (7.29 ±
each participant (Guiheneuc & Bathien, 1976; Sca- 3.60 mV); nor did GM (PK: 5.69 ± 3.77 mV; UT:
glioni, Narici, Maffiuletti, Pensini, & Martin, 2003). 6.44 ± 2.66 mV; P = 0.61, d = 0.23). In addition, no
The duration of the silent period (SP) of EMG statistical difference was found in submaximal M-
signals that follows MEP potentials was also assessed. waves; that is, for MatH/MMAX (all P > 0.35).
The SP was measured as the time interval from the SOL H/MMAX was statistically lower in PK than in
stimulus artifact to the return of continuous EMG. UT (P = 0.02, d = 1.06), while MEP/MMAX was not
For each muscle, the end of the SP was determined statistically different between the groups (P = 0.11,
as being when the corresponding rectified EMG d = 0.57) (Figure 2). A negative correlation (r =
activity reached the mean value extended by two stan- −0.93; P < 0.01) was observed between HMAX/
dard deviations of the rectified EMG signal recorded MMAX and MEP/MMAX for PK (Figure 2) while no
at rest. Finally, MG, SOL and FCR MEP/H ratios significant relation was found in UT (r = 0.02).
were compared to measure the relative contribution GM H/MMAX was not statistically different between
of spinal and corticospinal modulations (Duclay, the groups (P = 0.24, d = 0.53), while MEP/MMAX was
Pasquet, Martin, & Duchateau, 2014). statistically higher in PK than in UT (P = 0.02, d =
0.94) (Figure 2). A negative correlation (r = −0.79; P
< 0.05) was observed between HMAX/MMAX and
Statistical analysis MEP/MMAX for PK (Figure 2) while no significant
relation was found in UT (r=−0.41). Traces of two
All data are presented as the mean ± standard devi- representative participants are depicted in Figure 3.
ation. The normality and homogeneity of the data
were verified by the Shapiro–Wilk test (p < 0.05)
and the Levene test, respectively, in order to ensure
Upper limb
that parametric tests could be used. Each muscle
was analysed separately. For each dependent vari- Wrist flexion torque was statistically higher for PK
able, two-tailed Student’s t-tests were performed to (28.49 ± 2.39 N.m) than for UT (20.65 ± 3.85 N.m,
account for inter-group differences. Age, anthropo- P = 0.007, d = 2.43). RMS/MMAX recorded during
metrics (weight, height, and body composition) and the 10% MVC did not differ between PK (0.023 ±
physical activity level (number of hours per week) 0.03) and UT (0.019 ± 0.015) (P = 0.67). FCR
6 S. Grosprêtre et al.

Figure 2. Spinal and corticospinal excitability of plantar flexors in both groups. Responses are depicted for untrained (UT) and Parkour (PK)
groups. A, B, C panels depict soleus responses (SOL), while D, E, F depict gastrocnemius medialis responses (GM). Normalised H-reflex are
depicted in A (SOL) and D (GM); and normalised motor-evoked potentials (MEP) are depicted in B (SOL) and E (GM). ∗ : significant difference
between groups, at P < 0.05. In C and F, the relationship between spinal excitability and corticospinal excitability in PK and UT, respectively.

MMAX did not differ between groups (PK: 3.47 ± lower in UT (FCR: 0.22 ± 0.15; SOL: 0.17 ± 0.09;
2.53; UT: 3.03 ± 1.81; P = 0.65, d = 0.21). As for GM: 0.17 ± 0.20) than in PK (FCR: 0.61 ± 0.41;
plantar flexors, no statistical difference was found in SOL: 0.61 ± 0.50; GM: 0.62 ± 0.44) for all muscles.
MatH/MMAX (P = 0.67).
FCR HMAX/MMAX ratios were not statistically
different between the groups (P = 0.07, d = 0.66), Discussion
while FCR MEP/MMAX was statistically (p = 0.04, The present study aimed to investigate the corticosp-
d = 0.83) greater in PK than in UT (Figure 4). A inal and spinal excitabilities of power athletes inten-
negative correlation (r=−0.74; P < 0.05) was sively practicing parkour and comparing them with
observed between FCR HMAX/MMAX and MEP/ those of untrained individuals, as well as analysing the
MMAX for PK (Figure 4), while no significant corre- balance of these adaptations between upper- and
lation was found in UT (r = 0.50). lower-limb muscles. Greater corticospinal excitability
(MEPMAX/MMAX) in FCR and GM and lower spinal
Response characteristics excitability (HMAX/MMAX) in SOL were observed in
power athletes as compared to untrained. However,
Regarding the fine parameters of the evoked poten- considering the ratio between MEP and H-reflexes,
tials, shorter latencies of MEP and H-reflexes were both corticospinal and spinal excitabilities were simi-
observed in PK than in UT for FCR, SOL, and larly balanced between upper- and lower-limb muscles.
GM muscles (Table I). A lower MEP threshold was
also observed in the FCR for PK. A shorter SP was
observed for each of the three muscles (Table I).
Greater corticospinal network activity in parkour
Finally, a significant main effect of group was found
on MEP/H ratios (F1,18 = 14.86; P = 0.001; ηP² =
0.45), but muscle did not reveal any effect (F1,18 = Given the fact that the potential elicited by TMS is
0.043; P = 0.958; ηP² = 0.002). Ratios were statistically recorded at the muscle level, such an index of
Cortical and spinal excitabilities of power athletes 7

