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EuroJTh (1992) 1:1.

37-48 0960-2720

• The Kingdom of God in the Bible,

in History and Today
• Le Royaume de Dieu dans la Bible, dans l'histoire,
et aujourd'hui
• Reich Gottes in Bibel, Geschichte und Gegenwart
Klaas Runia, Professor of Practical Theology, Kampen University, Netherlands

SUMMARY send someone who Is his representative in a very

The article consists of three parts. special way. All these OT lines converge in Jesus
I. In the first part a survey is given of the main dif- and his preaching and life. He himself distinguished
ferent views which have been held throughout two 'ages': this present age and the age to come.
the history of the Christian church. Since However, they are not simply subsequent. Rather,
Augustine there was an increasing tendency to the NT teaching is like an ellipse with two foci. On
identity the kingdom with the visible church. In the the one hand, the age to come is fully eschatolog-
Middle Ages this led to the infamous bull Unam ical. On the other hand, in the coming of Jesus it
Sanctam of Boniface VIII. subjecting the temporal has already arrived. Most of the schools of thought
power to the spiritual. The Reformers broke with mentioned in the first part put all the emphasis on
these ideas, but each went his own way. Luther one of these two foci. Only the salvation history
strongly advocated the idea of two kingdoms or school seems to take both aspects fully seriously.
two regiments, namely, the kingdom of God's left As a matter of fact, this dual emphasis is found
hand and that of his right hand. Calvin distin- throughout all the books of the NT. Nowhere, how-
guished between Christ's kingdom and that of ever, are kingdom and church identified. The
Satan. By the preaching of the Gospel the king- church is the messianic community, belonging to
dom of Christ has to penetrate into every seg- the Messiah, both in his having come and in his
ment of daily life. In the 19th century a new inter- coming again.
est arose in the concept of the kingdom of God,
largely due to the development of the methods Ill. This NT teaching of the kingdom of God has
of historical-critical research. Most liberal theolo- important consequences for today. The perspec-
gians at first concentrated on the religious-ethical tive of the kingdom is fully theo-centric: it compris-
teaching of Jesus, as applying to the individual es the whole of creation and the whole of history.
believer, and regarded this as the main feature of Christ is already the very centre of history today,
the kingdom. Afterwards in some sections of liber- but his reign is still hidden, sub cruce tecta. We are
alism, especially In North America, all attention already living in the kingdom of Christ. Satan has
was focussed on the social aspect of the king- been defeated. We are living now between D-day
dom (e.g" Rauschenbusch). Wrede and and V-day (Cullmann). But the dragon is still alive
Schweitzer rediscovered the eschatological and persecutes the woman (the church) (Rev. 12).
framework of Jesus' teaching. In our own century Sometimes we may see a few signs of our Lord's
three other views arose: the existentialist view hidden reign. I think of what happened in Eastem
(e.g" Bultmann), the realized eschatology view Europe a few years ago. Those who believe in this
(e.g., Dodd) and the salvation history view (e.g" King may serve him in this world. They should
Cullmann and Ridderbos). Alongside these vari- attempt great things for their King (Abraham
ous developments there were and are also the Kuyper: Pro Rege). Just like our King we should be
millenarian views, with their various conceptions. open to people around us and show them his
grace and mercy and lovlngkindness. But we
11. Next, a short summary is given of the biblical should also try to change the structures of this
data. It is quite evident that the concept of the world so that they no longer enslave people but
kingdom of God is a central theme in Jesus' set them free. Nevertheless, the kingdom itself is
preaching and teaching. Although the term itself is never of our making. It remains God's gift and will
not used in the Old Testament, the basic idea is come in all its fullness, when he, our King, retums at
definitely present there, in particular in the the end of history.
prophets. God is at work in history. One day he will

