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Reasoned Action Theory

Persuasion as Belief-Based Behavior Change

Marco Yzer

Introduction prediction (Fishbein, 2000). The theory’s current

formulation, graphically displayed in Figure 8.1.,
Almost 50 years after its inception, reasoned is described as the reasoned action approach to
action theory continues to serve as a foundation explaining and changing behavior (Fishbein &
for persuasion research. The popularity of the Ajzen, 2010). In this chapter I use the term rea-
theory lies in its direct applicability to the ques- soned action theory to refer to the current for-
tion of how exposure to persuasive information mulation of the theory and to propositions that
leads to behavior change. Despite its wide use apply to all formulations of the theory.
and long history, reasoned action is a dynamic The objectives of this chapter are to make
theory with a number of unresolved issues. As clear how reasoned action theory contributes to
this chapter will show, some of these issues reflect a better understanding of persuasion processes
misconceptions of theoretical propositions or and outcomes, and to identify accomplishments
misuse of research recommendations, whereas of and opportunities for research in the reasoned
others indicate opportunities for theoretical action tradition. Because of its relevance for per-
advancement. suasion scholarship, I will first highlight the rea-
Reasoned action theory explains behavior by soned action hypothesis that behavior change
identifying the primary determinants of behav- originates from beliefs about the behavior. Next
ior and the sources of these determinant vari- I will discuss key propositions within the histori-
ables, and by organizing the relations between cal context in which they were developed, issues
these variables. The theory is marked by a related to conceptualization and operationaliza-
sequence of reformulations that build on one tion of the theory’s components, and opportuni-
another in a developmental fashion. These are ties for future research. The range of issues
the theory of reasoned action (Fishbein & Ajzen, included in this review addresses the decades-
1975), the theory of planned behavior (Ajzen, long time frame during which persuasion schol-
1985), and the integrative model of behavioral ars have explicitly used core reasoned action


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Chapter 8.  Reasoned Action Theory——121

Figure 8.1  Components of Reasoned Action Theory and Their Relations


Demographics Attitude toward

beliefs and • instrumental
SES variables evaluations • experiential
Attitude toward

Perceived norm
Religion beliefs and
• injunctive Intention Behavior
motivation to
• descriptive
Persuasive comply
messages (e.g.,
interpersonal) Actual control
• skills
Personality Perceived • environmental
Control beliefs constraints
behavioral control
and facilitating
• capacity
Values power
• autonomy



concepts. The research I review here is illustrative and friends. . . . No matter how beliefs associated
rather than exhaustive, by necessity, as few other with a given behavior are acquired, they serve to
behavioral theories have generated more research. guide the decision to perform or not perform the
behavior in question” (p. 20).
When people act on beliefs that they have
The Reasoned Action formed about a behavior, they engage in a rea-
Perspective on Persuasion soned, but not necessarily rational process. For
example, someone suffering from paranoid per-
Beliefs that people hold about a behavior play a sonality disorder may lock the door of his office
central role in reasoned action explanations of because he believes that his colleagues are conspir-
behavior. In Fishbein and Ajzen’s (2010) words, ing against him. This person acts in a reasoned
“human social behavior follows reasonably and manner on a belief, even though others would
often spontaneously from the information or deem his belief irrational. Regardless whether
beliefs people possess about the behavior under beliefs are irrational, incorrect (because based on
consideration. These beliefs originate in a variety false information), or motivationally biased, once
of sources, such as personal experience, formal beliefs are formed they are the cognitive basis from
education, radio, newspapers, TV, the Internet which behavior reasonably follows (Blank &
and other media, and interactions with family Hennessy, 2012; Fishbein & Ajzen, 2010).

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122——PART II.  Theories, Perspectives, and Traditions

