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Journal of Neuroscience Research 94:1118–1125 (2016)

Clinical Management of Krabbe Disease
Maria L. Escolar,* Tara West, Alessandra Dallavecchia, Michele D. Poe,
and Kathleen LaPoint
Department of Pediatrics, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of University of Pittsburgh Medical Center,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Krabbe disease (KD) is a rare neurodegenerative disorder disease progresses, crying and irritability improve, but the
caused by mutations in the gene encoding the galactocere- child shows rapid mental and motor deterioration, hyper-
brosidase enzyme. The early- and late-infantile subtypes, active reflexes, hypertonicity, loss of vision, and seizures. In
which are the most common forms of the disease, are rap- the final stage of the disease, stiffness decreases, but the
idly progressive and lead to early death, whereas the later- child becomes blind and deaf and loses voluntary move-
onset types are clinically heterogeneous. The only disease- ment (Suzuki, 2003). Children with late-infantile disease
modifying treatment currently available is hematopoietic experience similar symptoms but typically survive longer.
stem cell transplantation, which is effective only when per- In contrast, the juvenile- and adult-onset forms are clinical-
formed early in the course of the disease. Because most ly heterogeneous, and survival varies widely. Common ini-
patients with KD are diagnosed too late for treatment, pri- tial symptoms in juvenile-onset KD are vision problems,
mary care physicians are faced with the challenge of caring muscle weakness, gait changes, and loss of developmental
for a child with severe neurologic impairment. This Review milestones (Wenger, 2011). In adults, initial symptoms
describes presenting symptoms, diagnosis, and disease include gait changes, weakness, and lower limb hypoesthe-
manifestations of KD and provides basic guidelines for its sia. Spastic paraparesis is a prominent feature of adult-onset
management. Symptomatic treatment and supportive care disease (Debs et al., 2013).
that address the unique requirements of these patients can KD is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner,
greatly improve the quality of life of patients and their fami- with an estimated incidence of 1 in 100,000 births in the
lies. VC 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. United States (Wenger, 2011). Researchers have identi-
fied more than 75 GALC mutations that are known or
Key words: Krabbe disease; globoid cell leukodystro- suspected to cause KD; however, it is difficult to predict
phy; disease management; chronic disease; palliative age of onset based on mutational analysis alone (Wenger
care; terminal care et al., 2013).
Prompt diagnosis allows some children to benefit
Krabbe disease (KD) is a rare neurodegenerative dis- from hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT),
order caused by a deficiency of the lysosomal enzyme gal- which is currently the only disease-modifying treatment
actocerebrosidase (GALC), which normally degrades for KD. Bone marrow was originally used as the stem cell
galactolipids in the myelin sheath (Suzuki, 1998, 2003).
In affected individuals, the abnormal galactolipid accumu-
lation triggers an inflammatory response, a loss of myelin-
forming cells, and a progressive demyelination of the cen- SIGNIFICANCE
tral and peripheral nervous systems. The systematic management of Krabbe disease (KD) has not been
KD is typically divided into subtypes based on age at reported because of the rarity of the disease and the geographic dis-
onset, with earlier onset associated with more rapid pro- persion of patients. This is the first time that a large number of
patients with KD have been followed by a multidisciplinary group of
gression. Infantile KD, which accounts for approximately
specialists for more than 15 years.
85–90% of cases (Wenger, 2011), can be further divided
into early-infantile disease, in which symptoms appear by 6 M.L. Escolar and T. West contributed equally to this work.
months of age, and late-infantile disease, in which symp-
toms typically appear between 7 and 12 months of age. Contract grant sponsor: The Legacy of Angels Foundation
Untreated children with early-infantile disease experience
rapidly progressive neurologic deterioration, seizures, psy- *Correspondence to: Maria L. Escolar, MD, 3414 Fifth Avenue, Room
106, Pittsburgh, PA 15213. E-mail:
chomotor regression, loss of vision and hearing, and ulti-
mately early death, generally by 2 or 3 years of age. Initial Received 31 March 2016; Revised 30 June 2016; Accepted 29 July 2016
symptoms include crying/irritability, feeding difficulties, Published online 17 September 2016 in Wiley Online Library
poor head control, fisted hands, and loss of smiling. As the ( DOI: 10.1002/jnr.23891

C 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Clinical Management of Krabbe Disease 1119

source, but umbilical cord blood (UCB) is now more of 498 evaluations, 313 evaluations in 84 patients with
commonly used (Krivit et al., 1998; Escolar et al., 2005). early-infantile disease, 147 evaluations in 37 patients with
The transplanted stem cells are engrafted in various tissues late-infantile disease, and 38 evaluations in 12 patients
to serve as a lifelong source of the missing GALC enzyme, with juvenile disease.
