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10 hours

Syllabus: Introduction to Chemical safety, Labelling of chemicals, Acid hoods. Handling of

Acids, eye washers and showers. Safety thinking, accident investigation, safety policy of the
company, loss prevention and control, check list for LPG installations, safety precautions using
CNG, fire prevention and safety audit, confined space entry, risk assessment.
Case studies: To visit chemical laboratory of the college and other chemical industries like
LPG, CNG facilities and report.

5.1 Introduction to Chemical safety:

[Define Chemical safety. List and explain the various types of chemical safety measure
implemented in our working environment.]

Chemicals may be classified as hazardous for several reasons. A chemical may cause injury
or damage because of its toxic properties or because of some physical property. For instance,
flammable chemicals are hazardous because they will catch fire and burn more readily than
other chemicals and a chemical that is a poison causes an adverse health effect on some organ
or organ system.
Chemicals That Can Cause Injury
Explosive Chemicals
Some chemicals are explosive and peroxide-forming chemicals can become explosive over
time. The first time a container of a peroxide-forming chemical is opened, it must be labeled
with the date. These chemicals should be turned over as hazardous waste to VEHS no later
than six months from the date they have been opened. If you find a bottle of a peroxide forming
chemical and you are not sure how old it is, DO NOT move it if there are white crystals present
around on the container. Common examples of some peroxide forming chemicals include
ethers, tetrahydrofuran, dioxane & dry picric acid. However, many other chemicals can also
form peroxides.
Flammable Chemicals Flammable chemicals will readily catch fire and burn in air. The most
common flammable chemicals found in the laboratory are organic solvents. These chemicals
must be stored in a flammable storage cabinet. Corrosive Chemicals Corrosive chemicals
destroy exposed tissue through chemical action. The most common corrosive chemicals are
acids (pH<7) and bases (pH>7). Acids and bases must be stored separately in cabinets that
will not be corroded. Hydrofluoric acid is an especially hazardous acid, because it will not
only corrode living tissue, it will also damage bone. Individuals who work with hydrofluoric
acid must have the antidote, calcium gluconate, immediately available in case of an accident.
Cryogenic Liquids Cryogenic liquids kill skin through flash freezing – frostbite. Since most
cryogenic liquids also displace oxygen as they evaporate, they are hazardous in poorly
ventilated areas. Chemicals That Can Cause Adverse Health Effects Acute health effects occur
immediately after exposure to a toxic chemical. An example of an acute health effect would


be passing out after inhalation of a toxin. Chronic health effects may not be evident until days,
months, or even years after the exposure and may result from either one exposure or several
exposures over a period of time. Emphysema and cancer are two examples of chronic health
effects. Highly/Acutely Toxic Chemicals Highly or acutely toxic chemicals include any
chemical that falls within any of the following OSHA defined categories: o A chemical with
a median lethal dose (LD50) of 50 mg or less per kg of body weight when administered orally
to certain test populations. o A chemical with an LD50 of 200 mg less per kg of body weight
when administered by continuous contact for 24 hours to certain test populations. o A chemical
with a median lethal concentration (LC50) in air of 200 parts per million (ppm) by volume or
less of gas or vapor, or 2 mg per liter or less of mist, fume, or dust, when administered to certain
test populations by continuous inhalation for one hour, provided such concentration and/or
condition are likely to be encountered by humans when the chemical is used in any reasonably
foreseeable Toxins & Select Agent Toxins Toxins are chemicals created by plants, animals or
microorganisms that are poisonous to humans. Certain toxins have been listed as Select Agent
Toxins by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Vanderbilt is required to register these
toxins with the CDC and must follow strict procedures for receipt, use, security and disposal.
If you plan to use a Select Agent Toxin, contact the Biosafety Program Manager in the VEHS
Following is a list of the Select Agent Toxins:
o Abrin
o Aflatoxins
o Botulinum toxins
o Clostridium perfringens epsilon toxin
o Conotoxins
o Diacetoxyscirpenol
o Shigatoxin
o Staphylococcal enterotoxins
o Tetrodotoxin
o T-2 toxin
o Ricin
o Saxitoxin
Carcinogens A carcinogen is a substance capable of causing cancer. There are three sources
that provide lists of carcinogens:
Reproductive Toxins “A large number of workplace chemicals, physical and biologic agents
can damage the reproductive systems of both male and female workers, resulting in infertility,
spontaneous abortion, developmental impairment or death in an embryo, fetus or child.”


Reproductive toxins are chemicals that can cause problems with male and/or female
reproduction. These problems can include fertility and gestation. Some chemicals cause
problems for infants if a breast-feeding mother is exposed.
Mutagens are chemicals that cause a mutation in DNA. If the mutation occurs in germinal
cells, it may affect progeny. Teratogens are chemicals that cause birth defects to occur in a
developing embryo or fetus when the mother is exposed during pregnancy.
Chemical Sensitizers (Allergens) An allergy develops when the immune system reacts to a
harmless substance as if it were infectious, triggering the production of antibodies. Subsequent
exposures to even very small amounts of the same substance can trigger the allergic response.
The individual who has developed an allergy can manifest the allergic response as a skin rash,
eye irritation, allergic asthma, or, in severe allergic reactions, anaphylactic shock that can result
in death if not treated quickly enough. There are several chemicals and classes of chemicals
that can be sensitizers.
Listed here are some of the more common sensitizer chemicals:
o Polyisocyanates
o Latex rubber
o Metals
o Acid anhydrides
o Formaldehyde
o Toluene
o Thioacetic acid
o Diazomethane
o Dicyclohexylcarbodiimide
o Benzylic & allylic halides
o Some phenol derivatives
o Coal tar volatiles
A wide range of chemicals are being used in Institute laboratories. The hazards associated with
these chemicals vary depending on their properties and mode of handling and usage.
Inherent hazards are also associated with the reactions that are carried out with these chemicals
and the equipment being used.
The risks involved include serious injuries and adverse health effects. This calls for utmost care
in handling of chemicals from the time of receipt to disposal.
Prevention of mishaps requires a proactive approach in identifying hazards and putting control
measures in place.


 Routes of Entry
The chemicals being handled can adversely affect the health of the person if it finds its way
into the body.
This can happen either through the
respiratory system by inhalation,
skin absorption and
Among these three modes, the respiratory system is the main route of entry of chemicals into
the body.

 Inhalation
– Inhalation is the most common route of entry for chemicals into the body. The vapours
or fumes released from chemical containers or during the chemical reaction being
carried out can enter the respiratory system if adequate precautions are not taken.
– The impact on the respiratory system will depend upon the type of chemical, its
properties, ambient concentration of the chemical and duration of exposure.
– The chemical vapours can cause severe irritation of the respiratory tract or it can be
absorbed into the blood stream to be carried to target organs.
– The respiratory system has its own defense mechanism against foreign materials
entering it.
– The mucous secretion along the nasal cavity and millions of tiny hairs called cilia lining
the respiratory tract help in expelling foreign material.
– In addition to this, macrophage cells attack and expel the dust particles reaching the
lower respiratory passages.
– But these defense mechanisms are often overwhelmed when foreign materials enter the
body in excess amounts.
 Skin absorption
– Next to inhalation, absorption through the skin forms the main route of entry of
chemicals into the body.
– Absorption through the skin can happen when the chemical handled comes in contact
with unprotected body parts. This happens when the person handling the chemicals is
not wearing appropriate clothing or personal protective equipment.
– Cuts and abrasions on the skin can be a source of absorption of the chemical into the
blood stream. Chemicals can also be absorbed through the intact skin.
– Gastrointestinal introduction of toxins. This route of entry of chemicals into the body
is rare when compared to other means of entry.
 Ingestion
– Ingestion of the chemical can result from the consumption of food items inside the labs,
contamination of food items stored in refrigerators meant for chemicals, mouth
pipetting, and accidental ingestion of chemicals stored in drinking water bottles and
poor personnel hygiene.


 Types of chemicals
- Corrosives are chemicals, which cause burns on the skin, mucous membrane and eyes.
Chemical burns are also caused when tissues come in contact with corrosive solids, corrosive
liquids dispersed in the air as mists.
- It includes mainly acids and alkalies.
- Acid mists or fumes can corrode structural materials and equipment.
- Corrosives chemicals have other dangerous properties as well. For example, perchloric acid,
in addition to being highly corrosive, is also a powerful oxidizing agent which can cause fire
and explosions.
Facilities like emergency eyewash and shower must be available in the labs handling
- Splashing of corrosives into the eyes can result in partial or total loss of vision if not flushed
with copious amount of water immediately. Caustics can cause serious skin burns as they
penetrate deep into the tissue.
- Corrosive chemicals, both solid and liquid, can generate large amounts of heat when mixed
with water. This can cause the solution to boil or even erupt violently.
- When water is added into a container of concentrated sulfuric acid it is converted instantly to
steam which will eject the entire contents into the air. To prevent this always add corrosives to
water, slowly, in small amounts, with frequent stirring.
- Always use personal protective equipment like safety goggles, face shields, chemical
apron/coverall and hand gloves with long sleeves while handling corrosive chemicals.
Examples of corrosives include
Nitric acid
Sulphuric acid
Calcium hydroxide
Hydrofluoric acid
Sodium hydroxide
- Oxidisers are a hazard as they support combustion. Fires can burn violently in their presence.
- Oxidisers must be stored away from flammables, since they can start a fire if they come in
contact with each other.
- Oxidizing materials which start to decompose at temperatures marginally above normal room
temperatures must be stored well below their decomposition temperature.


- Do not use sawdust or other combustible substances to clean up spills of oxidizing materials.
Examples of oxidisers include
Nitric acid
Perchloric Acid
Permanganates Nitrates
- Flammable chemicals are a fire hazard. The lower the flashpoint (the lowest temperature at
which a liquid fuel will give off enough vapour to form a momentarily ignitable mixture with
air.) of the chemical, greater the hazard.
- Flammable chemical bottles must not be kept open without caps. They must not be kept near
ignition sources.
- They must not be left on the lab bench after use, but to be stored in safety cabinets after use.
- A fire in a laboratory can easily get out of control if it involves any flammable solvents.
- Flammable chemicals must not be kept open in beakers or containers as they readily release
vapour. The released vapours can form a flammable vapour air mixture which can ignite in the
presence of a source of ignition.
- Open flames must be prohibited where solvents are handled and stored. The amount of solvent
storage inside the labs must be only those required for immediate use.
- Flammable chemicals must not be stored along with oxidisers.
- Flammable chemical bottles or open containers with flammable chemicals must not be stored
in domestic refrigerators. The vapours released can be ignited by the lighting unit or the
thermostat inside. Intrinsically safe lab-purpose refrigerators must be used for the purpose of
storing flammable chemicals.
- Distillation of solvents must only be done inside a chemical fume hood.
- Flammable chemicals must not be heated with Bunsen burners, use a water bath for the same.
Examples of flammable chemicals are
Methyl alcohol
Water Reactives
- A violent reaction can occur if water reactive chemicals come in contact with water or
- They must be stored away from wash areas or places where it can come in contact with water.


