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Steven took one final look in his rear-view mirror as he pulled away from the Beach

“This is for the best. Time on the road is what I need to help find myself,” Steven thought
as the Gems, Connie and his Dad faded from the mirror. He drove past the Big Donut, were most
of the town had gathered to see him off. Steven waved as he drove pass them, knowing it would
be a long time before he saw any of them again. As he headed out of town, he saw Gems and
Humans conversing and hanging out together. As Steven reached the edge of town, he put a tape
in the tape deck and pressed play.
“Just a little time.
Just a little something else instead.
Just a little time.
Just a little something up ahead.
I'm dreaming of being... being... being...
Being human...
Just a little time.
Just a little something that I need.
Just a little time.
Just a little feeling gaining speed.
I'm dreaming of going... going... going...
Going somewhere and...
Being... being... being...
Being human...”
The song played through the speakers as he passed the old factory. A few hours later
Steven was nearing the Delmarva state line when he started to get hungry. He saw signs for a
small-town diner called, Friendly’s.
“Sounds like a lovely little place,” Steven thought as he exited the highway. About ten
minutes later, he finally reached the diner. It was about eight o’clock at night so it wasn’t too
busy when he arrived.
“Welcome to Friendly’s, have a seat anywhere you’d like to. The menus are on the table
and I’ll be with you in a few minutes,” the waitress hollered from the kitchen area. Steven found
a booth by the window and began to look over the menu, everything looked delicious. He
decided during this journey he would only eat at hole-in-the-wall restaurants and only eat
whatever they are famous for. About five minutes later the waitress came out to get his order.
“How are you doing tonight,” she asked.
“I’m doing great. I’m just started on a road trip for self-discovery,” Steven replied.
“Oh, have any big plans for this adventure,” she asked.
“Sure do, I plan on visiting all 39 states, spending a lot of time exploring each one,”
Steven answered.
“Sounds like this is gonna be an amazing journey,” the waitress said.
“I hope so, I need a break from all the stress I’ve been under,” Steven said.
“Can I get you to drink by the way,” the waitress said.
“Do you happen to have Drink Up,” probed Steven.
“We sure do,” she answered, “And have you figured out what you wanted to eat yet?”
“Quick question, what’s your most popular menu item,” Steven question.
“Our bestseller is a fried rockfish sandwich, locally caught, with lettuce, tomato and
pickles served on a wheat bun with your choice of two side, which are onion rings, waffle fries,
mac and cheese, slaw, green beans and corn on the cob,” the waitress replied.
“I think I’ll go with that and a double order of waffle fries,” Steven said, as the waitress
scribbled down the order.
“Alright, give us about twenty minutes to cook it,” the waitress said as she headed
towards the kitchen. As Steven waited for his food to come out, he texted back and forth with
Connie, Pearl and his Dad, letting them know that he was okay and he had stopped to get
something to eat. After about twenty minutes, the waitress brought out his food to him. As she
set the food down, Steven’s eyes went wide. He thought it was going to be a normal sized fish
sandwich, but this thing hung over the plate and each serving of fires had its own plate. He
thanked the waitress and began to eat his food, unsure if he would be able to eat it all. After a
half hour, Steven had finished off both plates of fries and the sandwich. He was rubbing his
packed belly, which had rounded a bit out due to the large meal.
“So, how did you enjoy your meal,” the waitress asked as she brought Steven his bill.
“It was very delicious,” Steven said as he patted his distended belly. Steven paid he bill
and headed back out to the car. Steven enjoyed the sandwich so much, that he decided he would
have to stop by here again on his way back home.
Over the next few week Steven had stopped by a lot of different diners, sometimes he
was joined by Connie. Each diner that he stopped at the meals were a hearty proportion
especially their most famous menu item. All those larger meal size he was eating in turn caused
Steven stomach to slowly start to stretch out. This meant that Steven’s appetite began to grow,
which meant it took more for him to feel full. Seeing as Steven was spending most of his time
driving, he got very little exercise to burn off his meals and began to put on a bit of weight.
