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According to Chinese metaphysical science, colors are made up of specific frequencies,

have different strengths and element affinities depending on the year. There are five main
groups of colors that represent the five elements of Earth, Metal, Water, Wood and Fire.
To determine the best colors to wear in any given year, one method is to look at the
year’s Paht Chee chart. In 2023, the Paht Chee chart indicates an unbalanced year. There
is an EXCESS of the Fire and Wood elements, while Metal and Earth element are
MISSING from the main chart. For a more balanced year, we should therefore fortify the
missing elements, and one of the easiest ways to do so is by incorporating the elements’
corresponding colors into one’s wardrobe.


The Earth element represents stability, making one more grounded and rational, and is
represented by the colors of yellow and beige. Being the color of the Son of Heaven,
yellow has always been a noble color associated with the Emperor and the mandarins at
court. It is also the color of the Yellow River, which brings much-needed life-giving
water to the fields of rice and grain in China.

In 2023, the Earth element influences recognition, power and rank, bringing the kind of
luck that deals with career potential. Because it is missing in the Paht Chee chart, this
suggests that making any kind of career advancement will be challenging.

Activating the Earth element by wearing yellows and beiges improves promotion luck
and earns you recognition for the work you put in. You can also wear natural
gemstones, Dzi beads or crystal bracelets to further boost this element.


Since Metal is also missing from the chart of 2023, wearing more of the colors white,
gold or silver is most auspicious indeed. It helps to not only bring balance to the
surrounding energies, but also attracts strong support and plenty of resources. Business
owners facing cash flow problems or needing financial support from banks benefit
greatly from boosting the Metal element.
At work, boosting the element of Metal will help ensure you can get the support you need
from colleagues, your team and your bosses. The Metal element can also be activated by
wearing gold or silver jewelry; even better if the jewelry comes empowered
with auspicious symbols or sacred syllables.


The Water element, represented by the colors blue and black, have an overriding
influence on friendship and networking luck in 2023. Wearing these colors helps to
widen your social and professional circles, and also works to bring people onto your side.
If you are in sales, marketing, events management or any kind of work that requires
having good contacts, you should utilize these colors as much as you can.

The color RED attracts WEALTH

In 2023, the colors of the fire element, namely red, maroon or orange represent wealth
and income luck. Red attire during the first 15 days of Chinese New Year is always
auspicious, but for the rest of the year, because there is an excess of Fire in the chart, it
has the ability to turn destructive if overused. You should thus aim to wear these colors
sparingly. And especially, avoid excessive use of these colors in the summer months
when Fire element is at its strongest.


Wood energy is represented by the color green. In 2023, wearing green improves
thinking and concentration, and brings one’s talents and creativity to the fore. If you have
difficulty staying focused at work or are in a creative rut, wearing the color green can
enhance productivity and bring renewed inspiration. Those in leadership positions benefit
from wearing some green accessories like a green colored tie or a piece of imperial
jade to help with planning and strategic thinking.

But since there is an excess of Wood chi in the year’s chart, there is no need to overdo
things with the color green, or you could exacerbate the imbalance, which can manifest
itself with self-doubt and excessive worrying.

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