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Tests & Measurements (Training questions)

1. Manual muscle testing is intended to assess muscle function as:

a. An agonist
b. An antagonist
c. A stabilizer
d. A neutralizer
Reference: page 9, line 3, lecture

2. The level of measurement of manual muscle test scores is considered:

a. Nominal
b. Ordinal
c. Interval
d. Ratio
Reference: page 1, line 18

3. Gender of the patient could alter the grading criteria of manual muscle
True False
Reference: page 8, line 11

4. The antagonist of rhomboids is:

a. Middle trapezius
b. Serratus anterior
c. Levator scapulae
d. Upper trapezius
Reference: page 11 & 20

5. Normal serratus anterior is tested in:

a. 90 shoulder flexion
b. 130° shoulder flexion
c. 60° shoulder flexion
d. 180° shoulder flexion
Reference: page 11, line 16
6. Deltoid strength can affect testing procedures of all scapular movements,
a. Scapular abduction & upward rotation
b. Scapular retraction
c. Scapular depression & adduction
d. Scapular elevation
Reference: page 11, line 27 + page 15, line 14 + page 19 line 2

7. Grade 5 serratus anterior is achieved if the patient can hold the arm against
maximal resistance.
True False
Reference: page 11, line 22

8. Normal shoulder flexors can be tested in:

a. Supine position
b. Prone position
c. Sitting position
d. Side-lying position
Reference: page 5 (table) + page 22, line 7

9. Shoulder external rotation can substitute for forearm supination.

True False
Reference: page 45, line 22

10. To test the sternal head of pectoralis major, the patient moves the arm
diagonally upward & inward.
True False
Reference: page 32, line 17

11. Pronator teres is best palpated in:

a. Upper of palmar aspect of forearm
b. Upper % of dorsal aspect of forearm
c. Lower of dorsal aspect of forearm
d. Lower of palmar aspect of forearm
Reference: page 47, line 8
12. Manual muscle testing of elbow flexors should be done while the wrist is:
a. Actively flexed
b. Actively extended
c. Supported
d. Relaxed
Reference: page 41, line 10

13. Action of deltoid include the following, except:

a. Shoulder flexion
b. Shoulder extension
c. Shoulder abduction
d. Shoulder adduction
Reference: page 22, line 2+ page 24, line 2, page 27, line 2

14. In sternal head of pectoralis major muscle testing, patient begins test with
shoulder in:
a. 90° abduction
b. 120° abduction
c. 60° abduction
d. 180° abduction
Reference: page 32, line 16

15. Thumb radial abduction occurs by the extrinsic thumb abductor.

True False
Reference: page 70, line 15

16. The only finger that has no adduction movement is:

a. Thumb
b. Index
c. Long finger
d. Little finger
Reference: page 63, line 19

17. Middle finger ulnar abduction occurs by:

a. First dorsal interosseus
b. Second dorsal interosseus
c. Third dorsal interosseus
d. Fourth dorsal interosseus
Reference: page 61, line 16

18. The gravity-minimized test of flexor digitorum superficialis is done with the
a. Pronated
b. Supinated
c. Mid-positioned
d. Flexed
Reference: page 5 (table), line 18+ page 57, line 2

19. Grade "Fair" thumb IP flexion is given when there is:

a. Full ROM without resistance
b. Full ROM with minimal resistance
c. Full ROM with moderate resistance
d. Full ROM with maximal resistance
Reference: page 5 (table)+ page 67, line 4

20. The main resistance for hip external rotation muscle testing is applied:
a. Just above medial malleolus
b. Just above lateral malleolus
c. Over the lateral aspect of distal thigh
d. Over the medial aspect of distal thigh
Reference: page 90, line 12

21. Normal iliopsoas is tested in:

a. Standing position
b. Sitting position
c. Supine position
d. Side-lying position
Reference: page 5 (table)+ page 77, line 9

