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 Sam and the secret call 

is an anonymous story that is set

someplace on an island where the family of Sam l used to come
every summer and stayed in the same house which offers a fantastic
view of the sea glittering.

 On one of those visits, the family for some reason went to the
restaurant on an island named ‘ocean’, where the waiter informed
them that Sam's cousin whose name was Armando was having a
boat which could take their son, Sam swimming with the dolphins.

 Sam got excited when he heard that and the next day, he was going
to the sea waving without his family. Armando gave him a life jacket
and they went into the sea. Armando had a special way to call
the dolphins by whistling. A strange sound came out as he did so
Sam tried to whistle but unfortunately, nothing happened. Sam
couldn’t believe his eyes. A small school of dolphins were leaping
through the water and crisscrossing each other.

In this story, Zai Whitaker writes about her uncle, the Ornithologist (the

bird watcher.)  Everybody looks up to him as he is none other than Salim
Ali, the world-renowned ornithologist.
Zai’s entire family were expert in bird watching but Zai was not
interested in bird watching and she knew nothing about it at all. So, she
felt left out amidst her own people.  
She too wanted to be good at bird watching. Zai’s entire family were
vivid bird watchers and they could tell the names of the birds with just
their voices.
Zai’s uncle, the famous Salim Ali was the connoisseur in the field of
birds and animals so much so that he was awarded the Padma
Bhushan and the Padma Vibhushan.  
Zai tried her best to be part of this bird lovers’ group and to be an expert,
but she could never become one. This made her feel that her family
dislike her, but her family loved her for everything that she was. On
knowing this she became very happy and felt very light.  
Then she slowly started watching birds just for the fun of it and she
too started to develop an interest and surprisingly enough could learn
the birds name and admire them.
Zai, through this story tries to say that when we insist someone or even on
our self, we will never succeed to learn anything. Only if we develop an
interest and taste for something, we can gain knowledge.

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