- Some chemicals react with water to produce heat and flammable gases.
- The bench must be kept dry in the vicinity of an experiment involving alkali metals.
- The apparatus used must be free of moisture.
Examples are
- Pyrophorics are chemicals which undergo spontaneous ignition when they come in contact
with air.
- Handling and usage of pyrophorics require fire resistant lab coat, fire resistant hand gloves,
safety glasses and face shield.
- Experiments involving the same must only be carried out inside a fume hood. Portable shields
may also be used for additional protection.
- Laboratories handling pyrophoric chemicals must have emergency eye wash fountain and
shower and fire blankets.
- At least two persons must be present in the laboratory whenever the pyrophoric chemical is
- Flammable solvents or other combustible substances must not be stored inside the fume hood
when pyrophoric chemicals are being handled.
- Handling of pyrophoric chemicals must always be done in an inert atmosphere.
- Secondary containers (trays) must be used during handling and storage.
Examples are
Butyl lithium
Diisobutylaluminium hydride
- Toxic materials are substances that can cause harm to an individual if it enters the body.
- Effects of toxic chemicals are of two types- acute and chronic.
Acute effect
The ill effects appear during or immediately after a single exposure to a toxic chemical. The
health effects may be temporary, such as irritation of the skin, sickness, or they may be
permanent: blindness, scars from acid burns, etc.
Acute toxicity is often seen within minutes or hours after a sudden, high exposure to a chemical.


Chronic effect
The effects become visible after a long period of exposure. This can vary from several weeks
to years. This results from multiple exposures to the toxic chemical in sufficient concentrations
after a long period of time.
Prevention of toxic exposures
Use the minimum quantity wherever possible.
The release of toxic vapours into the workplace must be prevented.
This can be achieved by carrying out the handling of toxic chemicals in fume hoods or using
local exhaust ventilation system.
Personal exposure can be prevented by the use of personal protective equipment.
LD stands for "Lethal Dose". LD50 is the amount of a material, given all at once, which causes
the death of 50% (one half) of a group of test animals. It is used to measure the shortterm
poisoning potential (acute toxicity) of a material.
It is expressed as the amount of chemical administered (e.g., milligrams) per 100 grams (for
smaller animals) or per kilogram (for larger animals) of the body weight of the test animal. The
LD50 values are found for dermal and oral exposure.
Peroxide forming chemicals
- Peroxide forming chemicals reacts with oxygen in air to form unstable peroxides which may
detonate violently when they become concentrated by evaporation or distillation or when
subjected to unusual heat, shock or friction.
- Preventing accidents involving peroxide forming chemicals involves
detection and removal of peroxides,
proper labeling of containers,
recording the dates of receipts, usage and disposal,
use of personal protective equipment,
storing in air tight, amber glass bottles, preferably in the dark,
disposal of the chemical as per the expiry date.
- Containers must be protected from impact or physical damage when storing, transferring or
Diluting organic peroxides must be as per chemical suppliers’s advice. Using a wrong solvent
or one that is contaminated can cause an explosion.
Examples are
Diethyl ether


Isopropyl ether
Receipt of Chemicals
- The MSDS/SDS (Material Safety Data Sheets) must be obtained from the manufacturer or
the supplier upon receipt of the chemical.
- Ensure that the chemicals containers/bottles received are in good condition without damage.
- The details of the chemicals must be included in the inventory list.
- The dates of receipt and first opening of the bottle must be recorded on the bottle and in the
- Emergency information about the chemical must be compiled for quick reference.
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS/SDS)
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is a document that contains information on the potential
hazards of a chemical and how to work safely with the chemical product.
Material safety data sheets/Safety data sheets of chemicals are provided by the manufacturer
or supplier of the chemical. It gives the following information about the chemical:
 Physical properties
 Chemical properties
 Fire hazard
 Reactivity hazard
 Health hazard
 First Aid Measures
 Spill control measures
 Type of fire extinguishers to be used in case of fire
 Personal protective equipments required

5.2 Labelling of chemicals:

[Explain the various methods for Labelling of Chemicals.]

- Chemicals when transferred to secondary bottles/cans must be provided with proper labels.
- Chemical formulae or short forms must not be used for labelling of the containers.
The label must contain
 the full name of the chemical,
 its hazards,
 information for safe handling and


 the signage/pictogram indicating the hazard class.

- Labels of bottles which got deteriorated or worn off must be replaced immediately.
- Chemical bottles without labels or improper labeling can result in the wrong chemical being
- Further it will also cause difficulty in case of a spill or body contact or at the time of disposal
of the chemical.
The Lab Standard requires that all chemicals be labeled. If you transfer a chemical from the
original container to a new container, you need to also label that new container with the name
of the chemical. This is very important because in the event of an emergency you need to know
the exact chemical name or chemical formulation you are working with so that you will know
which MSDS to consult.
Containers must be labeled with:
 Chemical name
 Manufacturer’s name
 Health hazards
 Physical hazards
 Long & short term health effects
For frequently used chemicals, you can create your own labels for secondary containers using
a word processing program and standard labels so that you can print them out as they are
All hazardous chemicals must be clearly labelled for the benefit of current users, emergency
personnel, and future users. Unknown chemicals can be expensive to dispose of.
Make sure all labels are legible and in good condition. Repair or replace damaged or missing

Manufacturers’ Labels
Cal/OSHA requires that manufacturers provide labels with the following information:
• Contents of the container
• Physical and health hazard information
• Name, address, and emergency phone number of the manufacturer or other responsible
Original manufacturers’ labels must not be removed or defaced. Material Safety Data Sheets
(MSDSs) must be accessible to anyone working with these chemicals.

 Your Own Labels

Hazardous chemicals that are not in the manufacturer’s original container (e.g., working
solutions prepared in the lab) must, at a minimum, be labeled with the contents of the
container. If the contents are hazardous, attach a label indicating the hazard to warn
individuals in the work area. It is not necessary to label containers that will be used
temporarily (during one work shift) and are under your immediate control.


Fig. 5.1: Label your chemicals

Pictograms as per Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of
Chemicals created by the United Nations are as follows.



 Flammables/Emits Flammable Gas

 Self Reactives/Self Heating
 Pyrophorics
 Organic Peroxides


Self Reactives
Organic Peroxides

Acute toxicity (Severe)


Respiratory Sensitizer
Reproductive Toxicity
Target Organ Toxicity
Aspiration Toxicity


Environmental Toxicity

Dermal Sensitizer
Acute toxicity (harmful)
Narcotic Effects
Respiratory Tract

Table 5.1: Pictograms used for chemical nomenclature

5.3 Acid Hoods:

[With a neat schematic representation, explain the significance of Acid hoods.]

Fig. 5.2: Acid Hood / Fume hood


Be aware of the proper methodology of working with fume hood.

- Do not use perchloric acid in an ordinary hood. A wash down hood must be used for handling
of perchloric acid.
- Keep all apparatus at least six inches inside from the sash.
- Maintain good housekeeping in the hood at all times. Clean up the hood and remove unwanted
materials at the end of the work.
- Avoid making rapid movements while operating the hood. This may cause the vapours inside
the hood to escape out. The sash must be lowered and raised slowly.
- Do not place electrical receptacles inside the hood.
- A safety shield can be placed inside the hood as an additional precaution if there is a chance
of runaway reaction.
- Keep only materials required for immediate use inside the hood.
- Never use fume hood as a place for storing chemical bottles or containers.
- Flammable chemicals must not be stored inside the fume hood.
- Use personal protective equipment while working with fume hood, depending upon the type
of chemical used and its hazard.

Fig. 5.3: Handle highly toxic chemicals in a chemical fume hood.


- Test the performance of the hood at least once in six months. Face velocity test measures the
velocity of the air as it enters the sash.

Fig. 5.4: Velocity test measures the velocity of the air

- Do not store materials blocking the baffles. If an equipment has to be placed, it must be kept
on raised stands to allow free flow of air below.
- For fume hoods, the exhaust fan must be able to create a face velocity of 30 meters per minute
at normal working height. Those fume hoods handling highly toxic materials require higher
face velocities of 45 meters per minute.
- While operating the fume hood ensure that the sash is placed at the safe limit mark indicated
on the fume hood.
Never put your head inside the fume hood or raise the sash above the safe limit while working.
- Wherever possible avoid working while sitting opposite the fume hood. As flying fragments
of glass would be hurled out if there is a failure of equipment and if the sash is kept open.
- Keep the sash of the fume hood closed while the fume hood is not in use.
- Maintain the lowest possible quantities of highly toxics.
- Segregate highly toxic chemicals from other hazard classes and store in an area that is cool,
well ventilated, and away from light and heat.
- Use highly toxic chemicals in a designated area or laboratory. Highly toxic chemicals that
produce fumes or dust should always be handled within a chemical fume hood.
- Containers should be tightly sealed to minimize exposure to personnel and avoid
contamination from other chemicals.
- Do not eat, drink, or apply cosmetics where highly toxic chemicals are handled.


Local Exhaust Ventilation

Local exhaust ventilation helps to remove the vapours/gases/dusts from the point of generation
before it reaches the breathing zone of the user.
A local exhaust ventilation system consists of
a hood or opening that captures the vapours/dust at the source,
ducts that transfers the contaminant from the hood,
fan/blower that discharges air outdoors and
an exhaust stack from which the contaminated air is discharged outside.

Fig. 5.5: Local Exhaust Ventilator

5.4 Handling of Acids:

[Explain the various techniques used to handle acids.]
Irrespective of the engineering and administrative controls adopted in the laboratory, all
personnel working or entering the labs must use personal protective equipment.
- Lab coat, safety glasses/goggles and shoes are a minimum requirement for working inside
- Open toed footwear must not be used in the lab, as it will not offer protection in case of a
chemical spill.
- Personal protective equipment in addition to those mentioned above must be used based on
the hazards involved in the task being carried out.
- While selecting the personal protective equipment the following points must be kept in mind.
Must be appropriate to the hazards of the job being done.


Must properly fit the user and be comfortable to use.

Regularly maintained and replaced as per the manufacturer’s recommendation.
If reusable must be properly cleaned and disinfected.
After use the personal protective equipment must be stored away from the work area at a
designated place to prevent contamination and damage.
All personal protective equipment must conform to relevant Indian or International Standards
(European Union/American National Standards Institute). The standard number will be
specified on the equipment.
Never use damaged personal protective equipment.
Hand Gloves
- Hand gloves protect the skin from chemical contacts. Types of hand gloves available for
chemical handling are nitrile, butyl, neoprene, PVC, etc.
- No single glove material is resistant to all chemicals. The glove which is most appropriate
must be selected as per the recommendations given in the MSDS by the chemical manufacturer.
- The gloves irrespective of the material used, will not remain impervious to a chemical forever.

Fig. 5.6: Hand gloves

- Some chemicals will travel through or permeate gloves within a few minutes while others
may take a few days or weeks. Details of the same must be obtained from the manufacturer.
- The best type of chemical protective material (e.g., neoprene, butyl rubber) can be determined
by referring to MSDS.
- Handling of certain chemicals requires double gloves for e.g., Hydrofluoric acid (nitrile and
neoprene hand gloves to be used).


