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JAB E OFF: Anoticeata Dpuiic health eeiitre ti Bangalore oii Wednesday sys the Covid.19vaceine stick beaver, ‘The Karnataka govertument on Wednesday deciled to suspend the vacrlation for people between and 44 Yeats till Rarther archers, given the shortage of doses, “Toilay the state gaverument last decided that the vaccine procured dt rectly by the state for ¥accknation of persons between 18and 44 years will be urtlisee for vai 011 of bewet et aries who are dus for a second dose, Hnotifiention bavi! by tlhe gover tame el “Wi have already patd money to thie two varcehie mannifiectrens kn the country for thireeerare doses... we haverecetved sewer alc,” Karnataka chilef secretary P: Ravi Kumar sate “Sine we are not petting: aclequnte vacrines... we aregoing to ewe artes to lott," hesasd. (PTI picture) No help, Modi bhakt dies PIVUSH SRIVASTAVA Lucknow: An Agra resident ‘who had “devoted iis life" to Narendra Modi and had peo. elated that the Prime Minis. tor followed him oa Twitter, has passed away from Covid complications after huis sister's, direct appeal ta the leader on social media for medical help according to some media re parts threatened to beat up. anybady even remotely erith eal of Modi, dled trea Mathnara hospttal on April 29, 10 days after testing pusttive for Covid anv four days after his sister Sonu Alani bad appealed to the Prime Minister and Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yori Adityanathon Twitter for help. to procure reudesivir aad «at sure proper treatment, "Thesister had tweeted roan Jatswal's Twitter hainle op April 2s “MysefSoan Alagh, Mr Amit Jaiswal’'s sister, This Istolnfocm that weare facing issuesregar dng arrangement ‘of Ramdesivir (sic) and treat ment, He is adhnttted in NAY- ATI hospital, Mathura. We inoed your help, Heris not well” Sov had tagged @PMOMdia, @narendramoii and @myo- wBaelivanath Late om Wednesday, Jatsw al's Twitter account could no longer be found om the mi croblonie site: Soi disconnected the phone when this newspeper called her up on Wedsiesday eventing, only saying: “I don't know anything” A:sourceclose to the family sald Sona and her tiisband Rajendra had torn a poster of Modi that adorned Jajswal's car and alse taken down a hoarding bearing a picture of theleadorin front offtishouse. Rajendva told The Print web portal: “Amit me poor! sctadapt PM Bod elie real fl, Moll vue reske lve Kye hiya? ‘Alse PM salia® AT heuneln kyr zavcorat = Humne — paster Phaadh Ke nikon! diva (Aunit spent hisentirelifeflphthig for Phd Modi, What diel Modi do. for him? We toce off his poster’.” ‘The source clase ta the ounlly sale sisal, we seal to trade th howrdlisgs and bani ners, and his mm Raj Kamal needed Inospttalisation, but could not find a bed in Aura “They could be admitted only after four days in a Mathura thospital. He died on, April 29 and lis mother on May 9 He had devoted lus lifts to Modi but the Prime Muiis: ter ditched him, The first thing his sister did after re- turning to Agra on Monday ‘was that she tore Modi's poster from her brather's car and brought down a small ‘hoardisng with the Pritt Mi Aster’s pleture In front of thelr house,” the source sald “Amit used to attend shakhes of tee Rashttiya Swayamsewak Songh ever day. Some RSS workers had visited the fumily ti Agra ait Twosilay to expbess their con dolence and cursed! Madi for being so selfish,” the source datned ‘The Neve York Tomes hats a report on Pobriwary 4, 200, said that Jaiswal wanted the Adityanath government to Add a chapter ky school hooks on Natlmram Godse, the as sassin of Mahatina Gat “Anait Jaiswal alt, an ad vertising professional fi the town of Agra, believes Godse is a hero Decaiise Te tried to stop Gandhi's posh tor india to help the newly formed Pak- istan,” the newspaper had re- port. It had quoted Jalsival as saying: “Gana sikould be re- spected but the new India shouliinot tolerutetlecastipa- tion of Gorse.”

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