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In India, over 15 million waste tyres are generated annually. Not only are these tire mounds
eyesores, they are Also environmental and health hazards. The little pools of water retained by
whole waste tires create an ideal Breeding ground for mosquitoes. Aside from the persistent
annoyance, mosquitoes have been shown to spread Various dangerous diseases. Equally hazardous
are tire fires, which pollute the air with large quantities of carbon Smoke, hydrocarbons, and
residue. These fires are virtually impossible to extinguish once started. Currently, the Only large
scale methods to use waste tires are through burning for electric power generation, production of
cement In cement kilns, energy to run pulp and paper mills, and recycling at tires-to-energy
facilities. In 1990, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimated that out of the 242
million waste tires Generated that year, 78% of the tires were either stockpiled, a land filled, or
illegally dumped. While some states Burn waste tires this is only a temporary solution because of
the tires, in many cases, tend to float back up to the Surface. Land filling waste tires has also
become more and more expensive as landfill space has decreased. Asphalt acting as a binder for
aggregates is a very important ingredient affecting the life cycle and travel Comfort on roads. It
has been an established fact that normal bituminous course cannot cope up with the following
i Increasing traffic on road / overloading of vehicles leading to undulations, rutting,
cracking, Deformations, potholing, and shortening of the life of asphaltic
ii High range of temperatures causing pavements to become softer in summer and
brittle in winter.
iii Rains/water causing extensive stripping problems in asphaltic pavements.
iv To overcome the above problems in the entire world it has become a regular
practice to use modifier as Additives to strengthen the asphalt for making longer
lasting asphalt mixes.

v. Development in the last 3 decades and has led not only to huge saving by
delaying the maintenance cycles of The road but also its importance has been
felt in countries where aggregates and asphalt are in short supply. Natural
asphalt is a naturally occurring hydrocarbon mineral that is high in asphaltense
and high in the Nitrogen. When crumb rubber added to asphalt it dramatically
increases the asphalt’s viscosity, lowering Penetration while increasing the
softening point. The chemically treated crumb rubber and besides have been
Designed to rapidly blend into asphalt. The addition of rubber gives the
additional binding strength, increasing Elasticity and softening point of the
asphalt. Carbon present in rubber acts as an anti-oxidant and prevents asphalt
from ageing and oxidization.

Fig 1. Rubber tyres waste

1.1 Hazards of Tyre Waste
1) These waste tyres are produced carbon by burning process.

2) This amount of tyres is very large manner so it becomes dangerous as well

As uncomfortable to placing, because Of Land problems to our country.

3) Potentially harmful substances were found exposed to highly acidic


4) Aside from the persistent annoyance, mosquitoes have been shown to

Spread various dangerous diseases.

5) Equally hazardous are tyre fires, which pollute the air with large quantities
of Carbon smoke, hydrocarbons, And residue.

6) Not only are this tyre mounds eyesores, they are also environmental and
Health hazards. The little pools of Water retained by whole waste tyres
create An ideal breeding ground for mosquitoes.

7) These fires are virtually impossible to extinguish once started.

1.2 Environmental problem by of tyres
Burning of tyres as a cheap source of energy is common in many developing countries,
such as India. While burning of tyres does provide a cheap and efficient source of energy,
the harmful effects of tyre burning far exceed the benefits.

Emissions from open tyre burning include “criteria” pollutants, such as particulates, carbon
monoxide (CO), sulfur oxides (Sox), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), and volatile organic
compounds . They also include “non-criteria” hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), such as
polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, dioxins, furans, hydrogen chloride, benzene,
polychlorinated biphenyls; and metals such as cadmium, nickel, zinc, mercury, chromium,
and vanadium.

Because tires are made of natural rubber and plastic, it’s easy to miss just how much they
contribute to pollution in our oceans. Small bits of degraded plastic from tire wear pervade
the environment, including the oceans, researchers are discovering.