leading to remyelination of the central and peripheral ner-
vous systems (Siddiqi et al., 2006a). INITIAL ASSESSMENT
Although not a cure, UCB transplantation can pro-
long life and preserve cognitive skills when performed in To help establish disease subtype and assess disease pro-
presymptomatic infants, but most treated children still gression, the initial examination includes a comprehensive
experience spasticity; lower than average growth; and dif- history and physical examination. In KD, feeding difficul-
ficulties in expressive language, adaptive behavior, and ties and failure to thrive are common in the initial stages
motor function (Escolar et al., 2005; Prasad et al., 2008). of early-onset disease (Escolar et al., 2006a). Cerebrospi-
A staging system based on clinical signs and symptoms has nal fluid protein level is typically elevated, but cell count
been developed to determine which patients are candi- is normal (Barone et al., 1996; Escolar et al., 2005).
dates for UCB transplantation (Escolar et al., 2006a). Abnormal deep tendon reflexes and increased tone in the
However, it is important that treatment decisions be extremities are usually present, clonus and plantar exten-
made by a specialist who has expertise in KD. sor responses are common, and optic nerve atrophy is
Treatment decisions can be particularly challenging sometimes noted at the initial neurologic examination.
for asymptomatic infants classified by newborn screening Even before symptoms are apparent, nerve conduction
as being at high risk for KD. Because infantile KD pro- studies often show prolongation of distal latency, low ampli-
gresses so rapidly, it should be treated as an emergency tude, absent evoked response, or prolonged F-wave latency
because treatment delays can greatly affect outcome. In (Escolar et al., 2006a; Siddiqi et al., 2006b). These peripheral
contrast, the treatment window is much longer for the nerve abnormalities are typically among the first signs of KD
more slowly progressing later-onset forms of the disease, and can be observed in some newborns with early-infantile
and safer, more effective therapies may be available by the disease. Later in the disease process, abnormalities can be
time treatment is required. However, mutational analysis observed in flash visual evoked potentials (absent P100
and residual GALC enzyme activity have only limited wave), electroencephalography (abnormal focal or general-
ability to predict age of disease onset (Jalal et al., 2012). In ized slowing, spikes, or sharp waves), and brainstem auditory
addition, clinical and neurodiagnostic assessments in the evoked potentials (prolonged wave I–V interpeak latency or
earliest stages of the disease are reliable only when per- absence of at least one obligate wave form [I, III, or V];
formed by clinicians with expertise in this disease. In the
first 8 years of newborn screening for KD in New York Husain et al., 2004; Escolar et al., 2006a; Siddiqi et al.,
State, most of the high-risk infants did not develop the 2006b). Magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomog-
infantile form of the disease and have remained asymp- raphy show progressive, diffuse, and symmetric brain atro-
tomatic (Orsini et al., 2016). Thus, referring all high-risk phy. Magnetic resonance imaging is the best imaging
infants for transplantation would expose many of them to technology for detecting demyelination early in the disease
unnecessary risk because this treatment is associated with (Wenger et al., 2011). Together, nerve conduction and neu-
considerable morbidity and mortality. roimaging studies appear to be the most sensitive tests for
Most physicians caring for a patient with KD have determining disease severity and subtype (Husain et al.,
no previous experience with the disease and lack adequate 2004; Siddiqi et al., 2006b; Gupta et al., 2014).
