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Student: Bernardo Victor Parrales Garcia

LESSON 2D. Excercise #9, p. 19 (Based on Personal Best

B1 book)

Hi François.

how are thing back in the Empalme?

I'm living in Guayaquil and everything is fine here. For now I'm living with my mother and
brothers. It's nice to life as a family.

Currently I doesn't have a job, but I'm studying in University UG. Although you time to time
helps my father in his work as a carpenter.

In my free time like to play video games. my game favorit is Dark Souls. Although when I leave
home I like to go party with my friends.

Write soon.

Bernardo Parrales

Hi Adriana.

how are you?

I'm going to tell you how is of my life.

I reside in the city Guayaquil, and live with my mother and brothers.

I doesn't currently work, but time to time help my father in his work as a carpenter. I does is
study at the university full time.

In my free time like to play video games or watch series, movies or anime on the internet. But
on other occasions I like to draw or do physical exercise to relax.

Write soon.

Bernardo Parrales

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