EuroJTh 1: 1 • 37
• KJaas Runla •

R~SUM~ lignes de I'AT. convergent en Jesus, en sa vie et son

L'article comprend trois parties. enseignement. Lui-~e dlstingue deux Oges ou
«siecIes»: 1'096 (siecle) present et 1'096 (siecle) a venir.
I. La premiere passe en revue les diverses concep- Pourtant iI n'y a pas entre eux simple succession.
tions defendues durant I'histoire de l'Eglise chretienne.
L'enseignement du NI. est plutot une ellipse, avec
A partir de saint Augustin, on note la tendance
deux foyers. D'une part 1'096 a venir est totalement
croissante a identifier le royaume a l'Eglise visible.
eschatologique. D'autre part, il est d9jO anive avec la
Au Moyen Age, elle a conduit a la trop fameuse venue de Jesus. La plupart des 9coIes de pensge
bulle de Boniface VIII, Unam Sanctam. qui assujettis- mentionnees dans la premiere partie mettent
sait le pouvoir temporel au spiritual. Les Retormateurs I'accent sur run des deux foyers. Seule I'ecole dite
rompirent avec ces idees, mais chacun alia son de I'histoire du salut semble prendre en compte
propre chemin. Luther etait partisan de I'idee de
entierement les deux aspects. En effet I' accent
deux royaumes ou «regimes,: le royaume de la porte sur les deux aspects a travers tous les livres
main gauche de Dieu et celui de sa main droite. du N.T. Nulle part, cependant le royaume et l'Eglise
Calvin soulignait la distinction entre le royaume du
ne sont identifies. L'Eglise est la communaute
Christ et celui de Satan. Par la predication de messianique, elle appartient au Messie, comme a
l'Evangile, le royaume du Christ devait penetrer tous Celui qui est venu et qui revient.
les domaines de la vie quotidienne. Au 19& siecle,
un nouvel inter~t se manifesta pour le concept du
royaume de Dieu, fruit, en bonne partie, du Ill. Cet enseignement du N.T. sur le royaume a
developpement des recherches historico-critiques. d'importantes consequences pour aujourd'hui. La
La plupart des theologiens liberaux se concentrerent perspective du royaume est toute theocentrique:
d'abord sur le contenu ethico-religieux de I'en- elle comprend tout ce qui releve de la creation et
seignement de Jesus, selon qu'iI s'applique aux de I'histoire. Le Christ est des aujourd'hui le centre
m~me de I'histoire, mais son regne est encore
croyants en tant qu'individus, et ils y voyaient le trait
principal du royaume. Puis, dans certaines branches cache, sa royaute sub cruce tecta. Nous vivons
du liberalisme, en particulier en Amerique du Nord, deja dons le royaume du Christ. Satan a ete vaincu.
toute I'attention se porta sur I'aspect social du Nous vivons entre le jour J et le jour V (Cullmann).
royaume (p. ex., Rauschenbusch). Wrede et Mais le dragon est encore vivant et persecute la
Schweitzer redecouvrirent la trame eschatologique femme (l'Eglise, Ap 12). Partois, nous pouvons
de I'enseignement de Jesus. Au 2Qe siecle, trois autres apercevoir quelques signes du regne cache de
points de vue virent le jour: existentialiste (p. ex., notre Seigneur. Je pense a ce qui est arrive en
Bullmann); de I'eschatologie realisee (p. ex., Dodd); Europe de l'Est iI y a quelques annees. Ceux qui
et de I'histoire du salut (p. ex., Cullmann et Ridderbos). croient au Roi peuvent le servir sur cette terre. lis
En outre, les conceptions millenaristes, dans leur devraient entreprendre de grandes choses pour
dlversite, se developpaient parallelement. leur Roi (Abraham Kuyper: Pro Rage). Comme notre
Roi. nous devrions ~tre attentifs aux gens qui nous
11. Suit un court resume des donnees bibliques. 11 est entourent et leur montrer sa grOce, sa misericorde
evident que le theme du royaume de Dieu se trouve et sa compassion. Mais nous devrions aussi essayer
au centre de I'enseignement et de la predication de de changer les structures de ce monde, pour qu'au
Jesus. Quoique le terme m(rne ne soit pas employe lieu de contribuer a I' esclavage des humains,
dans I'A.T., I'idee essentielle y est presente, en particu- elles assurent leur liberte. Le royaume lui-m~me,
lier chez les prophetes. Dieu est a I'oeuvre dans neanmoins, ne sera pas de notre fait. 11 reste le don
I'histoire. Un jour, Dieu enverra quelqu'un qui le rep- de Dieu, et se realisera dans sa plenitude quand lui,
resentera d'une maniere toute speciale. Toutes ces notre Roi. reviendra a la fin de I'histoire.

Der Artikel besteht aus drei Teilen: dies zur berOchtigten Bulle Unam Sanctam durch
Bonifatius VIII., die die zeifliche Gewalt der geisHichen
I. Im ersten Teil wird ein Uberblick Ober die verschie- unterordnete. Die Reformatoren brachen mit diesen
denen Sichtweisen gegeben, die im Laufe der Vorstellungen, wobei jedoch jeder eigene Wage
Geschichte der christlichen Kirche zum Thema beschritt. Luther vertrat mit Nachdruck die Lehre von
vorgetragen wurden. Seit Augustinus besteht eine den zwei Reichen oder Regimenten, nOmlich eines
wachsende Tendenz, das Reich Gottes mit der Reiches zu Gottes rechter und eines zur Gottes linker
sichtbaren Kirche gleichzusetzen. Im Mlttelaiter fOhrte Hand. Calvin unterschied zwischen dem Reich

38 • EuroJTh 1: 1
• The Kingdom of God In the Bible. In History and Today.

