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The next day I came home.

My mother was holding me and my father was driving the

car. I looked at the window which my mother opened so that I could get fresh air. I
saw all the houses, the street lamps, people walking and minding their own
business. Why don't mind their own business now? You will get this point way ahead
in the story , for now let's continue….

We reached our home. St.Paul's srt house 49th. Yeah that was my home. As soon as
dad parked the car. Grandma and Grandpa came out shouting "where is our
granddaughter!?". My mother smilingly gave me to them and what love they showed to
me. Grandpa's sprinkly old hands touching my delicate little fingers. Yeah they
showed their great love and affection to me and I loved them both.

I called my dad, my "Zebra". He was a hard-working man and very fast in his
business. Thus so I called him "Zebra". He was a topper at his college during his
youth. He won lots of medals and certificates. He was highly respected during his
study years. Now he works as a Travel Agency Manager and ,boy, his agency is the
best agency of the whole damn city of North Bend. He was my "Zebra". But… let's
just continue, why ruin the surprise now….

My mom was my "Leopard".She was a doctor. She spent her entire lifetime doing
gynealogical surgeries but now after my birth, she took a permanent retirement from
all this. She was a loving and caring woman but she had her fierceness whenever
someone tried to threaten me. Once I had a little fever, never did she ever left my
sight and stayed and took care of me until I felt better. Whenever someone bullied
me, she was there all the time. Well...not all the time…..

Alright, enough introducing me and my parents. Put your seatbelts now cause I am
gonna tell about my life now and particularly how it ended and why it ended…. so

Don't worry it didn't ruin the story yet... There is a lot to read and many things
to come…

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