Fig 2. Burning tyre


Rubberized Bitumen is being used in USA from 1960 Currently Arizona, Florida,
Texas and California using 2 million tons of Rubberized Bitumen. Rubberized Bitumen is
very popular in Australia for chip sealing wearing course sand structural layers. Use of
Rubberized Bitumen being increase in developing countries of Latin America. In 1960s
scrap tyres were processed and used as a secondary material in the pavement industry. One
application was introduced by two Swedish companies which produced a surface asphalt
mixture with the addition of a small quantity of ground rubber from discarded tyres as a
substitute for a part of the mineral aggregate in the mixture, in order to obtain asphalt
mixture with improved resistance to studded tyres as well as to snow chains, via a process
known as ‘‘dry process’’. In the same period Charles McDonalds, a materials engineer of
the city of Phoenix in Arizona (USA), was the first to find that after thoroughly mixing
crumbs of RTR with bitumen (CRM) and allowing it to react for a period of 45 min to an
hour, this material captured beneficial engineering characteristics of both base ingredients.
He called it Asphalt Rubber and the technology is well known as the ‘‘wet process’ ’By
1975, Crumb Rubber was successfully incorporatedinto asphalt mixtures and in 1988 a
definition for rubberised bitumen was included in the
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) and later specified in ASTM . In
1992 the patent of the McDonald’s process expired and the material is now considered a
part of the public domain. Furthermore, in 1991, the United States federal law named

‘‘Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act’’ (then rescinded), mandated its
widespread use, the Asphalt-Rubber technology concept started to make a ‘‘quiet come
back’’. Since then, considerable research has been done worldwide to validate and improve
technologies related to rubberised asphalt pavements. Nowadays, these rubberised bitumen
materials, obtained through the wet process, have spread world was as solutions for
different quality problems with much different evidence of success demonstrated by roads

built in the last 30 years.


Waste rubber tyres were collected from roads sides, dumpsites and waste-buyers.
The collected waste tyres were sorted as per the required sizes for the aggregate.
The waste tires were cut in the form of aggregate of sizes ranging from 22.4 mm to 6.00
mm (as per IRC-SP20) in the tire cutting machine. The waste rubber tyres can be
managed as a whole tyre, as slit tire, as shredded or chopped tyre, as ground rubber or as
a crumb rubber product. The rubber of tyre usually employed in bituminous mix, in the
form of rubber particles are subjected to a dual cycle of magnetic separation, then
screened and recovered in various sizes and can be called as Rubber aggregate. It was
cleaned by de-dusting or washing if required. The rubber pieces (rubber aggregate) were
sieved through 22.4 mm sieve and retained at 5.6 mm sieve as per the specification of
mix design and these were added in bituminous mix, 10 to 20 percent by weight of the
stone aggregate. These rubber aggregates were mixed with stone aggregate and bitumen
at temperature between 1600c to 1700c for proper mixing of bituminous mix. As the
waste rubber tyres are thermodynamically set, they are not supposed to melt in the
bitumen, at the time of mixing of rubber aggregate, stone aggregate and bitumen in hot
mix plan


This chapter provides a background on the materials used in crumb rubber modified
bitumen and the Specifications for those materials. Specific topics will include a discussion
of the production and properties of CRM, the shipping and handling of CRM, the properties
of the asphalt cement as they relate to asphalt rubber.

4.1 Bitumen
Bitumen is a black, highly viscous and very sticky liquid or semi-solid, found in some
natural deposits. It is also the by-product of the fractional distillation of crude petroleum.
Generally in India bitumen used in road Construction of flexible pavement is of grades
60/70 or 80/100 penetration grade.

Fig 3. Bitumen

4.2 Crumb Rubber

The major component of crumb rubber modifier (CRM) is scrap tire rubber which is primarily
natural And synthetic rubbers and carbon black. Automobile tires have more synthetic rubber
than truck tires. Truck tires Contain a higher percentage of nature rubber than automobile tires.
Advances in tire manufacturing technology Have decreased the difference in chemical
composition between the types of tire rubber. The typical bulk CRM Produced in today’s market
is uniform in composition. The average car tire contains ten types of synthetic rubber, Four types
of natural rubber, four types of carbon black, steel cord, bead wire, and chemicals ,Oils,
pigments, etc.

