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Haducana Jericho V.

BSIT-302 06/1/2023

User Interface Evaluation

1. First Website

Name of the website: ELMS.STI

Category: Education

The module I want to evaluate from this website is the Dashboard page. As someone

who has used several online management systems, elms has the best dashboard page.

The use of the profile cards in displaying the subjects make them more engaging

because they are responsive, and they offer instant recognition. The assignments are

also displayed for ease of accessibility of the tasks a nd th e learning modules. The

notification icon on the top beside the calendar icon will also easily notify the users for

any update.

Also, if you look closely to the greet dots on the upper right of each profile card makes

the user aware of the number of activities that particular subject contains. The

dashboard is very consistent on being user friendly instead of just using navigation bar.

Evaluation Method

The evaluation method I will use is Focus Interview. This is because the website is

simple, and the events are easy to follow. Asking a normal user about how the website

gives them convenience will give you insights on how their interaction with the websites

happens. I can ask a new student what his/her thoughts about the design and if elms

provided a great user experience. I can ask them about the simple task like opening a

module, submitting an assignment or accessing a quiz and focus on the feedbacks they

will receive based on that.

2. Second Website

Name of the website: Airbnb

Category: Design


Airbnb, much like Virgin America, has prioritized making it easy to start booking a stay

right from the home screen. Paired with its characteristic use of conversational copy,

such as the What can we help you find, Edward? and helpful cue text, a user is

simultaneously and courteously invited and directed to start planning their stay.
This conversational invite to start searching is a delightful way of portraying the voice of

the brand, as well as making the process of finding a place to stay simple. The only

fields you need to specify during this initial search are: choosing a destination users

would like to go, along with the duration of their stay and the number of guests. By

leaving out the additional filters until the next step, the process is streamlined, friendly

and approachable.
The listing pages are complete with a description of any additional fees that may be

included. This is a very straightforward, easy process for just about any user. The

Request to Book' button sits right under this, and being one of the brightest buttons on

the page, invites users to click it in order to finalize their stay

After a user has requested to book a location, they are taken to a new checkout page.

The listing, pricing and booking information sits to the right of the page to reduce the

need for the guest to retain the information from the previous page.

On the left, instead of getting right into the payment, the page prompts you to ―say

hello to your host and tell them why you're coming‖. By placing this prior to the payment

information, it starts a conversation and connection between the guest and host, and

further invests the user in the experience. Airbnb takes pride in bringing people together
and gives the conversation importance over the transaction - the UI reflects this


Airbnb has cleverly thought out its copy and used engaging photos and videos to

ensure that the interface conveys an emotional tone that helps create a sense of trust

between strangers.

d. What method would you use to evaluate the website or Web Application? Justify your
answer in at least five (5) sentences
Focus interview is the method that I would you to evaluate this website, as we all know

this basically focuses on the users itself or a group of users that have used this

websites or web applications. Base on my observation and researches for the

feedbacks from both of the websites there are a lot of positive feedbacks about it. They

all said that it was a user-friendly interface. They say that Airbnb is quite easy to use

since it is just a swipe, click and book so it's less hassle for them to visit the to

personally book plus the interface is good with their eyes not that much color and have

a color simplicity.

On the other hand, Pitch is almost similar with Microsoft PowerPoint but it is much more

than a PowerPoint it has so many features plus it's interface is really fascinating, since it

has many features you can basically choose your style of interface in a presentation so

this is also quite helpful especially to a student like me.

Select one (1) website or Web application from Step 3 and create a simple evaluation
survey. Use 08 Sample Evaluation Survey as a reference, but do not copy and paste
the content.

Sample Evaluation Survey as a reference, but do not copy and paste the content.

USER Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

EXPERIENCE Disagree Agree

I think I would
frequently use
Airbnb in

I feel
using Airbnb

I would highly

Airbnb has a

Airbnb has
various useful
features for
online booking

Answer the evaluation survey that you created and briefly justify the ratings that you
gave to the website or we Application.
- The reason why I gave these ratings with Airbnb, as I've that I have informed you

on the feedbacks from it and according to my observations and investigation for

comments from both websites, there are a lot of favorable feedbacks about it.

They all agreed that the UI was user-friendly.

They claim that Airbnb is fairly simple to use since it is simply a swipe, click, and

book, so it is less of a problem for them to visit the two physically book, and the

interface is nice for their eyes because it is not overly colorful and has a color


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