information on its diagnosis and disease-specific complica-
tions because of the rarity of the condition. In the past, INTERVENTIONS
parents were often told that nothing could be done for
Because KD shares important features with cerebral palsy,
their child, and they still receive conflicting information medical management approaches used for cerebral palsy
from healthcare professionals about therapeutic options. are often useful for infants and children with KD. Cere-
Appropriate supportive care is critical to make these chil- bral palsy is a nonprogressive neurodevelopmental disor-
dren more comfortable and allow them to enjoy life to
der resulting from injury to the developing brain. Its
the fullest extent possible. Even children who successfully
causes include infection, low birth weight, placental
undergo UCB transplantation require medical manage-
ment for remaining symptoms such as spasticity and abnormalities, decreased intrauterine growth, and trau-
motor disability (Escolar et al., 2006b). matic brain injury (Aisen et al., 2011). Damage to the
This Review provides a summary of best practices cerebral cortex leads to motor impairment (e.g., muscle
for the management of KD based on empirical evidence weakness, spasticity, contractures), gastrointestinal prob-
from evaluations of 133 patients conducted over 15 years. lems, seizures, and hearing and vision problems (Aisen
Most of the patients (65%) were followed longitudinally et al., 2011). Despite differences in disease etiology, cere-
(i.e., seen more than once), for a median followup of 2.1 bral palsy and early-onset KD show similar initial symp-
years (range 2–15.4 years). These patients underwent a toms (e.g., difficulty swallowing, oral motor dysfunction).
median of three evaluations (range two to 22) for a total In addition, UCB transplantation halts the progression of
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TABLE I. Management Recommendations for Complications of KD

Complication Recommendations References
Vomiting and reflux Keep the child in an upright position both during and after Arvedson, 2008; Bell and
feeding Samson-Fang, 2013
Proton pump inhibitors such as omeprazole and lansoprazole are Gold and Freston, 2002;
useful for controlling reflux in children over the age of 1 year Samson-Fang et al., 2003
Nissen fundoplication is useful for preventing reflux in untrans- Gold and Freston, 2002
planted children and is often performed with gastrostomy tube
Dysphagia Modifying the texture and thickness of foods can help with swal- Bell and Samson-Fang, 2013
lowing difficulties; commercial thickening agents containing
xanthan gum or starch can be added to liquids but are not
appropriate for premature infants
For nonoral feeders, swallowing ability can be improved by pro- Arvedson, 2013
viding tiny tastes of food or juice several times per day
A gastrostomy tube will eventually be required for untransplanted Bell and Samson-Fang, 2013
children; transplanted children at risk of undernutrition may
also benefit from gastrostomy tube placement
Constipation Ensure that fluid intake is sufficient; polyethylene glycol 3350 can Sullivan, 2008;
prevent constipation, but lactulose or stimulant medication may Penner et al., 2013
eventually be required
spasticity and
Positioning devices such as cushions, wedges, and rolls can pro- Dunn et al., 1998;
vide proper support to decrease spasticity, especially when sit- Bushby et al., 2010
ting; contractures can also be prevented through the gentle
stretching provided by orthoses, splints, standing devices, and
adaptive equipment
Physical therapy can improve flexibility, strength, mobility, and Wusthoff et al., 2007;
function Bushby et al., 2010
Baclofen and clonazepam improve global spasticity for improved Escolar et al., 2006b;
gait, positioning, and range of motion Wusthoff et al., 2007;
Aisen et al., 2011
Botox injections can decrease spasticity at specific sites for 3–5 Aisen et al., 2011
Nervous system:
neuropathic pain,
Gabapentin controls seizures and decreases neuropathic pain; Hauer et al., 2007;
monotherapy for the treatment of seizures is preferred Wusthoff et al., 2007
Diazepam rectal gel is useful for treating breakthrough seizures O’Dell et al., 2005;
Wusthoff et al., 2007
Respiratory system
Respiratory distress Airway secretions can be cleared with chest physiotherapy and Diebold et al., 2011;
postural drainage; eventually a suction machine may be Lemoine et al., 2012