Eye protection-Safety glasses and safety goggles

Fig. 5.7: Eye protection-Safety goggles

- Laboratory operations involve the risk of eye injuries due to chemical contact or from flying
fragments in case of failure of apparatus or equipment. Safety glasses/safety goggles offer
protection from above mentioned risks.
- Goggles can be used if there are chances of splashing of chemicals during handling or from
the experimental setup used.
- Goggles provide a tight seal around the eyes.

Fig. 5.8: Goggles provide a tight seal around the eyes

- A face shield offers protection to the face from chemical splashes. Eye protection must be
worn even when the face shield is used.
- Clean your glasses daily. Follow manufacturer’s instructions.


- Avoid rough handling that can cause scratches on lens.

- The glasses must fit properly. The frame must be as close as possible to the face and
adequately supported by the bridge of the nose.
- Damaged glasses must not be used.
- Keep them in a case when they are not worn.
Respiratory Protection
- Wherever possible use a fume hood or local exhaust ventilation for protection from vapours
and gases.
- If the task involved is such that the above facility cannot be used, then inhalation of toxic
vapours can be prevented by the use of chemical cartridge respirators.

Fig. 5.9: Chemical cartridge respirators

- The respirator must be selected on the basis of the type of contaminant present in the work
- The cartridge must be replaced periodically as per the recommendations of the manufacturer.
- The chemical cartridge respirators must NOT be used in an oxygen deficient atmosphere.
Body protection
- Aprons/coveralls protect the body from chemical contact; the type and material selected
depends upon the properties and hazards of the chemical being handled.


Fig. 5.10: Aprons

Spill control
- In case of a chemical spill, ventilate the lab by opening up the windows.
- Apart from persons cleaning up the spill, others must evacuate the room.
- The personnel carrying out the cleaning must wear proper personnel protective equipment.
This includes eye/face protection, hand gloves and coveralls as required.
- Never assume that gases or vapours do not exist because of lack of smell.
- Breathing vapours from spilled material must be avoided. Chemical cartridge respirators must
be used for protection against fumes/vapours.
- Spill control kits can be used to neutralise or absorb the spilled chemical. Absorbent pillows
can be laid around the spill to prevent the chemical from spreading out.
- Reduce vapour concentrations by covering the surface of a liquid spill with absorbent or other
suitable material specified in the safety data sheet.
- The absorbed chemical can be collected in polyethylene bags and labelled and stored for
- In case of a major spill involving a flammable or toxic chemical the building will have to be
- In case of major spill of toxic chemical, the personnel doing the cleaning must wear self
contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) in addition to other personnel protective equipments.
- If flammable vapours are involved, do not operate electrical switches in the vicinity.


- Try to turn off open flames, where it is safe to do so.

- While dealing with a flammable chemical spill make sure that there is an exit behind, which
can be used if the chemical ignites.

Fig. 5.11: Chemical spill

 Precautions in handling Elemental Mercury

- Mercury is a silvery liquid metal that vapourises at temperatures as low as -120 C.
- The vapours are colourless and odourless.
- Chronic poisoning can be caused by long-term exposure to low levels of mercury. Chronic
exposure can result in personality changes, tremors, mental disturbances such as insomnia,
irritability and indecision, fatigue, muscular weakness, weight loss, etc.
- Exposure to excessive levels can permanently damage brain and kidneys, or can even be fatal.
- Mercury has very low viscosity and droplets that fall roll and bounce when they hit the floor
or a bench. They may be broken into very tiny droplets which will not be visible to an unaided
- Vapour pressure of mercury increases rapidly with increase in temperature leading to increase
in the release of mercury vapour. Sources of heat must be kept away.
- Mercury containers must always be kept closed.
- Inhalation of elemental mercury vapor is the most common route of exposure.


 Measures to control mercury vapour hazards

- Mercury handling activities must be carried out in the smallest convenient space to simplify
cleaning operations. Same must be done within a fume hood.
- Personal protective equipment must be worn while handling mercury. The same must not be
used outside the work area to prevent contamination.
- Drinking or eating must be prohibited in the laboratory.
- Handling of mercury must always be done in secondary containers (trays) to contain spill.
- Mercury must not be allowed to come in contact with chemicals which are incompatible with
- All containers of mercury must be properly labelled and kept in secondary containers.
- Maintain Mercury Spill Kits in the lab.
- Due care must be taken while handling other mercury compounds also.
Hydrofluoric Acid (HF)
- Hydrofluoric acid causes destructive and extremely painful burns in case of contact with
- In case of concentrated solutions the symptoms appear immediately whereas in case of dilute
solutions, they appear after 24 hours.
- The pain will be accompanied by visible reddening of the effected tissue.
- HF can produce serious tissue damage without necessarily producing pain.
- HF has corrosive properties common among mineral acids, but it is unique in causing deep
tissue damage and hypocalcemia (depletion of calcium in tissues).
- Exposure to vapours can cause extreme respiratory irritation and pulmonary edema (filling of
fluids in the lungs).
- If the injury is not treated immediately it can result in extensive and permanent damage which
may involve the underlying bone.
- In case of body contact or splash the contaminated clothing must be removed and the skin
must be washed with large volumes of running water. Eye wash fountain and shower can be
made use of for the same.
- In case of skin contact the area must be washed with water for at least 15 min.
- If 2.5 % calcium gluconate gel is available in the lab, the affected part must be flushed with
water simultaneously the gel must be applied. The gel must be massaged liberally on the
affected part continuously till medical aid is available.
- In case of eye contact, eyes must be flushed continuously for 15 minutes. If irritation persists,
flushing must be continued.


- All labs using hydrofluoric acid must maintain eye wash facility. Failing to flush the eyes can
result in loss of vision.
- If the acid has penetrated below the nails, the calcium gluconate gel must be liberally applied
over and around the nail and the area continuously massaged for at least 15 minutes.
- All HF cases must be referred to the hospital after the part is flushed with water and after the
application of calcium gluconate gel.
Personal Protective Equipment
- Eye Protection
- Splash goggles with face shield
- Body Protection- Coveralls which offer whole body protection.
Open toed footwear not to be used.
- Gloves- Double gloves to be used (nitrile and neoprene).
Gloves to be checked for damage before usage.
- PPEs contaminated with HF must not be reused.
 Storage
- HF is incompatible with glass, metal and ceramic containers, to be stored in Teflon or
polyethylene containers.
- Secondary containers must be used while storing and handling HF.
Butyl Lithium
- Butyl Lithium compounds are highly reactive. There are three principal hazards associated
with these compounds: corrosivity to the skin, flammability and pyrophoricity.
- Environmental factors like high humidity and high ambient temperature increases the risk of
- Reactions involving lithium alkyls are highly exothermic; the addition rates of reactions must
be closely controlled and regulated.
- While handling butyl lithium compounds contact with air, moisture, source of ignition or
fuel must be avoided.
- The experiment involving butyl lithium compounds must be conducted only inside a fume
- Combustible materials must be removed from the fume hood prior to the experiment.
- The glassware used for the experiment must be free from moisture and oxygen (inert
atmosphere to be used).
- Handling of butyl lithium requires fire resistant lab coat and fire resistant hand gloves.
- Eye protection and face shield must be worn.


- A fire extinguisher must be kept nearby the experimental set up.

- The chemical must not be handled when the person is alone in the lab or during late hours.
Perchloric Acid
- The oxidizing power of perchloric acid increases rapidly as the concentration increases above
- Acid of 73+% acts as a strong oxidizer at room temperature. Contact with combustible
materials at elevated temperatures can cause fire or explosion.
- Anhydrous perchloric acid is unstable at room temperature and ultimately decomposes
spontaneously with violent explosion.
- Anhydrous perchloric acid if stored for more than 10 days is likely to develop discoloration,
and can spontaneously explode.
- Anhydrous perchloric acid must only be made as required and must never be stored.
Safe handling of Perchloric acid
- Handling acid on wooden floors/bench is dangerous, especially after the acid has dried. The
wooden floor will then become sensitive to ignition by friction.
- Hoods with wash down capability must be used to enable periodic removal of residues.
- The acid must be inspected monthly, if there is any discoloration, the samples must be
Reactive Chemical Hazards
- The rate at which a reagent is added to another affects the rate at which heat is produced.
- In an exothermic reaction, reagents must be added as slowly as possible with proper stirring
so that they are consumed at the same rate at which they are added and heat is liberated slowly.
- Addition of the reactants at a faster rate will involve the release of energy at a rate too fast to
be dissipated resulting in destructive effects.

- The concentration of the reagents and the reaction temperature influences the rate of the
chemical reaction.
- Highly concentrated solutions of reagents must not be used especially when attempting a
reaction for the first time.
- The rate of a reaction will increase exponentially with increase in temp. Therefore inadequate
temperature control can cause exothermic reactions to run out of control.
- When planning and setting up larger scale reactions, the following factors must be considered:
Adequate control of temp, with sufficient capacity/means for cooling.
Proportions of reactants and concentrations of reaction components or mixtures.


Purity of materials, absence of impurities.

Presence of solvents or diluents.
Control of rates of addition.
Degree of agitation.
Control of reaction or distillation pressure.
Avoiding mechanical friction or shock upon unstable or sensitive substances.
Glassware handling
- Damaged glassware must not be employed in experiments as it may crack and spill the
contents during the experiment.
- Poorly assembled or unsuitable apparatus may introduce serious fire risks.
- The breakage of equipment by localized overheating using direct gas flames is a hazard which
can be easily avoided by using water baths, hot plate or heating mantles.
- While setting up an apparatus, it is necessary to ensure that all pieces are clamped and
supported properly.
- When glass tubing has to be pushed through a rubber bung, the glass tube has to be lubricated
with water or glycerine.
- The tube must be held in a cloth or leather gloves must be worn.
- The same care must be taken when withdrawing a glass tube or rod from a bung.
- When glass containers have been used they must be cleaned thoroughly so that no traces of
harmful chemicals are left behind.
- Test tubes must be held properly with a test-tube holder while heating with the mouth of the
test tube pointing away from others and oneself and the test tube must not be more than half
full while being heated.
- Pipettes must not be left so that their ends protrude across the front edge of benches.
Personal Hygiene
- Personal cleanliness is a very important way of protecting personnel working with hazardous
- Wash hands before eating and drinking.
- Clean contaminated clothing before wearing it again, or discard it.
- Do not drink or eat in any areas where hazardous chemicals are present.
- Avoid touching yourself with contaminated hands.


5.5 Emergency measures:

[Explain the various emergency measure carried out while operating with chemicals.]

Every person in the lab must be aware of the location of the emergency equipments and exits.
This include-
 Fire blanket
 Emergency shower and eye wash
 Fire extinguishers
 First aid box.
These equipment must be located at an easily accessible location and must not be obstructed.
Emergency contact numbers must be displayed at a conspicuous location, preferably near the

Fig. 5.12: Fire blanket

 Splashes on the skin

- All chemical splashes on the skin must be immediately flushed under running water.
- If the splash has happened on a large area of the body, an emergency shower must be used.
- Contaminated clothing must be removed while flushing the body. Flushing must be continued
for at least 15 minutes.
- If the substance is known to be insoluble in water gentle cleaning of the surface with soap
while the drenching continues will help to remove the chemical.


