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Front: 1d10-3 Initiative: the initiative to use for this turn is printed on the BACK of the NEXT card.

Special Action (In order: Control, Repair, Recon, Conceal, Target1, Tank Action4)

1st action list Move3 to Primary Objective (In order: Drive, Target1, Move, Scout, Stalk)
Action lists

Move3 to Secondary Objective (In order: Drive, Target1, Move, Scout, Stalk)
2nd action list
Move3 to Higher cover (In order: Drive, Target1, Move, Scout, Stalk)
1d10-3 Cover

3rd action list Combat Action (In order: Antitank, Suppress2, Demolition, Blast, Strafe, Attack)

Initiative: Roll a die, apply modifier if any. Minimum is always 1, maximum is always 9.
Leaders: A.I. leaders will ALWAYS bolster until the supply is exhausted, then will perform secondary leader action (Command, Inspire, Guide).
Bolster X: Take X cards from top of Supply deck and put in Discard pile.
Command 2: Take 2 additional cards into your hand, resolve the cards using top action list for first card and then middle action list for second card.
Inspire: the ‘inspired’ card will carry out the actions related to the leader’s position. See ‘Inspire’ rules in this section.
Guide: choose Combat counter closest to but not on objective and do a Move action. See ‘Guide’ rules under Movement Rules.
Move: move counter towards nearest objective (see Movement Rules).
Move to secondary objective: move counter towards second ranking objective (i.e. not nearest objective or not highest strategic value). Does not apply to Mortar, Target instead, or Blast if Target is on Tile
containing enemy counter.
Move into cover: move counter to adjacent Tile with higher Cover bonus, if multiple choices then move towards objective. If current Tile has higher Cover bonus then do not move and conduct Combat
action. Does not apply to Mortar, Target instead or Blast if Target is on Tile containing an enemy counter.
Combat action: perform combat action against nearest objective (see Combat Rules). Inspire:
Play all other cards in Hand according to their Action lists, then leader will inspire as follows:
1 Place or move Target counter to Tile with highest objective ranking. Leader 1st position: use 1st action list for 2nd card played, if not possible then 3rd card played.
• On Tile containing Radio Tower Leader 2nd position: use 2nd action list for 1st card played, if not possible then 3rd card played.
• On Tile containing most objective combat counters (to pin) Leader 3rd position: use 3rd action list for 1st card played, if not possible then 2nd card played.
• On Tile containing most enemy combat counters
• If Target is already on Tile as per guide above, then Blast action
• If the Mortar needs to move in order to place Target counter as per above then Move mortar away from target to be within range.
2 If score to roll is 6 or less then Attack instead of Suppress.
3 If on Tile with Objective (including Exit marker, or Combat counter to neutralize/pin) then Attack/Exit/Control/Demolition instead of Move.
4 If the unit is in a tank and cannot use Control, Repair or Recon then conduct the seat’s vehicle action (i.e. Drive, Antitank or Suppress).
Scouted Tiles:
All tiles are considered scouted for the AI.
Actions such as Navigate or Surveil are not used. Scout action is treated as a Move action of 2 tiles.
Objectives can be:
1. Tiles to control or destroy.
2. Exit tiles.
3. Combat counter(s) to neutralize or pin.
AI Decks:
1. Create Deck as per Scenario instructions.
2. Supply: take all Supply cards including Fog of War cards and shuffle them into a Supply Deck face down. When using the Bolster action, take cards from the
top of the Supply Deck.
3. Casualties: when AI takes a hit, check Hand then Discard then Deck, as per normal rules.
1. Player takes 4 cards to create his/her Hand. Player chooses his Initiative Card now.
2. Take 3 cards from Solo Deck to create Solo Hand. Do not reveal the cards.
3. Take top card of Solo Action Deck and turn it over. Calculate Solo Initiative by using the just revealed top card of the Solo Action Deck.
4. Player with highest initiative goes first.

Movement Rules (Move towards):

1. If on Tile with Objective (including Exit marker, or Combat counter to neutralize/pin) then Attack/Exit/Control/Destroy instead of Move.
2. Nearest objective.
3. Highest strategic value / Highest Initiative (for Combat counter to neutralize/pin).
4. Roll a die.
5. If multiple paths can be chosen 1) choose highest cover, 2) lowest numbered Tile. Guide Rules:
When moving using the Guide leadership action, choose the unit closest to the
objective following this ranking: highest strategic value / highest initiative ➔ Roll a
Note: a Tank unit outside a tank will always try to go into the Tank. die.