Respiratory infections Annual influenza vaccination is highly recommended Anderson et al., 2012
Other infections
Opportunistic Erythromycin may be useful as a prophylactic antibiotic and may Weber et al., 1993
also improve gastrointestinal motility
Urinary tract Use of the Crede maneuver ensures complete emptying of the National Clinical Guideline
bladder Centre (UK), 2012
Intermittent catheterization may be required to avoid urinary tract Anderson et al., 2012; National
infections; on the other hand, indwelling catheters are generally Clinical Guideline
not recommended because they pose an infection risk Centre (UK), 2012
Prophylaxis and Prophylaxis and treatment of graft-vs.-host disease (GvHD) and Martin et al., 2006;
treatment of other posttransplant complications should be carried out just as Kurtzberg et al., 2008
complications with any other patient
after HSCT

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Clinical Management of Krabbe Disease 1121

TABLE I. Continued
Complication Recommendations References
GvHD prophylaxis: cyclosporine (200–400 ng/ml) for at least 6
months posttransplant; methylprednisolone (0.5 mg/kg twice
daily on days 0–4, 1 mg/kg twice daily on days 5–21 or until
absolute neutrophil count reaches 500/mm3, then tapered to
0.2 mg/kg/week)
Acute GvHD treatment (grade I): topical creams; acute GvHD
treatment (grades II–IV): four high-dose methylprednisolone
intravenous pulses (500 mg/m2 every 12 hr); tacrolimus with or
without daclizumab to treat unresponsive or recurrent GvHD
Infection prophylaxis: antifungal, antiviral, and anti-Pneumocystis
carinii agents for patients receiving immunosuppressive
Veno-occlusive disease prophylaxis: low-dose heparin (continuous
intravenous infusion from initiation of conditioning regimen
until day 28 posttransplant)
Neutropenic fever treatment: broad-spectrum intravenous
Immunoprophylaxis: intravenous immunoglobulin (500 mg/kg
weekly until day 100 and monthly thereafter)
Supportive care until engraftment occurs: intravenous infusion of
leukocyte-depleted, irradiated packed red blood cells and plate-
lets as required; granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (day 0 to

upper motor neuron damage in KD, so, after transplanta- exhibit uncoordinated suck and swallow, take a long time
tion, KD becomes almost identical to cerebral palsy. to feed, or refuse to eat (Escolar et al., 2006a). Feeding is
Just as in cerebral palsy, the complex challenges of often improved by altering the baby’s position and pro-
KD require an ongoing team approach. The disease viding adequate physical support (Arvedson, 2008; Bell
requires monitoring at frequent intervals and coordination and Samson-Fang, 2013). Holding the baby in an upright
of multiple specialists (e.g., physiotherapist, ophthalmolo- position during feeding and for 30–40 min after feeding
gist, physical therapist, neurologist, audiologist, nutrition- can help prevent vomiting and reflux.
ist). The primary care physician should work Coughing, gagging, and increased fatigue are com-
collaboratively with a specialist who understands the mon signs of difficulty feeding that result from oral motor
disease-specific complications and the most appropriate impairment. A speech pathologist can diagnose swallow-
interventions. Clinical assessment by a KD specialist ing disorders with a modified barium swallow test (Aisen
should be performed as soon as possible after diagnosis et al., 2011). Infants who have difficulty swallowing can
and every 3 months thereafter for at least the first year, often manage formula and other liquids that are thickened
when most neurodegenerative changes occur. Specialists (Arvedson, 2013). Liquids and pureed foods can be thick-
may be located with the help of KD advocacy groups, the ened with commercially available products such as Thick-
National Organization for Rare Disorders, or the Genetic It and SimplyThick (Bell and Samson-Fang, 2013). As the
and Rare Diseases Information Center of the National disease progresses, swallowing becomes more difficult.
Institutes of Health. Providing the child with tiny amounts of food or a few
A proactive approach is essential for managing KD. drops of juice on a spoon several times per day stimulates
Assistive/mobility devices and medical equipment should swallowing, which should be maintained as long as possi-
be requested soon after diagnosis because there is usually a ble to prevent drooling and aspiration (Arvedson, 2013).