 Splashes in the eye

Fig. 5.13: Emergency Showers & Eye Washer

 Emergency Showers & Eye Wash Stations:

If there is an accident, two of the most important pieces of safety equipment you have are the
emergency shower and the eye wash station. If you contaminate yourself over a large part of
your body or over a part of your body that you cannot rinse off in the sink, immediately go to
the emergency shower, strip off any contaminated clothing, and stay under the water for at least
15 minutes. If something splashes into your eye, immediately flush with water for as long as
possible. The general rule is to flush with water for 15 minutes.
- Eyes must be immediately flushed with copious amount of water for at least 15 minutes.
- Certain chemicals like sodium hydroxide, phenol, aniline, hydrofluoric acid, etc, penetrates
deep into the tissues.
- An eye wash fountain must be used for the same.
- During a chemical splash, a spasm may develop in eye lids and keep them firmly shut. So
while flushing, the eye lids must be raised with fingers to ensure that no chemical remains in
the space below the eye lid.
- Medical attention must be sought only after thorough flushing of the eyes. Failure to flush
the eyes can result in partial or permanent loss of vision.


Fig. 5.14: Emergency Showers & Eye Washer

 Inhalation of chemical vapours:

- In case of exposure to toxic fumes or vapours, the person must be immediately shifted to an
area where there is fresh air.
- If the person is conscious and breathing his condition must be observed for sometime.
- In case the person is not breathing Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) must be started
immediately by a trained person.
- Medical help must be sought immediately.
- In certain cases the symptoms appear late. For example, dilute hydrofluoric acid and phosgene
gas. So the person must be provided with medical attention immediately even if there are no
visible symptoms.

 Inhalation Protection
To prevent inhalation of chemical gases, vapors, dusts or aerosols:
1. Work in a fume hood. The fume hood is your preferred engineering control defense against
inhalation uptake of chemicals. Make sure the fume hood is working well before use and work
at least six inches in from the edge of the hood to maximize the capture efficiency of your fume
2. Glove boxes are another way to prevent hazardous chemicals exposure.


3. Wearing a respirator is the very last option to consider when providing inhalation protection.
a. Before anyone can be approved to wear a respirator, they must satisfy these two OSHA
(1) An annual medical evaluation to determine whether or not a person is physically capable
of wearing a respirator and
(2) OSHA requires a fit-test evaluation to ensure that the respirator seals properly around the
face and does not allow unfiltered air to leak in. b. Respirator filters are chemical specific. You
must make sure that the cartridges in your respirator will absorb the chemical(s) you are
planning on working with.

 Ingestion of chemicals:
Ingestion Protection: To prevent accidental ingestion of chemicals:
1. Wear gloves during procedures involving chemicals.
2. Wash your hands after each procedure.
3. Never store food or beverages in the lab with chemicals.
4. Never eat or drink in the lab.
- If the chemical ingested is corrosive, it can result in burns in the mouth. For such injuries,
mouth must be washed repeatedly with water.
- In case the chemical has been swallowed, it must be diluted by drinking water or milk (one
or two glasses). And the person must be shifted to hospital immediately.
- Whenever the injured person is shifted to hospital, the person accompanying him must carry
the material safety data sheet along with him or provide details of the chemical.
- This will help in giving quick information about the chemical to the doctor treating the injured
person and help to avoid delay.
- Emergency eye wash and shower must be checked at least once in a week and the details of
which must be displayed nearby. This will prevent contamination of water inside and ensure
the operability in an emergency.

 Fire on the cloth

- If a person’s clothes are on fire, the flames must be extinguished by drenching with water
from an emergency shower.
- Never run when the clothes are on fire, as this will fan the fire. Roll on the ground.


5.6 Safety thinking:

[Explain the various safety practices to be carried out while operating with chemicals.]
Chemical Families Materials should always be segregated and stored according to their
chemical family or hazard classification. Do not store chemicals alphabetically unless they are
compatible! The most common hazard classes include:
• flammables/combustibles
• corrosive acids
• corrosive bases
• toxics
• highly toxics
• oxidizers
• compressed gases
• cryogens
• pyrophorics
• water reactives
• explosives
Accidental contact between incompatible chemicals can result in a fire, an explosion, the
formation of highly toxic and/or flammable substances, or other potentially harmful reactions:
Oxidizers mixed with flammable solvents can cause a fire. Acids mixed with metal dust can
produce flammable hydrogen gas.
Alphabetical storage can bring incompatibles together. For example, if chromic acid (an
oxidizing acid) and chromium powder (a combustible metal) were stored together and an
accident broke their containers, the chemicals could mix and react with explosive violence.

Fig. 5.15: Proper Labelling of Chemicals


Each chemical family should be separated from all other chemical families by an approved
non-combustible partition or by a distance of twenty feet. Ideally, each hazard class would be
kept in a cabinet or on a shelf segregated from other hazard classes. Incompatible chemicals
within the same hazard class should also be separated from one another. For example, both
nitric and perchloric acids are incompatible with organic acids (such as acetic acid) and should
not be stored together.
Most labs have limited space, but the following priorities may help you decide how to store the
• Do not store chemicals alphabetically unless they are compatible.
• Store flammable liquids in approved safety containers in flammable storage cabinets. Do
not store anything but flammable or combustible liquids in these cabinets.
• Segregate acids from bases.
• Segregate most organic acids from oxidizing mineral acids.
• Keep oxidizers away from other chemicals, especially flammables, combustibles, and toxic
• Keep corrosives away from substances that they may react with and release corrosive, toxic,
or flammable vapors.
 Multiple hazard classes
Many chemicals belong to more than one chemical family or hazard class. In such cases, all
storage rules must be strictly observed. For example, acetic acid is both a corrosive acid and a
combustible liquid. It must be stored away from corrosive bases, such as sodium hydroxide,
and from oxidizing acids, such as nitric acid.
Do not store incompatible chemicals in close proximity to each other. In an earthquake, fire,
or other spill, they could mix and react violently and/or release poisonous gas.

Laboratory Material Incompatible with

Alkali metals like calcium, potassium, and water, carbon dioxide, carbon tetrachloride,
sodium other chlorinated hydrocarbons
Acetic Acid chromic acid, nitric acid, hydroxyl-
containing compounds, ethylene glycol,
perchloric acid, peroxides, permanganates
Acetone concentrated sulfuric or nitric acid mixtures
Acetylene copper (tubing), halogens, silver, mercury,
and their compounds
Ammonia, Anhydrous mercury, halogens, calcium hypochlorite,
hydrogen fluoride
Ammonium Nitrate acids, metal powders, flammable liquids,
chlorates, nitrates, sulfur, finely divided
organics or combustibles
Aniline nitric acid, hydrogen peroxide


Bromine ammonia, acetylene, butadiene, butane,

hydrogen, sodium carbide, turpentine, finely
divided metals
Chlorates ammonium salts, acids, metal powders,
sulfur, carbon, finely divided organics,
Chromic Acid acetic acid, naphthalene, camphor, alcohol,
glycerine, turpentine, other flammable
liquids or combustible material
Chlorine ammonia, acetylene, butadiene, benzene,
other petroleum fractions, hydrogen, sodium
carbide, turpentine, finely divided powdered
Cyanides Acids
Hydrogen Peroxide copper, chromium, iron, most metals or their
respective salts, flammable liquids or
combustible materials, aniline, nitro-
Hydrogen Sulfide nitric acid, oxidizing gases
Hydrocarbons (general) halogens, chromic acid, sodium peroxide
Iodine acetylene, ammonia, chlorine
Mercury acetylene, ammonia, lithium
Nitric Acid acetic, chromic, and hydrocyanic acids,
aniline, carbon, hydrogen sulfide, flammable
material, readily nitrated substances
Oxygen oils, grease, hydrogen; flammable materials
Oxalic Acid silver, mercury, chlorites, strong oxidizers
Perchloric Acid acetic anhydride, bismuth and its alloys,
alcohol, paper, wood, other organic materials
Sodium Peroxide any oxidizable substances
Potassium Permanganate glycerine, ethylene glycol, benzaldehyde,
sulfuric acid
Sulfuric Acid chlorates, perchlorates, permanganates

Table 5.2 : Incompatibility of Chemicals with Laboratory Material

 Storage area requirements

✔ Label storage areas according to the type of chemical family or hazard classification found

✔ Inspect storage areas at least annually, as required by Cal/ OSHA.

✔ Keep aisles, hallways, doorways, exits, and entryways clear.

✔ Keep storage areas well lit, appropriately ventilated, and at a consistent, cool temperature.
✔ Eliminate ignition sources such as open flames, heat sources, or direct sunlight.


✔ Keep emergency equipment such as fire extinguishers handy and in good working order.

✔ Confine chemical storage areas so that leaks or spills are controlled. Prevent chemicals from
running down sink, floor, or storm water drains. Clean up spills and drips immediately.
 Storage don’ts

✖ Don’t store chemicals in a sink or fume hood, except for certain toxic gases that are so
dangerous they can only be stored in a gas cabinet or fume hood.

✖ Don’t store chemicals on dirt or grass, near a creek or storm drain entrance, where they could
contaminate the environment.

✖ Don’t store chemicals on the floor, window ledges, or balconies.

 Storage shelves
– Shelves should be level, stable, and secured to the wall or another stable surface.
– In case of an earthquake, shelves should have raised edges or rim guards (minimum
height of 2 inches) to prevent containers from falling. Use bungee cords for added
– Shelves should be kept free of chemical contamination and dust.
– Shelves should be located away from direct sun, flame, and heat sources.
– Containers should not protrude over shelf edges.
– Store large bottles/containers no higher than 2 feet from the floor. Store corrosives on
lower shelves.
 Storage containers
– Keep containers closed unless you are dispensing a chemical or adding to the container.
Never store a container open with a funnel in it.
– Provide secondary containment for liquids in containers larger than 1 gallon in size.
Dishpans or polyethylene trays work well.
– Use approved containers for flammable solvents.

5.7 Accident Investigation:

[List and explain the mode of accident investigation accompanied in chemical industries.]

1. Wastewater treatment plant

Another CSB-investigated accident that occurred at a worksite that was not primarily a
chemical operation but maintained and used chemicals, occurred at a wastewater treatment
plant in Florida, the Bethune Wastewater Treatment Plant. Workers were dismantling a metal
roof that had sheltered a 10,000 gallon methanol storage tank but had become damaged during
a recent storm. At the time of the accident the tank contained between 2000 and 3000 gallons
of methanol. Although the workers were using a cutting torch to dismantle the roof, they did
not assure that the methanol tank had been emptied before beginning their work. The employer
(the city) also did not have a safety program for hot work, and workers had had infrequent
training in chemical hazards. Sparks from the torch ignited fumes from the storage tank. A
defective flame arrestor on the top of the tank allowed the flame to flash back into the tank,


causing it to explode. Leaking fuel from the tank engulfed the ground operator of the lift truck
from which the workers dismantling the roof were working, and both he and worker using the
torch were killed. A third worker survived but was severely injured.

