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Alfonso Arellano

The game is heavily themed on workers rights, rascism, and authoritarianism. The game is set
underground subway system in the distant future where robots called Tek serve as a the
working class towards the human race. We take the place of a Tek detective who tries the solve
the case of some unsually disappearances that had been happening recently. On our
investigation we talk to numerous other Teks on the subway and we learn about their lives,
occupation, and what they could know about the disappearances. In a twist we find out that
Teks are not actually disappearing but rather there is a an overproduction of Teks that are gonna
be used in a coup d'etat. At the end of the Story you are given a choice to either bust the
revolution or or let it continue. They explicitly make it a moral dilemma for the player as, the
consequences of your actions are laid out in front of you. I you choose to continue the
revolution, violence and instability with flourish in the state, but if you choose to bust the coup
then the status quo will continue and tek will continues to be treated as second class citizens
and working class humans will be put out of work.

I think this is a great example of a discursive game as it touched upon plenty of contemporary
topics in our so society. I feel this is a throwback to the text based games of the past but
updated to fo fit modern game aesthetics.The narrative of the games also updated as it more
similar to the heavily narrative based games and visual novels that we see today. I do think that
this can be the future of videogames, very reliant on good writing and narratives to give and
immersive experience to the player. I think much how movies and songs today can become
talking points that we in society face today. Games like these could be become similar to them
and become a talking point to the deeper issues we face today in society. With the interactivity
of videogames players, can further empathize with certain characters or have certain scenarios
feel more enveloping so that their messages that these games have will hit harder. Like for
example we in the train we get to here examples of soldiers who do not like what they are asked
to do, the discrimination that many of the bots have felt towards humans, and what its like to feel
powerless against the law. Gameplay wise I feel like this game is a throwback, but narratively I
do feel like this is the direction that games will be heading towards as the industry starts to
mature and game development gets more accessible.

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