22. The lowermost leg should be flexed for stability in gluteus medius muscle
True False
Reference: page 83, line 11
23. The role of the therapist's hand that holds the patient's limb in grade "Poor"
gluteus medius muscle testing is to:
a. Support the weight of the limb
b. Decrease friction with the testing table
c. Assist the movement
d. Resist the movement
Reference: page 5 (table)+ page 84, line 5

24. The antagonist of tibialis posterior is:

a. Tibialis anterior
b. Peroneus brevis
c. Peroneus tertius
d. Peroneus longus
Reference: page 104, lines 2, 7 & 15+ page 106, line 4

25. The primary action of tibialis anterior is:

a. Dorsiflexion
b. Plantar flexion
c. Inversion
d. Eversion
Reference: page 103, line 3 + lecture video

26. To test Grade 5 tibialis anterior, sitting position is preferable than supine
True False
Reference: page 103, line 7+ lecture video

27. Forward head posture consists of:

a. Capital flexion+ cervical flexion
b. Capital flexion+ cervical extension
c. Capital extension+ cervical flexion
d. Capital extension+ cervical extension
Reference: page 121, second figure
28. Which muscle is tight in forward head posture?
a. Rectus capitis anterior
b. Rectus capitis lateralis
c. Rectus capitis posterior major
d. Longus capitis
Reference: page 121, second figuret page 114, line 3+ lecture

29. Stabilization is important during cervical flexion test if there is trunk

extensor weakness.
True False
Reference: page 120, line 12

30. The patient starts muscle testing of trunk flexors with:

a. Hands touching behind head
b. Arms crossed over chest
c. Arms outstretched above the body
d. Arms at sides
Reference: page 4, line 20+ page 128, line 2

31. Starting position for Grade 4 thoracic extension is:

a. Prone with upper trunk extended
b. Prone with upper trunk flexed
c. Supine with upper trunk extended
d. Supine with upper trunk flexed
Reference: page 126, first figure

32. Action of levator labii superioris alaeque nasi is:

a. Elevation of the angle of mouth
b. Elevation & protrusion of upper lip
c. Elevation of upper lip & dilation of nostrils
d. Raising upper eyelid
Reference: page 138, last paragraph

33. Bell's phenomenon means downward rotation of eyeball during testing

orbicularis oculi
True False
Reference: page 136, second paragraph
34. Vertical wrinkling of the forehead is caused by contraction of:
a. Levator palpebrae superioris
b. Frontalis
c. Orbicularis oculi
d. Corrugator supercilia
Reference: page 136, first figure, lecture

35. To assess active ROM, the patient:

a. Should be completely relaxed
b. Should assist the movement performed by the therapist
c. Should resist the movement performed by the therapist
d. Should perform the desired movement without assistance or resistance
Reference: lecture & last meeting

36. The stationary arm of goniometer should be aligned with proximal joint
True False
Reference: lecture

37. End-feel is the feeling which is experienced by:

a. The patient at the end of AROM assessment
b. The patient at the end of PROM assessment
c. The therapist at the end of AROM assessment
d. The therapist at the end of PROM assessment
Reference: page 143, first paragraph

38. Common substitutions during Ober test include all the following, except:
a. Lateral pelvic tilt
b. Hip adduction
c. Hip flexion
d. Hip internal rotation
Reference: page 172, fourth paragraph

39. Ely test is considered positive if the hip is flexed by:

a. 60° knee flexion
b. 100° knee flexion
c. 120° knee flexion
d. 1350 knee flexion
Reference: page 174, last paragraph

40. A patient with true leg length discrepancy is asked to lie supine with knees
flexed to 90°, If one knee appears lower than the other:
a. the tibia of that extremity is shorter.
b. the tibia of that extremity is longer
c. the femur of that extremity is shorter.
d. the femur of that extremity is longer.
Reference: page 178, fourth paragraph

♥ ‫صلى على النبى‬

Tests and Measurements

1) All the components of hamstrings are two-joint musdes, except

a) Long head of biceps femoris
b) Short head of biceps femoris
c) Semitendinosus
d) Semimembranosus


2) Hip flexion can substitute for knee flexion in prone position.