Fig 4. Crumb Rubber

4.3 Crumb rubber modifier bitumen
The crumb rubber modifier bitumen is a mix composition of crumb rubber and bitumen in
wet process proposed by Charles McDonald in the1960s. The McDonald blend is a
Bitumen Rubber blend produced in a blending tank by blending Crumb Rubber and
bitumen. This modified binder is theni passed to a holding tank, provided with augers to
ensure circulation, to allow the reaction of the blend for a sufficient period (generally 45–
60 min). The reacted binder is the used for mix production. Continuous Blending-reaction
Systems: This system is similar to the McDonald process of blending, the difference is that
CRM and bitumen are continuously blended during the mix production or prepared by hand
and then stored in storage tanks for later use.

Therefore, it consists of a unique unit with agitators, in which the reaction occurs during
the blending. This time versus viscosity plot of CRMB during Production and storage is
influenced by the following factors.

Fig 5. Crumb Rubber modified bitumen

a) Source of Crumb Rubber

Crumb rubber can be obtained from truck tyres or automobile tyres or both.
Truck Tyres contain 80 percent more rubber hydrocarbons than automobile
tyres and also Contain significantly higher amounts of natural rubber20. Whole truck
tyre contains 18 Percent natural rubber compared to 9 percent in an automobile tyre
and 2 percent in Tyre treads. The amount of natural rubber has shown to affect the
properties of CRMB Significantly. Each lot of crumb rubber may have different
chemical composition Depending on the source (truck tyres or automobile tyres or
mixture of both) and, Therefore, when combined with the same source of bitumen may
give different time Versus viscosity curve. In other words, the target (plateau) viscosity

and the allowable Time before degradation are unique to each specific combination of
bitumen and Crumb rubber. Any time the source of bitumen or crumb rubber is
changed, the time Versus viscosity must be obtained again.

b. Method of Producing Crumb Rubber

Generally, crumb rubber is produced by reducing scrap tires down to sizes. ranging
From 3/8” to 40 mesh particles and removing 99 percent or more of the steel and. fabric
from the scrap tires. There are several processes for manufacturing crumb rubber Two
of the most common are ambient grinding and cryogenic processing. A third
technology-the wet grind process-is also in use in the U.S. to produce finer mesh crumb
rubber ranging from 40mesh to 200 mesh.

i. Ambient Process
Ambient grinding can be accomplished in two ways: granulation or cracker mills. In an
ambient system, the rubber, tires or other feedstock remain at room temperature as they
enter the cracker mill or granulator. Ambient grinding is conducive to any size particle,
including whole tires. It can be accomplished in two ways: granulation or cracker mills.
In an ambient system, the rubber, tires or other feedstock remain at room temperature
as they enter the cracker mill or granulator. Ambient grinding is a multistep processing
technology that uses a series of machines (usually three) to separate the rubber, metal,
and fabric components of the tire. Whether using granulation equipment or cracker
mills, the first processing step typically reduces the original feedstock to small chips.
The second machine in the series will grind the chips to separate the rubber from the
metal and fabric. Then a finishing mill will grind the material to the required product
specification. After each processing step, the material is classified by sifting screens
that return oversize pieces to the granulator or mill for further processing. Magnets are
used throughout the processing stages to remove wire and other metal contaminants. In
the final stage, fabric is removed by air separators. Rubber particles produced in the
granulation process generally have a cut surface shape and rough texture, with similar
dimensions on the cut edges.

Uses for the crumb rubber or granulate produced in this process include safety and
cushioning surfaces for playgrounds, horse arenas and walking/jogging paths.Cracker mills
- primary, secondary or finishing mills - are all very similar and operate on basically the
same principle: they use two large rotating rollers with serrations cut in one or both of
them. The roll configurations are what make them different. These rollers operate face-to-
face in close tolerance at different speeds. Product size is controlled by the clearance
between the rollers. Cracker mills are low speed machines operating at about 30-50 RPM.
The rubber usually passes through two to three mills to achieve various particle size
reductions and further liberate the steel and fiber components.

ii. Cryogenic Process

Cryogenic processing refers to the use of liquid nitrogen or other materials/methods to
freeze tire chips or rubber particles prior to size reduction. Most rubber becomes embrittled
or "glass-like" at temperatures below -80°C. The use of cryogenic

