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rte ee ae THE LANGUAGE CENTER Uin __ STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY OF SUNAN GUNUNG DJATI BANDUNG No. Reg: TE2020120244 CERTIFICATE Number :Un.05/0304/PPB/PE.00.5 11/2020 Istocertly that Buct Morison, has achieved the following scorecon: OEFA (Test of English for Academics) Listening Comprehension 52 Structures Witten Expression: 42 Reading Comprehension 51 Total Score TestDate: 18 December 2020 Valié Unt: 18 December 2022 Aoccatng eprint {ante for counting Studles Fac of Eos rd Bosse sonics and Business Faculty Universitas Pxjadran wen CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Buci Morisson has participated in Padjadjaran Accounting Colloqium Series (PACS) Systematic Literature Review (SLR) Bandung, 29 Mareh 2021 Head of Center for Accounting Studies FEB UNPAD Dr. Poppy Sofia Koeswayo, SE., MSA. CERTIFICATE Of Appreciation Produktivitas Sebagai “Engine of Economic Growth" This proudly certificate is awarded to Buci Morisson. S.E., M.M. For your attendance at the Rakernas of APPRODI and Productivity Webinar on Friday January 2tst 2022, Ir. Sangam Purba, MM Dr. Titus IndFajaya, SE., MM Ketua Umum APPRODI _Sekretaris Jenderal APPRODI Prof.(Dr. Bomer Pasaribu Ketua Dewan Pembina APPRODI SERTIFIKAT Gq ee ‘No. : oo2rsiz022 Diberikan kepada: BUCI MORISSON, S.E., M.M. Atas partisipasinya sebagai: Peserta ‘yang telah mengikuti selucuh rangkaian kegiatan "Sekolah Publikasi Sinta Batch#2" yang diselenggarakan oleh Research id Indonesia, pada tanggal 11, 12, 14, dan 15 Februari 2022 sebanyak 32 JP (Jam Pelajaran) dengan materi sebagai berkut 3 ress a rs i a oe 2 [eoenet emery haute oe ‘br, RENO WiKANDARU, M.PHIL. Founder Research id indonesia PRESENTED TO Buci Morisson, SE., MM in recognition and appreciation of your contributions as Participant 1st International Conference of Bunga Bangsa Cirebon (ICOBBA) 2021 SOCIETY 5.0 Held in Indonesia on December 8th, 2021 GEE Bunga Bangsa Cirebon, ICOBBA ae SERTIFIKAT Nomor: B-143/F.8/PP.00.9/9/2021 diberikan kepada Buci Morisson SE, MM PESERTA Dalam Studium Generale “Academic Orientation: International Experiences in Academic and Practice" yang diselenggarakan oleh Program Studi Doktor Perbankan Syariah Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta pada Selasa, 21 September 2021 melalui zoom meeting. Jakarta, 21 September 2021 NIP. 19730615 200501 1 009

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