Steven was currently traveling through Hoosier and realized he hadn’t heard from Connie
in the past two days. He tried calling and texting her but didn’t get an answer. Steven asked Pearl
and his Dad if they had heard from her, but they would quickly change the subject. After this
Steven began eating more as he worried as to why Connie wasn’t talking to him. Now when he
was ordering, he asked if they had an eating challenge as a way to calm his nerves. As the trip
went along it was no longer about finding himself but completing as many eating challenges as
he could. Many of the places he ate at didn’t have a challenge per say, but their most famous dish
was big enough that you thought they would be. Today he was in Cummins, Hoosier, were he
was eating a massive 8oz pork tenderloin. This thing was huge, it sat on a regular size burger bun
and was bigger than the plate by a few inches. Steven had finished the first one but was still
hungry, so he ordered a second one. When he was done with the second sandwich, he was
feeling pretty full.
Over the next couple of weeks, Steven continued this routine day in and day out, eating a
large meal at a local diner and desperately trying to get ahold of Connie. During one of his stops
in Grand Canyon, was where he was able to take part in his first true eating challenge since he
had last talked to Connie. By this time Steven had put on about 30lbs from all his filling meals
and worrying about Connie. Steven walked into diner that was aptly named, The Grand
“How you doing today,” the waitress asked as he walked in.
“I’ve been better. Do you happen to have an eating challenge,” Steven questioned.
“We sure do. The challenge is a 72-ounce grilled steak, grilled to your liking, and the
sides include a shrimp cocktail, baked potato, a salad, and buttered rolls. You have an hour to
complete it and no one is allowed to help you. Once you take the first bite the timer starts. If you
fail you have to pay $72, which is due up front but refunded if you win. You still wish to take the
challenge after hearing all that,” the waitress explained to Steven.
“Yes, I do. My stomach is more than ready,” Steven replied as his stomach growled.
“Okay than, we’ll have you take a seat at the table on the platform and we’ll have it out to
you shortly. In the meantime, can I get you anything to drink,” the waitress asked.
“I’ll have a Drink Up, if you have it,” Steven replied.
“Sure thing,” the waitress said. The waitress soon brought him his drink. Steven slowly
sipped on his drink as he waited for his challenge to come out. After twenty-five minutes, the
food was finally brought out to him. His eyes went wide with amazement at how massive the
steak was. If he hadn’t already known this was a single steak, he would have thought there were
four separate steaks on the same plate. The shrimp cocktail and salad, both came in a large bowl.
The baked potato easily weighed around three pounds, without the toppings. There four rolls
each the size of tea saucers.
“Here you go. Remember you got an hour to eat all of it,” the waitress said as she set a
timer, “Whenever you take your first bite that is when the clock starts. So, when you’re ready,
dig in.” Steven took a couple of deep breaths and picked up his knife and fork. He then cut a
piece of the steak off. Steven brought the piece of meat up to his lips, took a deep breath then
stuff the piece in, officially starting the timer. Steven ate with gusto finishing off the first quarter
of the steak in ten minutes. With the first quarter of the steak done, Steven switched to the
massive salad, managing to finish it off in five minutes. Now that the salad had been eaten,
Steven returned his attention back to the steak, this time it took him twelve minutes to finish the
next quarter. With half the steak now in his stomach, Steven began on the three-pound baked
potato. Instead of eating it with his knife and fork, he picked the whole thing up and took bite
after bite of the hefty side dish. After five minutes, the potato had been consumed, but Steven
was starting to feel full. Steven was now at the half way point of the meal with just under a half
hour to go, so he decided to cheat a little and use his gem powers and stretch his stomach out to
give him more room. He disguised it as a burp as his belly glowed for just a second. With the
extra space available, he picked up the pace finishing another quarter of the steak in six minutes,
as well as the shrimp cocktail. He then started on the last quarter of the steak and the saucer size
rolls. Even with his stomach being stretched out with his gem powers, Steven was beginning to
hit a wall.
“Finished,” Steven declared with just two minutes left on the clock.