delay of several months before the equipment is ordered, For older children, a mesh feeder can be used to intro-
fitted, and delivered to the family; additionally, several duce new flavors. This device holds fruit, vegetable, or
months may pass before a piece of equipment is approved meat and allows only very small pieces of food to pass
by a health insurance plan. Disease management recom- through. A clinical feeding specialist may be able to pro-
mendations are summarized in Table I. vide additional strategies to overcome swallowing
Gastrointestinal System Brain lesions disrupt the neural modulation of gas-
Similarly to cerebral palsy (Aisen et al., 2011), diffi- trointestinal motility, leading to dysphagia, gastroparesis,
culty feeding is often the first sign of infantile KD. For regurgitation and vomiting, gastroesophageal reflux, and
example, the infant may have difficulty latching on, chronic constipation, which is exacerbated by prolonged
Journal of Neuroscience Research
1122 Escolar et al.

immobility and weak muscles (Del Giudice et al., 1999; worn as much as the child can tolerate to prevent contrac-
Aisen et al., 2011). The use of polyethylene glycol 3350 tures. Nonambulatory children benefit from ankle–foot
(MiraLAX) can reduce constipation; however, some chil- orthoses for use in the stander. For mobility, we recom-
dren eventually require lactulose or stimulant medication mend measuring these children for a kid cart (i.e., pediat-
(e.g., suppository laxative; Sullivan, 2008; Penner et al., ric stroller wheelchair), which maintains the body in
2013). We also use the motilin receptor agonist erythro- proper alignment, is adjustable, and can be modified as
mycin to stimulate gastrointestinal motility (Weber et al., required. Positioning systems (wedges, cushions, rolls) are
1993). useful for improving alignment and relieving pressure on
Children who do not undergo transplantation even- the skin while the child is seated or lying on the floor or
tually require enteral feeding for adequate nutrition and bed.
hydration. Gastrostomy tubes are generally preferred for
long-term enteral feeding because they are relatively com- Nervous System
fortable and easy to insert, allow bolus feeding, and Neurologic symptoms include neuropathic pain and
require fewer tube changes (Bell and Samson-Fang, seizures. These symptoms can be controlled with gaba-
2013). The gastrostomy tube should be inserted for sup- pentin (Neurontin; 10–15 mg/kg/day TID; Hauer et al.,
plemental feeding while the child is still able to swallow 2007; Wusthoff et al., 2007), which is also useful for gas-
rather than waiting until the child is undernourished and tric motility problems (Chumpitazi and Nurko, 2008).
dehydrated. A Nissen fundoplication to control gastro- Seizures in KD are not frequent until the later stages. If a
esophageal reflux performed at the same time avoids the seizure occurs and lasts for more than 3–5 min without
requirement for a second operation (Samson-Fang et al., color changes, we suggest that parents use diazepam rectal
2003), and children recover more quickly from surgery gel (Diastat) before calling 911 or taking the child to the
because they are still relatively healthy. For children who emergency department (O’Dell et al., 2005; Wusthoff
do not undergo the Nissen fundoplication, antireflux et al., 2007). In later stages of the disease, the brainstem is
medications should be given (Gold and Freston, 2002; unable to control body temperature; therefore, environ-
Samson-Fang et al., 2003). Because children with severe mental modifications are required to keep the child’s tem-
motor disability are inactive, they require fewer calories perature stable.
than typical children (Bell and Samson-Fang, 2013).
Overfeeding can result in excessive weight gain, which
makes breathing and motor function even more difficult. Respiratory System
Caloric intake provided by an enteral formula should be Although the lungs are healthy in KD, muscle
based on the child’s length rather than age or weight (7–9 weakness and eventual spinal deformities result in pro-
calories/cm/day, adjusted to the child’s activity level). gressive respiratory insufficiency. Aspiration pneumonia is
a frequent complication, but use of a gastrostomy tube
Musculoskeletal System reduces aspiration (Samson-Fang et al., 2003). When the
Musculoskeletal problems include spasticity, which child is ill or experiencing respiratory distress, a pulse
must be aggressively managed with baclofen and botuli- oximeter should be prescribed. As the disease progresses,
num toxin (Botox) injections (Escolar et al., 2006b; Aisen salivation and lung secretions increase, but children are
et al., 2011). Baclofen has also been shown to reduce gas- unable to clear these secretions (Seddon and Khan, 2003).
troesophageal reflux in children, including those who are Just as in other neuromuscular diseases, respiratory inter-
neurologically impaired (Kawai et al., 2004). ventions can extend life and improve its quality (Diebold,
A physical therapist can instruct caregivers on pas- 2011; Lemoine et al., 2012). Chest physiotherapy and
sive stretching and range-of-motion exercises to maintain postural drainage should be performed first thing in the
range of motion and function as long as possible (Wusth- morning and just before bedtime and naps. A suction
off et al., 2007; Bushby et al., 2010). The physical thera- machine is required when the child is no longer able to
pist can also recommend specific equipment and assistive clear thick mucus and secretions from the throat.