Beliefs affect behavior through a sequence of support for the hypothesis that people act on
effects. Specific beliefs about a behavior inform their attitude was inconsistent at best, with many
attitude, perceived norm, and perceived behav- studies reporting no effect of attitude on behav-
ioral control regarding the behavior, which in ior at all. As a result, many scholars questioned
turn determine intention to perform the behav- the usefulness of attitude for behavioral predic-
ior. If one has the necessary abilities to perform tion. Most widely cited in this regard is Wicker
the behavior and if there are no situational (1969), who, on a review of studies that corre-
obstacles that impede behavioral performance, lated self-reported attitude with lagged observa-
then intention should lead to behavior. The con- tions of behavior, concluded that it is unlikely
ceptualization of behavior formation as a process that people act on their attitude. In counterpoint,
makes clear that a persuasive message cannot others argued that measurement issues were at
directly change behavior. Although the ultimate least in part responsible for weak correlations
objective of persuasive messages is to reinforce or between attitude and behavioral data. Particu-
change a particular behavior, persuasive mes- larly pertinent is Triandis’s (1964) finding that
sages at best create or change beliefs. When the prediction of behavior from attitude
beliefs are appropriately selected, changes in improved when measures of attitude and behav-
those beliefs should affect attitude, perceived ior represented the same dimensions.
norm, or perceived behavioral control, which in The debate on the question whether attitude
turn should affect intention and behavior. Those predicts behavior helps understand the origins of
beliefs that most strongly discriminate between reasoned action propositions. In effect, what was
people who do and do not (intend to) perform a under discussion was whether contemporary
particular behavior, are the choice candidates to attitude theory offered valid hypotheses about
address in persuasive messages (Fishbein & how thoughts, feelings, and behavior regarding
Ajzen, 2010; Fishbein & Yzer, 2003). an object are associated. Fishbein observed that
In terms of reasoned action theory, persua- the confusion surrounding the attitude-behavior
sion thus concerns the effects of exposure to a relation had to do with the wide range of differ-
persuasive message on beliefs about performing a ent variables that were included under the
behavior, and through effects on those beliefs on umbrella label of “attitude.” Similar to Thurstone
behavior. Clearly, then, the precision with which (1928), Fishbein (1967) viewed attitude as “a
one can predict behavior is directly relevant for relatively simple unidimensional concept, refer-
persuasion scholarship. The remainder of this ring to the amount of affect for or against a psy-
chapter will therefore be used to review the abil- chosocial object” (p. 478). Building on Dulany’s
ity of reasoned action theory to predict behavior. (1968) theory of propositional control over ver-
For this purpose it is useful to first discuss the bal responses, he argued that attitude should be
historical context in which reasoned action the- separated from its antecedents and consequences.
ory was developed. Moreover, in order to improve prediction of
behavior, he urged scholars to focus on the rela-
tions between these variables, that is, beliefs,
Historical Context attitude, behavioral intention, and behavior
(Fishbein, 1963, 1967).
In the early 20th century there was widespread A number of principles have been developed
consensus that attitude should matter as a basis to aid such inquiry (e.g., Ajzen & Fishbein, 1973).
for human behavior. For example, most contem- A first holds that prediction of behavior (e.g.,
porary definitions emphasized attitude as a ten- running) is more precise than prediction of
dency to act (for an overview see Allport, 1935). behavioral categories (e.g., exercise) or goals (e.g.,
By the 1960s, however, accumulated empirical losing weight). Exercise includes many different

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Chapter 8.  Reasoned Action Theory——123

behaviors, and each of these behaviors may be today as when they were first introduced, they
associated with quite different beliefs. From the continue to be violated in research that applies
author’s perspective, for example, running is fun reasoned action theory (Hale, Householder, &
but swimming is not. Whether or not I will report Greene, 2002; Trafimow, 2004). This has impor-
to like and engage in exercise therefore depends tant implications. For example, it has been shown
on whether I think about running, swimming, or that measurement in accordance with the com-
both when asked about my exercise. Similarly, los- patibility principle strengthens relations among
ing weight is a goal that can be achieved by many reasoned action variables, which suggests that
different behaviors, and one may hold positive studies that do not adhere to this principle
beliefs about losing weight yet in fact not achieve underestimate the ability of reasoned action vari-
that goal because necessary dieting and exercise ables to explain intention and behavior (Cooke &
behaviors are not performed due to negative Sheeran, 2004; van den Putte, 1993).
beliefs about those behaviors.
Second, prediction of specific behaviors is
more precise than prediction of general behav- Key Components
iors. Levels of specificity vary by the extent to and Their Relations
which a behavioral definition includes each of
four components, that is, action (e.g., running), Reasoned action theory has three structural parts
target (e.g., at a 9-minute per mile pace), context that together explain behavior formation: (a) the
(e.g., on a treadmill at the YMCA), and time (e.g., prediction of behavior from behavioral inten-
twice a week). Clearly, “running” can be inter- tion; (b) the explanation of intention as a func-
preted more broadly than “running twice a week tion of attitude, perceived norm, perceived
at a 9-minute pace on a treadmill at the YMCA.” behavioral control, and their underlying beliefs;
When two people think about “running,” they and (c) the exposition of beliefs as originating
may therefore think about quite different behav- from a multitude of potential sources. I will use
iors, each associated with different, behavior- this partition to structure a discussion of issues
specific beliefs. It is for this reason that persuasive related to each reasoned action component and
messages are more effective when they promote a the proposed relations between components.
specific behavior and its underlying beliefs than
a general, more broadly interpretable behavior
(Fishbein, 2000). Behavior
Third, and known as the compatibility prin-
ciple, prediction of behavior improves when The precision with which behavior can be
behavior is measured at the same level of speci- predicted improves when specific behaviors
ficity as beliefs, attitude, and intention (cf. Triandis, rather than behavioral categories or goals are
1964). For example, intention to recycle hazard- measured, and when the behavior that one
ous materials may not correlate with frequency wants to predict is measured at the same level of
of recycling batteries, because people may intend specificity as the variables that are used to pre-
to perform the more general behavior of recy- dict it. Another noteworthy measurement issue
cling hazardous materials but not intend to per- has to do with the question whether behavior
form the specific behavior of recycling batteries. should be observed or assessed with self-report
Adherence to these principles should improve measures.
the precision of behavioral prediction, and con- Whereas for pragmatic reasons most reasoned
sequently, the effectiveness of persuasive efforts. action research uses self-reports of behavior,
Remarkably, however, although these principles observed behavior has an intuitive appeal because
are as relevant for the prediction of behavior it does not, or at least to a lesser extent, suffer

