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Make sure to include the DAMMUN logo in your header

A guide to walk you through the parts of a chair report (mainly DAMMUN’s). 
Be sure to use formal-looking fonts (e.g. ​Times New Roman​, D ​ roid Serif​,
Calibri​) in ​sizes 12-14 i​ n your report. The color scheme for the DAMMUN chair 
reports is black, blue, white,yellow and grey. The chair report is expected to be 
5-12 pages long. 
In the beginning of your chair report, you should include the following in the 
same order. Make sure that this section is boxed. 

Chair: Name (email)  
Co-chair: Name (email) 

Then you should start introducing the topic briefly, this part is called the 
This part should give the reader a glimpse of what the topic is about, its origin, its 
relevance in today’s world and what the whole issue revolves around. 

1 ​Include the page number in the footer of the chair report. 

Make sure to include the DAMMUN logo in your header 

After your introduction, you start getting into the details of the topic, this part is 
called the overview. It doesn’t have a rigid set of requirements as it varies 
depending on what is relevant to the topic but the following should act as a guide 
to what you should mention in it: 
This is the largest section of the chair report and should give delegates a greater 
scope of understanding of the topic at hand. You should provide the reader with 
information about: 
- The origin of the issue  
- Why tackling the issue is important (the impact the issue has)  
- Who does this issue affect?  
- The current situation regarding the issue (is the situation getting better or 
- Relevant infographics (graphs, charts, etc...) 
- Statistics 
Next, you should mention which countries/ organizations/ people are involved in 
the issue at hand.  
Major Parties Involved 
Be sure to mention the role of the delegations in your committee in this section so 
that the delegates can have a grasp on their position in the issue. (If a delegation 
in your committee isn’t really involved in the topic don’t mention it but if it has an 
impact on the topic then mention it) 

Include the page number in the footer of the chair report.​ 2 

Make sure to include the DAMMUN logo in your header 

Timeline of Key Events 
This part should be short and concise, mention the events that contributed to the 
definition of the topic. They should only be the events that had a major impact on 
the topic. This section should be presented in a “Date: Event” format. Additional 
information about the event could be added below it ONLY when necessary. 
Previous Attempts to Resolve the Issue 
The name speaks for itself. In this section discuss previous attempts to solve the 
issue and which nations attempted them. Evaluate their success or failure in 
tackling the problem. 

Possible Solutions 
Based on your research, what should be targeted in a good resolution? Should it be 
innovative ways of raising awareness? Improving current laws? International 
cooperation? Make sure to mention possible ways the issue can be targeted. Don’t 
go into too much detail just ensure that there are just basic proposals that the 
delegates can build upon in their resolutions. 
Just like any textbook has a glossary of all the key terms in it at the end, your chair 
report glossary should include the terms delegates will encounter in their research 
or in the chair report. You should also include documents and treaties that are 
Useful Links 
In this section, include links that can aid the delegates in their research and make 

Include the page number in the footer of the chair report.​ 3 

Make sure to include the DAMMUN logo in your header 

sure to briefly explain why the links are useful. 

Last but definitely not least, include all the links you used in your research. Make 
sure that this part is in MLA format and that you include the citations in 
alphabetical order. Use the website above to easily make your bibliography 
MLA format 

Include the page number in the footer of the chair report.​ 4 

Make sure to include the DAMMUN logo in your header 

DAMMUN Chair Report Checklist: 

❏ I added the DAMMUN logo to my header. 
❏ I included the page numbers in my footer.  
❏  I  have  a  boxed  section  at  the  beginning  of  my  document  that  states  the  topic, 
committee and the names of the chair and co-chair. 
❏ I included an introduction. 
❏ I included an overview. 
❏ I included a section that talks about previous attempt to solve the issue. 
❏ I included a timeline of key events.  
❏ I mentioned countries/ organizations/ people that are involved in the issue.  
❏ I included possible solutions.  
❏ I included links or documents that can aid my committee’s delegate in 
❏ I cited all my sources. 
In my overview: 
❏ I wrote about the origin of the issue and its relevance.  
❏ I included statistics and relevant infographics.  
❏ I explained the current situation of the issue.  
❏ I addressed the impact of the issue in today’s world. 

Include the page number in the footer of the chair report.​ 5 

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