devices and monitor their use for proper fit and support as
the child grows. A stander (also known as a standing frame Infections
or standing device) is particularly beneficial because it Children with leukodystrophies are particularly
stretches the muscles, facilitates hip and bone development, prone to infections (Anderson et al., 2014). However,
and improves respiratory function and gastrointestinal KD patients who are in the later stages of the disease may
motility (Dunn et al., 1998; Bushby et al., 2010). The child have high and low temperatures caused by brainstem
is strapped to the stander while it is in the supine position involvement, which makes temperature a poor indicator
and gradually moved into a vertical position for partial to of infection. Therefore, patients should be checked for
complete weight bearing. For proper fit, we suggest per- ear infection, pneumonia (X-ray), and urinary tract infec-
forming a hip X-ray before the child’s first birthday. tion, and antibiotics should be given as soon as possible.
Orthotics can prevent or slow secondary conse- The antibiotic erythromycin, which is used to stimulate
quences of spasticity such as misalignments, contractures, gastrointestinal motility, may also help prevent respiratory
and pain (Bushby et al., 2010). Hand splints should be and urinary tract infections; however, additional studies
Journal of Neuroscience Research
Clinical Management of Krabbe Disease 1123

are required to understand its utility as a prophylactic anti- et al., 2006b; Bushby et al., 2010). Although most chil-
biotic (Seddon and Khan, 2003; Williams and Craig, dren are able to take in food by mouth, some have oral
2011; Onakpoya et al., 2015). In addition, long-term motor difficulties that affect how rapidly they can chew
antibiotic use carries risks such as the emergence of resis- and swallow. These patients benefit from modifying the
tant bacteria and Clostridium difficile infection. Probiotics consistency of their food or placement of a gastrostomy
may be useful to prevent C. difficile-associated diarrhea in tube to supplement nutritional intake (Escolar et al.,
children treated with antibiotics (Goldenberg et al., 2006b). Augmentative communication devices and thera-
2015). py (speech, occupational, physical) may be required to
Development of urogenic bladder is common in lat- help patients overcome oral motor dysfunctions, includ-
er stages and may require massaging the bladder (Crede ing apraxia and speech articulation difficulties, which
maneuver; National Clinical Guideline Centre [UK], occur in varying degrees (Escolar et al., 2006b). Augmen-
2012). Eventually the child may require intermittent cath- tative communication devices can be especially important
eterization to avoid urinary tract infections (National for young children, who understand more than they are
Clinical Guideline Centre [UK], 2012). To avoid respira- able to express. Parents should be strongly encouraged to
tory infections, an annual influenza vaccination is recom- purchase or borrow equipment and devices before their
mended (Anderson et al., 2014). However, we child actually requires them for optimal cognitive devel-
recommend against routine childhood immunizations and opment and improved quality of life.
live vaccines because the immune response may increase
disease progression. END-OF-LIFE CARE
Without disease-modifying treatment, children with
Vision and Hearing
infantile KD experience neurologic devastation and even-
Because children with early-infantile KD develop tually lapse into a vegetative state. To improve end-of-life
motor disability very rapidly and cannot explore the care, families should be encouraged to develop a written
world on their own, sensory stimulation becomes critical plan to be shared with family members and the child’s pri-
to their wellbeing. Visual evoked potentials are used to mary care provider. In addition, parents should be pre-
determine degree of involvement of the optic tracts and pared to give this written plan to local emergency medical
cortical vision impairment. Vision therapists can help the personnel, who may otherwise be legally obligated to do
family understand how to facilitate visual processing by everything possible to keep a patient alive. Elements of
manipulating light and background and selecting toys the plan may include home hospice care, eventual with-
with specific patterns that prolong the use of vision. For drawal of medications for spasticity (as generalized weak-
example, the child may find it difficult to focus on objects ness and low muscle tone develop with the progression of
that are too stimulating. By watching for subtle changes peripheral neuropathy), and a do-not-resuscitate order.
in the child’s behavior (e.g., shift in gaze, tracking of
objects), it is possible to determine the child’s visual SUPPORT AND INFORMATION
reception, field preference (central or peripheral), and FOR FAMILIES
optimal lighting conditions.