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124——PART II.  Theories, Perspectives, and Traditions

from validity issues known to affect self-reports asked about “participating in regular physical
of behavior (Albarracín et al., 2001). Key among activity in the next three months.” This is an issue
those is that self-reports of behavior can be exag- that affects many prospective studies. Interest-
gerated (e.g., male’s reports of sexual activity; ingly, however, discussions about improving
Brown & Sinclair, 1999) or understated (e.g., behavioral prediction predominantly focus on
reports of at-risk health behavior; Newell, Girgis, variables that possibly moderate effects of rea-
Sanson-Fisher, & Savolainen, 1999). Regardless soned action variables on self-reported behavior,
of whether these biases are deliberate or reflect and remain largely silent on measurement of
fallible cognitive estimation processes (Brown & behavior itself (for a notable exception, see Falk,
Sinclair, 1999), they render behavioral self- Berkman, Whalen, & Lieberman, 2011). To be
reports less than perfectly accurate. This does not sure, moderator analysis has important potential
mean that prediction of observed behavior is for determining when the theory’s propositions
always more precise than prediction of self- are particularly likely to apply, which not only
reported behavior. directs investigators to appropriate application
Consider, for example, Armitage’s (2005) but also suggests areas for further theory devel-
study of physical activity among members of a opment (Weinstein & Rothman, 2005). Even so,
gym. Armitage measured attitude, perceived the scarcity of work that tests the validity of
norm, perceived control, and intention at base- self-report behavior measures, for example, by
line with items framed in terms of “participating assessing compatibility between behavioral
in regular physical activity.” At a three-month determinant and behavior measures, is striking
follow-up he assessed behavior by both asking (Albarracín et al., 2001).
gym members enrolled in his study “How often
have you participated in regular physical activity
in the last 3 months?” and by electronically log- Behavioral Intention
ging gym entrance. Clearly, baseline measures
were more compatible with the self-report Behavioral intention is the most immediate
behavior measure than with the observed behav- determinant of behavior. It is defined as people’s
ior measure. As just one example, when people readiness to perform a behavior: “Intentions are
think about regular physical exercise, they may assumed to capture the motivational factors that
think about activities outside the gym that are influence a behavior; they are indications of how
not reflected in records of gym attendance, but hard people are willing to try, of how much of an
that likely are reflected in self-reports of physical effort they are planning to exert, in order to per-
exercise. In support of this contention Armitage form the behavior” (Ajzen, 1985, p. 181). Inten-
found a stronger correlation of intention to par- tion is indicated by the subjective probability of
ticipate in regular physical exercise with self- behavioral performance, that is, by people’s esti-
reported regular physical exercise, r = .51, than mate of how likely it is that they will or will not
with records of gym attendance, r = .42. This perform a particular behavior. Examples of
finding has been corroborated in meta-analytic widely used intention items are How likely is it
research (Armitage & Conner, 2001; but see that you . . . (followed by the definition of the
Webb & Sheeran, 2006). behavior under investigation; scale anchors
A moment’s reflection shows that the attitude, I definitely will not—I definitely will) and I intend
perceived norm, perceived control, and intention to . . . (scale anchors I completely disagree—
measures that Armitage used would have been I completely agree).
more compatible with, and thus more predictive The intention concept and its operationaliza-
of, the self-report behavior measure used three tion have not been universally accepted, however.
months after baseline if the former would have Concerned about the sufficiency of intention as

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Chapter 8.  Reasoned Action Theory——125

the only variable that directly determines behavior, behavioral prediction. Implementation inten-
investigators have proposed several alternative tions are highly specific plans people make about
intention concepts and measures. This section when, where, and how to act on a motivation to
reviews three such measures. act, that is, on their intention to act. There is
Warshaw and Davis (1985) proposed that evidence that implementation intentions improve
behavioral expectations, or people’s self- the prediction of behavior (e.g., Ziegelmann,
predictions regarding their behavior, are superior Luszczynska, Lippke, & Schwarzer, 2007), but not
to behavioral intention in predicting behavior, always (e.g., Budden & Sagarin, 2007; for a
because behavioral expectations take possible review, see Gollwitzer & Sheeran, 2006). Instead
barriers to behavioral performance into account of a viable alternative to the intention variable,
more so than intention. Items such as I expect implementation intentions are perhaps better
to . . . and I will . . . (scale anchors highly unlikely interpreted as a useful moderator, such that
to highly likely) are commonly used to measure people who formed positive intentions are more
behavioral expectation. Empirical findings sug- likely to act on their intentions if they have also
gest that behavioral expectation measures do not thought about how to implement their plans.
outperform intention measures (Armitage &
Conner, 2001; Fishbein & Stasson, 1990; Sheeran
& Orbell, 1998; but see Sheppard, Hartwick, & Predicting Behavior From Intention
Warshaw, 1988), and it is not uncommon to
combine the two types of measures into a single Reasoned action theory has been able to
intention scale (e.g., Fielding, McDonald, & account for behavior with a good measure of
Louis, 2008). success. For example, meta-analyses of studies
Gibbons, Gerrard, Blanton, and Russell (1998) that prospectively examined behavior found
proposed behavioral willingness as another alter- intention-behavior correlations to average around
native for intention. Gibbons and colleagues r = .45 (e.g., Albarracín et al., 2001; Armitage &
argued that an intention to act implies rational Conner, 2001; Cooke & Sheeran, 2004; Hagger,
deliberation, whereas behavior often is irrational Chatzisarantis, & Biddle, 2002; Sheeran & Orbell,
and triggered by situational factors. Developed in 1998; Sheppard et al., 1998).Whereas these aver-
the context of health-risky behavior, the behav- age correlations usefully indicate the theory’s
ioral willingness hypothesis holds that people general ability to account for behavior, it is
may intend to engage in safe behavior, but be important to understand which factors increase
willing to engage in risky behavior if the situa- or decrease the strength of association between
tion would offer opportunities for doing so. For intention and behavior. Before discussing two
example, someone may intend to have no more such factors, I first address an important method-
than three drinks at a party, but drink more when ological implication of the hypothesis that inten-
at the party an attractive person offers a fourth tion predicts behavior.
drink. Similar to this example, behavioral will-
ingness measures ask whether people would be Testing Prediction
willing to engage in a particular behavior given a
particular scenario, that is, under specified cir- To test the hypothesis that intention predicts
cumstances. It is therefore unclear whether behavior, behavior should be measured some time
behavioral willingness is truly different from after the variables that theoretically predict it were
intention or simply a more specific intention measured. Because behavior assessed at a certain
(Fishbein & Ajzen, 2010). time point indicates what people did at that same
Gollwitzer’s (1999) concept of implementa- time (for observed behavior) or have done prior to
tion intentions offers a greater contribution to that time (for self-reported behavior), correlating