Christi und dem des Satans. Durch die Predigt des andererseits ist sie mit dem Kommen Jesu bereits
Evangeliums sollte dos Reich Christi in jeden Bereich angebrochen. Fast alle im ersten Teil erwOhnten
des taglichen Lebens eindringen. Im 19.Jh. erwachte Schulen lagan alien Nachdruck aut einen der beiden
dos Interesse am Reich Gottes erneut, nicht zuletzt Brennpunkte. Lediglich die heilsgeschicht1iche Schule
als Folge der Methoden historisch-kritischer For- nahm beide Aspekte ernst. TatsOchlich begegnet
schung. Fast alle liberalen Theologen konzentrierten diese doppelte Sicht in alien Schriften des NT. Doch
sich zunOchst aUf die religiOs-ethische Lehre Jesu, werden Reich Gottes und Kirche an keiner Stelle
wie sie dem einzelnen GIOubigen begegnet und einander gleichgesetzt. Die Kirche ist messianische
betrachteten diese Seite als dos eigentliche Gemeinschatt, gehOrt zum Messias und dies in
Charakteristikum des Reiches. Spoter, vor allem in seinem Gekommensein und in seiner Wiederkuntt.
Nordamerika, konzentrierten einige Richtungen
liberaler Theologie ihre Aufmerksamkeit aut den Ill. Die nt1. Lehrevom Reich Gottes hatwichtigeKon-
sozialen Aspekt des Reiches (z.B. Rauschenbusch). sequenzen fOr dos Heute. Die Sicht des Reiches ist
Wrede und Schweizer entdeckten den eschatolo- gOnzlich theozentrisch: es umfaBt die gesamte
gischen Rahmen der Lehre Jesu. In unserem SchOpfung sowie die gesamte Geschichte. Christus
Jahrhundert begegnen drei andere Sichtweisen: ist ouch heute die Mitte der Geschichte, wenngleich
die existenzialistische Sicht Bultmanns, die Real- sein Reich verborgen bleibt; sub cruce tecta. Wir
eschatologie Dodds und die heilsgeschichtliche leben bereits im Reich Christi, denn der Satan
Sichtweise Cullmanns und Ridderbos'. Einhergehend wurde besiegt. Wir leben zwischen dem Tag der
mit diesen verschiedenen Entwicklungen gab und Ankuntt und dem Tag der Wiederkuntt (Cullmann).
gibt es in ihren verschiedenen Ausformungen ouch Aber der Drache lebt noch und verfolgt die Frau
chiliastische Interpretationen. (die Kirche) (Apk 12). Manchmal kOnnen wir einige
wenige Zeichen des verborgenen Reiches unseres
11. Im zweiten Teil wird eine kurze Zusammenfassung Herrn sehen. Ich denke dabei an die Ereignisse in
der biblischen Daten gegeben. Es ist evident daB Osteuropa. Die, die an diesen KOnig glauben,
der Gedanke des Reiches Gottes in der VerkOndi- kOnnen ihm in dieser Welt dienen. Sie sollten Grol3es
gung Jesu ein zentrales Thema ist. Obwohl der fUr ihren KOnig tun (Abraham Kyper: Pro Rege). Wie
Begriff im AT nicht vorkommt finden sich dort definitiv, unser KOnig selbst sollten wir fUr die Menschen um
insbesondere bei den Propheten, dazu grundle- uns herum often sein und ihnen seine Gnade und
gende Gedanken: Gott wirkt in der Geschichte. Barmherzigkeit zeigen. Aber wir sollten ouch
Eines Tages wird er einen senden, der auf ganz versuchen, die Strukturen dieser Welt zu verClndern,
besondere Weise sein Reprasentant sein wird. Alle so daB sie nicht langer Menschen in Knechtschatt
diese altt. Linien laufen aUf Jesus, seine Predigt und halten, sondern befreien. Dennoch, dos Reich selbst
sein Leben zu. Er selbst unterschied zwei 'Zeiten': die ist niemals etwas, dos wir aus uns hervorbrachten.
gegenwartige und die zukOnftige. Dennoch folgen Es bleibt Gottes Geschenk und wird in seiner FOlie
sie nicht einfach aufeinander. Die ntl. Lehre ist kommen, wenn er, unser KOnig, am Ende der
vielmehr wie eine Ellipse mit zwei Brennpunkten. Geschichte wiederkehrt.
Einerseits ist die kommende Zeit ganz eschatologisch,

I. DIFFERENT VIEWS De Civitate Dei ('The City of God'). Here he

contrasts the earthly city, that is, the secu-
n the course of the centuries there has
I been quite a number of different inter-
pretations of the New Testament concept
lar world, which comprises the profane and
the reprobate but also the demons, with
of the 'kingdom of God'. Naturally, it is the civitas Dei, the 'City of God', which
comprises the angels and the saints of all
impossible to discuss them all and to dis- ages. Although in Augustine's view this
cuss them at great length. It must suffice 'City of God' is much wider than the empir-
to summarize some of the main ideas.
ical church, he nevertheless sees a very
1. When after the conversion of close relationship between the two and in
Constantine the Great the church began to this way his view paved the way for later
expand rapidly, we soon see the tendency developments in the Middle Ages. Fairly
arise to identify the kingdom with the visi- soon the church began to identify itself
ble church. The beginnings of it can increasingly with the kingdom and conse-
already be found in Augustine's great work quently claimed authority in both spiritual

