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SEWING BARRETT BRALETTE Next, attach the cups to the back band at the side seam by using the same method we used when sewing the vertical seam om the cups. ‘Then, attach the 3/8" picot elasti to the front neckline and center front cut, ‘out, Now you'l see why we stopped sewing the conter front cups 1/4" fom top and bottom, ‘With right side of bra facing up, place lastie on top. The pattern has "4" seam allowanee throughout, so if you're using 44" elastic, you will align the fat edge of the elastic with the ‘edge of the fabrie. If you're using 3/8” laste lke Tam, the elastic should ‘extend 1/8” beyond the fabrie’s edge. Ia both cases, the picot should face Inward (towards the fabrie) and plush side should face up. See photo on left Deloss. Sew along the picot edge with a ziguag stitch, stiteh width and length for zig, zag stitch will vary from machine to machine. A good rule of thumb is to ‘ensue thatthe stiteh width does not ‘exoved half of the width of the elastic. Why? Because we'te going to sew another “pass” of rig zag stitches on the other side non-picot side. This will prevent the 2ig.2ag stitehes from PAGE! overlapping, Also, try to stitch as close to the picot as possible without going off the edge of the laste. Ifyou think you're going off, you're probably doing it right, When sewing the elastic at the center front, fold back the other center front eup and sow all the way ta the edge. See photo on left below Sew elastic on other neckline, then fon center front cut out the same way, When finished, your elastics should be criss crossing. See photo on right below.

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