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126——PART II.  Theories, Perspectives, and Traditions

cross-sectional intention and behavior data because, for example, someone is exposed to a
produces a causal inference problem (Huebner, persuasive message, then the behavior data reflect
Neilands, Rebchook, & Kegeles, 2011; Webb & an intention formed after intention data were
Sheeran, 2006; Weinstein, 2007). A cross-sectional obtained. The longer the gap between assess-
intention-behavior correlation indicates the extent ments of intention and behavior, the more likely
to which intention is consistent with people’s past it is that intention changes, thereby attenuating
behavior, and should not be interpreted as predic- the intention-behavior correlation. Sheeran and
tion of future behavior. Unfortunately, inten­tion- colleagues (Sheeran & Orbell, 1998; Sheeran,
behavior correlations obtained from cross-sectional Orbell, & Trafimow, 1999) found empirical sup-
designs are still being published as tests of behav- port for this idea. For example, in a meta-analysis
ioral prediction (e.g., de Bruijn, Kremers, Schaalma, of 28 prospective condom use studies, Sheeran
Van Mechelen, & Brug, 2005; Keats, Culos-Reed, and Orbell (1998) found that intention-behavior
Courneya, & McBride, 2007; Kiviniemi, Voss- relations were stronger when the time between
Humke, & Seifert, 2007). measurement of intention and behavior was
Lagged measurement is challenging, both for short rather than long. Note, however, that there
methodological and budgetary reasons. It is there- is no gold standard for the optimal time lag
fore not surprising that cross-sectional studies between intention and behavior assessments, in
greatly outnumber prospective studies. For exam- part because it is near impossible to predict when
ple, Albarracín and colleagues (2001) collected 96 people will be exposed to factors that influence
samples for their meta-analysis, but of these, only 23 their intention.
could be used to test the theory’s ability to predict The relation between intention and behavior is
behavior. Similarly, Armitage and Conner (2001) also conditional on actual control over behavioral
obtained correlations from 185 samples, yet only performance (Ajzen, 1985; Fishbein & Ajzen,
44 of these provided lagged intention-behavior 2010). People are thought to have actual control
correlations, and of the 33 samples that Cooke and over behavioral performance when they have the
French (2008) analyzed, 19 could be used to necessary skills and when the situation does not
test intention effects on behavior (but see Hagger impose constraints on behavioral performance.
et al., 2002, for a higher ratio). This means that Thus, when despite positive intentions people do
although reasoned action theory was designed to not perform a behavior, behavioral nonper­
predict behavior, it is primarily used to explain formance is not a motivational problem but a
intention. This gives pause for reflection: Despite problem of competence (i.e., deficient skills or
the thousands of reasoned action studies now in abilities) and means (i.e., presence of environmen-
existence, only a fraction provides a convincing tal constraints). It is here where the aforemen-
test of this key aspect of the theory. tioned implementation intentions prove useful;
actual behavior is more likely when people plan
how and when to act on their intention (Norman
Moderators of Intention
& Conner, 2005; van Osch et al., 2009), possibly
Effects on Behavior
because planning requires people to consider the
At least two factors determine the strength of skills it takes and the obstacles they are up against
intention-behavior relations. To begin, intention when they would perform a particular behavior.
should affect behavior to the extent that intention
is temporally stable. If between assessments of
intention and behavior nothing happens that Attitude and Behavioral Beliefs
might change someone’s intention, then inten-
tion data should predict behavioral data. How- Attitude is an evaluation of performing a
ever, if intention changes between assessments future behavior in terms of “favor or disfavor,