2. Combustible dust explosions

In 2003and 2004, the CSB investigated three large combustible dust explosions, each of which
occurred in a manufacturing facility that used chemicals. A factor in all three of the incidents
was a lack of awareness of the hazard of dust explosion from the materials used and the dust
being generated in the production process. The largest of the three accidents (West
Pharmaceutical) occurred at a manufacturer of rubber stoppers and similar products for medical
devices and pharmaceuticals. The manufacturing process involved running rubber strips
through a slurry of polyethylene and water. As the rubber was dried by running it in front of a
fan, some of the polyethylene particles became airborne. The work areas of the plant were kept
clean, but dust accumulated above a suspended ceiling; those who were aware of the
accumulated dust did not know of its explosive properties, and the Material Safety Data Sheet
for the slurry did not include information or warning about the combustibility of dust when the
material dried. An unknown source ignited the dust and a secondary explosion largely
destroyed the plant, killing 6 workers and injuring 38 others.
The lack of hazard awareness around combustible dusts in manufacturing settings in the
three dust explosions investigated by the CSB led the agency to undertake a study of
combustible dust incidents and explosions in the United States, and to take other steps
(including a forthcoming video on dust explosions) to bring more awareness of the hazard of
dust explosion.
Although several of the accidents that CSB investigated involved a general lack of chemical
hazard awareness by personnel at facilities that are not primarily involved in chemical
processing, other accidents occurred at small chemical processing plants that also did not
consider or apply chemical process safety or hazard information to their process operations.

3. Paint additive manufacturer/chemical processor

One such incident investigated by the CSB occurred at a small chemical plant in North Carolina
in January, 2006. The company manufactured a variety of powder coating and paint additives
by polymerizing acrylic monomers in a 1500 gallon reactor. The company had received an
order for slightly more of the additive than a normal recipe would make, so plant managers
scaled up the recipe to produce the larger amount, and also changed the process by adding all
of the monomer in the initial charge to the reactor. The impact of the changes, which plant
managers did not fully calculate before beginning the reaction, was to increase the rate of heat
release in the reaction to at least 2.3times that of the standard recipe. The heat release rate
exceeded the capacity of the reactor’s cooling system, and the result was loss of control of the
reaction. The reactor lacked additional safeguards to quench the reaction, and the reactor
manway had been secured with only 4 of 18 clamps. It began to leak as the pressure in the
reactor increased, forming a flammable cloud inside the building. The vapors found an ignition
source, and the resulting explosion killed one worker and injured 14 others.

4. Polyethylene wax processor

The CSB investigated a large fire at a polyethylene wax processing facility (Marcus Oil and
Chemical) that caused considerable offsite damage. The process involved heating the wax to
approximately 300 degrees (F). The system was designed to use nitrogen to move the molten


material through the process system, but over time workers and supervisors found that the
nitrogen generator on site did not always produce enough nitrogen, so they added an air
compressor to the system. In addition, the company had altered the pressure tanks in which the
wax was heated by installing steam lines, and the welding to repair the patch was poorly done
and not in accordance with good industry practice. On the day of the accident the welded
section of the tank gave way, creating a spark as it hit the concrete. The spark ignited the liquid
and vapor hydrocarbons that poured out of the opening caused by the weld failure, and the fire
backtracked into the tank. The oxygen introduced by the air compressor created an explosive
environment in the tank; the 50 foot long tank was lifted about 250 feet, and the resulting fire
ignited other parts of the facility, and burned for nearly 7 hours.

5. Chemical “tolling” operation

A small chemical plant located in Georgia (MFG) was contracted to manufacture triallyl
cyanurate (TAC). In the course of the first production-size batch the reaction went out of
control and overpressurized the 4000 gallon reactor. The overpressure activated the emergency
vent, and released highly toxic and flammable allyl alcohol into the surrounding residential
community. The release caused the evacuation of about 200 families, and 154 people received
decontamination and treatment at the local hospital, including 15 police officers and emergency
responders who assisting with the evacuation.
The company had conducted laboratory-scale testing of the reaction, and had also run
smaller batches prior to conducting a production size reaction. The investigation found that in
addition to a larger amount, the company had also changed the recipe, and did not account for
the larger reactor (and reduced surface to volume ratio) in calculating the temperature of the
reaction and the ability of the reactor’s cooling system to contain it.

6. Oil field construction work

Another accident which the CSB investigated which resulted from a lack of basic safety
precautions required by codes and standards occurred at an oil field in Mississippi (Partridge
Raleigh). Contractors were connecting several adjacent storage tanks, and were welding an
overflow pipe to the side of one of the tanks. While the workers had checked the tank on which
they were welding for flammable vapours, they did not assure that the adjacent tanks were
empty. Vapours from the two connected adjacent tanks vented near to where the welding was
taking place; the vapours ignited and flames backtracked into the storage tanks, causing an
explosion in the tanks. Three workers, standing on top of the tanks and without fall protection,
were killed.

7. Chlorine facility
The CSB also investigated a chlorine gas release at a chlorine repackaging facility (DPC) in
Arizona. The release resulted in the evacuation of 1.5 square miles of the surrounding
community, and medical attention for 16 persons, including 11police officers who responded
to the incident. The facility used a system for transferring the chlorine which captured chlorine
vapours and sent them to a scrubber, where the chlorine combined with caustic soda to produce
bleach. The reaction depleted the caustic, so it was critical that before the caustic was fully
depleted, that the system be turned off, the bleach unloaded, and reactor recharged with caustic.
The facility relied on operators to take regular samples, and to shut off the flow of chlorine to
the scrubber while the sample was tested to prevent an accidental depletion of caustic. In


practice, however, operators continued the flow of chlorine to the scrubber until the target
concentration was reached, while periodically sampling the solution. The accident occurred
while an operator was preparing to take a sample for laboratory analysis. The system did not
have an automatic shut off, and reactor over chlorinated, causing the release.

5.8 Safety Policy of the company:

[With suitable illustration, explain the safety policy imposed on the company.]
The following Policy Statement underpins Vital Chemical’s commitment to providing a safe
1. That Work Health and Safety is the responsibility of every employee, contractor and
subcontractor associated with the company. All personnel have specific responsibilities and
are accountable for safety regardless of their position within the company, or the subcontracting
company – safety remains paramount.
2. All employees and contractors must follow safe working practices, observe safety rules and
legislation, and not intentionally compromise the safety and welfare of themselves or any other
3. It is the duty of all personnel working with, and associated with Vital Chemical to ensure
that risk is maintained at an acceptable level to eliminate injury, loss or damage to the company
or its employees.
4. Personnel are aware of their Work Health and Safety responsibility through documented
procedures and ongoing training. Staff are inducted and trained to appropriately identify and
minimise risks within the workplace to themselves and others.
5. All processes and actions performed are continually monitored and refined in order to
improve effectiveness.

The following values underpin Vital Chemical’s commitment to safety:

People are our most valuable asset. We are all committed to the safety and welfare of
everyone in the workplace.
Everyone is responsible for ensuring their own safety and the safety of others.
We respect and value the relationships created by our business activities.
We recognise that communication and consultation are essential elements of achieving a
safe workplace.
Safety remains our highest priority.


5.9 Check list for LPG installations:

[List and explain the safety measures to be followed while installing LPG circuits]
Liquefied Petroleum Gas Inspection/ Installation Checklist.
1 Check the plans and additional data
2 LPG Containers shall be located outside of the building
3 Cylinders under 125 gallons filled on site shall be a minimum of 3’ from
windows or openings and a minimum of10’ from window AC
4 Cylinders under 125 gallons filled on site shall be a minimum of 5’ from
Central AC
5 Cylinders over 125 gallons shall be located 10’ from building and
property line
6 Cylinders over 500 gallons shall be located 25’ from building and
property line
7 Underground cylinders under 2,000 gallons shall be located 10’ from
building and property line
8 Loose or piled combustible material , weeds, long grass shall be
separated by a minimum distance of 10’
9 Containers shall be readily identifiable. approved and listed
10 Cylinders that are expired shall not be used
11 Vertical containers over 125 gallons shall be designed with steel
supports and secured per NFPA
12 Valves, regulators, gauges and other containers shall be protected from
physical damage
13 LPG shall not be installed in prohibited locations such as elevator shafts.
Clothes chutes, ducts
14 Pressure relief valves shall be installed so that gas is vented away from
container to open atmosphere
15 Verify that all piping in the ground is suitably protected
16 Flexible connectors must be designed for LPG
17 Any gas fired appliance located within a garage shall be locate 18” above
the floor
18 Provide combustion air requirements in confined spaces
19 Pipe shall be wrought iron, steel, brass, copper or other approved
20 Provide CO/gas detector
21 Piping through foundation wall shall be encased in a protective pipe
22 Each aboveground portion of a gas piping system upstream from the
equipment shutoff shall be electronically bonded
23 Piping above ground outside shall be securely supported
24 Piping above ground inside buildings shall be sloped ¼ in 15’
25 Inspect gas pipe for leaks and tightness
26 Gas fired appliances shall be equipped with automatic devices designed
to shutoff flow of gas to the main burner and pilot
27 Test pressure shall not be less than 1.5 times the working pressure but
not less than 3 psig. NFPA 54 8.1.2 Test the gauge


28 Shutoff valves shall be places so that they are readily accessible

29 Piping underground beneath buildings shall be encased in approved
30 Fittings for polyethylene shall be made by heat fusion, by compression-
type mechanical fittings and not of the threaded type
31 An approved LPG container shall be located upon a firm foundation or
otherwise secured, cylinder shall not be in contact with ground
32 Pipe and fitting shall be free from cutting burrs and defects
33 Buried metallic pipe and tubing shall be installed with a minimum of 12’
of cover and increased to 18” if external forces is likely to damage pipe
34 Venting of appliances shall be in accordance with SGC
35 Check for connection to appliances, purge lines, light pilot lights
36 Check for approved gas piping
37 Piping in solid floors shall be laid in channels and covered to permit
access – Piping in solid floors shall be laid in channels and covered to
permit access
A = Approved, D = Disapproved, NA = Not applicable

Table 5.3 : Check list for LPG installations

Fig. 5.16: Safety LPG installations


Fig. 5.17: Safety LPG installations

5.10 Preparing Your Own Safety Checklist:

[List the general work habits concern to your own chemical safety measures or practices.
/ Prepare the safety checklist considering your own working environment in relevance to
chemical hazards.]
No treatment of chemical safety is complete without a list of things to mark off as accomplished
or to be accomplished. No such list is ever complete, without need of further revision and
improvement. But to the point, a list prepared by another person is almost without value. Each
responsible person should prepare his or her own list, while of course seeking the comments
and suggestions of others who are judged to be competent.
Work Habits
• Never work alone in a science laboratory or storage area.
• Never eat, drink, smoke, apply cosmetics, or chew gum or tobacco in a science laboratory or
storage area. Do not store or consume food or beverages in a laboratory environment.
• Always keep containers of chemicals closed when not in use.
• Never pipet by mouth.
• After working in a science laboratory and after cleaning up spills, thoroughly wash hands and
arms and clean under fingernails.