True False


3) All the components of quadriceps femoris are one-joint muscles,

a) Vastus medialis
b) Vastus lateralis
c) Vastus intermedius
d) Rectus demons


4) Hip extemal rotation is a possible substitution for grade 2 quadriceps.

True False


5) The heel is turned toward the examiner during biceps femoris muscle
True False


6) The gravity-minimized position for knee flexors is:

a) Supine position
b) Prone position
c) Side-lying position
d) Sitting position

7) The lowermost hip should be extended during Grade 2 hamstrings
muscle testing.
True False


8) Gastrocnemius can substitute for knee flexion both actively &

True False


9) The pateillar tendon can be palpated just above the knee.

True False


10) The uppermost hip should be extended during Grade 2 quadriceps

muscle testing.
True False


11) Rectus femoris length can affect the test of hamstrings strength.
True False


12) The four heads of quadriceps can be separated from each other by
manual muscle testing.
True False


13) Resistance for quadriceps muscle testing is applied at

a) 0' knee extension
b) 45' knee flexion
c) 90' knee flexion
d) 15" knee flexion


14) To test the hamstring muscles in aggregate, the patient flexes the
knee while maintaining the leg in internal rotation.
True False

15) The gravity-minimized position for quadriceps muscle testing is:
a) Sitting position
b) Standing position
c) Side-lying position
d) Supine position


16) The gravity-resisted position for quadriceps muscle testing is:

a) Sitting position
b) Standing position
c) Side-lying position
d) Supine position


17) Grade 1 quadriceps muscle testing is tested in:

a) Sitting position
b) Prone position
c) Side-lying position
d) Supine position


18) Grade 1 hamstrings is tested in:

a) Supine position
b) Prone position
c) Sitting position
d) Standing position


19) Possible substitution for grade 4 quadriceps is:

a) Hip internal rotation
b) Hip extension
c) Rising of the pelvis
d) Leaning backward


20) Gracilis substitution for hamstrings is accompanied by hip

True False


21) Sartorius substitution for hamstrings is accompanied by hip external

True False
22) Resistance for hamstring muscle testing is applied at:
a) 0' knee extension
b) 45' knee flexion
c) 90' knee flexion
d) 135' knee flexion


23) All the hamstrings can extend the hip joint.

True False


24) To test biceps femoris, the patient flexes the knee with tibial external
True False


25) hamstring length can affect the test of quadriceps strength.

True False


26) The gravity-resisted position for medial hamstrings muscle testing

a) Sitting position
b) Prone position
c) Standing position
d) Supine position


27) The role of the therapist's proximal hand that holds the patient's
thigh in grade 2 quadriceps muscle testing is to:
a) Assist the movement
b) Resist the movement
c) Maintain gravity-minimized position
d) Palpate the quad


28) Which muscle should be tested using the straight arm technique?
a) Hamstring
b) Adductor magnus
c) Quadriceps
d) Iliopsoas

29) The antagonist of two-joint hamstrings is:
a) Rectus femoris
b) Vastus medialis
c) Vastus lateralis
d) Vastus intermedius


30) The patient is allowed to use his hands for stability during muscle
True False


♥ ‫صلى على النبى‬

Revision Questions on MMT of U. L.