“Congratulations, you’re now the fifth person in the history of our diner to complete The
Challenge. Meet me up front when you’re ready and I’ll give you your deposit back and the free
t-shirt,” the waitress announced, as the staff and other patrons gave Steven a round of applause.
Steven slowly got up from the chair with his belly and gem exposed as his shirt had ridden up
from his expanded belly. He had attempted to give a bow but his stomach was too full, so he
instead opted on just giving a wave. The waitress led Steven to the front of the store where he
picked out the size for his shirt. He chose one that was a few sizes bigger, since most of his shirts
where getting too small. As Steven waddles out of the diner, he pulls his phone out to find that
there is still wasn’t a reply from Connie.
“I still haven’t heard from Connie, I hope she’s okay. She must be slammed with school
work, yeah that’s it,” Steven thought to himself as he sat down in the car.
A few months later, Steven was entering a small, log shaped diner in Oregon. Steven had
gained another 40lbs since the steak challenge from the constant eating. As he walked in, the
lone waitress told him to have a seat anywhere he’d like. Steven decided to take a seat at a table
next to the window. A few moments later the waitress approached him.
“How you doing today,” the waitress asked, as she blinked her one good eye.
“I’m doing pretty good, but I’m starving. You don’t by chance have any sort of eating
challenge here, do you,” Steven asked as he patted his exposed gem encrusted belly, as the shirt
he was wearing from the steak challenge was starting to shrink.
“We do, it’s called the Lazy Breakfast Challenge. Its 5 eggs, any way you like them, 5
pancakes, 5 slices of French toast, 5 sausage patties, 5 slices of bacon, 5 slices of ham, and 5
orders of hash browns. In total it weighs 15lbs and you have ninety minutes to complete it. So,
do you want to attempt it,” the waitress asked.
“I think I will,” Steven replied, with a very loud growl from his stomach.
“Okay, give us thirty minutes to prepare it. In the meantime, take a look around at some
of our rare knickknacks and if you need anything my name is Sue,” Sue said as she headed
towards the kitchen. Steven got up and looked at all the knickknacks and photos covering the
walls of the diner. Judging by the photos, this town was as bout as unique as Beach City is. But
there was one thing Steven noticed, in almost every photo there was a triangle in the background.
As he made his way back to his seat, he noticed that there was a photo of just the triangle itself,
just behind his seat.
“What is up with this thing? Is it the mascot for this town or something,” Steven
pondered as he sat back down. About ten minutes later, Sue and the cook brought out the
massive 15lbs breakfast challenge and sat it on the table.
“Okay, remember you have ninety minutes to finish the challenge from the first bite,”
Sue said as she sat a timer at the end of the table. Steven began eating the massive meal at great
speed, trying to satisfy his hunger. While Steven was eating, the triangle in the picture behind
him opened it’s eye up and began to look around.
“What is this great power I’m sensing,” it thought as it looked around. Then it finally
realized where it was coming from as it looked at Steven.
“I recognize this type of power now, it’s one of those gem creatures. I wonder if their
planet is still in bad shape after the last time I visited them,” the triangle thought as it watched
Steven eat.
“But something different about this one,” the triangled watched for a little bit long, when
it finally hit him, “That why this one is different, he’s half human and that means he a mind I can
take over. With that kind of power, Pine Tree won’t be able to stop me,” the triangle thought as it
began to move inside the picture frame. Steven was already a third of the way done with plenty
of time left. He was shoveling the dish down at a rapid pace all while the triangle was pulling
itself out of the frame. After a little bit more Steven had finished of the Lazy Breakfast Challenge
with well over thirty minutes to spare. Steven sat there with his hands on his distended belly, one
giving his belly a rub and the other stifling a burp. Behind him the triangle had completely
escaped the picture frame. Once it was out, it pulled a top hat out of thin air and placed it on the
point of the triangle.