EuroJTh 1: 1 • 39
• KJaas Runla •

and worldly affairs. The most striking (IV, 11,4). Yet the identification is never
example of this claim is found in the complete. The kingdom of Christ (which is
famous bull Unam Sancta m issued by the present form of the kingdom of God) is
Pope Boniface VIII. The pope declared that much wider than the church. From the
both the 'spiritual sword' and the 'temporal Word that is being preached in the church
sword' were alike committed to the church. it extends to and penetrates into family life
Although the 'temporal sword' was delegat- and into all aspects of society at large.
ed to the secular authorities, the temporal Wherever life is sanctified by the gospel
power remained subject to the spiritual and by the power of the Holy Spirit, there
power, because the latter was the higher we see traces of the kingdom. Ronald S.
and the greater of the two. Wall ace says that 'the fulfilment of the
2. All Reformers broke with these ideas renewal and restoration of order through
and rejected the identification of church the Cross is something that has to be man-
and kingdom. Yet there are some impor- ifested in the life of society as the influence
tant differences between them concerning of the Cross is experienced from day to
their view of the kingdom. Luther strongly day' (Calvin's Doctrine of the Christian
advocated the idea of two 'kingdoms' or Life, 1959, 110). Abraham Kuyper was
'regiments'. The one kingdom is that which clearly in line with this when he main-
stands under the authority of the secular tained that 'there is not a square inch of
life of which Christ does not say: "It is
government. It may be called God's king-
dom and we have to obey it, but it is only mine"'. It does not surprise us either that
'the kingdom of God's left hand'. His 'right- he wrote a three-volume work on the task
ful kingdom where He Himself rules and of the Christian in the world under the
title Pro Rege (For the King).
where He appoints neither father nor
mother, emperor nor king, henchman nor 4. In particular in the 19th century a new
policeman, but where He is Himself the interest arose in the concept of the 'king-
Lord is this: where the Gospel is being dom of God'. This was mainly due to the
preached to the poor'. This 'rightful king- development of New Testament historical-
dom' is the church. It cannot be denied critical research in this century. Biblical
that here, too, we find some kind of identi- texts were subjected to all kinds of histori-
fication of church and kingdom. But it is cal-criticism and were analysed with the
quite different from the medieval identifi- razor-sharp scalpel of literary and histori-
cation, because Luther stresses that this cal methods. Unfortunately the usual
kingdom is of a purely spiritual nature result was that the message of the text was
only. Says Luther: 'The kingdom of Christ adapted to the view(s) of the researcher
has nothing to do with external matters, it himself. Yet it cannot be denied that the
leaves such things unchanged as they are insight into the biblical teaching of the
and moves within its [own] orders'. In oth- kingdom was enhanced. With regard to the
er words, only the spiritual aspect of the doctrine of the kingdom of God we can dis-
church, which is wholly defined by the tinguish the following views which all have
preaching of the gospel, may be seen as the their own special niche in 19th or 20th cen-
kingdom of the right hand. tury theology.
3. Calvin had quite a different approach. (a) The liberal view. Liberal theology
He, too, believed that there are two king- generally rejected the eschatological say-
doms in this world, but they are of a totally ings in the New Testament as time-condi-
opposite nature. The one is the kingdom of tioned. The real message is the religious-
Christ, who reigns from on high; the other ethical teaching of Jesus and his disciples.
is the kingdom of Satan, who constantly According to Adolf Harnack, in his famous
opposes Christ and his kingdom (cf. Instit. lectures on What is Christianity? (1900),
I, xiv, 18). The church is so closely related the essence of Christianity lies in the
to Christ's kingdom that at times Calvin fatherhood of God, the infinite worth of the
explicitly calls it the 'kingdom of Christ' individual soul, the higher righteousness

40 • EuroJTh 1: 1
• The Kingdom of God In the Bible, In History and Today.

and the commandment of love. These this was not a new idea, for the liberals
aspects were also the main features of the had said the same. But Bultmann's conclu-
kingdom that Jesus preached. sion was quite different. He did not, as the
(b) The social view. In certain sections of liberals had done, excise all these mytho-
liberalism, especially of North American logical elements, but suggested that we
liberalism, attention was focussed on the should de-mythologize them and re-inter-
social aspect of the kingdom. To mention pret them as expressions of an important
just one example, WaIter Rauschenbusch existentialist truth: the kingdom of God is
believed that in the past the chief purpose at any time near to all who hear the gospel.
of the church had been the salvation of The kingdom is not something of the
individuals but that in the troubled cir- future, but we live in the eschatological
cumstances of industrial society the church present of the kingdom: in the proclama-
should seek for a message for society as a tion of the gospel all hearers are chal-
whole. Searching the Scriptures he did find lenged to decide now, at this very moment,
such a message. He discovered it not only for Jesus and his kingdom and therefore
in the denunciations of the OT prophets for a meaningful existence that is open to
against social injustice, but in particular in God.
Jesus' preaching of the kingdom, which he (e) The view of realized eschatology. The
interpreted as a social ideal. It is our task, British scholar C.H. Dodd also recognized
through the power of Christ, to build this the eschatological nature of the kingdom,
kingdom on earth and to promote its righ- but interpreted it differently again. He put
teousness. Conversion, in this concept, is all emphasis on the fact that in the coming
the turning from a self-centred life to a life of Jesus the eschatological promise has
that centres in society, Christ himself already been 'realized'. The eschatological
being the great example and model. language of the Bible, which speaks of
(c) The eschatological view. By the end of things that are to happen in the future, at
the 19th century some New Testament the end of the world, must now be inter-
scholars, such as W. Wrede and A. preted in historical terms: in Jesus the
Schweitzer, rediscovered the eschatological eternal has already irrupted into the tem-
framework of Jesus' preaching, including poral, the wholly other into the historical
his message of the kingdom. Jesus was not present. The kingdom is already in our
a kind pietistic or religious or social teach- midst.
er, but a Jewish apocalyptic who expected (f) The salvation history view. The major-
the imminent end of history and the inau- ity of scholars of our own century, however,
guration of the age to come. At that very believe that we must distinguish between
same moment the kingdom of God will the present and the eschatological aspects
burst forth. Albert Schweitzer worked this of the kingdom. Taking as their starting
out in the last part of his famous book The point the biblical teaching that in his deal-
Quest for the Historical Jesus (1906), but ings with mankind God has entered into a
he ends the book with the statement that, 'history of salvation' (Heilsgeschichte), they
unfortunately, Jesus was mistaken. The agree with Dodd that in Jesus the kingdom
last words about this apocalyptic Jesus has already come. Yet they also maintain
are: 'At midday of the same day - it was that we are still waiting for an eschatologi-
the 14th Nisan, on the evening of which cal consummation at the end of history.
the Paschal lamb was eaten - Jesus cried This consummation will not be the result
aloud and expired' (395). The kingdom did of the gradual development of the kingdom
not come! in history, in the sense that one day we
(d) The existentialist view. In our century will suddenly discover that the kingdom in
Rudolf Bultmann, who also adopted the all its fullness is already with us, but it
eschatological interpretation of the king- will be the sudden and unexpected irrup-
dom, added his own novel interpretation, tion of the returning Christ into the histo-
suggesting that this eschatological frame- ry of this world, inaugurating God's visible
work is 'mythological' in nature. In itself and definitive reign, which will last into all