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Chapter 8.  Reasoned Action Theory——127

good or bad, like or dislike” (Fishbein & Ajzen, and person B’s attitude is negative. This makes
2010, p. 78). Although attitude is typically ana- clear that both beliefs about behavioral conse-
lyzed with a single composite scale, attitude is quences and evaluations of those consequences
thought to have two aspects, namely an instru- need to be considered to determine favorableness
mental (or cognitive) aspect, indicated by per- toward a behavior. It also makes clear that to
ceptions of, for example, how foolish or wise, change attitude, persuasive messages can address
useful or useless performing a behavior is, and an beliefs about the likelihood of particular conse-
experiential (or affective) aspect, indicated by quences of a behavior but also address evalua-
how unpleasant or pleasant, unenjoyable or tions of those consequences. For example, suppose
enjoyable performing the behavior is perceived that people already believe that unprotected sex
to be. The relative importance of instrumental may lead to gonorrhea but do not evaluate gonor-
and experiential aspects of attitude as determi- rhea as a very serious disease. In this case, a mes-
nants of intention have clear implications for sage does not need to argue that unprotected sex
persuasive messages; if instrumental attitude can lead to gonorrhea, but can improve attitude
matters most, a message should emphasize the toward using condoms if a message convinces
usefulness of the recommended behavior, but if that gonorrhea is quite serious.
experiential attitude is more important, a mes- Although belief-evaluation product terms
sage should emphasize how enjoyable the behav- have been found to correlate strongly with atti-
ior is. Unfortunately, however, because published tude (Albarracín et al., 2001), they typically do
reports often do not make clear whether attitude not explain much more variance in attitude than
was measured with instrumental, experiential, or the separate behavioral beliefs (e.g., Armitage,
both types of items, inferences about when Conner, Loach, & Willetts, 1999). For this reason,
instrumental and experiential attitude contribute most investigators only assess behavioral beliefs,
to behavioral prediction cannot be made with or the perceived likelihood of behavioral conse-
full confidence. The question whether differen- quences. Note, however, that for statistical rea-
tial impact is predictable thus deserves more sons product terms are unlikely to be associated
systematic inquiry than it has received thus far. with large effects in regression analysis, which is
According to reasoned action theory, attitude the method commonly used to test reasoned
formation is the process by which a potentially action (Ajzen & Fishbein, 2008; Yzer, 2007). We
large set of specific beliefs, which has associated should be careful not to abandon conceptual
with a behavior over time, informs an overall ideas on the basis of empirical results if those
sense of favorableness toward the behavior. Con- results reflect statistical artifacts.
sistent with expectancy-value perspectives, atti-
tude is a multiplicative combination of behavioral
beliefs, which are perceptions of the likelihood Perceived Norm and
that performing a particular behavior will have Normative Beliefs
certain consequences, and an evaluation of those
consequences in terms of good or bad. For exam- To capture the influence of people’s social
ple, two persons may both believe that if they use environment on their intention to perform a
a tanning bed, they will get a tan. In addition, particular behavior, Fishbein and Ajzen (1975;
person A thinks that being tanned is good, but Ajzen & Fishbein, 1973; Fishbein, 1967) pro-
person B does not. In this single belief example, posed the concept of subjective norm as a sec-
both person A and person B think that using a ond determinant of behavioral intention. In the
tanning bed will give them a tan, but because theory of reasoned action (Fishbein & Ajzen,
their opposite evaluations of being tanned person 1975) subjective norm is the extent to which
A’s attitude toward using a tanning bed is positive I believe that other people think that I should or

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128——PART II.  Theories, Perspectives, and Traditions

should not engage in a particular behavior. norms can have differential effects (Larimer
Other scholars refer to subjective norm as et al., 2004), not only in magnitude but also in
injunctive norm (Cialdini, Reno, & Kallgren, direction (Jacobson, Mortensen, & Cialdini,
1990), and in recent years, reasoned action theo- 2011). Thus, although in the context of reasoned
rists have used “injunctive norm” rather than action theory, injunctive and descriptive norms
“subjective norm” to indicate expected approval can be analyzed with a composite perceived
or disapproval from others (Fishbein, 2000; norm scale, it may prove useful to also examine
Fishbein & Ajzen, 2010). the effects of these variables separately.
The question whether subjective norm is able Injunctive and descriptive norm measures tap
to capture all relevant perceived social influence normative perceptions regarding “most people
has been controversial. This question in large who are important to me.” Perceived norm thus
part stemmed from empirical findings in which reflects perceived social pressure to perform or
subjective norm contributed little to the explana- not to perform a behavior that is generalized
tion of intention (Albarracín et al., 2001; Cooke across specific referents. It is a function of beliefs
& French, 2008; Hagger et al., 2002). Note, how- about particular individuals; whether particular
ever, that there is evidence that subjective norm individuals think I should perform a behavior
matters in collectivistic populations (Giles, (injunctive normative beliefs) or whether those
Liddell, & Bydawell, 2005; Lee & Green, 1991), individuals perform the behavior themselves
in younger samples (Albarracín, Kumkale, & (descriptive normative beliefs). However, believ-
Johnson, 2004; van den Putte, 1993), and for ing that a particular individual prescribes a cer-
behaviors that have salient social aspects (Cooke tain behavior will not matter if one does not care
& French, 2008; Finlay, Trafimow, & Moroi, what that individual thinks, that is, if one is not
1999), which implies that normative messages motivated to comply with that individual. For
can have strong persuasive potential for some example, someone affected by diabetes may
identified segments and behaviors. Even so, expect that her doctor will approve her injecting
because much work found relatively small sub- insulin, but also believe that her friends will dis-
jective norm effects, many investigators have approve, or believe that her insulin-dependent
tested alternative normative measures, including, friends do not self-inject. If it is more important
among others, personal norm, verbal approval, for her to do what her peers want her to do than
social support, and descriptive norm (e.g., Larimer, what her doctor wants her to do, then she will
Turner, Mallett, & Geisner, 2004; van den Putte, experience an overall sense of pressure against
Yzer, & Brunsting, 2005). injecting insulin.
In recognition of a need to expand the scope In more general terms, perceived norm is a
of the normative component, reasoned action function of normative beliefs about particular
theory currently posits a perceived norm compo- individuals weighed by the extent to which
nent that is the composite of injunctive and someone wants to comply with those individuals.
descriptive norms (see also Fishbein, 2000). The However, as discussed in the context of multipli-
descriptive norm indicates the extent to which cative composites of behavioral beliefs and their
I believe that other people perform a particular evaluations, effects of product terms are hard to
behavior themselves (Cialdini, Reno, & Kallgren, demonstrate in regression analysis. Reasoned
1990). A meta-analysis of 14 correlations showed action research often relies on regression analy-
that descriptive norms explained variance in sis, which explains why there is not much evi-
behavioral intention that subjective norms did dence to support multiplicative composites of
not, supporting the discriminant validity of the normative beliefs and motivation to comply
descriptive norm variable (Rivis & Sheeran, (Fishbein & Ajzen, 2010). The usefulness of nor-
2003). In addition, injunctive and descriptive mative beliefs and motivation to comply should