“Man, is it great to be out of that frame. Now all I need to do is get the hybrid to shake
my hand and blamo, I become so powerful that I can finally escape this place,” the triangle
cackled evilly in his head. As the triangle was cackling, Steven had stood up, his belly was now
completely uncovered, exposing his gem. As Steven waddled towards the register to get his shirt,
the triangled stayed close behind. Steven picked up his shirt which read, “Ate at Greasy in
Gravity Falls and beat the Lazy Breakfast Challenge.” As Steven was about to leave when all the
sudden time froze.
“Hey, Pinkie, I need to talk to you,” the triangle finally speaking to Steven. Steven turned
around to see the one-eyed triangle floating there.
“Never seen a gem like you before,” Steven said looking at the triangle.
“That cause I’m not a gem, Pinkie. The names Bill Cipher and I know a lot about you,
my hybrid friend,” Bill said.
“Oh, yeah like what,” Steven asked.
“So, tell me was being a giant guilt fueled monster fun,” Bill asked.
“Okay, you have my attention,” Steven replied, crossing his arms over the crest of his
“Pinkie, I can help you get anything you want. Fame, fortune, love, maybe for you all the
food you could eat. Anything you desire Pinkie, I can get you them, all I ask for is just a hand
shake,” Bill said with a glee in his voice. Steven stood there for a second and thought it over
before finally answering.
“Bill, you got yourself a deal,” Steven said as he reached his hand out. Bill was amazed at
how dumb this hybrid was and once he took over his mind, nothing would stop him. Then
suddenly the diner door busted open. The flow of time returning to normal.
“Don’t do it,” shout the kid as he ran in to the diner.
“It’s a bit too late for that,” Steven said, as his back turned to the kid.
“No, I’m too late. Bill took over his mind already,” the kid cried.
“What, no he didn’t,” Steven said, as he turned around to reveal a bubbled Bill.
“Oh, well then,” the kid said.
“Yeah, most the things he offered me I already have. I’m already well known through the
entire universe, money really doesn’t entice me but my Dad is loaded and providing me money
and that means I can buy whatever food I need. As for love, I’ve already have a girlfriend,”
Steven said as Bill stopped his cussing.
“You did, but not after what you said to her,” Bill said.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, she been busy with school work,” Steven
“Keep telling yourself that, Pinkie,” Bill retorted.
“I hate to interrupt, but I’ll go ahead and take Bill off your hands,” the kid said.
“Yes please. By the way, my name is Steven,” Steven said as he handed the bubbled Bill
to the kid.
“My name is Mable,” she said as she took Bill.
“Well, it was nice to meet you, Mable,” Steven said.
“Nice to meet you too, cutie,” Mable said as she walked out the door. Steven followed
behind her, heading towards his car. For the first time in a few weeks Steven checked to see if
Connie had called but she hadn’t.
It had now been a few months since Steven had visited Gravity Falls, he was now back
on the east coast of the country approaching Empire City for one last eating challenge before
heading back to Beach City. Over the past few months Steven had taken part in an eating
challenge in all 39 states. Over that time period he had gained an additional 100lbs, putting him
now at nearly 315lbs. The front seat of the car was becoming increasingly cramped as the days
go by as Steven was expanding more and more.
Today was going to going to be Steven’s largest challenge yet. He was staying at a hotel
in Midtown, in the heart of Empire City. On the top floor of the hotel was a diner only available
to hotel guest. Steven entered the diner, belly partially exposed, as most of his shirts no longer
covered his gem, and jiggling wildly with every step he took. He found a seat next to the window
looking at the busy downtown area. After a while of looking over the menu, the waiter finally
came over to take his order.
“Welcome to Empire Brews and Burgers, what can I get for you today,” the waiter asked,
who looked oddly like Kevin.
“Do you have any type of challenges,” Steven asked.
“We do, it’s simply known as The Burger. It consists of a 5 lbs burger, bacon, pulled
pork, 3 different cheeses, crispy onion rings and fried egg, with 1 lb worth of french fries and
onion rings on the side. You will have one hour to complete, with no help from any one and just
to let you know, no one ever has. Your meal is free, if you do plus you get $50 in food and drink
every month for a year or until someone else completes it. Also, you get to name the burger,” the
waiter said.