• Restrain loose clothing (e.g., sleeves, full-cut blouses, neckties) and long hair and remove
dangling jewellery.
• Tape all Dewar flasks with fabric-based tape.
• Never leave heat sources unattended (e.g., gas burners, hot plates, heating mantles, sand
• Do not store chemicals and/or apparatus on the lab bench.
• Keep lab shelves organized.
• Never place a chemical, not even water, near the edges of a lab bench or workspace.
• Use a fume hood that is known to be in operating condition when working with toxic,
flammable, and/or volatile substances.
• Never put your head inside a fume hood.
• Never store anything in a fume hood.
• Obtain, read, and be sure you understand the MSDS for each chemical that is to be used before
allowing students to begin an experiment.
• Analyze new lab procedures in advance to identify any hazardous aspects. Minimize and/or
eliminate these hazardous components before proceeding.
• Analyze any student-designed lab procedures in advance to identify any hazardous aspects.
Help the student authors to minimize and/or eliminate these hazardous aspects before
• Analyze close calls and accidents to prevent repeat performances.
• Eliminate the causes of close calls and accidents.
• Provide protection for both the lab worker and others nearby.
• Identify which chemicals in your storeroom and laboratory may be properly disposed of down
the sink drain and which may not be. If this information is not in the MSDS, ask your supplier,
and keep a record of your request and the reply.
• Do not inadvertently mix chemicals in the sink drain; clear the first chemical from the drain
by flushing, then introduce the next chemical (provided both are known to be harmless to the
environment, of course).
• Always inform co-workers beforehand of your plans to carry out work with hazardous
• Remember that the purpose of a safety inspection is to improve existing conditions, not to
place blame or assign guilt.
• Familiarize lab occupants with the sound of the alarm bell or horn and explain what to do
when it is heard.
• Carry out regular fire or other emergency drills; review the results and thereby improve the
performance in the next drill.


• Preplan for fire emergencies: Frequently inform your local fire department of your current
chemical inventory, including the locations of stored chemicals and the quantities on hand.
• Preplan for emergencies requiring evacuation: Identify devices that should be turned off, if
possible, before leaving. Inform personnel of the designated escape route and an alternate route.
• Designate a meeting place for personnel that is a safe distance away.
• Nominate one person and an alternate to account for all who arrive at the designated meeting
place. Identify as unique the only person who is qualified to authorize reentry into the building.
• Preplan for emergencies requiring first aid treatment: Responsible personnel should be both
CPR-proficient and know in advance how to administer first aid for the variety of chemicals
being used.
• Preplan for emergencies requiring first aid treatment follow-up: Selected physicians and/or
hospital emergency rooms should be advised of the variety of chemicals being used and their
personnel should be knowledgeable concerning appropriate follow-up treatment, including
specific antidotes, if any.
Safety Wear
• Always wear only ANSI Z87-approved safety goggles, type G or H.
• When appropriate, wear only gloves made of a material known to resist penetration by the
chemical being handled and that have been checked for pin holes, tears, or rips and the absence
of interior contamination.
• Always wear a laboratory coat or apron.
• Wear footwear that protects the feet; do not wear open-toe shoes or shoes with cloth or woven
uppers. Never be barefoot where chemicals are being used.
Facilities and Equipment
• Have separate, labeled containers for broken glass, for each different type of hazardous
chemical waste, and for general trash.
• Keep the floor area around safety showers, eyewash fountains, and fire extinguishers free and
clear of all obstructions.
• Never block any escape routes.
• Never, ever prop open a fire door.
• Never store materials on the floor or aisles of the lab or storage room.
• Provide safety guards for all moving belts and pulleys.
• Instruct lab personnel in the proper use of the eyewash fountain, emphasizing continuous
movement of the eyeballs, and holding eyelids open with thumb and forefinger.
• If contamination is suspected, arrange for sampling the breathing air for measurement of
possible contaminants.
• Regularly inspect emergency blankets, if they are present, for rips and holes, and keep good
records of the inspections.


• Regularly check safety showers and eyewash fountains for proper rate of water flow, and
keep records of inspections.
• Keep up-to-date emergency phone numbers posted next to the telephone.
• Place fire extinguishers near an escape route, not in a “dead end”.
• Regularly maintain fire extinguishers and keep records of that maintenance. Arrange with
your local fire department for the training of teachers and administrators in the proper use of
• Regularly check fume hoods for proper air flow. Ensure that exhaust air from fume hood
exhaust vents (usually on the building roof) is not drawn back into the intake for the general
ventilation of the building.
• Secure all compressed gas cylinders at all times and transport them only while secured on a
hand truck.
• Restrict the use and handling of compressed gas to persons who have received formal training
in the safe use and handling of compressed gas cylinders and their contents.
• Install chemical storage shelves with lips, and never use stacked boxes in lieu of shelves.
• Only use an explosion-proof refrigerator for storage of laboratory chemicals.
• Have appropriate equipment and materials (refer to the MSDS) available in advance for spill
control and cleanup; replace the materials when they become outdated.
Purchase, use, and disposal of chemicals
• Inventory all chemicals on hand at least annually; keep the inventory list up-to-date as
chemicals are consumed and replacement chemicals are received.
• If possible, limit the purchase of chemicals to quantities that will be consumed within one
year and that are packaged in small containers suitable for direct use in the lab without transfer
to other containers.
• Label all chemicals that are to be stored with date of receipt or preparation and have labels
initialed by the person responsible.
• Generally, bottles of chemicals should not remain:
1. Unused on shelves in the lab for more than one week,
2. In the storeroom near the lab unused for more than one month, or
3. In the main stockroom unused for more than one year.
• After one week of nonuse, move those chemicals in the lab to either the storeroom or the main
stockroom. After one month of nonuse, move chemicals from the storeroom to the main
stockroom. And, properly dispose of any chemicals that remain in the stockroom for more than
one year.
• Ensure that the disposal procedures for waste chemicals conform to environmental protection


• Do not purchase or store large quantities of flammable liquids. Ask local fire department
officials to recommend the maximum quantities that may be kept on hand.
• Never open a chemical container until the label and MSDS have been read and completely
• When feasible, substitute less hazardous chemicals for chemicals with greater hazards.
• Reduce risks by diluting substances whenever possible instead of using concentrates.
• Use lesser quantities instead of greater quantities in experiments and demonstrations
whenever possible.
• Use films, videotapes, computer displays, and other methods rather than experiments
involving hazardous substances.

5.11 Safety precautions using CNG:

[Explain the safety precautions to be followed while installing CNG.]
Safety issues in CNG filling stations
When CNG buses are filled at filling stations, normal precautionary measures are implemented
according to Indian and international standards. But there is scope for improving the layout of
the existing gas filling stations to ensure better approachability and safety. In a number of gas
filling stations catering to non-DTC vehicles in Delhi, there is a minor risk of damaging the
gas pump. This is because there is too tight radius for a bus to approach the pump easily. The
lay-out of filling stations should give the privately operated buses plenty of room for a safe
approach. If there is not enough room, the “island” either where the pump is located could be
made larger or a steel barrier could be anchored in a suitable way for protection of the pump.
Nozzles and safety: These are prone to frequent o-ring failures – an item in nozzles. We are
informed that they occur on an average about once every 20 fills. This failure not only
interrupts fueling and requires replacement of the o-ring, it also creates a fire hazard due to the
release of a significant amount of high-pressure gas.
Safety of CNG cylinders
As of today, the cylinders meet the common standards set for all high pressure gas cylinders
from oxygen to hydrogen by the Bureau of Indian Standards and approved by the Chief of
Comptroller of Explosives. However, these standards do not take into account on-board high-
pressure gas cylinders mounted on moving vehicles. International standards have been
specially set for on-board cylinders. There is a need for enforcement of these safety regulations
as well.
Need for more stringent emissions standards for future CNG vehicles
a) MRTH may be asked to notify Euro IV equivalent standards for new CNG buses from 2005
and simultaneously provide fiscal incentives for achieving European Environmentally
Enhanced Vehicles standards.


b) Test procedure for engines using gaseous fuels such as CNG be changed from a “steady
state” test to a “transient” test as this type of test is more representative of actual driving on the
road under various conditions.
Safety Aspects in CNG Refilling Stations
a) Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas may be asked to review the layout of the dispensing
stations to ensure easy approachability to dispensers and protection of the installed pumps.
b) Standardise all vehicle-refuelling receptacles or nozzles on the NGV-1 standard to reduce
filling time, minimise safety risk posed by leakage of gas due to O-ring failure, and allow more
efficient use of existing compression capacity.
High-pressure Cylinders and Piping for Storage of CNG on Board Motorised Vehicles
The Bureau of Indian Standards may be asked to lay down standards for high-pressure
cylinders and piping for the on board storage of CNG as a fuel for automotive vehicles on the
lines of prevailing international standards such as ISO 11439 Gas cylinders – “High-pressure
Cylinders for the On-board Storage of Natural Gas as a Fuel for Automotive Vehicles”.

5.12 Fire prevention and safety audit:

[Write a note on fire prevention and safety audit associated with Chemical safety.]

CNG bus fire safety strategy

Fire onboard buses may be caused by internal or external factors. Internal factors include events
such as electrical short circuits, excessive temperature of bus components including the braking
system, the turbo compressor, the exhaust pipe in combination with combustible materials
including polymeric materials, oil, dust and debris. Experience shows that fires usually start in
the engine compartment.
As far as external causes are concerned we can mention human error during maintenance (use
of open flames...), vandalism and propagating fires from nearby vehicles or infrastructure.
The most unwanted event in case of CNG bus fire is the burst of one or more of the compressed
storage tanks located on the roof of the vehicle. Tank burst is definitely not a tolerable option
having in mind the tremendous amount of mechanical and chemical energy released in the
course of this event.
The current safety strategy to prevent tank burst consists in fitting pressurised tanks with
devices that release stored compressed natural gas as they fuse under the effect of temperature
rise (fire). The melting temperature of these fuses is about 110°C. In practical terms, to prevent
tank burst, internal tank pressure has to decay before the fire degrades the mechanical strength
of the compressed storage. Experience shows that unprotected tank (inhibited pressure relief
devices) can not survive a standard bonfire test for more than few minutes. The main cause for
a tank to burst is the decay of its mechanical strength and rise in internal pressure.


Therefore, pressure relief devices (PRD) should be capable of depressurising a tank within a
couple of minutes. According to experience, bus tanks can be exposed to fire for about 20 to
30 minutes which is an average time frame for a bus to be burnt out.

Fig. 5.17: Destroyed bus with red arrows pointing (from right to left), tank n°3, hanging
tank n°2 and hole through which tank n°1 flew

Fig. 5.18: Top view of the Destroyed bus

5.13 Confined space entry:

[Explain the chemical safety measures required to follow while working in confined
As defined by the WA Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 1996, Part – 3 Division 8
- Work in confined spaces – Amended December 1999
“confined space” means an enclosed or partially enclosed space which -
is not intended or designed primarily as a workplace;
is at atmospheric pressure during occupancy; and
has restricted means for entry or exit,
and which either -


has an atmosphere containing or likely to contain potentially harmful levels of contaminant;

has or is likely to have an unsafe oxygen level; or
is of a nature or is likely to be of a nature that could contribute to a person in the space being
overwhelmed by an unsafe atmosphere or a contaminant
A space in any vat, tank, pipe, duct, flue, oven, chimney, silo, reaction vessel, container,
receptacle, underground sewer, shaft, well, trench, tunnel or other similar enclosed or partially
enclosed structure
A confined space means an enclosed or partially enclosed space that
(a) is not designed or intended for human occupancy except for the purpose of performing
(b) has restricted means of access and egress; and
(c) may become hazardous to a person entering it as a result of
(i) its design, construction, location or atmosphere,
(ii) the materials or substances in it, or
(iii) any other condition relating to it.
Therefore, based upon this definition, if a space does not satisfy all three criteria then it is not
considered a confined space and these regulations do not apply.
 A worker is considered entering a confined space when the breathing zone of the worker
breaks the plane of the opening to the confined space. Breathing zone is defined as the
area within a 10 inch radius of the worker’s nose and mouth.