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Chapter 8.  Reasoned Action Theory——129

not be rejected if a lack of empirical support for control” and “self-efficacy,” suggesting a theoreti-
these measures is caused by a statistical artifact. cal distinction between the two (Norman & Hoyle,
For example, Giles and colleagues (2005) exam- 2004; Terry & O’Leary, 1995). Building on this
ined both normative beliefs and motivation to idea, investigators have used the two item clusters
comply regarding condom use in a sample of to explore whether perceived behavioral control or
Zulu adults. Their analysis allowed them to iden- self-efficacy offers a better explanation of inten-
tify important sources of influence, which in turn tion or behavior (e.g., Pertl et al., 2010; Rodgers,
could inform decisions about who to target in Conner, & Murray, 2008).
behavior change interventions. The contention that perceived behavioral
control and self-efficacy are theoretically distinct
is unconvincing, however, if based solely on
Perceived Behavioral Control empirical criteria (such as proportions of vari-
and Control Beliefs ance explained) and without careful consider-
ation of what these concepts are supposed to
Concerned that the theory of reasoned action’s mean. For example, Terry and O’Leary (1995)
focus on volitional behavior unnecessarily purported to contrast perceived control and self-
restricted the scope of the theory, Ajzen (1985) efficacy, but only used easy-difficult items to
argued that the theory could also predict non- measure self-efficacy. It is not clear, however, why
volitional behavior if it would address percep- easy-difficult items are best seen as self-efficacy.
tions of control over behavioral performance. Indeed, there is evidence that at least in some
His inclusion of a perceived behavioral control behavioral domains, easy-difficult is more closely
variable as an additional determinant of inten- related with attitude (Kraft et al., 2005; Yzer,
tion and behavior established the theory of Hennessy, & Fishbein, 2004) or intention (Rhodes
planned behavior (Ajzen, 1985, 1991). Perceived & Courneya, 2003) than with control. Thus,
behavioral control was initially defined as whereas control items often load on two separate
“. . . people’s perception of the ease or difficulty factors, this by itself does not irrefutably confirm
of performing the behaviour of interest” (Ajzen, the conceptual separation of perceived control
1991, p. 183), and “compatible with . . . perceived and self-efficacy. Rhodes and Courneya (2003)
self-efficacy” (p. 184). Consistent with this defi- warn in this regard against backward theorizing:
nition, items widely used to measure perceived “. . . items should be created to indicate theoreti-
behavioral control ask how much control people cal concepts; theoretical concepts should not be
believe they have over performing a behavior, created to indicate items!” (p. 80).
how easy or difficult they believe performing the Fishbein and Ajzen (2010) similarly observe
behavior will be, or how confident they are that that “. . . although there is good empirical evidence
they can perform the behavior. that items meant to assess perceived behavioral
The proposed equivalence of perceived control, control can be separated into two factors, identifying
perceived difficulty, and self-efficacy has been the them as self-efficacy expectations and perceived
subject of considerable debate. Arguments in that control is misleading and unjustified” (p. 165).
debate for the most part are based on empirical They argue that self-efficacy (Bandura, 1997) and
tests of the dimensionality of perceived behavior perceived behavioral control are conceptually simi-
control. A common finding from such tests is that lar; both center on people’s perception of whether
confidence-framed items and control-framed they can carry out a particular behavior. Consistent
items load onto separate factors (e.g., Armitage & with this, reasoned action theory posits that per-
Conner, 1999; Kraft, Rise, Sutton, & Røysamb, ceived behavioral control/self-efficacy is a latent
2005). Importantly, these two factors are often variable that has two aspects, namely capacity and
interpreted as indicating “perceived behavioral autonomy. Capacity is indicated by items asking