“Let’s go with that then,” Steven said as his stomach growled in agreeance. The waiter
wrote down Steven’s order and headed off to the kitchen. While Steven waited for The Burger,
the waiter brought him a pitcher of root beer. Steven looked down at the busy streets below
watching as cars and pedestrians moved about. While sitting there he checked his phone to see if
any one called, he had one message from Pearl asking what time he would be home but nothing
else. As Steven was setting his phone down, the waiter was bringing out his order. Steven looked
at The Burger with aww, it was bun, a 5lb burger patty topped cheese then pulled pork then
another layer of cheese then bacon, another layer of cheese, onion straws and on top of it all was
a fried egg and top bun. On the side was a pound of fries and a pound of onion rings. Steven
didn’t wait for the waiter to explain the rules as he started digging, as he was starving. Bite after
bite of burger and handful after handful of fries and onion rings disappeared down Steven’s
gullet. The wait staff watched in amazement as The Burger was being demolished like never
before. Steven stomach was slowly expanding as he ate, causing his shirt to ride up further and
further with each swallow. After thirty minutes, The Burger was defeated as Steven rubbed his
belly while licking the grease off his lips. Then he said something the stunned the wait staff even
“I’ll take another one,” Steven said as his stomach gave out another hungry growl. Soon
Steven’s second The Burger was brought out and just like the first one it was completed in under
an hour, just not as fast as the first one. Steven stomach was now massively bloated causing his
shirt to start ripping at the seams. With his hunger satisfied for the time being, Steven headed
back to his room, his belly bounced, jiggled and sway as he moved. All the movement of his
belly caused his shirt to completely rip just as he reached his room. Steven’s room overlooked
the Clock Triangle area of Empire City. Before going to bed, he decided to do some people
watching out the window. He had been watching for a little while, when he started to nod off. As
he was getting up, he saw a pink lion walking down the side walk but chalked it up to his tired
brain playing tricks on him and headed to bed.
The next day Steven woke up to a smaller belly but had gained ten pounds from
yesterday. He got up and took a shower and got dressed, the best fitting shirt he had exposed half
his belly. After getting dressed, he headed down to check out, but noticed a breakfast bar that
was free to guest. Steven decided to stop and get a light (for him) breakfast as he had plans once
he got back to Delmarva. After Steven had breakfast, he checked out and hit the road heading to
Beach City.
About noon, Steven pulled in to a place where this whole thing began, Delmarva Diner.
Steven walked in and sat in the same booth he had before. He didn’t need to look at the menu, he
already knew what he wanted.
“Hey, what can I get for you today,” the waitress asked, the same one that had waited on
him as he started this journey.
“I’ll have four of the fried rockfish sandwiches,” Steven said as the waitress wrote down
his order.
“Sure thing. By the way you look familiar, have you eaten here before,” the waitress
“You have, I was here about a year ago as I was starting my cross-country journey,”
Steven replied.
“Oh, I remember you now. Well you look like you’ve been eating well on your journey,”
the waitress said.
“Sure have,” Steven said, patting his belly, “And if it wasn’t for this place, I never would
“Oh, how so,” the waitress asked.
“Well, if it hadn’t been for the good food I had here, I never would have decided to eat at
diners like this one in every town I stopped in. I also took part in a lot of eating challenges along
the way,” Steven said.
“Well, I’m glad you enjoyed our food here and decided to come back,” the waitress said.
After thirty-five minutes his order finally arrived and covered the whole table. Steven wasted
very little time digging in to his lunch with gusto. Another twenty minutes later and Steven is
tossing the last bit of food into his mouth. The staff was in aww, they had never had anyone eat
that many rockfish sandwiches at once or that quick, especially a single sandwich. Steven sat
there for a few minutes chatting with the waitress about his journey, but when he attempted to
get up, he had a problem, he was stuck. The waitress tried to help Steven out but he wouldn’t
budge, so she hollered at the two cooks in the back to come help. After a few minutes of tugging
Steven is finally freed from the booth, though a little embarrassed. After paying for his meal and
leaving a big tip, Steven got back in his car and headed towards Beach City.