Fig. 5.19: PPE required to work in confined spaces


 There are no prerequisites for confined space entry certification training, however,
other training may be required by the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)
legislation, such as for a CSE vertical entry and in hazardous atmospheres, retrieval
equipment is required.
 The employer of the individual performing the work (entering the space) shall conduct
the assessments to ensure the hazards are identified. In instances where the work is not
being performed at the employer’s place of work, the building owners/occupants shall
be consulted to ensure all applicable hazards are identified. The employer shall ensure
the assessment is completed and covers the hazards of the specific space.
 Each entrant shall complete confined space entry training with an approved CSE
training provider prescribed by the Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation
Commission (WHSCC).
 At a minimum, CSE certification training is required for attendants as prescribed by
WHSCC, keeping in mind that attendants are not permitted to enter a confined space
according to OHS legislation. Knowledge and skills are required to fulfill the
responsibilities of the work of an attendant as described in OHS Regulation.
 Appropriate testing will be based upon potential atmospheric hazards associated with
the space and the type of work being performed as identified in the risk assessment.
The intervals will be determined based upon risk but as a minimum, where a hazard
exists, testing should be performed prior to initial entry, after an interruption in work
or any time conditions change.

Fig. 5.20: Hazards from confined spaces, Poisonous gases, fumes or vapours


Fig. 5.21: Testing the air in confined space

 Confined Space Entry Procedure Checklist
Step # Process Complete
1. Isolate the Space from all
a. Remove unauthorized
personnel form the site of
c. Blocking inlets, etc.
2. Ventilate the space (if
3. Fill out the Entry Permit
4. Evaluate the space
5. Test the atmosphere
a. Enter atmosphere readings
on the permit
b. Place the completed
permit on or near the PRCS
6. Enter the space and proceed
with work.
a. Is Supervisor available?
b. Attendant at the entry site
c. Harness
d. Required PPE
e. Retest atmosphere as
needed / required.
7. When the job is done:
a. Remove all personnel,
tools and debris from the
b. Close the space
c. Cancel the permit


d. Review the job with the

employer (hazards,
problems, etc.)
8. File the completed and
closed permit

Table 5.4 : Confined Space Entry Procedure Checklist

5.14 Risk assessment:

[List and explain the risk assessment involved in chemical industries.]
Assess the Risk
Once a hazard has been identified, the likelihood and possible severity of injury or harm will
need to be assessed before determining how best to minimize the risk. High risk hazards will
need to be addressed more urgently than low risk situations. You may decide that the same
hazard could lead to several different possible outcomes. For each hazard consider how likely
each possible outcome is, and record the highest priority.
Make the changes Consider the following control measures, listed in order of importance:
a) Remove the hazard at the source - e.g. get rid of it or replace it.
b) Substitute it with something less hazardous.
c) Isolate the hazardous process, item or substance from people.
d) Add engineering controls, such as safety barriers or exhaust ventilation.
e) Adopt safe work procedures, training and supervision to minimize the risk.
f) Where other means are not sufficient or practicable, provide personal protective equipment.
g) Implement and monitor the controls you decide upon.
One or more of the controls recommended above should be agreed upon and the changes made
as soon as possible before the hazard causes an injury. Sometimes it will require more than one
of the risk control measures above to effectively reduce exposure to hazards.
To make sure risk has been minimized, and a further hazard has not been created, the new
safety measures may need to be carefully tested before work begins again. Consultation
between the employer and others at the workplace will help to reach a safe decision.
Chemical Storage & Safety
1. Chemical containers properly labeled, stored, & closed when not in use.
2. Chemicals segregated and stored by compatibility.
3. Peroxide formers dated at purchase and again upon opening.
4. Peroxide formers disposed of within proper time frames.
5. Secondary containment used where appropriate.
6. Vacuum equipment trapped and/or filtered.


7. Chemical storage areas free of ignition sources.

8. Refrigerators/Freezers properly labeled.
9. Refrigerators/Freezers properly rated if flammable liquids are stored within.
10. Fume hoods and/or biosafety cabinets not used for general storage.
11. Cryogenic materials stored properly and proper PPE available.
12. Flammable liquids in containers over 4 L are in approved safety cans.
13. Corrosive storage cabinet used if more than 10 gal of corrosives present.
14. Chemicals purchased in amounts that can be used within a reasonable time.
15. Chemical stocks purged of old, out-dated, and unusable chemicals.
16. Chemical inventory up to date and copy sent to EH&S.
Compressed Air and Compressed Gases
1. Air compressors equipped with pressure gauges and pressure relief valves.
2. Compressed air piping, hoses and fittings in good condition.
3. Compressed air 30 psi or less for machine/parts cleaning, 10 psi for clothing.
4. Compressed air cleaning nozzles with chip/particle deflection device.
5. Gas cylinders w/30 lb or more water capacity have valve protection capability.
6. Gas cylinders legibly marked as to their contents.
7. Gas cylinders stored away from high heat, flames, etc.
8. Gas cylinders stored in secure area and secured from tipping or falling.
9. Gas cylinders transported on cylinder carts.
10. When in use, gas cylinders kept away from elevators, stairs, and ramps.
11. Valve protectors used when cylinders not in use or when being transported.
12. Liquefied gas cylinders (acetylene) always shipped and stored valve-end up.
13. Gas cylinders, valves, couplings, regulators kept free of oil and grease.
14. Gas cylinders lacking obvious defects, leaks, damage, etc.
15. Gas cylinders hydro tested at appropriate intervals.
16. Empty gas cylinders labelled "Empty," valves closed, and caps on.
17. Oxygen and Acetylene in storage are separated by 5' non combustible barrier
Fire Prevention and Protection
1. Fire extinguishers properly mounted, located, and identified.
2. Fire extinguishers adequate in number and type.
3. Fire extinguishers inspected, recharged, and maintained as required.
4. Fire aisles, exitways, stairways, and fire equipment kept unobstructed.
5. Exit lights properly illuminated and emergency lighting operable.
6. Fire doors not blocked open or are on magnets connected to fire alarm system.
7. Flammable liquids stored in approved safety cans.
8. Flammable liquid containers kept closed when not in use.
9. Flammable liquids of 10 gallons or more stored in flammable storage cabinet.
10. Flammable storage cabinets labeled "Flammable - Keep Fire Away."
11. Connections on drums and combustible liquid piping leak free.
12. Flammable liquid drums grounded and bonded to containers when dispensing.
13. Proper storage of flammable/combustible materials to reduce risk of fire.
14. Oily/greasy rags placed in proper self-closing oily rag containers.
15. No penetrations through walls or ceilings and all ceiling tiles are in place.


16. Sprinkler heads clean and no storage within 18 inches.

17. Sprinkler heads protected by metal guards when exposed to physical damage.
General Work Environment & Indoor Air Quality
1. All areas properly illuminated. Glare and reflections avoided.
2. Noise levels are within acceptable limits or engineering controls established.
3. Areas with high noise levels posted and hearing protection required to be used.
4. Work areas clean, sanitary, and orderly. (garbage disposed properly, etc.)
5. Work area properly ventilated for type of equipment or chemicals in use.
6. Vacuum systems used when possible instead of blowing or sweeping dusts.
7. Temperature and humidity seem to be within acceptable ranges.
8. Areas free of visible fungal/mold growth and associated odors.
9. Walls ceilings, floors free of signs of mold or moisture damage.
10. Air intake areas free of odor causing materials or hazardous chemicals.

5.15 Case study: [Safety measures in Chemical laboratory of the college]

[With a suitable case study, explain the Safety measures in Chemical laboratory of the
Chemical laboratory of engineering colleges are following the fundamental safety guidelines
accumulated in their lab-testing environment. As per their safety requirements college
laboratory focussing on the following aspects.
 Providing the chemical safety manual pertaining the detailed information and
explanation of each chemical which are making use throughout the academic course.

The objective is to help those working in a laboratory environment keep chemical safety
a top priority. Using the RAMP concept for scientific safety, RAMP stands for:
R Recognize the hazards
A Assess the risks of the hazards
M Minimize the risks of the hazards
P Prepare for emergencies from uncontrolled hazards.
Recognize the Hazards
Students should be able to recognize common laboratory hazards, to explain why these are
hazards, and to have some familiarity with hazard rating systems.
Assess the Risks of the Hazards
Students should be able to assess the risks of specific hazards. Risk is the probability of
suffering injury or harm from exposure to a hazard. Students should be able to determine the
relative severity of a specific hazard and to give an estimate of the likelihood of exposure under
certain circumstances.
Minimize the Risks of the Hazards


Students should be able to identify ways in which the risk can be lowered. This may involve
using appropriate engineering controls (equipment such as hoods, ventilation systems, and
safety interlocks), administrative controls (procedures, processes, and training), and personal
protective equipment (PPE) to reduce or mitigate the hazard. Students should know common
methods to minimize hazards and the limitations of those protective measures. Students must
be aware that all laboratory research has risks and that careful planning and preparation can
reduce those risks to acceptable levels.
Prepare for Emergencies from Uncontrolled Hazards
Students should prepare for emergencies by being able to explain how to respond to common
emergencies that could occur in laboratories, such as fires, explosions, chemical exposures,
injuries, and chemical spills. Students should be able to explain the selection and proper use of
emergency equipment such as fire extinguishers, eyewash stations, safety showers, spill kits,
first aid kits, fire alarms, and fire blankets. Students should know the importance of reporting
laboratory incidents and the lessons that can be learned from the incidents. Training, walking
to locations of all emergency equipment, and considering what one would do should occur
BEFORE an incident or emergency occurs.
Use of these safety education guidelines should help foster a culture of safety, in which students
apply the RAMP concept to their laboratory experiences and continue to keep safety a high
priority throughout their education and their professional lives.
Basic Terminology and Concepts
1 . Differentiate between hazard and risk .
2 . Define acute and chronic toxicity and cite some examples of each .
3 . State the general effects that corrosives have on the skin .
4 . State the general hazards associated with flammables commonly used in the laboratory .
5 . Correlate a compound’s structure and properties with potential flammability .
6 . Explain the statement “The dose makes the poison .”
7 . Explain why reducing the scale reduces the risk .
8 . Describe the different classes of lasers .
Labels, SDS, and PPE
9 . Explain the components of the GHS labeling system, including pictograms, signal words,
hazard statements, hazard categories (ranking), and precautionary statements .
10 . Interpret information given on an NFPA diamond .
11 . Given an SDS, identify the substance, the hazards, and the appropriate PPE .
Basic Laboratory Safety
12 . State the general rules for working safely in a chemical laboratory .
13 . Describe the possible routes of exposure for a hazardous material .