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130——PART II.  Theories, Perspectives, and Traditions

people how certain they are that they can perform Sheeran, 2003; van den Putte, 1993). These results
a behavior. Autonomy is indicated by items asking are impressive, particularly considering that they
people how much they feel that performing a are based on studies that differ considerably in
behavior is up to them. Capacity and autonomy inclusion and measurement of predictor vari-
can be congruent, but there are situations in which ables. At the same time, it should be noted that
they are not. For example, someone may believe these multiple correlations reflect the effects of
that the decision to climb a tall building is up to direct measures of attitude, perceived norm, and/
him, but feel certain that he cannot do so because or perceived behavioral control on intention.
he is afraid of heights. Depending on the purpose Relatively few studies have examined the role of
of the investigation, capacity and autonomy thus beliefs in intention formation. Van den Putte
can be combined or analyzed separately. Similarly, (1993), for example, reports that of the 150 inde-
to enhance perceived behavioral control over a pendent samples he analyzed, only 18 measured
behavior, persuasive messages can focus on skill both behavioral beliefs and attitude, and only 13
building, emphasize autonomous decision-making, measured both normative beliefs and subjective
or do both. The appeal of a multiaspect interpreta- norm. The curious neglect of beliefs is discon-
tion of perceived behavioral control is that it clari- certing, because beliefs are the basis of persuasive
fies its conceptual definition, and refocuses our messages that seek to change behavior.
attention to the possibility of additive contribu- A possible explanation for this phenomenon
tions of capacity and autonomy to behavioral pre- is that because of the availability of attitude, per-
diction rather than superiority of one over the ceived norm, perceived behavioral control, and
other. It also is a new idea, and thus should be a intention measure templates (e.g., Fishbein &
priority in future research. Ajzen, 2010), designing measures of these four
The belief basis of perceived behavioral control variables is a fairly straightforward affair. How-
consists of control beliefs (i.e., the perceived likeli- ever, determining which beliefs are salient in a
hood of having particular resources and opportu- particular population is not as straightforward:
nities for behavioral performance) and perceived “. . . although an investigator can sit in her or his
power (i.e., the extent to which those resources office and develop measures of attitudes, per-
and opportunities facilitate or obstruct behavioral ceived norms and [perceived behavioral control],
performance). Perceived behavioral control is she or he cannot tell you what a given population
proposed to be the sum of the control beliefs- (or a given person) believes about performing a
perceived power product terms. The belief basis of given behavior. Thus one must go to members of
perceived behavior control has received curiously that population to identify salient outcome, nor-
little research attention (see, e.g., Armitage & mative and [control] beliefs” (Fishbein, 2000,
Conner, 2001). Therefore, and also considering p. 276). Recommendations for belief elicitation
the recent reconceptualization of perceived behav- procedures are also available, however, (Ajzen &
ior control, systematic tests of control beliefs offer Fishbein, 1980; Fishbein & Ajzen, 2010), and
good opportunities for theoretical advancement. there thus is no good reason for disregarding
beliefs if one seeks to explain intention.

Explaining Intention
Background Factors and the
Reviews of studies on determinants of intention Question of Sufficiency
have found multiple correlations in the R = .55-.70
range (e.g., Albarracín et al., 2001; Armitage & Beliefs originate from a large number of sources.
Conner, 2001; Hagger et al., 2002; Rivis & Interaction with other people, engagement with

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Chapter 8.  Reasoned Action Theory——131

media messages, growing up in a particular cul- New Directions and

ture, membership of a religious community, and Opportunities for
even gender and personality, for example, can all
Future Research
play a role in forming and shaping beliefs about a
particular behavior. In the language of reasoned The thousands of reasoned action studies now in
action theory, these variables are background fac- existence address only a limited number of ques-
tors, which are possibly but not necessarily related tions and use only a limited number of metho­
with beliefs. Similarly, background factors do not dologies. For example, studies that explain
affect intention and behavior directly, but indi- intention far outnumber studies that prospec-
rectly through beliefs. Thus, for example, if gen- tively examine behavior and studies that examine
der is empirically associated with intention or beliefs; and studies that use survey methodology
behavior, gender also should be correlated with far outnumber experimental studies. Although
beliefs, that is, men and women should hold dif- survey-based tests of intention usefully show
ferent beliefs (Fishbein, 1967; Fishbein & Ajzen, whether in a particular population intention to
2010). Such findings can usefully inform deci- perform a particular behavior is guided by atti-
sions about which beliefs to target in different tude, perceived norm or perceived behavioral
gender segments. control, belief-based and behavioral analyses are
The conceptualization of background factors at least as interesting to persuasion scholars. In
is directly relevant for a persistent debate on the addition, there are other questions that should
question whether reasoned action variables are appear more prominently on research agendas
sufficient for explaining intention and behavior than they have thus far. Two of these have to do
(for review, see Fishbein & Ajzen, 2010, chapter 9). with developing hypotheses about when rea-
Relevant for the present discussion of back- soned action variables will predict which behav-
ground factors is a substantial body of research iors, and how reasoned action can inform
that proposed an extension of the theory to bet- message design.
ter account for intention. Specifically, a number
of different variables have been suggested as a
fourth determinant variable in addition to atti- Predicting Prediction
tude, perceived norm, and perceived behavioral
control, including, among many others, gender, Reasoned action theory proposes that to pre-
self-identity, and culture. Such research efforts dict intention and behavior only a small number
are commendable to the extent that they pro- of variables need to be considered. Because each
mote theoretical development. However, many behavior is substantively unique, which of these
recommendations for extending reasoned action variables most critically guide a particular behav-
theory do not start from compelling conceptual ior in a particular population is an empirical
arguments, but instead rely on empirical markers question. Clear research recommendations have
such as change in proportion of explained vari- been developed for identifying those critical vari-
ance. The logic that if a particular variable ables (e.g., Fishbein & Ajzen, 2010; Fishbein &
explains variance in intention, it must be an Yzer, 2003), and there is evidence that interven-
important predictor has important statistical tions that follow these recommendations can
problems (Trafimow, 2004). A correlation effectively change behavior (e.g., Albarracín
between a particular variable and intention et al., 2005).
therefore does not conclusively prove that the Although the basic assumption of the unique-
variable is a predictor of intention and not a ness of each behavior is true in principle, the
background factor. implication that identification of a behavior’s