Fig 6. Cryogenic process

temperatures can be applied at any stage of size reduction of scrap tires. Typically, the size
of the feed material is a nominal 2 inch chip or smaller. The material can be cooled
in a tunnel style chamber, immersed in a "bath" of liquid nitrogen, or sprayed with liquid
nitrogen to reduce the temperature of the rubber or tire chip. The cooled rubber is ground
in an impact type reduction unit, usually a hammer mill. This process reduces the rubber
to particles ranging from 1/4 inch minus to 30 mesh, with the majority of the particle
distribution between 1/4 inch minus and 20 mesh. A typical throughput is 4,000 to 6,000
pounds per hour. Cryogenic grinding avoids heat degradation of the rubber and produces a
high yield of product that is free of almost all fiber or steel, which is liberated during the

c. Amount and Size of Crumb Rubber

The finer the size of the crumb rubber, the lesser is the time of “reaction” before the
Viscosity plateau is reached. For a given percentage of crumb rubber, the “reaction” Time
is directly proportional to the diameter squared of the rubber particles. Both the Amount
and size of crumb rubber affect the properties of CRMB. The preceding four factors among
others, which affect the time versus viscosity Curve, are unique to each producer of
CRMB. Therefore, every producer (refinery, Blending terminal, or on-site blending) must
obtain this curve for a time of at least 24 Hours and furnish it to the user agency (asphalt
mix contractor or Government highway department). This can be accomplished by
measuring the Viscosity of the CRMB every 10-15 minutes during the “reaction” before
reaching the Viscosity plateau and every one-hour up to 24 hours after the “reaction” has
taken Place. Rotational viscometers such as Brookfield and Hake are used for Measuring
the viscosity. This will also allow the producer to furnish the following to The user agency:
(a) target viscosity and (b) allowable time in hours before The CRMB starts to deteriorate.
The user Agency then ensures that the CRMB is used within allowable time after
production. The user agency also checks the viscosity of CRMB just prior to adding it to
hot Aggregate and compares the measured viscosity with the target viscosity furnished by
The CRMB producer.

A portable handheld viscometer such as Hake viscometer can be used in the field10. The
allowable time includes storage at the CRMB production site, if any; transportation time
from the production site to Contractor’s asphalt plant; and storage in contractor’s tank.


Even after the crumb rubber has “reacted” with bitumen, it has a tendency to separate From
bitumen partially and settle down during transportation and storage at the Contractor’s
plant until CRMB is used. Therefore, it is essential that the truck tankers Carrying CRMB
are equipped with heavy-duty recirculation devices or mechanical. Agitators to keep the
crumb rubber in suspension. The CRMB supplier should measure and verify the viscosity
of CRMB at the time of delivery to the user agency There is a phase separation or
degradation of crumb rubber during transport it will Be indicated by the measured viscosity
when compared to the target viscosity. That is Why, the few states in the US, which use
CRMB on a routine basis at the present time Require that the CRMB should be used within
a specified number of hours after Production. For example, California, Kansas, and
Arizona specify that the CRMB Must be used within 4, 6, and 10 hours, respectively 10.
This kind of requirement does Not allow the CRMB to be produced at oil refineries, which
are generally far away From asphalt mix plants. That is why, an infrastructure of numerous
blending Terminals or on-site blending units are necessary within a state.