14 . Explain why food and drinks are not permitted in a chemical laboratory .
15 . List the general considerations for appropriate waste disposal .
16 . State the general hazards associated with mercury, mercury compounds, and pyrophoric
compounds .
17 . Identify potential unusual situations or unplanned events in the laboratory (e .g ., chemical
spills, odors) .
18 . Explain why long hair that is not tied back, neckties, jewelry, and loose articles of clothing
are considered hazards .
Regulatory Agencies and Regulations
19 . State the purpose of regulatory agencies (e .g ., OSHA, EPA) .
20 . State the purpose of the Chemical Hygiene Plan .
21 . Identify the components of a Chemical Hygiene Plan .
22 . Prepare a safety checklist for experiments using the RAMP concept .
23 . Describe how to plan experiments in order to minimize the use and generation of hazardous
materials .
24 . Prepare and lead a short safety meeting appropriate to the laboratory setting .
25 . Describe the various types of eye protection and the specific protection that each provides
26 . Describe and discuss skin protection measures (e .g ., clothing, gloves, tools) .
27 . Describe the appropriate materials and construction for a laboratory coat .
28 .Explain why glove material and construction must be considered when selecting proper. .
29. Given a glove selection chart, select the proper glove material and construction for a
laboratory operation or potential chemical exposure .
30 . Select and wear appropriate PPE while in the laboratory .
31 . Describe the proper care of PPE .
32 . Differentiate between a chemical hood and a biological safety cabinet .
33 . Describe the proper use and operation of chemical hoods and ventilation systems .
34 . Describe the use of a “snorkel” exhaust system.
Chemical Wastes and Disposal
35 . Describe the appropriate protocols for handling and disposing of chemical wastes .
36 . Describe the appropriate disposal methods for damaged glassware .

37 . Explain why disposal of chemical wastes by pouring them down the drain or placing them
in the trash can is generally not appropriate.
38 . List the two main responsibilities of laboratory personnel in hazardous waste disposal .
Chemical Wastes and Disposal
39 . Describe the appropriate protocols for handling and disposing of chemical wastes .
40. Describe the appropriate disposal methods for damaged glassware .
41 . Explain why disposal of chemical wastes by pouring them down the drain or placing them
in the trash can is generally not appropriate.
42 . List the two main responsibilities of laboratory personnel in hazardous waste disposal.
First Aid
43 . Describe institutional policy related to providing first aid for laboratory accidents .
44 . Demonstrate basic first aid procedures for common minor laboratory accidents .
45 . Demonstrate the proper use of a safety shower and an eyewash station .
46 . Describe the components of the fire triangle and the fire tetrahedron .
47 . Describe the classes of fires and the appropriate class and use of fire extinguishers for each
class of fire .
48 . Describe the result of flammable vapours catching fire and expanding according to the gas
equation .
Building Strong Safety Cultures
Strong safety cultures will evolve only if leaders in the institution, as well as throughout the
department, are fully and visibly committed to safety. Below are a few suggestions that may
help strengthen and build strong safety cultures.
Mission, vision, and values
The institution’s Mission, Vision, and Values statement should place equal value on safety and
productivity. This value should be reflected in the behavior and statements of the senior
institutional management.
Mentoring systems
Departments should assign a more experienced graduate student as a mentor to a less
experienced student, but the overall safety of the laboratory is the responsibility of the principal
investigator (PI). The mentors can teach their protégés the laboratory safety policies, including
specific laboratory safety protocols, the location of safety equipment, and the location of the
Chemical Hygiene Plan and SDS. The PI must be responsible for assessing the mastery of
laboratory procedures and techniques by less experienced students. The experienced graduate
student will be able to build effective communication and teaching skills and establish
expectations and accountability. The less experienced student will benefit by having a peer to


ask questions and discuss safety issues. The involvement of the PI helps to reinforce the
importance of the laboratory’s safety culture.
Safety presentations and discussions
Including safety topics in each laboratory session and/or in weekly research group meetings
will reinforce the importance of safety. Some institutions already begin each laboratory session
or meeting with a brief discussion of safety as applied to the group’s research. The use of case
studies or incident reports is an effective method of evaluating the root cause of an incident
and applying those lessons to the current laboratory activities.
Include hazard analysis in research proposals
Hazard analysis is the process of recognizing hazards, assessing the risks of those hazards, and
identifying ways to minimize the risks of those hazards. Research proposals could include a
hazard analysis. This will help the student consider the potential hazards and consequences of
their work should an incident occur. This hazard analysis could include a checklist of items to
consider and the necessary controls needed to prevent or minimize exposure and injury,
damage to apparatus, and property damage.
Include safety assessments in cumulative examinations
Safety is an integral part of all chemical operations. Safety knowledge and its application by
graduate students should be evaluated in cumulative or comprehensive examinations.
Chemical safety is an integral part of an education in chemistry. Both undergraduate and
graduate students must be able to recognize hazards, assess risks, minimize risks, and prepare
for proper execution of potentially hazardous processes. Safety considerations should be woven
into every part of the chemistry curriculum, from basic familiarity with common hazards for
undergraduate students to the ability to predict and prepare for hazards of unknown materials
at the graduate and professional level. Assessing student mastery of chemical safety learning
objectives should be a component of all laboratory experiences, including being a component
of cumulative comprehensive examinations. Safety training should be treated as a critical
component of preparing students to be successful as chemical professionals. Faculty and staff
who supervise students in chemistry laboratories at all levels in higher education must
themselves be familiar with chemical safety and safe laboratory procedures. They must know
their institutional requirements for safety training and monitoring and the protocols for
responding to emergencies. They must also know their institutional protocols for managing the
safety of students with disabilities.


5.16 Case study: [Safety measures in chemical industry-LPG]

[With a suitable case study explain the Safety measures in chemical industry-LPG]

Fig. 5.22: Safety measures in LPG industry- Outside the building

Fig. 5.22: Safety measures in LPG industry- Inside the building


LPG Manifold System Requirements (LPG Cabinet)

LPG Manifold System Checks (LPG Cabinet)
LPG cylinders is housed in steel (non-corroded) cabinet.
The cabinet is placed directly on a firm floor.
The cabinet is adequately ventilated with openings at the bottomof the cabinet.
Back of LPG cabinet is fully enclosed.
No additional (unauthorised) storage of LPG cylinders around the LPG cabinet at all times
LPG cabinet is properly labeled with the hazard warning sign.
LPG cabinet is locked at all times.

Purpose –To store LPG cylinders

 LPG cylinders shall be housed in a steel cabinet.
 The cabinet shall be placed directly on a firm floor.
 The cabinet shall be adequately The cabinet shall be adequately ventilated with
openings at the ventilated with openings at the bottom of the cabinet.
 The back of the LPG cabinet should be fully enclosed.
 LPG cabinet should always be kept free of any combustible material.
 No additional ( No additional (unauthorised unauthorised) storage ) storage of LPG
cylinders around the LPG of LPG cylinders around the LPG cabinet.
 LPG cabinet should be locked at all LPG cabinet should be locked at all times.
 LPG Cabinet should be properly labelled with the hazard warning sign.

Fig. 5.23: LPG Cabinet labelled with the hazard warning sign

 LPG Cabinet Violations


Fig. 5.24: LPG station Without LPG cabinet

Fig. 5.25: LPG storage With Corroded cabinet


Fig. 5.26: Unauthorised storage of LPG cylinders and “Illegal” additional connection
 A shutoff valve that provides for remote means of shutting off the gas supply in case
of emergency.
 Installed after Knock Installed after Knock-out Pot.
 Linked to a release mechanism so that the valve can be closed from a safe distance
from the edge of the installation.
 Proper and complete installation.
 Proper labelling of Emergency Shut-off Valve box.

Fig. 5.27: Unauthorised storage in ESV box


Fire Extinguisher - For fire fighting from a safe distance

 At least one approved portable portable B:C rating dry chemical fire extinguisher with
minimum capacity of 9 kg (in working condition) shall be provided.
 Fire extinguisher mounted on wall.

Fig. 5.28: Fire extinguisher mounted on wall

 Fire Extinguisher-Violations

Fig. 5.29: “Expired” Fire Extinguisher Fig. 5.30: “Missing” Fire Extinguisher


Proper installations of LPG manifold system, coupled with regular and proper maintenance
program for the system can go a long way to ensure safety of such system.

5.17 Case study: [Safety measures in chemical industry-CNG]

[With a suitable case study explain the Safety measures in chemical industry-CNG]

Compressed natural gases can be hazardous because each cylinder contains large amounts of
energy and may also have high flammability and toxicity potential.
The following is a list of recommendations for storage, maintenance, and handling of
compressed gas cylinders:
 Make sure the contents of the compressed gas cylinder are clearly stenciled or stamped
on the cylinder or on a durable label.
 Do not identify a gas cylinder by the manufacturer’s color code.
 Never use cylinders with missing or unreadable labels.
 Check all cylinders for damage before use.
 Be familiar with the properties and hazards of the gas in the cylinder before using.
 Wear appropriate protective eyewear when handling or using compressed gases.
 Use the proper regulator for each gas cylinder.
 Do not tamper with or attempt to repair a gas cylinder regulator.
 Never lubricate, modify, or force cylinder valves.
 Open valves slowly using only wrenches or tools provided by the cylinder supplier
directing the cylinder opening away from people.
 Check for leaks around the valve and handle using a soap solution, “snoop” liquid, or
an electronic leak detector.
 Close valves and relieve pressure on cylinder regulators when cylinders are not in use.
 Label empty cylinders “EMPTY” or “MT” and date the tag; treat in the same manner
that you would if it were full.
 Always attach valve safety caps when storing or moving cylinders.
 Transport cylinders with an approved cart with a safety chain; never move or roll gas
cylinders by hand.
 Securely attach all gas cylinders (empty or full) to a wall or laboratory bench with a
clamp or chain, or secure in a metal base in an upright position.
 Store cylinders by gas type, separating oxidizing gases from flammable gases by either
20 feet or a 30-minute firewall that is 5 feet high.
 Store gas cylinders in cool, dry, well-ventilated areas away from incompatible materials
and ignition sources.
 Do not subject any part of a cylinder to a temperature higher than 125 °F or below 50
 Store empty cylinders separately from full cylinders.


1. Define Chemical safety. List and explain the various types of chemical safety measure
implemented in our working environment.
2. Explain the various methods for Labelling of Chemicals.
3. With a neat schematic representation, explain the significance of Acid hoods.
4. Explain the various techniques used to handle acids.
5. Explain the various emergency measure carried out while operating with chemicals.
6. Explain the various safety practices to be carried out while operating with chemicals.
7. List and explain the mode of accident investigation accompanied in chemical industries.
8. With suitable illustration, explain the safety policy imposed on the company.
9. List and explain the safety measures to be followed while installing LPG circuits.
10. List the general work habits concern to your own chemical safety measures or practices.
/ Prepare the safety checklist considering your own working environment in relevance
to chemical hazards.
11. Explain the safety precautions to be followed while installing CNG.
12. Write a note on fire prevention and safety audit associated with Chemical safety.
13. Explain the chemical safety measures required to follow while working in confined
14. List and explain the risk assessment involved in chemical industries.
15. With a suitable case study, explain the Safety measures in Chemical laboratory of the
16. With a suitable case study explain the Safety measures in chemical industry-LPG.
17. With a suitable case study explain the Safety measures in chemical industry-CNG.



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