For children with multiple disabilities, audiologic Most parents have many questions about their child’s
assessment requires the use of physiologic measures, such condition, and lack of available information about KD is
as auditory brainstem response, auditory steady-state an additional cause of stress. Families should be directed
response, otoacoustic emissions, and acoustic immittance to specialized centers that can provide counseling about
measures (Roush et al., 2004). In general, hearing is the disease stage, potential complications, and risks of
retained much longer than vision (Wenger et al., 2013), treatment. Families often understand the importance of
and children enjoy listening to music and being read to. research for the development of new therapies and
Because they have delayed processing, it is important to improved diagnosis and may be interested in participating
read and speak slowly and use language consistently (i.e., in research studies or clinical trials.
everyone who works with the child should use the same Caring for a child with KD can be exhausting, espe-
simple word cues). cially in the later stages of the disease when the child
requires around-the-clock care. These families benefit
CHILDREN TREATED WITH UNRELATED from nursing support or respite care, even if only for a
UCB TRANSPLANTATION few hours per day. Joining a support group will connect
Children who have successfully undergone transplantation them to other families of affected children. These groups
still have multiple motor disabilities that range from mild are often excellent resources for practical advice. Some
to severe. Development of spasticity can be treated suc- groups loan expensive equipment to families who cannot
cessfully with baclofen or Botox (Escolar et al., 2006b), afford them or facilitate their rapid exchange as the child’s
and contractures can be prevented by early introduction requirements advance. In addition, a pediatric social
of orthotics and ambulatory devices such as ankle–foot worker can provide support, identify educational resour-
orthoses, standers, walkers, and gait trainers. More severe- ces, and refer families to local, state, or federal govern-
ly affected children may require a wheelchair (Escolar ment programs for which they may qualify.
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1124 Escolar et al.

CONCLUSIONS Debs R, Froissart R, Aubourg P, Papeix C, Douillard C, Degos B,

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The diagnosis of KD can be devastating for parents and Krabbe disease in adults: phenotypic and genotypic update from a series
difficult for the primary care physician, who is likely to of 11 cases and a review. J Inherit Metab Dis 36:859–868.
have insufficient information and resources to care for the Del Giudice E, Staiano A, Capano G, Romano A, Florimonte L, Miele
patient properly. Few patients are eligible for HSCT, cur- E, Ciarla C, Campanozzi A, Crisanti AF. 1999. Gastrointestinal mani-
rently the only available disease-modifying treatment. festations in children with cerebral palsy. Brain Dev 21:307–311.
However, all children with KD benefit from supportive Diebold D. 2011. Management of respiratory complications in neuro-
care and therapies that can make the child more comfort- muscular weakness. Clin Pulm Med 18:175–180.
able and greatly improve the quality of life. For the best Dunn RB, Walter JS, Lucero Y, Weaver F, Langbein E, Fehr L, Johnson
P, Riedy L. 1998. Follow-up assessment of standing mobility device
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close collaboration with specialists knowledgeable about Escolar ML, Poe MD, Provenzale JM, Richards KC, Allison J, Wood S,
the disease are essential. Wenger DA, Pietryga D, Wall D, Champagne M, Morse R, Krivit W,
Kurtzberg J. 2005. Transplantation of umbilical-cord blood in babies
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS with infantile Krabbe disease. N Engl J Med 352:2069–2081.
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cord blood transplantation. Pediatrics 118:e879–889.
gram for the Study of Neurodevelopment in Rare Disor-
Escolar ML, Yelin K, Poe MD. 2006b. Neurodevelopmental outcomes
ders that facilitates clinical visits and communications with of children with infantile Krabbe disease treated with umbilical cord
families, and The Legacy of Angels Foundation for pro- blood transplantation: 10 years of follow-up. Lysosomal Storage Dis 6:
viding invaluable support to the program. 71–79.
Gold BD, Freston JW. 2002. Gastroesophageal reflux in children: patho-
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The authors have no conflicts of interest. treatment. Paediatr Drugs 4:673–685.
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diarrhea. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 22:CD004827.
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