Fig 7. Transportation of CRMB

6. Properties and Compositions of Tyre Wastes

Recycled tire rubber granules are obtained by shredding scrap tires in relation to the
required Particle sizes, terminologies, and properties as per the recycled waste tire particles
and the standard practice for using scrap tires in civil engineering applications.
Manufacturing tires requires primary materials that include natural and synthetic rubber
(14%), carbon black (28%), steel (14–15%), fabric, filler, accelerators, and antiozonants
(16–17%). The primary chemical composition of waste tire rubber consists of carbon black
(29%) and Additives (13%), complex chemical mixtures including extender oil (1.9%),
elastomers, polyisoprene ,Polybutadiene, and styrene butadiene [24,25]. Different tires can
have different intrinsic compositions. Automobile tires, for example, have a Significantly
different composition than truck tires. This difference is most significant in the contents of
Natural and synthetic rubber. In general, recycled rubber can be classified into the three
following main Categories: (a) shredded rubber, also known as chipped rubber, which is
used to partially replace gravel. Manufacturing this category requires the tire to be shredded
in two stages. The first stage produces Rubber with a length of 300 to 430 mm and a width
of 100 to 230 mm. The second stage cuts the length to 100 to 150 mm. Shredded particles
can be acquired by continuing the process of shredding, which leads To the production of
rubber particles with a size of around 13 to 76 mm; (b) crumb rubber, which has Particles
with a size of 0.425 to 4.75 mm and can be used to substitute for the fine aggregate portion
in Concrete production and hot asphalt mixtures. This type of rubber is produced by turning
large Rubber into smaller particles, where the variety of rubber particle size is mainly
dependent on the mills Used and the temperature level; and ground rubber particles, which
are manufactured through the Micro-milling process, which produces a particle size that
ranges from 0.075 to 0.475 mm. The size of Equipment plays an essential role in reducing
the size of particles. The process is subjected to magnetic Separation and screening. This
type of recycled tire rubber can be used as a filler in concrete and asphalt Paving mixtures.

Table 1. Properties and compositions of tyre wastes


Rubberized asphalt mixtures consist of asphalt, aggregates and tyre rubber gram- uses.
Rubber aggregates can be used as bitumen modifiers or as substitutes for natural aggregates.
There are two ways of producing rubberized asphalt mixtures. In the first method, the ‘wet
process’, rubber particles are mixed with bitumen at elevated temperature prior to mixing
with the hot aggregates; in the second method, the ‘dry process’, rubber particles replace a
small portion of the mineral aggregate in the asphalt mix before the addition of the bitumen.
Many studies have been conducted investigating asphalt mixtures made using both the wet
and the dry processes.

7.1 Wet process method

The wet method, of which there are two types – terminal blend and wet process
High viscosity – can be used to produce rubberized asphalt with superior properties
Compared with conventional asphalt. In this method, tyre rubber is Mixed with bitumen at
15–20% by mass, prior to mixing with the aggregates. This Modification of the bitumen
results in physical and compositional changes in an Interaction process where rubber
particles swell in the bitumen by absorbing a Percentage of the lighter fraction of the bitumen
to form a viscous gel, with an Increase in the viscosity of the rubberized binder. Moreover,
this Method involves less risk as the interaction between crumb rubber and bitumen can Be
controlled during the digestion process. Mixtures produced with this method Consume larger
quantities of tyres and are available to a larger market.

Fig 8. Wet Process Method

7.2 Dry process method

In this system, mixtures are prepared by The addition of 1–3% (by weight of total mix)
rubber particles as a replacement for Aggregates in gap-graded aggregate and then mixed
with hot asphalt cement. These Mixtures require 1.5–2% more asphalt than a conventional
mix. Another system, which uses the dry process, is the generic system. Uses fine and coarse
rubber Particles at up to 3% (by weight). The generic system is a two-Component system in
which the fine rubber particles act with the asphalt while the Coarse particles perform as an
elastic aggregate in the mixture. The dry process, in contrast to the wet process, does not
require special Equipment but it has been a far less popular method. This unpopularity is
because Of the increased costs of having to use special graded aggregate to incorporate the
Reclaimed tyre rubber, in addition to construction difficulties, poor reproducibility And
premature failure of asphalt road surfacing. However, this Method has the potential to
consume larger of rubber from worn vehicle Tyres, which is environmentally beneficial..

Fig 9. Dry Process Method


Asphalt-Rubber is ‘‘a blend of asphalt cement, CRM and certain additives in which the
rubber component is at least 15% by weight of the total blend and has reacted in the hot
asphalt cement sufficiently to cause swelling of the rubber Particles.

8.1 What is an asphalt binder?

The asphalt binder, sometimes referred to as the asphalt cement binder or the asphalt cement, is
an essential component of asphalt concrete—it is as the name implies the cement that holds the
aggregate together.

8.2 Rubber in asphalt

Typical crumb rubber modifier (CRM) content for asphalt-rubber ranges from 18-22 percent.
The crumb rubber modifier used in asphalt-rubber is in the 10-16 mesh range.
Asphalt-rubber been successfully used in California for over 30 years.