About three hours later after leaving the diner, Steven pulled up to the Boardwalk in
Beach City. Before heading to the Beach House, he decided to stop by Beach Citywalk Fries and
get some bits. Steven walked up to the counter, noticing that Peedee had his back turned to him.
“Hey, Peedee, give me the bits,” Steven shouted. Peedee turned around at the sound of
Steven’s voice.
“Hey, welcome home, Stev…” Peedee stopping mid-sentence, noticing Steven’s larger
frame, “Wow, what happened to you, Steven?”
“Well, I’ve been doing a lot of eating and eating challenges over the past year, so I may
have put on a little bit of weight.” Steven answered as he rubbed the back of his head.
“A bit?” Peedee replied, cocking an eyebrow.
“Hey, like your one to talk,” Steven said with a bit of anger as he pointed at Peedee’s
“Okay you’ve got a point. Shortly after you left, Dad retired and I took over the shop and
well I couldn’t help myself and been eating the leftovers after work,” Peedee said patting his
belly. Peedee got to work on making the bits, pulling a five-gallon bucket full of bits he kept in
the freezer for when Steven returned. As the bits cooked Steven and Peedee chatted about life
over the past year
“Here you go, Steven. A special batch of bits made just for you,” Peedee said as he
sat two large tub of bits on the counter.
“Thanks, Peedee. I’ll come by and visit with you later,” Steven said as he gathered his
order. As Steven walked away, Peedee watched him waddle off and thought, “That extra weight
on Steven really makes him looks cute.” After stopping at The Big Donut and ordering a couple
dozen donuts, he headed to the Beach House.
Meanwhile at the house, Greg has just hung up the phone.
“Okay, Bill just called and said Steven just left The Big Donut and is headed this way,”
Greg said as the Gems finished putting up the decoration. As they were working to finish up the
party, Lapis turned to Peridot.
“Peri, just remember don’t bring anything up to Steven about the incident that happen on
his trip,” Lapis said.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know,” Peri replied.
“We’re serious Peri, he and his therapist made a lot of progress on that,” Lapis replied
with a stern voice.
“I got it, don’t bring up…” Peri started saying before Amethyst shouted that Steven was
Steven was heading up the stair to the Beach House with the boxes of donuts and the tubs
of fry bits.
“I can’t wait to see everyone again” Steven thinking to himself. Steven opens the door to
walk in the house, when the Gems, Greg, and the B-Team all-yelled, “Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!”
Steven, being scared by the surprise, threw the boxes and tubs in the air while screaming.
“Sorry, Steven.” Greg says as he pats Steven on the back as Amethyst and Pearl
clean up the food that Steven dropped. A few minutes later, Steven is now sitting on the couch
and Peridot is sitting next to him.
“Steven, it seems you’re taking your breakup with Connie well,” Peri said.
“Peridot, we just told you not to say anything,” Lapis screamed, giving Peri an angry
“I thought you were talking about the monster thing,” Peri screamed back. Steven turned
and gave Lapis a confused look.
“What are you talking about, Me and Connie didn’t break up. She’s just running a little
late and will be here soon,” Steven said. As the party goes on multiple Gems tried to talk to
Steven, but Steven’s only reply was, “Connie will be here any moment now, you’ll see. We
never broke up.” Soon the party is over and Greg is now sitting next to Steven, with a look of
sadness on his face.
“Schtu-ball, Connie is not coming. Like Peridot, said you two broke up about a month
after you left,” Greg said, giving his son a hug. Hearing his Dad confirm the truth in what Peridot
had said made it even harder as the memories of that day came flooding back.
On that day, Connie and Steven had met at a diner, that over looked the Buckeye River
near Churchill, Bluegrass.
“Steven, we need to talk,” Connie said as she watched Steven stuff the burger he ordered
into his mouth.
“UUhagh ahough,” Steven asked with a mouth full of burger.
“You’re eating habit as of lately,” Connie said, as she watched the grease from the burger
run down Steven budding second chin.
“What about it,” Steven asked using the sleeve of his jacket, instead of the napkin that
was next to his hand, to wipe the grease off his face.