EuroJTh 1: 1 • 41
eternity. In this view the kingdom is both 'kingdom of God'. In the Gospel of John the
present and future and the final coming occurrence is much less frequent, due to
means both continuity and discontinuity. the fact that John, like the writers of the
(g) Finally, there is still the millenarian New Testament Epistles, focusses all
view. In the first half of the 19th century attention on the person of Jesus himself.
the idea of a literal reign of Christ on According to Matthew, John the Baptist
earth, for a literal period of a thousand started his preaching with the announce-
years ('millennium'), became popular ment: 'Repent, for the kingdom of heaven
again. To a large extent this was due to the is at hand' (3:2). He sees the coming of the
influence of J.N. Darby, one of the found- kingdom as a purely apocalyptic and
ing fathers of the Brethren movement. He eschatological event that is near at hand.
advocated a premillenarian view. Most Therefore he calls his hearers to repen-
present-day premillenarians expect the tance, for the coming of the kingdom
personal advent of Christ and the bodily means that the last judgment is nearby.
resurrection of the saints to precede the He speaks of the greater One, who is com-
millennium (hence the use of prefix 'pre-'). ing after him and who is much mightier.
Next, for a period of a thousand years, 'His winnowing fork is in his hand, and he
Jesus will reign visibly in Jerusalem, the will clear his threshing floor and gather his
Jews will be converted and the heathen wheat into the granary, but the chaff he
nations will come to Jerusalem to worship will bum with unquenchable fire' (3:12).
there. After these thousand years Satan 2. Does this mean that the term 'king-
will be released for a little season, the final dom of heaven' was invented by John the
battle of Armageddon will be waged and Baptist? I do not believe this. I rather
then the new heaven and the new earth think that Matthew used the term to sum-
will become a reality. This view is widely marize John's preaching. The other
held among American evangelicals. People Synoptic Gospels do not put the phrase
of a Reformed persuasion usually believe into John's mouth. It is also interesting to
that the millennium has to be seen as a note that in literature antedating the
symbol, indicating the whole period from Gospels the expression 'kingdom of God'
the ascension to the parousia of Christ, hardly ever occurs. The Old Testament
during which period he already reigns from does not use it at all. In intertestamental
the throne. At his return his total victory literature it is found only a few times. Yet
over evil will become manifest and he him- the basic idea is definitely present in the
self will surrender his kingdom to the Old Testament, in particular in the
Father (1 Cor. 15:24). Prophets. There are two important lines of
thought present in them. In the first place
11. BIBLICAL DATA there is the idea that God is at work in his-
Again we must begin by saying that it is tory. To put it in the words of the title of a
impossible to deal with all biblical data at book by G.E. Wright: God is the 'God who
great length. Especially in our century a acts', who acts in history. The prophets
whole library of books has been published also clearly indicate that God's actions are
on the topic of the kingdom in the New never arbitrary. He himself has set the
Testament. We must, therefore, restrict direction and goal for history. This goal is
ourselves to a mere outline. his kingly rule. At the end of history God
1. It is quite evident that the concept of will establish his rule in perfect and mani-
the 'kingdom of God' is a central theme in fest glory. This final consummation, how-
Jesus' preaching and teaching. Time and ever, will not be a matter of an intra-his-
again we encounter it in the Synoptic torical development. Rather, it will be the
Gospels. Mark uses it fourteen times and result of a divine 'visitation', which is of a
in Luke it occurs thirty-two times. supra-historical nature. In other words,
Matthew uses it only four times, but in the God is not only the 'God who acts', but also
other parallel places he has the term 'king- the 'God who comes'. Suddenly he shall
dom of heaven', which is equivalent to break into history in a totally new way and

42 • EuroJTh 1: 1
• The Kingdom of God In the Bible, In History and Today •

shall establish his definitive kingly rule. ness, evil and rebellion against God; the
His coming will mean a 'rupture' of history. age to come will see the perfect establish-
But this is not all that is to be said here. ment of God's rule in the world and the
There is not only discontinuity but also purging of all sin, evil and rebellion' (G.E.
continuity. The kingship of God shall be a Ladd, The International Standard Bible
kingship on this earth. The prophets use Encyclopedia, vol. 3, 26). This present age
various images, which cannot always be is under the dominion of Satan, but Jesus
harmonized and fused into one consistent has come to fight the great battle against
picture, but one thing is clear: they all Satan. He defeats Satan, but the final vic-
point to a perfecting of the present order of tory will happen only in the age to come,
things. At the same time this perfecting when the consummation of history takes
will mean a radical transformation. place. This consummation itself will be
But there is still a second line of thought. inaugurated by the coming of the Son of
With a view to the establishment of God's man. This is the element of truth in the
kingship and the radical transformation of eschatological school.
the present order, there will come some one Unfortunately this school one-sidedly
who is sent by God. This unknown person concentrated everything on the consumma-
of the future is described by various terms. tion in the end time. The New Testament,
Sometimes he is called the Son of David however, does not do this. Its teaching is
indicating that he will be a Davidic king. more like an ellipse with two foci. On the
In other places he is described as the one hand, the age to come is really eschato-
Messiah, which means the Anointed One logical. In its fullness it will become mani-
and therefore is also an indication that he fest in the great future, the end of all time.
will be an earthly king from the lineage of We observe this throughout all Jesus'
David. In these terms the emphasis is on preaching. On the other hand, we observe
continuity. But there is also the aspect of that in the coming of Jesus himself the
discontinuity, when he is called the Son of kingdom has already arrived, right in the
man (Dan. 7:13, 14), a pre-existent, super- midst of this present age. In his preaching
natural, heavenly figure, who comes from and miracles Jesus is already defeating
heaven to earth to hold judgment and to Satan. When the Pharisees accuse Jesus of
establish God's kingly rule. But even this casting out demons by Be-elzebul, the
is not all. There is also the mysterious fig- prince of demons, he replies that every
ure of the Servant of the Lord, who shall kingdom that is divided against itself is
suffer and give his life for his people. In laid waste and adds: 'But if it is by the
the Old Testament itself these various Spirit of God that I cast out demons, then
images are not yet interconnected. They the kingdom of God has come upon you'
stand side by side. (Matt. 12:28). When the seventy disciples
3. In the New Testament we see how all return from their preaching mission and
these lines and images converge in Jesus joyfully announce that even the demons
and his preaching and life. Like John the were subject to them in Jesus' name, he
Baptist, Jesus begins his preaching with replies: 'I saw Satan fall like lightning
the words: 'Repent, for the kingdom of from heaven' (Luke 10: 18). These words
heaven is at hand' (Matt. 4:17). Mark for- should not be taken literally. They simply
mulates it in a slightly different way: 'The mean that Satan has already been defeat-
time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is ed. Later on, he says to the Pharisees who
at hand; repent, and believe in the gospel' ask him when the kingdom of God is com-
(1:15). ing, 'The kingdom of God is in the midst of
Yet there is a difference between the you' (Luke 17:21). Accordingly Jesus' disci-
preaching of John the Baptist and that of ples are already enjoying the fruits of the
Jesus. One of the most striking differences kingdom. This, no doubt, is the moment of
is that Jesus distinguishes between two truth in Dodd's view of 'realized eschatolo-
ages: this present age and the age to come. gy'. It is also the moment of truth in
'This [present] age is the time of sinful- Bultmann's existentialist view and even in