1) The gravity-resisted position for shoulder retractors is:

a) Supine
b) Prone
c) Sitting
d) Side-lying

2) Resistance for shoulder abduction muscle testing is applied at:

a) 90° abduction
b) 180° abduction
c) 120° abduction
d) 45° abduction

3) To test extensor carpi ulnaris against gravity, the forearm should be:
a) Supinated
b) Pronated
c) In mid position
d) Extended

4) Which muscle is being tested in the

following figure?
a) Upper trapezius
b) Lower trapezius
c) Latissimus dorsi
d) Sternocostal head of pectoralis major


5) Resistance for flexor digitorum superficialis test is applied at:

a) metacarpals
b) proximal phalanx
c) middle phalanx
d) distal phalanx

6) Which muscle is being tested in the following

a) 1st palmar interosseus
b) 2nd palmar interosseus
c) 3rd palmar interosseus
d) 4th palmar interosseus

7) Resistance for intrinsic thumb flexor is applied at:
a) Palmar surface of proximal phalanx
b) Dorsal surface of proximal phalanx
c) Palmar surface of distal phalanx
d) Dorsal surface of distal phalanx

8) Which muscles are being tested in the following

a) Flexor digitorum superficialis
b) Flexor carpi radialis
c) Hand interossei
d) Flexor digitorum profundus


9) To perform Kendall muscle testing of rhomboids, enough strength

should be in:
a) Shoulder extensors
b) Shoulder adductors
c) Shoulder external rotators
d) Shoulder internal rotators

10) The antagonist of serratus anterior is:

a) Rhomboid major
b) Upper trapezius
c) Lower trapezius
d) Pectoralis minor

11) Shoulder extensors should be tested against gravity in:

a) Supine position
b) Prone position
c) Sitting position
d) Side-lying position

12) Resistance for flexor pollicis longus is applied at:

a) Palmar surface of proximal phalanx
b) Dorsal surface of proximal phalanx
c) Palmar surface of distal phalanx
d) Dorsal surface of distal phalanx
13) Scapular elevators should be tested while the shoulder joint is in:
a) 90° abduction
b) 145° abduction
c) 0° abduction
d) 180° abduction

14) Shoulder horizontal abduction is tested in:

a) 0° abduction
b) 90° abduction
c) 45° abduction
d) 145° abduction

15) In clavicular head of pectoralis major muscle testing, patient begins test
with shoulder in:
a) 90° abduction
b) 120° abduction
c) 60° abduction
d) 180° abduction

16) The primary shoulder medial rotator is:

a) Pectoralis major
b) Teres major
c) Subscapularis
d) Latissimus Doris

17) Brachialis is tested while the forearm is:

a) Pronated
b) Supinated
c) Mid-positioned
d) Extended

18) The index finger is extended by:

a) Extensor indicis
b) Extensor digitorum
c) A & B
d) Extensor digiti minimi

19) Resistance for abductor pollicis brevis is applied over:

a) 1st metacarpal
b) 1st proximal phalanx
c) 1st MCP joint
d) 1st distal phalanx
20) Substitution for triceps brachii could be done by:
a) Pectoralis minor
b) Infraspinatus
c) Extensor carpi radialis longus
d) Extensor digitorum

1) Opponens digiti minimi is palpated on the thenar eminence on the

radial side of 5th metacarpal. ( F )

2) Muscle testing of finger adduction can be done by using a piece of

paper. ( T )

3) While testing thumb extensors, extensor pollicis longus test is

enough & no need to test extensor pollicis brevis. ( T )

4) Palpation is important in all grades of serratus anterior muscle

testing. (T )

5) Resistance for middle trapezius is applied over the distal end of

humerus in case of grade 2 posterior deltoid. ( F )

6) Resistance for triceps brachii testing is applied at full elbow

extension. ( F )

7) Scapula should be stabilized during muscle testing of shoulder

flexors. ( F )

8) Thumb flexion is done perpendicular to the palm. ( F )

9) Middle deltoid should be tested while the elbow is slightly flexed. ( T )

10) Grade 5 shoulder external rotation should be tested with elbow

extended. ( F )
Horus University Faculty of Physical Therapy
Course title: Tests & Measurements Exam: Midterm exam
Code: BAS 2224 Date: 7/ 4/ 2019
Level: 2 Time: 1 hour
Semester: 4 Total marks: 10

Choose the best answer:

1. Substitution for scapular elevators could be done by:
a) Levator scapulae
b) Rhomboids
c) Serratus anterior
d) Middle trapezius
2. The primary shoulder flexor is:
a) Coracobrachialis
b) Anterior deltoid
c) Clavicular portion of pectoralis major
d) Biceps brachii
3. Grade 3, latissimus dorsi muscle testing is tested in:
a) Sitting position
b) Supine position
c) Prone position
d) Side-lying position
4. In clavicular head of pectoralis major muscle testing, patient begins test with
shoulder in:
a) 90° abduction
b) 120° abduction
c) 60° abduction
d) 180° abduction
5. Brachioradialis is tested while the forearm is:
a) Pronated
b) Supinated
c) Mid-positioned
d) Flexed
6. Substitution for forearm supinators:
a) Shoulder external rotators
b) Shoulder adductors

c) Wrist extensors
d) All the above
7. Action of flexor digitorum superficialis include the following, except:
a) MCP flexion
b) Wrist flexion
c) PIP flexion
d) DIP flexion
8. Finger abduction is achieved by:
a) Palmar interossei
b) Plantar interossei
c) Dorsal interossei
d) Lumbricals
9. Resistance for abductor pollicis longus is applied over:
a) 1st metacarpal
b) 1st proximal phalanx
c) 1st middle phalanx
d) 1st distal phalanx
10.If the patient has hip flexion contracture, grade 2 hip extensors will be tested in:
a) Long sitting position
b) Side-lying position
c) Prone position
d) Supine position
11.Substitution for gluteus medius:
a) Iliopsoas
b) Quadratus lumborum
c) Tensor fasciae latae
d) All the above
12.Grade 2 tensor fasciae latae is tested in:
a) Supine position
b) Side-lying position
c) Long sitting position
d) Short sitting position
13.Grade 4 gluteus medius is tested in:
a) Prone position
b) Side-lying position
c) Standing position
d) Sitting position
14.Hip external rotators include the following, except:
a) Gluteus maximus
b) Gluteus medius
c) Gluteus minimus
d) Piriformis
15.The primary wrist extensors include the following, except:
a) Extensor carpi radialis brevis
b) Extensor carpi ulnaris
c) Extensor digitorum
d) Extensor carpi radialis longus
16.All the following muscles can flex the elbow, except:
a) Brachialis
b) Brachioradialis
c) Coracobrachialis
d) Biceps brachii
17.Action of tibialis posterior:
a) Foot inversion with dorsiflexion
b) Foot inversion with plantar flexion
c) Foot eversion with dorsiflexion
d) Foot eversion with plantar flexion
18.Palpation of peroneus longus tendon:
a) Anterior to medial malleolus
b) Posterior to medial malleolus
c) Anterior to lateral malleolus
d) Posterior to lateral malleolus
19.Action of gluteus medius include the following, except:
a) Hip flexion
b) Hip extension
c) Hip abduction
d) Hip adduction
20.Action of peroneus tertius:
a) Foot inversion with dorsiflexion
b) Foot inversion with plantar flexion
c) Foot eversion with dorsiflexion
d) Foot eversion with plantar flexion