8.3 Asphalt binder made of

In its most common form, asphalt binder is simply the residue from petroleum refining. To
achieve the necessary properties for paving purposes, binder must be produced from a carefully
chosen crude oil blend, and processed to an appropriate grade.

8.4 Property important for asphalt binder

Typically, the most important physical properties are: Durability. Durability is a measure of
how asphalt binder physical properties change with age (sometimes called age hardening). In
general, as an asphalt binder ages, its viscosity increases and it becomes more stiff and brittle.


9.1 Rubberised Bitumen as a Slurry Material

Recognizing that fatigue cracking generally occurred in larger areas that small patches
couldn’t handle, the concept was extended to full pavement sections by spreading the
rubberized bitumen with slurry seal equipment, followed by aggregate application with
standard chip spreaders . This process had two distinct construction problems. First, in order
to achieve the desired reaction of the bitumen and crumb rubber in the limited time available
in the slurry equipment, it was necessary to employ bitumen temperatures of 4500 F (2320
C) and higher. Second, the thickness of the membrane varied directly with the irregularity
of the pavement surface. This resulted in excessive materials in areas such as wheel ruts
and insufficient membrane thickness.

Fig10. Rubberised bitumen as a slurry material

9.2 Rubberized Bitumen as a Chip Seal Application
Technology had developed to the point that standard bitumen distributor lorries Were
employed to apply a uniform thickness of binder to the pavement.. Although Problems
with distribution and segregation of materials were encountered on the early Projects,
these were recognized as primarily equipment limitations. Within the next few Years
equipment was developed with pumping, metering and agitation capabilities needed To
handle the highly viscous rubberized bitumen materials.

Fig11.Crumb rubber chip seal


1. It is a less expensive application when used as a thin top course over failed pavement that would
otherwise need replacement (California & Arizona studies);

2. It is less expensive to maintain per lane-kilometer (lane-mile) in years 6 through 15 of pavement life
over conventional pavements, and the same in years 1 through 5 (Arizona & California studies);

3. It significantly reduces noise as opposed to concrete pavements, and also is quieter than bituminous

4. It significantly improves wet surface traffic safety.

5. It provides better surface road drainage when used in an Open Grade Friction Course
(Texas & Arizona studies);

6. It is a hugely beneficial use for post-consumer waste tyre materials, using about.

11.1 Road asphalt
A tire crumb is easily used for road paving, making these roads stay for much longer without
potholes, cracks, or deformations, if we compare them to regular asphalt roads, they also provide to
drivers with a more comfortable route and improvements in the impacts caused to the vehicle in

11.2 Vibration absorption

The use of crumb rubber is also to the vibrations and annoying noises caused by the transit of trains
and trams in areas near buildings. It is made with quick assemblies and are low cost in maintenance.

11.3 Road speed reducers

The speed reducers manufactured from the crumb rubber are effective and super necessary to
increase safety in school zones, residential areas, urban areas, areas where speed is reduced by
crossing roads, parking lots, cyclists’ areas, etc. Its manufacture, must comply with the regulations
of transit of the place, being a modular system that is formed by body, external area and central area
that increase safety, since the friction of the reducer with the wheel of the car is greater since they
are both of natural rubber and the delineation in yellow must be of high reflective capacity and anti-

12. Failure of Road Pavement

12.1 Pavement failure
Pavement failure occurs when an asphalt surface no longer holds its original shape and develops material
stress which causes issues. Pavement failure issues include cracking, potholes, depressions, rutting,
shoving, up.

12.2 Technical reasons pavement fail prematurely

There are four primary reasons:-

1. Pavements fail prematurely

2. Failure in construction.

3. Failure in materials.

4. Failure in maintenance .heaves , and raveling.

12.3 Symptoms of pavement failures

8 Signs Your Asphalt May Be Failing

1. All gartering is called that because of its appearance: interconnected cracks that look like
alligator skin.

2. Edge Crack

3. Reflective Cracks

4. Slippage Cracks

5. Rutting and Depressions

6. Asphalt Patch

7. Raveling

8. Potholes


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