Combat Rules:
At all times: if the player’s objective is to Control or Destroy, then if an enemy Combat Counter with Control or Demolition action can be targeted with 7 or less
then target that unit.
At all times: if the AI’s objective is to neutralize/pin, then if an objective enemy Combat Counter can be targeted with 7 or less then target that unit.

1. Nearest. Preferred Combat Action Order: a unit will ALWAYS conduct a Combat Action in
2. Easiest to hit. the order below:
3. Highest Attack/Demolition/Suppress. Antitank ➔ Suppress2 ➔ Demolition ➔ Blast ➔ Strafe ➔ Attack
4. Highest Initiative.
5. Lowest Numbered Tile. Note: this is important when choosing the unit’s actions within a vehicle.
2 If score to roll is 6 or less then Attack instead of Suppress.
6. Roll a die.

When a vehicle is the target of the Combat action, then choose the unit to inflict an injury to as per the same rules. I.e. highest Attack/Demolition/Suppress
rating, then highest Initiative, or randomly if none of the preceding gives a clear target.
Vehicle Rules:
If a unit starts or ends its turn in a Tile with a vehicle with an unoccupied seat, it will Enter that vehicle before it conducts any remaining Actions if any.

A unit inside a vehicle will reposition for free to any seat (occupied or unoccupied) to conduct the equivalent vehicle action instead of its own action (e.g. Drive
instead of Move, Suppress instead of Attack). Please note that the Antitank action takes precedence over the Suppress action, an Antitank unit will not reposition
itself to the Machine Gun seat for a Combat action. However, if there are no targets for an Antitank action, then the Antitank unit will reposition to the Machine
Gun seat to Suppress, this is according to the “Preferred Combat Action Order” as per the rules.

If a unit has multiple actions (e.g. a Move and a Combat action), it will reposition for free for the first action but NOT for the second action. For example, the
vehicle’s Driver seat is occupied, the unit has a Move + Combat action, the unit will swap places with the driver and Drive the vehicle, the unit will then conduct its
Combat action as per its own card’s abilities rather than the vehicle’s.
1. Take 4 cards. Choose your initiative.
2. A.I. takes 3 cards for its hand.
3. Turn over top card of A.I. solo deck.
4. Calculate A.I. initiative using the back of the next card in the A.I. solo deck.
5. Player with highest initiative goes first.

Movement Rules (Move towards):

1. If on Tile with Objective then Attack/Exit/Control/Destroy instead of Move.
2. Nearest objective.
3. Highest strategic value (Objective) / Highest Initiative (Target to Neutralize/Pin).
4. Roll a die.

➔ If multiple paths can be chosen 1) choose highest cover, 2) lowest numbered Tile.

Note: a Tank unit outside a tank will always try to go into the Tank.

Preferred Combat Action Order: a unit will ALWAYS conduct a Combat Action in the order below:
Antitank ➔ Suppress2 ➔ Demolition ➔ Blast ➔ Strafe ➔ Attack
2 If score to roll is 6 or less then Attack instead of Suppress.

Combat Rules:
At all times: if the player’s objective is to Control or Destroy, then if an enemy Combat Counter with Control or Demolition action can be targeted with 7 or less
then target that unit.
At all times: if the AI’s objective is to neutralize/pin, then if an objective enemy Combat Counter can be targeted with 7 or less then target that unit.

1. Nearest.
2. Easiest to hit.
3. Highest Attack/Demolition/Suppress.
4. Highest Initiative.
5. Lowest Numbered Tile.
6. Roll a die.

When a vehicle is the target of the Combat action, then choose the unit to inflict an injury as per the same rules. I.e. highest Attack/Demolition/Suppress rating,
then highest Initiative, or randomly if none of the preceding gives a clear target.
Secondary Cover
Secondary Cover
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Secondary Cover

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Secondary Secondary Cover
Secondary Secondary Cover
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Secondary Cover
Secondary Cover

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1d10-1 1d10-1 1d10 1d10+1 1d10-2 1d10-3

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Secondary Secondary Cover
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Secondary Secondary Cover

1d10-1 1d10+2 1d10-3 1d10+1 1d10-4 1d10-3

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1d10 1d10+2 1d10+3 1d10-2 1d10-2 1d10-3

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Secondary Cover
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Secondary Secondary Cover
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Secondary Secondary Cover

1d10-2 1d10 1d10-2 1d10-2 1d10-4 1d10-5

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Secondary Secondary Cover

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1d10-6 1d10-5 1d10-4 1d10-2 1d10-1 1d10-3

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Secondary Secondary Cover
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Secondary Cover
Secondary Cover
Secondary Cover
Secondary Cover
Secondary Cover

1d10-4 1d10 1d10-2 1d10-3 1d10-1 1d10-4

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