“Well, you’ve been eating a lot more than you usually do lately and it starting to show,”
Connie said looking under the table at Steven’s exposed gem.
“And,” Steven said as he took a sip of his soda.
“What do you mean ‘and’, do you know how unhealthy your eating has been the past few
week? Steven you’ve gone from being a vegetarian to eating nothing but greasy and fried foods
overnight. And the weight that you’ve gain is not good either,” Connie said.
“So what if I put on a few pounds and changed my eating habit, it’s my choice. That the
reason I’m on this journey to find myself, to find out who I want to be, not what people want me
to be,” Steven said as he was starting to get angry.
“Being your own person doesn’t mean you have to be fat and unhealthy, Steven,” Connie
“Maybe being fat and unhealthy is who I want to be. My gem will cause my body to heal
quickly, remember,” Steven retorted with more anger.
“What is your problem,” Connie asked with scuff.
“My problem is your nagging and frankly you’re being a bitch right now,” Steven said
turning pink, “I’m supposed to be on a relaxing stress-free journey and yet here you are stressing
me out. I thought you were supposed to be helping me destress but here you are adding to it,”
Steven spat as he had reached a breaking point.
“You know what screw you, Steven,” Connie said as she stood up throwing her napkin at
Steven’s face causing him to return to normal, “We’re done Steven.” Connie then stormed out of
the building, hopped on Lion and left. That was the last time he saw either Connie or Lion. It was
right after this that Steven started eating more.
Steven had originally planned on going back on the road, but after remembering that he
and Connie had broken up, it sent him in to a depression. His whole trip he thought he was doing
the eating challenges because he was wanting the challenge, but now he realized it was only
doing them to forget the pain. Steven had moved into Greg’s Van as he didn’t really want to
move back into the Beach House.
As time went along Steven was constantly stuffing his face as his depression caused him
to eat more. It was now October and Steven had just picked up an order from The Big Donut. As
Steven got back to the van, the inside was littered with empty pizza boxes, burger wrapper, fry
boxes and candy wrappers as Steven had put on another twenty-five pounds since his birthday.
Next, we visit Steven in December around the holidays, as the Gems, Greg and Andy have
gathered for a holiday feast. Since October, Steven had gained another thirty pounds.
We next see Steven in February, as he is eating at the new Beach Citywalk Fries. In the
month before Steven’s return to Beach City, Peedee was working on opening a new location that
offered indoor seating and a full menu. Once the tourist season died down at the end of October,
based on Steven recommendation, Peedee hired Bismuth to tear down and rebuild Beach
Citywalk Fries. Steven, spent most of his time here now days, having gained another thirty-five
pounds. But Steven wasn’t the only one gaining some weight as Peedee had gain thirty pounds as
well, just from being around Steven.
“Hey, Steven,” Peedee said as Steven walked in.
“Hi, Peedee,” Steven replied, in a sad depressed tone.
“I take it you want your usual,” Peedee asked as Steven as he sat down
“Yeah, but one extra of each item,” Steven answered, as he let out a sigh. After a while
Peedee brought Steven his order and sat down across the table from him.
“Not that I don’t enjoy your company, Steven, but are you ever going to go back out on
the road,” Peedee ask as he watched Steven eat.
“I do plan on it. Just not at this time, I’m still not fully ready to yet,” Steven said as he ate
some of his fries. Steven and Peedee talked for a bit longer before Peedee spoke up about
“Steven, can I tell you something,” Peedee asked.
“Sure,” Steven said as he took a sip of his shake.
“Steven, I’ve always had a crush on you, even as kids, but I was never truly sure about
those feelings. But when you came back, that when I knew it was true. The second I saw how
much weight you had gained my heart and stomach felt like they were twisted in a knot. It took
every ounce of will power not to jump through and kiss you,” Peedee stated as he looked at the
table while blushing.
“Peedee,” Steven spoke up, “I’ve always felt the same way about you as well. Seeing you
after I got back, made my heart flutter. But at the time I still thought me and Connie were dating
and the only reason I never said anything after that was because I wasn’t sure you felt the same
way.” Steven was almost red in color as he was blushing so much. Steven and Peedee both got
up and embraced in a hug and a kiss.
