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1. Present Simple or Present Continuous:

1. Liam ____________ (be) an actor. He sometimes ______________ (make) films and
________________ (work) at the theatre.
2. He always _________________ (buy) me flowers.
3. The banks __________________ (not open) on Saturdays afternoon.
4. What ____________________ (this man/do) there? He _________________ (wait) for the
bank to open.
5. Sue _______________________ (not work) at the moment.
2. Past Simple or Past Continuous:
1. We ______________ (meet) while we ___________________ (live) in Italy.
2. He _______________ (stand) up and __________________ (close) the door.
3. _____________________ (you/meet) your wife while you ____________________ (work)
in Chile?
4. As he ___________________ (pass) the bank, a man in a mask _____________________
(knock) him to the ground.
5. What __________________ (you/write) when your computer _____________________
3. Past Simple or Present Perfect:
1. When _____________________ (you/get) married? We __________________ (get) married
last year.
2. How long _____________________ (you/wait) for the bus? We ____________________
(wait) for two hours.
3. I _______________________ (already/do) my homework.
4. Someone _____________________ (steal) our car.
5. They _____________________ (live) in Thailand since 1989.
4. Present Perfect or Past Perfect:
1. Peter was very tired because he _________________ (have) a busy day in the office.
2. Mary is disappointed with her son because he ____________________ (fail) all his exams at
3. I was very hungry because I _______________________ (not eat) anything all day.
4. Jack wants a new job. He ____________________ (have) the same job for ten years.
5. His face is very familiar to me. Im sure that I _____________________ (see) her somewhere
5. Present Perfect Simple or Continuous:
1. They ______________________ (live) in the same house for twenty years.
2. Jane cant come to work today because she _________________ (have) an accident.
3. The girl was angry because she __________________ (lose) her ball.
4. We ______________________ (work) all day long.
5. They _____________________ (watch) a film.
6. Future: will/going to/Present Continuous:
1. Ive got a terrible headache. I __________________ (bring) you an aspirin.
2. They ___________________ (go) to the cinema tonight.
3. Im sure Peter ___________________ (like) the T-Shirt we bought him for his birthday.
4. We __________________ (move) to another house next year.
5. Theres someone at the door. I ____________________ (open) it.
7. Future Perfect or Future Continuous:
1. We _____________________ (finish) painting the house next week.
2. Dont call them after ten. They _____________________ (sleep).
3. The boys ________________ (play) football this afternoon.
4. Its very late. The concert ___________________________ (already/begin) when we arrive.
5. I cant go shopping with you tomorrow. I ___________________ (work) all day long.

8. Complete the sentences with although or in spite of/despite:


___________ the weather was bad, we enjoyed our trip.


The children slept well ____________ the noise.


________________ earning a low salary, Linda gave money to her parents.


John rarely sees Paul ___________ they live in the same town.__


Julie failed the exam ____________ of working very hard.


____________ it was cold, she didn't put on her coat.


Tom went to work ___________ not feeling very well.


Anna never learned the language ___________ she lived there for two years.


____________ of the difficulty, they managed to climb to the top of the mountain.


I couldn't eat _____________ I was very hungry.

9. Gerund or infinitive:
1. _________________ (travel) alone can be dangerous.
2. She apologised for _____________ (be) late.
3. I hate _______________ (wait).
4. Do you remember _______________ (read) that book before.
5. Lisa forgot ________________ (phone) me on my birthday.
6. Stop _____________ (make) noise. Im trying _________________ (do) my
7. If you feel lonely, try ______________ (phone) your friends.
8. They stopped at the petrol station ________________ (buy) an ice cream.
10. Complete with so, such, so much, so many, too or enough:
1. It was __________ a delicious drink, that I had to have another glass.
2. Jack ate ____________ cakes that he could hardly walk.
3. Kates offer sounded _________ good to be true.
4. There are ___________ good films at the cinema that I dont know which one to see.
5. I felt ________ weak that I couldnt stand up.
6. We had _____________ free time that we got bored.
7. There was ___________ rain last night that the roads were floated.
8. David was tall ____________ to reach the shelf.
9. I made ______________ mistakes that I got a zero in the test.
11. Complete with however, in spite of/despite, although, whereas or on the
other hand:
1. I read the book you suggested. ______________, I didnt enjoy it.
2. ____________ we warned him, Harry still got lost.
3. ____________ I like it here, I wont stay long.
4. Cars are fast and convenient. ________________, they cause traffic problems in cities.
5. Kate won the race, _______________ falling over.
6. ____________ the delay, the train arrived on time.
7. I didnt manage to jump over the wall, ____________ I tried twice.

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