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the importance of learning electronic commerce in industry 4.0 ce M. ILHAM BINTANG B - GR nae Recaro ume CRs ne nat Caner eet em sen eae ee ones tae encarta tect etc Coasts creer ates Nemo business online and offline, however, in industry 4.0 we have experienced many things such as the COVID-19 pandemic, therefore, the importance of IT in the Tene venient (ersae COM Tm ete er RCC Cart rete cneg existing technology to open a business online, based on a report released in October 2020 by Google, Temasek and Bain & Company regarding eConomy 2020, it stated Beta eerie eecce crai tes Cc ene totes RSG cneme eat actuate ed COCR MENA CUT CRO Mate cna rn eee ceria noe es Pete ates oe ee erent Cee erie cer cnr anette Rc See Soe One enn cs enter at Cee kOe eYRcrl Cee Ten cts FOR eee ea ee ace a Pens an eee eee e wre neal any eens See oR CUTS Rey tere earn m Te ME Cen aerated holder himself, by making E-commerce small, we don't need to hire employees, because the E-commerce holder can take control by himself. The advantages of using amen eens eet erate ea eee lisme rere eee ts faster delivery to customers for software products, and managing data or emma e nee tc eae ee CCM Cem cares acer ere industry 4.0, we must learn how to make Ecommerce better and more precise and take advantage of a lot of IT, such as making buying and selling transactions o PCRs eee CMT aati aac sae mer emen eae tel cee applications such as shopee to sell goods, and so on.

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