Figure 3. Representative traces of motor evoked potentials (MEP), H-reflexes and maximal M-waves. Traces are depicted for two represen-
tative participants of each group: parkour practitioners (PK) and untrained (UT), for flexor carpi radialis (FCR), medialis gastrocnemius
(MG) and soleus (SOL) muscles.

corticospinal excitability may depend upon both cor- (Pearcey, Power, & Button, 2014) or greater (Fomin
ticospinal and spinal excitabilities (Kobayashi & & Seliaev, 2011; Monda et al., 2017). While a
Pascual-Leone, 2003). In the present study, the decrease in corticospinal excitability could reflect a
lower spinal excitability observed in the PK group neural economy within the neuronal network of ath-
in two of the three tested muscles may indicate a letes trained to the same task (Falvo, Sirevaag, Rohr-
strong cortical influence in the difference between baugh, & Earhart, 2010), an increase can be
parkour athletes and untrained that can lead, depend- interpreted as an extension of the cortical represen-
ing on the muscle considered, to greater corticospinal tation of the considered muscle with intensive
excitability being observed. skilled practice (Pearce, Thickbroom, Byrnes, &
The corticospinal excitability of trained individuals Mastaglia, 2000). Therefore, the sense of the modu-
compared to untrained was shown to be either lower lation in corticospinal excitability observed in the
8 S. Grosprêtre et al.

Figure 4. Spinal and corticospinal excitabilities of flexor carpi radialis in both groups (Flexor Carpi Radialis, FCR). Panel A depicts normal-
ised H-reflex for untrained (UT) and Parkour (PK) groups. Panel B depicts normalised motor-evoked potentials (MEP) for UT and PK
groups. ∗ : significant difference between groups, at P < 0.05. In C and D, the relationship between spinal excitability and corticospinal excit-
ability in PK and UT, respectively.

literature with long-term sport practice may depends parkour practice, the greater corticospinal excitability
on a great extent to the type of training (Carroll, Sel- of traceurs may reflects their need to handle a great
vanayagam, Riek, & Semmler, 2011). With regard to range of movements given the constant changes in

Table I. Characteristics of motor evoked potentials and H-reflexes in both groups.



Motor evoked potential

Threshold (% MSO) 55.0 ± 10.2 45.0 ± 6.5∗ 55.3 ± 9.8 51.7 ± 6.1 51.0 ± 6.8 49.8 ± 7.3
Intensity (% MSO) 72.8 ± 13.9 73.4 ± 8.6 85.9 ± 19.5 86.4 ± 14.7 85.0 ± 16.6 87.6 ± 13.3
Latency (ms.m−1) 13.21 ± 1.94 11.85 ± 1.27∗ 24.6 ± 2.5 22.3 ± 1.7∗ 21.8 ± 2.8 19.8 ± 1.1∗
Silent Period (ms) 116.3 ± 11.6 96.0 ± 17.1∗∗ 125.7 ± 27.2 101.7 ± 11.7 ∗ 131.0 ± 22.6 102.1 ± 16.9 ∗∗
Threshold (mA) 4.8 ± 2.2 4.0 ± 1.1 11.7 ± 3.4 12.4 ± 4.1 11.7 ± 3.4 12.4 ± 4.1
Intensity (mA) 8.3 ± 5.5 8.3 ± 4.6 27.9 ± 10.9 27.0 ± 4.9 29.5 ± 11.5 26.5 ± 10.5
Latency (ms.m−1) 11.9 ± 1.3 10.0 ± 1.1∗∗ 21.8 ± 1.7 20.4 ± 0.9∗ 20.5 ± 1.5 19.2 ± 0.6∗