EuroJTh 1: 1 • 43
• K1aas Runla •

the liberal view, which interprets the king- used only six times. But this does not
dom primarily in religious and ethical mean that the idea is no longer present. It
terms. is present everywhere, but in a new
4. Nevertheless, all these views also suf- imagery. The emphasis has shifted to
fer from one-sideness. In my opinion the Jesus himself as the very content of the
so-called salvation-history school is the kingdom. The book of Acts speaks of the
only one that does justice to all the bibli- risen and ascended Lord, who is at the
cal data. Here the mutual relationship-in- right hand of the Father and exercises the
tension, which is characteristic of the two authority of the kingdom in a new fashion.
foci of every ellipse, is fully maintained. In the very first Christian sermon, which
(a) It recognizes that in Jesus himself the Peter preaches on the day of Pentecost, he
kingdom has already come. The Church emphatically says that God has made
Father Origen summarized this aspect in Jesus 'Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom
the famous term 'autobasileia' - Jesus you crucified' (2:36). And in the last
himself is the 'basileia', the kingdom. This moments of his life Stephen sees Jesus as
also includes the idea that the kingdom 'the Son of man, standing at the right hand
having arrived in Jesus, in the midst of of God'; 'standing', that is, as the one who
history, now expands throughout history. exercises the supreme authority as the rep-
That this was Jesus' own intention appears resentative of God himself.
from some of his parables. The twin para- The two aspects of the kingdom, both the
bles of the treasure in the field and the present and the future, are clearly visible
pearl of great value (Matt. 13:44-46) both in Paul's preaching and teaching. The
indicate that the kingdom has come in kingdom is both a present blessing (Rom.
Jesus himself. The twin parables of the 14:17; Col. 1:13) and an eschatological
grain of mustard seed, growing into a tree, inheritance (1 Cor. 6:9; 15:50; Eph. 5:5;
and of the leaven that leavens the whole etc.). On the one hand, the believers have
bowl of dough, both indicate the process of already been transferred into the 'kingdom
the kingdom growing and expanding of [God's] beloved Son' (Col. 1:17); on the
throughout history. other, they are still awaiting the inheri-
All this means that Jesus himself is the tance of the kingdom, which will be made
promised Messiah. But at the same time manifest when Jesus appears in glory (2
he is also the Suffering Servant and the Tim. 4:1). Very important is the passage 1
Son of Man. In his teaching Jesus himself Cor. 15:24-26. Paul deals in this chapter
brings these strands of thought together. with the resurrection from the dead and
When his disciples quarrel about the ques- the final defeat of death. Very clearly he
tion who will be the greatest in the king- states that at this very moment Christ is
dom of God Jesus says to them: 'The Son of already the great messianic king. But his
man came not to be served but to serve and kingship is not yet perfected. Sitting at the
to give his life a ransom for many' (Mark right hand of the Father he is in the pro-
10:45; Matt. 20:28; cf. Luke 22:27). cess of breaking down every rule and every
(b ) Yet there is also the eschatological authority and power that opposes him. The
future. One day Jesus shall return as the last enemy to be destroyed is death. When
glorious Son of Man, as mentioned in this has happened, the end of our present
Daniel 7:13, 14. This glorious return will history will have arrived and Christ will
inaugurate the great day of judgment and turn over his rule to the Father, 'that God
the subsequent manifestation of the king- may be everything to every one', or as the
dom in all its fullness and splendour. King James Version has it, 'all in all'.
5. This very same salvation-history con- Then heaven and earth will be renewed
cept of the kingdom, with its two foci, the and the new heaven and the new earth will
present and the future, we also find in all be reality. Then the words, spoken to John
the other books of the New Testament. It is on Patmos, will be fulfilled: 'Behold, the
true the term 'kingdom of God' is not used dwelling of God is with men. He will dwell
much in them. In the book of Acts it is with them, and they shall be his people,

