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Robots in Space

Robots are especially useful in space exploration because, unlike human explorers,
they can survive in space for long periods of time and can safely do things that
humans cannot do. They can be built to do things that would be too risky or
impossible for astronauts. For example, they can withstand harsh conditions such as
extreme temperatures on distant planets or high levels of radiation. They can
collect samples, take measurements, and send pictures back to Earth.

Mars Rover
Mars Rover - NASA
Robotic arms on spacecraft such as the International Space Station are used to move
large objects in space. NASA rovers like Curiosity or Perseverance are used to
explore Mars. New robots for space exploration are being developed all the time. A
foldable robot called A-PUFFER was developed to explore regions on the moon. BRUIE
is a robot designed to explore under ice surfaces, such as the underground oceans
of Jupiter’s moon Europa. A robot called Hedgehog is being developed to explore
asteroids and comets.

It takes a lot of people working together to design and build these complex robots.
Electrical engineers design the circuitry, mechanical engineers design the robot’s
body or arm, and computer engineers develop the programming and communication
systems. Perhaps someday you will help invent new robots to explore beyond our
planet. Learn more about the use of robots in space.

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