Notes: The several parameters of each type of stimulation and responses (transcranial or nerve stimulations) are given for the three muscles
(FCR: Flexor Carpi Radialis; SOL: soleus; GM: Gastrocnemius Medialis) and for both groups (UT: untrained; PK: Parkour group). The
threshold to obtain these responses are in % of maximal stimulator output (MSO) for the motor evoked potential and in mA for the H-reflex.
Cortical and spinal excitabilities of power athletes 9

environmental constraints (Strafford, van der Steen, Despite similar MEP/H ratios, intergroup differ-
Davids, & Stone, 2018). However, our data suggest ences in spinal or corticospinal excitabilities were
several others factors that may lead to a greater corti- not always statistically identified in all tested
cospinal excitability. In fact, the ability to produce a muscles. First, as mentioned in a previous study
particular power of leg and arms, as it is during with comparable results, variation of spinal excit-
parkour practice, depends upon the faculty to gener- ability from one muscle to another can lead to
ate an important cortical output (Weier, Pearce, & several factors, from (i) different responses to training,
Kidgell, 2012). This latter can be performed by mod- or (ii) different density in muscle spindles (Grosprêtre
ifying the balance between facilitatory and inhibitory et al., 2018). Second, because MEP response reflects
processes (Rothwell, Day, Thompson, & Kujirai, both spinal and cortical levels, it can be possible that
2009). Several studies found a reduced short-interval the greater difference of spinal excitability observed
intracortical inhibition (usually named SICI), follow- in SOL might hide a potential greater cortical excit-
ing strength (Weier et al., 2012) or skilled training ability in this muscle. Independently of the muscle
(Pascual-Leone et al., 1995). Although it has to be tested, the higher MEP/H ratio observed in PK than
confirmed by using appropriate TMS techniques, in UT might reflect the greater importance of a
the shorter SP observed in the PK group could be spinal excitability decrease despite a greater corticosp-
considered a marker of such specific cortical modu- inal excitability. Interestingly, previous research on
lation, such as reduced intracortical inhibition spinal and corticospinal balance showed a higher
(Inghilleri, Berardelli, Cruccu, & Manfredi, 1993). MEP/H ratio for the soleus muscle during eccentric
contractions than for other contraction modes
(Duclay et al., 2014). During eccentric contractions,
Different balance between spinal and cortical
spinal excitability is particularly decreased due to the
plasticities between groups
active solicitation of Ia afferents and spinal presyn-
Despite different statistical trends for the MEP and H aptic inhibitory circuits during muscle stretch, while
results when separately analysed, similar MEP/H cortical activation seems greater in this modality
ratios were observed between the lower and upper- (Duclay & Martin, 2005). The cortical-to-spinal
limb muscles. This suggests that the spinal and balance observed in traceurs may then originates
supraspinal plasticities were counterbalanced in a from the long-term heavy eccentric training that
similar manner. In untrained individuals, no differ- parkour represents (Grosprêtre & Lepers, 2016).
ence was observed in MEP/H ratios between limbs,
in addition to the absence of a relationship between
MEP and H amplitudes, while parkour athletes
Similar corticospinal characteristics of lower and upper
demonstrated similar patterns between upper and
lower limbs.
Previous work has demonstrated that parkour ath- The present study also aimed to compare upper- and
letes exhibited particularly low spinal excitability of lower-limb characteristics with parkour practice. The
the soleus muscle than in untrained individuals, as results showed similar trends for cortical-to-spinal
well as a greater volitional wave, or V-wave,, balance in upper- and lower-limb muscles of parkour
showing a greater descending neural drive despite a athletes that may originate from similar characteristics.
lower H-reflex (Grosprêtre et al., 2018). Such a low In the present study, two distal muscles groups were
spinal excitability was attributed to a greater activity assessed. Regarding lower limbs, the triceps surae is
in spinal presynaptic inhibitory pathway that med- greatly involved in parkour practice. Parkour landing
iates Ia afferent discharge or to a shift in motor technique consists of a greater flexion of lower joints,
units’ typology from slow to fast with power training including the ankle. More importantly the landing on
(Maffiuletti et al., 2001). Interneuronal circuitry that the forefoot without heel contact on the ground,
mediates spinal presynaptic inhibition was suggested specific to parkour technique, forces the triceps surae
as one of the main mechanisms for the low spinal to perform an important eccentric action (Maldonado,
excitability observed in the soleus muscle of power- Soueres, & Watier, 2018). Regarding upper limbs, one
type athletes, in contrast to endurance-type athletes wrist flexor was assessed. Interestingly, parkour prac-
(Fomin, 2009). Nonetheless, many other circuits tice requires the forearm to perform eccentric actions
can also be involved in spinal characteristics of that can be comparable to those of the lower limbs
power athletes. For instance, we cannot exclude in during a jump landing. Indeed, parkour often requires
the present study a contribution by post-synaptic landing on a wall by grabbing the edge with the hands
mechanisms since H-reflexes were evoked in active (Figure 5). For instance, the so-called “arm jump”
conditions (at 10% MVC), such as recurrent inhi- requires a significantly eccentric action of the arm to
bition mediated by the motoneuronal discharge itself. absorb landing on the wall. Accordingly, other
10 S. Grosprêtre et al.