44 • EuroJTh 1: 1
• The Kingdom of God In the Bible. In History and Today.

and God himself will be with them; he will New Testament. Even though it may
wipe away every tear from their eyes, and sound strange, the concept of the kingdom
death shall be no more, neither shall there in the New Testament is even more central
be mourning nor crying nor pain any more, than that of the Messiah and of the Spirit.
for the former things have passed away' Admittedly, these last two concepts are
(Rev. 21:3, 4). Then the 'age to come' has also very fundamental. We owe it to Jesus
become 'this present age'! that we are reconciled to God. We owe it to
6. Before we move on to the consequences the Holy Spirit that we have a part in this
of this biblical picture of the kingdom, we reconciliation and are renewed, so that we
have to raise one more point. What is the are able to lead a new life. But the perspec-
relationship between the kingdom and the tive of the kingdom is still wider. It is fully
church? It is clear from the Gospels that theo-centric. The very heart of the gospel is
Jesus gathered people around himself. the kingdom that has been promised by
From the beginning of his public appear- God himself and that will be brought about
ance he called people to be his 'disciples'. by him. In the final analysis the Messiah
Later on twelve of these men were chosen and the Spirit are in the service of the
as his 'apostles'. Mark tells us that he kingdom. The kingdom is so broad that it
appointed twelve 'to be with Him and to be comprises the whole of creation and the
sent out to preach and have authority to whole of history.
cast out demons' (3:14). 'Twelve' - the Today it is not yet visible in all its perfec-
number is not only to be taken literally but tion. We are still living in 'the last days' of
it is symbolical as well. These twelve men this history (cf. Acts 2:17; Heb. 1:2; 2 Tim.
are the nucleus of the new Israel of the 3:1; Jas. 5:3, 2 Pet. 3:3). The New
Messiah. The idea of a messianic communi- Testament calls this whole period of 'the
ty belongs to the very gospel of the king- last days', which started with the first com-
dom. This is the moment of truth in ing of the Messiah, 'the kingdom of the
Augustine's view. But he went too far, for Son'. To be true, it is still the kingdom of
nowhere in Scripture do we find the idea of God, but in this period it is present in a
identification between community and very special mode of being, namely, the
kingdom. Herman Ridderbos puts it thus: mode of 'hiddenness'. This does not mean
'The basileia is the great divine work of that it is not real. E. Stauffer summarizes
salvation in its fulfilment and consumma- the entire theology of the New Testament
tion in Christ; the ekklesia is the people under the heading: 'The christocentric the-
elected and called by God and sharing in ology of history in the New Testament'
the bliss of the basileia' (The Coming of the (New Testament Theology, 1955, 49).
Kingdom, 1962,354). They belong together Christ is the very centre of today's history.
and yet they are different. The kingdom He reigns from on high. But it is, to borrow
has a much more comprehensive content. a term of Luther, a reign, which is sub
It 'represents the all-embracing perspec- cruce tecta, hidden under the cross. In a
tive, it denotes the consummation of all similar way Paul writes about the new life
history, brings both grace and judgment, of the Christian believers: 'For you have
has cosmic dimensions, fills time and eter- died, and your life is hid with Christ in
nity.' The ekklesia comprises the people God' (Col. 3:3). The new life is present, but
'who in this great drama have been placed it is not yet manifest to the neutral observ-
on the side of God ... , have been given the er. It can only be seen in faith. Likewise,
divine promises, have been ... gathered Christ's reign is a reality: God 'has
together by the preaching of the gospel, bestowed on Him the name which is above
and will inherit the redemption of the every name' (Phil. 2:9), but we do not yet
kingdom now and in the great future.' see that 'at the name of Jesus every
knee ... bow[s], in heaven and on earth and
Ill. CONSEQUENCES FOR TODAY under the earth, and that every tongue
1. It is quite obvious that the kingdom is confess[es] that Jesus is Lord, to the glory
one of the most central concepts in the of God the Father' (2:10, 11).

