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ALUMNI PROJECT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FRONT END: PYTHON IDLE BACK END : MY SQL SUBMITTED BY : SHAILENDRA SINGH PGT CS , KV NO.2 ARMAPUR KANPUR,LKO REGION DBMS : MYSQL HOST NAME : LOCAL HOST USER : ROOT PASSWORD:”” DATABASE NAME : aldb TABLES CREATED : ALUREG & EVENT PYTHON CODE platform mysqL.-connector mport pandas as const r=mysql . connector. connect (h passwd="",\ database="aldb") print (constr) nycursor=constr.cursoz () def RegisterAlumns () : 1 fname=input ("Enter Your First Name -append (frame) ane=input ("Enter Your Last Name :") append (name) dob=input ("Enter Dob in Y¥YY-MM-DD Format append (deb) Your Gender : ") input ("Enter your correspondence ad append (add_c) | of=input ("Enter your official address -append (a email=input ("Enter your email address append (email) nob=input ("Enter Your Mobile No: ") append (mob) x_csinput ("Enter City Na append (cur_c) input ("gnter Company/Organizatii are Working -append (com) ("Enter Your Desgination in Company, append (desg) _y=input ("Enter Your Session Start Year in College L-appand (start_y) start_c=input ("Enter Your Session End Year in College append (start_e) nch=input ("Enter Your Branch in College : ") append (branch) i="al"+fname [0:2] +Lname [0:2] +mo! alumni=(L) sql="insert a (alu_ig, £4: me, last_name, dob, gender, add_corr,add_offc,email_add,mob_no,c y,curr company, desg, session from,session to,branch) values (4s, 48788, 48,48, 45,45, 48, $5, 48,48, $8, 45,95, $5)" nycursor.execute (sql, alumni) constr. commit () You Have Been Succesfully Registere! ther Correspondence") nt (alid) ViewAlumniDetails(): nt ("Select the search criteria to 1. Frame") 2. Lname") 3. Company") 4, "G. Session Start") nt ("7, To View Al int (input ("Enter the ch==1 scinput ("Enter First Name to Be Searched For") rl=(s,) sql="select * from alureg where first_name like $s mycursor.execute (sql, rl} input ("Enter Last Name to Be Searched For") ” Select * from alureg where Last_name mycursor execute (sql, rl) ssinput ("Enter Company Name to Be Searched For") rl=(s,) sql="sele: from alureg where mycursor.execute (sql, rl} ") from alureg where branc mycursoz.execute (sql, rl} city") from alureg mycursor.execute (sql, r ch==6 ssinput ("Enter a select * from alureg execute (sql, r1) select * from alureg" ursor execute (sql) res=mycursor.fetchall () © Alumni Details are as Follows") id, first_name, last_aame, dob, gender, add_corr, add yenail_add,mob_no, ompany, desg, session_from, session_to, branch) ") elect * from alureg waere alu_id=%s' (alid,} uursor execute (sql, ed) res-mycursor.fetchall () for x in re: print (x) input ("Enter the field which you want input ("Enter the value you want to set "update alureg set "+ fld #"='" + val + al ursor.execute (sql) ” After correction the record is : ") elect * from alureg where alu_id-ts" ed=(alid,) nycursor.execute (sql, ed) res=mycursor.fetchall () for x in res: print (x} seonmit () ter The Alumni 1D") luid=input ("Enter the Alumni ID for the alumni to be viewed elect * from alureg where alu_id=%s" rl=(aluid,) nycursor.execute (sql, r1) hall () print ("Record not Found nt ("The details of the students are : " ) ast_name, dob, gender, add_corr, add yemail_add,mob_no,¢ sg, session_from, session_to, branch)" for x in res print (x) def DeleteAlumni(): aluid-input ("Enter the Alumni ID for the alumni to be deleted : ") sqi="Delete eg where alu_id=ts" (aluia,) nycursor.execute (sql, rl) constr. commit () def Schedulezvent () 1 ename=input ("Enter Event Name to Schedule : ") E. append (ename) edatesinput ("Enter Event Date in YY E.append (edate) evenue ("Enter Venue of By: B.append (evenue) estat=input ("Enter Event Status as Completed Or Not Completed E.append (estat) event= (2) sqi="insert into event (event_name,event_date, venue, stat nycursor.execute (sql, event) constr. commit () print("You Have Succesfully Added A Event") event Name") Venue") status") To View All Records") input ("Enter the choice : ")) 1 input ("Enter Event Name to Be Searched For") (s) select * from event where event_name like Ss" nycursor execute (sql, r1) s-input ("Enter Venue Name to Be Searched For") rl=(s,) sqi-"select * from event where event like mycursor-execute (sql, r1) s-input ("Enter Status to Be Se vent where mycursor execute (sql, rl) ena sql="select * from event" mycursoz execute (sql) res-mycursor.fetchall () Details are as Follows") atus)") x the Event Name to be deleted event where event_name=$s" nycursor.execute (sql, rl) constr. commit () MainMens () : To Register Alumni To View Alumni Detai: Edit Alumni De Search Alumni ") delete Alumni") Add a Svent") Search a Event") Delete a Event") valveBrror Had Enetered Wrong CI print (™\n") if(userinput SearchAlumni () £ (userInput==5) DeleteAlumni () (userInput==6) : ScheduleEvent () DeleteBvent () print ("Enter correct MainMenu (} def AskChoiceAgain() if (platform.system() == "Windows") : print (os. system(*cls")) else: print (os.system('clear')) MainMenu () AxsCheRun To Run Again Y/n: ") AskChoiceAgain () Main Menu Screen Shot Register Alumni Your First wane : Aman Your Last Neme :Gepta Dob in YYYY-MM-DD Format + 1998-09-11 your Gender : Male your correspondence address : Bhilai cS your official address : Guwahat: your email address Ex: Your Mobile Ne: 7696564312 City Name You Stay : Guvahati UliuBari Company/Organization You are Working : CBSE RO Guwahati Your Desgination in Company/Organization : Asst Sec. Your Session Start Year in College: 2008 Your Session End Year in College : 2015, Your Branch in College : BSc You Have Been Succesfully Registered: This i# You AlunniID ,Use This For further Correspondence alancu? Update Alumni tame sees Bees 4 sited + nea (alee, “aa, een 9, ae be fl ie a at + ‘maga, SH Su, a’, ied 5) Search Alumni aa, "EW Delete Alumni Event Add Show Delete Event ne searen

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