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2, Write short ang at ag lowing questions. 10 a trust the Rasogl (8.A.W.4)? (ii iMhe-Chinese belief about claahing houses before the new year day? (iii) Y What can we learn from failure? (iv). You should not Keep checking ifthe bleeding has stopped? Why? (v). How isa newspaper more convenient medium of news? (vi), Flow can-career counselors help the young people? ~ (vil). Which book has inspired you the most? Why? (vil How are water resources under great stress? . i Section ---iersereenmee]] : Translate into Urdu, ....+ OR «sss Rewrite into simple English the following Paragraph. 08 Television btings fas inus, Weean view he news with a litte or no effort since it is practically a form of entertainment. If we have the elsurt time, we can, view the television news anytime of the day and night: It brosdeasts the news ssitis happening, fi 4, Write down the summary of the poem Peace” written by) 7) on? 05 svoOR,ieee Paraphrase the following stanza into simple English with reference to the context: “Ifyou find your taskis bard ‘Try again; . Time will-bring you your reward, Try again; sAll-that other folk can do, Why with patience should not you? + ‘Only Keep thistle: in view, ~THy again. 5, Write an essay of 150-200 words on any FONE of of the following onl (a) ~My House (b) Libranies () A Visit toa Hille “ a paragraph of 100-150 words on aay ONE riths Fallon air TA “ ‘aes Pease elo ne ages ot war i) Veet (vil). He seid,Hurrah! | have won the medal.~ °(yill) - You witl say, “She is cranky.” 1,_Use any FIVE of the following pairs a words in out an 05 [Afeet ]Bfixt [il Hh ia he a3 | a po the set ees eo PL arene Mbradtet hat liecllnngad Oi. » heutevighvala APM ase LihtnebrenAhhiues 8, ALTERNATE QUESTION FOR FOREIGN/ENGLISH MEDIUM. oe Write TEN sentences about “A Dream? . i ee

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