Put true (T) or false (F):
1. In manual muscle testing, stabilization is very important to prevent substitution. ( T )
2. Passive range of motion assessment should be done before muscle testing. ( T )
3. Manual muscle testing could be used in severe spastic UMNL. ( F )
4. Intrarater reliability of MMT is higher than its interrater reliability. ( T )
5. The tester strength could alter the result of manual muscle testing. ( T )
6. Shoulder flexors should be tested while the shoulder is in external rotation. ( F )
7. Coracobrachialis can be easily palpated. ( F )
8. Latissimus dorsi can be isolated against gravity in sitting position. ( T )
9. Long head of triceps brachii can substitute for posterior deltoid. ( T )
10. Forearm supination can substitute for shoulder internal rotation. ( F )
11. Shoulder horizontal adduction can substitute for elbow extension. ( T )
12. Toes extensors may substitute for tibialis posterior. ( F )
13. The toes must be flexed while testing tibialis anterior. ( F )
14. Hip external rotation is a possible substitution for grade 2 quadriceps. ( F )
15. Grade 2 piriformis muscle testing is applied with mild resistance. ( T )
16. Gluteus medius muscle testing is applied with hip externally rotated. ( F )
17. Resistance for quadriceps muscle testing is applied at full knee extension. ( F )
18. Opponens pollicis & opponens digiti minimi should not be tested together. ( T )
19. Muscle testing of finger abduction can be done by using a piece of paper. ( F )
20. To test biceps femoris, the knee is flexed with tibial external rotation. ( T )

Dr. Ahmed Elnahhas

1) Scoring system to assess facial muscles is consisted of:
a) Six grades
b) Five grades
c) Four grades
d) Three grades
2) Action of orbicularis oculi is:
a) Eye closing
b) Lip closing
c) Eye opening
d) Lip opening

3) Action of orbicularis oris is:
a) Eye closing
b) Lip closing
c) Eye opening
d) Lip opening

4) Action of corrugator supercilii produces an expression of:
a) laughing
b) Sneering
c) Frowning
d) Sadness

5) Action of frontalis is:
a) Raising the upper eyelid
b) Raising the lower eyelid
c) Closing the eye
d) Raising the eyebrows

6) Cheek compression is achieved by.
a) Procerus
b) Risorius
c) Buccinator
d) Platvsnia

7) Wrinkling the bridge of the nose is achieved by:
a) Procerus
b) Risorius
c) Corrugator
d) Frontalis
8) Elevation of the angle of the mouth is achieved by:
a) Levator anguli oris
b) Levator labii superioris
c) Levator palpebrae superioris
d) Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi
9) Action of levator labii superioris is:
a) Elevation of the angle of eiouth
b) Elevation & protrusion of upper lip
c) Elevation of upper lip & dilution of nostrils
d) Raising upper eyelid

10) Action of dep ressor anguli oris is:

a) Drawing the upper eyelid downward
b) Drawing the lorver lip downward
c) Drawing the eyebrow downward
d) Drawing the angles of the mouih downward
11) Raising the skin of the chin is achieved by:
a) Platvsnia
b) Mentalis
c) Depressor anguli oris
d) Depressor labii inferioris
12) Tensing the skin of the neck is achieved by.
a) Platysma
b) Mentalis
c) Depressor anguli oris
d) Depressor labii inferioris
13) Muscles of facial expression are supplied by:
a) Trocblear nerve
b) Oculomotor nerve
c) Facial nerve
d) Trigeminal nerve
14) Muscles of mastication are supplied by:
a) 3rd cranial nein'e
b) 4th cranial nein-e
c) 5th cranial nein-e
d) 7th cranial nein-e
15) Mandibular depression is achieved by:
a) Masseter
b) Temporalis
c) Medial pterygoids
d) Lateral pterygoids
16) The primary action of masseter muscle is
a) Jaw opening
b) Jaw closure
c) Lateral jaw deviation
d) Jaw retraction
17) Muscles of facial expression are supplied by:
a) 3rd cranial nerve
b) 4th cranial nene
c) 5th cranial nerve
d) 7th cranial nene
18) Jaw protrusion is mainly achieved by:
a) Platysma
b) Temporalis
c) Pterygoids
d) Suprahyoids
19) A patient with true leg length discrepancy is asked to lie supine with knees flexed to 90°, If
one knee appears higher than the other:
a) the tibia of that extremity is shorter.
b) the tibia of that extremity is longer.
c) the femur of that extremity is shorter.
d) the femur of that extremity is longer.
20) Apparent leg length discrepancy can be measured from:
b) Xiphisternal juncture
c) Greater trochanter
d) The high point on the iliac crest


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