Over the next few month Steven was no longer eating out of being depressed but because
he was in love. Peedee loved seeing Steven get bigger, so he had Steven move in with him.
When Peedee had Bismuth rebuild Beach Citywalk Fries, and thanks to Mayor Nanefua, Peedee
bought the abandon building behind Beach Citywalk Fries and turned it into a house. It was now
April and Steven had gained another forty pounds since he and Peedee started dating. Most the
time Steven was only wearing a pair of boxers. Tonight, Peedee was feeding Steven from one of
four boxes from the Big Donut. Peedee hadn’t been spared from his share of weight gain either
gaining another fifteen pounds.
We again fast forward this time to June as Steven is eating at Fish Stew Pizza, having
gained another forty-five pounds, when the chair he was sitting in gave out. Of course, Kofi was
pissed that Steven broke a chair, but calmed down when Peedee gave him the money to buy a
new chair.
It has been over a year since Steven returned to Beach City. Steven, now weighing over
five hundred pounds, was sitting on a couch, with Peedee next to him, with his head on Steven’s
shoulder and arm on his belly.
“Steven, I guess it safe to say you’re never going back out on that road,” Peedee ask, as
he himself was now weighing in at almost two-hundred and fifty pounds.
“Well, I was getting ready to talk to you about that. Lars contacted me today asked if I
would like to travel through the cosmos with him,” Steven said.
“Oh,” Peedee replied with a hint of disappointment in his voice.
“I told him I would love to, but only if you could come with me,” Steven said.
“And what did he say,” Peedee asked.
“He said he would love for you to come along,” Steven replied.
“Really,” Peedee said.
“Yep,” Steven stated.
“Wait, what do we do about the restaurant,” Peedee asked.
“Already taken care of. Pearl said there was a gem at Little Homeschool that was
looking to run a restaurant in town and that they were an amazing cook. Dad said he’ll take over
the ownership of the restaurant,” Steven answered
“Wow, it sounds like you took care of everything. So, when do we leave,” Peedee asked.
“We leave in a few weeks, which will give you a bit of time to train them in what needs
to be done,” Steven replied, giving his boyfriend a kiss.
A few weeks later, Steven and Peedee are standing on the beach, watching as Lars’ ship
landed on the beach. Beach Citywalk Fries was now being run by Greg and Jasper, Jasper during
her time at Little homeschool, Jasper had fallen in love with the culinary arts. A few minutes
later, Lars’ ship was now landing on the beach.
“Hi, Lars!” Steven yells as he waves as Lars.
“Steven, good to see you. I know you said you’ve grown a lot since I last saw you, but I
wasn’t expecting this much. So have you Peedee,” Lars said as he walked down the ships ramp.
“Yeah, Connie broke up with me not long after I started my trip and I guess my mind
decided to ignore it while I was traveling with food. Every place I went to I took part in an eating
challenge, to deal with the pain and forget about it. When I came home, Peridot reminded me
that it had happened and it caused me to started eating non-stop and well you see the results. But
this time also allowed me to find my true love, Peedee,” Steven explained, walking towards the
ship, still able to walk as he would when he weighed a hundred and fifty pounds due to his gem
“Well, Steven, I think you look really cute with all that extra weight. And I’m also glad
that you found someone that loves you for you,” Lars said, giving Steven’s massive belly a rub.
“Thanks, Lars,” Steven replies, as he gave Lars a hug.
“Steven and Peedee, seeing that its obvious that you two love eating, have you two ever
wondered what food on other planets taste like,” Lars asked, seeing the hefty lovers holding
“I thought about every once and a while,” they both answered.
“Well, what if we traveled the universe eating food from every planet that we visit and
growing as large as you all want to. Does that sound like a good idea,” Lars asked.
“Yes,” they answer. Soon Steven and Peedee had boarded the ship and were heading out
to space on a new adventure to eat all that the universe had to offer.

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