elucidated by conditioning H-reflex methods to inves-

tigate pre- and/or post-synaptic mechanisms, although
hardly manageable in all muscles, particularly those of
the upper limb. At a cortical level the use of condition-
ing paradigms, such as SICI or cortical facilitation,
would be a more accurate technique than the silent
period analysis to decipher the balance between intra-
cortical inhibition and facilitation.
The comparison of upper and lower limb excitabil-
ities with material and methods as used here also
present several limitations. The use of transcranial
magnetic stimulation, particularly with such coil, is
limited in eliciting lower limb MEPs. This usually
does not allow obtaining responses at rest and
hardly with a small facilitation induced by submaxi-
mal plantar flexion (at 10% MVC in the present
study). Associated to the fact that the maximal M-
wave presents, on the contrary, a large amplitude in
the lower limbs, this leads to observe small MEP/
MMAX ratios, limiting the interpretation of corticosp-
Figure 5. Illustration of two parkour techniques using wrist flexors inal excitability modulation.
in eccentric and plyometric mode. The first technique, the “kong
jump” require an arm impulse over the obstacle. This necessitates
a brief and explosive contact of the hand over the obstacle to propel
the body. The second technique, the “arm jump”, require to
absorb the fall when landing over a wall with an important eccentric For the first time, both spinal and corticospinal excit-
action of arm muscles.
abilities have been investigated in power athletes, and
for the first time in the upper and lower limbs in the
techniques may also lead to a use of wrist flexors similar same experimental study design. The lower spinal
to that of plantar flexors, such as the “kong technique”. excitability along with a greater corticospinal excit-
This latter consists of an arm-propelled vault over an ability of parkour athletes indicated a strong cortical
obstacle, using it as a springboard and consequently influence ofparkour practice. Overall, a similar
needing a plyometric action at wrist level (Figure 5). balance between corticospinal and spinal excitabil-
Such eccentric and plyometric actions have previously ities was observed in the upper and lower limbs, as
been identified as a major component of parkour train- evidenced by similar MEP/H ratios, showing a coun-
ing in the lower limbs (Grosprêtre & Lepers, 2016). It terbalance between the two levels. Further studies are
is possible that the use of arm muscles in such quadru- needed to investigate the training-induced adap-
pedal activity, that is, using both upper and lower limbs tations of the upper limb that occurs with such a par-
in the same contraction mode, may lead to observe ticular use of the arms during parkour practice.
similar neuromuscular characteristics in arm muscles Finally, these results show that intensive sport prac-
as in leg muscles. Upper limb specificity may be of a tice can lead to observe different spinal and suprasp-
lower extent, however, given the massive loads that inal levels characteristics as compared to untrained
legs receive during high-drop jump landings. participants. It can be argued that such neural profiles
allow athletes to manage more adequately the conflict
between the need to develop high muscular power and
Study limitations and perspectives the need to perform fine motor skills.

The present study has some limitations. First, the tech-

niques used do not allow deciphering the specific Acknowledgements
neural pathways that can be involved in the difference
between both groups. Regarding the spinal level, the The authors are particularly grateful to the French
analysis of cervico-medullary evoked potentials could Parkour Federation (Fédération de Parkour, FPK)
help assessing directly the motoneuronal pool excit- for its help and support.
ability, while H-reflex reflects the Ia-to-alpha synaptic
transmission and is subjected to presynaptic inhibition
(Taylor, 2006). In addition, the circuits involved in the Disclosure statement
particularly low spinal excitabilities could be further No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
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