EuroJTh 1: 1 • 45
• K1aas Runla •

2. All this signifies that today we are defeated. Jesus reigns from the throne and
already living in the kingdom of Christ. is Lord of all. To be true, it is a 'hidden'
Satan has been defeated. This does not rule; it cannot simply be demonstrated; it
mean that he no longer has any power. On is not part of the evening news and it does
the contrary, his power is still very great. not make the headlines. Only once in a
The well-known New Testament scholar while we may see a few signs of his reign -
Oscar Cullmann once clarified the situa- for instance, when the power of the gospel
tion created by the 'already' and the 'not manifests itself and people turn to him as
yet' of the kingdom by the imagery of D- their Lord and Saviour. But sometimes we
Day and V-Day, terms dating from the sec- see them also in secular history. I am
ond world war. When on June 6,1944, the thinking here in particular of what we
invasion in France took place and the recently have witnessed in Eastern
allied forces managed to establish a Europe. All of a sudden the power of the
foothold on the continent, this day was evil system of communism broke down. In
called D-Day, the day of the decision. At many cases it was members of the
that moment the German armies were Christian church who took the lead and
defeated in principle. But for nearly a year initiated the crumbling down of the whole
the battle continued. At a certain stage the system. And the wonder of it all was that
German armies even went into the offen- the system was not demolished by outside
sive and threatened to defeat the allied forces but by forces from within. The com-
forces. This attack was afterwards known munist empire appeared to be a fake
as the Battle of the Bulge. Only in June empire. Of course, people in the Western
1945 did the German armies surrender world should realize that in their coun-
completely. This was V-Day, the day of the tries, too, Satan is very influential.
victory. In the book of Revelation we find Western capitalism is no more Christian
another picture. In chapter 12 John sees a than communism. All powers of a suppres-
woman clothed with the sun, with the sive nature are serving Satan. Only Jesus
moon under her feet, and on her head a truly sets free. He himself summarized his
crown of twelve stars. This woman is a pic- gospel, which is the gospel of the kingdom,
ture ofthe people of God. John further sees in his first recorded sermon, in the syna-
that she brings forth a male child (the gogue of Nazareth: 'The Spirit of the Lord
Messiah), who subsequently is caught up is upon me, because he has anointed me to
to God and to his throne. The woman then preach good news to the poor. He has sent
flees into the wilderness, where she has a me to proclaim release to the captives and
place prepared by God. In the meantime a recovering of sight to the blind, to set at
battle takes place in heaven and Michael liberty those who are oppressed, to pro-
defeats the dragon, who is thrown down to claim the acceptable year of the Lord'
earth. This is clear evidence of his defeat. (Luke 4:18, 19). And he added: 'Today this
But on earth he continues his evil work scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing'
and pursues the woman, who has to fly (4:21). In him the kingdom has come as a
into the wilderness. There the dragon tries reality. He is the King of this world.
to destroy her. 3. We who believe in him and praise his
When we look at the history of the name, may serve him in this world. To put
Christian church the picture is quite clear. it in the words of William Carey, the father
Throughout the ages the dragon has perse- of the modern missionary movement: 'We
cuted the church. Sometimes he did it by may attempt great things for Him and
sheer brute power. Most of the time he did expect great things from Him'. This belief
it in more subtle ways: by temptation and was also the great strength of Abraham
seduction. Yet he has never managed to Kuyper. He saw it as his high calling to
destroy the church. This is impossible. D- attempt great things pro Rege, for the
Day has happened already; the decisive King. He tried to do this in particular by
battle has been fought in the death ~md means of establishing Christian organiza-
resurrection of Christ. Satan has been tions in all areas of life, and he was very

46 • EuroJTh 1: 1
• The Kingdom of God In the Bible, In History and Today •

successful on this score. In the the structures that constitute the frame-
Netherlands a large web of Christian orga- work of human society. This very same
nizations came into existence and they idea undergirded the Christian organiza-
have been very influential in shaping the tions Kuyper established. Their purpose
face of Dutch society. Naturally, this is not was not just to keep the Christian people
the only solution. In many other countries together in 'splendid isolation', but to com-
such organizations are hardly feasible or bine the efforts of Christians so that they
not at all possible and Christians have to might the better be able to penetrate into
work in co-operation with people of other the world around them.We must always
faiths or no faith at all. But even then remember that Jesus is not only the Head
Christians should not be ashamed of their of the church (Col. 1:18) but also the King
Lord but bring up and promote the cause of of the world (Eph. 1:22). The righteousness
his kingdom whenever there is an opportu- of his kingdom (Matt. 6:33) should take
nity. It is a kingdom of righteousness and form in the structures of the state and of
peace, a kingdom of humanity and compas- society at large. Christians should be wit-
sion, a kingdom in which the poor are nesses of this righteousness and do their
called blessed and the hungry are satisfied. utmost to change oppressive structures
As Christians we may put our trust in into liberating structures. They should
this Lord, who calls us into his service and work for structures that procure freedom
gives us the privilege of being his co-work- and humanity to all people, in particular to
ers, both in the church and in the world, those who find themselves on the fringes of
both within the fellowship of those who society and have no opportunity to change
believe in him and among those who do not their own situation. Remembering Paul's
really know him or who may never even words to the Philippians: 'Whatever is
have heard of him. As he was open to the true, whatever is honourable, whatever is
people around him, so we should be. pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gra-
Bishop Lesslie Newbigin describes Jesus' cious, if there is any excellence, if there is
attitude to people in the following words: anything worthy of praise, think about
'We see Jesus eagerly welcome the signs of these things' (4:8), Christians should also
faith among men and women outside of the try to permeate the surrounding culture
house of Israel; ... we see him lovingly wel- with the beauty of the kingdom of Christ.
come those whom others cast out; ... we see In other words, Christians have a never-
him on the cross with arms outstretched to ending task in the kingdom of their Lord
embrace the whole world and ... we hear his and Master. At the same time they should
whispered words, "Father, forgive them; realize that the kingdom is not of their own
they know not what they do".' When we see making. It will not be completed and final-
all this, 'we are seeing the most fundamen- ized by us Christians. Jesus himself will do
tal of all realities, namely a grace and mer- this, when he returns. Then the fullness of
cy and loving-kindness which reaches out the kingdom will become manifest and the
to every creature' (The Gospel in a Son will deliver his kingdom to the Father
Pluralist Society, 1989, 175). Is there any so that in all eternity God will be all in all.
better example to model ourselves and our This is not said to dishearten us but
life style after? And is it not a very encour- rather to encourage us. For now we know
aging example? The Gospels show us that for sure that one day the kingdom will be a
by this attitude of the King himself the certain and everlasting reality. And in the
kingdom became a reality in the lives of meantime we joyfully take to heart the
people and that it changed their lives in words of the apostle Paul, who at the close
such a way that later on a heathen grudg- of the chapter on the resurrection and the
ingly had to admit: 'See how these final appearance of the kingdom writes:
Christians love one another'. 'Therefore, my beloved brethren, be stead-
4. The kingdom of Christ, however, is not fast, immovable, always abounding in the
only a matter of the changed lives of indi- work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord
vidual Christians. It also wants to change your labour is not in vain.'

EuroJTh 1: 1 • 47

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