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132——PART II.  Theories, Perspectives, and Traditions

critical predictor is an empirical question is not in December can emphasize the benefits of get-
altogether satisfactory. Both for scholarly and ting a flu shot. To affect near future behavior, for
intervention purposes, it would be more advan- example, getting a flu shot this week, messages
tageous if prediction could be predicted, that is, should include references to control beliefs, for
if it would be possible to hypothesize which rea- example, information about where one can get
soned action variable will predict a particular free flu shots.
behavior in a particular population. There is
some evidence that this is a realistic objective.
For example, experimental work has corrobo- Moving Beyond Message Content
rated behavior and population features that
determine the predictive power of perceived Interventionists can use reasoned action the-
norm (Jacobson, Mortensen, & Cialdini, 2011; ory to identify the behavioral, normative, and/or
Trafimow & Fishbein, 1994). control beliefs that guide people’s behavior. It is
One can turn to other theory to derive prin- these beliefs that messages should address. The
ciples that can help understand when specific theory thus is a tool for informing message con-
reasoned action variables will explain behavior tent. It was not designed to inform the next nec-
(Fishbein & Ajzen, 2010; Weinstein & Rothman, essary question in the message design process;
2005). For example, Lutchyn and Yzer (2011) which audiovisual, narrative, duration, and other
used construal level theory (Trope & Liberman, stylistic message features will change the beliefs
2003) to test the implications of changing the addressed in the message? Fishbein and Ajzen
time component of behavioral definitions for the (2010) commented thus on the boundaries of
relative importance of behavioral and control reasoned action theory: “Selection of appropriate
beliefs. Construal level theory proposes that primary beliefs is perhaps our theory’s most
people use abstract terms to construe behaviors important contribution to behavior change
that are to be performed some time in the future. interventions. The theory offers little guidance as
Construals of such distant behaviors emphasize to the specific strategies that will most effectively
the “why” aspects of behavior, and describe bring about the desired changes in behavioral,
behavior in terms of the value or desirability of normative, or control beliefs. Such guidance
a behavioral outcome, or in reasoned action must come from outside our theory” (p. 367).
terms, behavioral beliefs. In contrast, construals Some guidance is available. The literature on
of near future behaviors are more concrete and communication campaigns, for example, offers
represent the “how” aspect of the behavior. They excellent overviews of components and design
reflect feasibility of the behavior, or in reasoned steps of successful campaigns (Rice & Atkin,
action terms, control beliefs. Lutchyn and Yzer 2009). Similarly, scholars have addressed the
(2011) found that the salience of beliefs is a func- complementary nature of behavior change and
tion of time frame, such that when the time message effects theories for the purpose of
component in a behavioral definition moves improving cancer prevention (Cappella, 2006).
from the near to the distant future, the salience of Such work highlights that message development
behavioral beliefs increases and the salience of involves decisions about both content and cre-
control beliefs decreases. These findings have ative design, and that different theories are to be
implications for message design. To motivate used to inform each of these decisions. Which
distant behavior, messages need to address theories in particular complement reasoned
behavioral consequences. For example, a message action theory is a relatively unexplored question,
sent in September to motivate people to get a flu but one that if answered can greatly advance
shot right before the flu season’s expected onset understanding of persuasive messages.

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Chapter 8.  Reasoned Action Theory——133

Conclusion Albarracín, D., Gillette, J. C., Earl, A. N., Glasman,

L. R., Durantini, M. R., & Ho, M. H. (2005). A test
Seen through a reasoned action lens, persuasion of major assumptions about behavior change: A
is belief-based behavior change. Therefore, the comprehensive look at HIV prevention interven-
better one understands which beliefs cause tions since the beginning of the epidemic. Psycho-
logical Bulletin, 131, 856–897.
behavior by what process, the better able one is to
Albarracín, D., Johnson, B. T., Fishbein, M., & Mueller-
design successful messages. The review presented
leile, P. (2001). Theories of reasoned action and
in this chapter discussed that if used correctly, planned behavior as models of condom use: A
reasoned action theory can identify the beliefs meta-analysis. Psychological Bulletin, 127, 142–161.
that explain why people do or do not perform a Albarracín, D., Kumkale, G. T., & Johnson, B. T. (2004).
particular behavior. It also identified a number of Influences of social power and resources on con-
issues that if addressed can deepen our under- dom use decisions: A research synthesis. AIDS
standing of behavioral prediction. Akin to how Care, 16, 700–723.
reasoned action theory was first conceived, to Allport, G. W. (1935). Attitudes. In C. Murchison
address these issues, an outward-looking strategy (Ed.), Handbook of social psychology (pp. 798–
that draws on complementary theory will gener- 844). Worcester, MA: Clark University Press.
Armitage, C. J. (2005). Can the theory of planned
ate greatest progress. The challenge for future
behavior predict the maintenance of physical
research is twofold; more precise predictions
activity? Health Psychology, 24, 235–245.
about how and when reasoned action variables
Armitage, C. J., & Conner, M. (1999). Distinguishing
predict intention and behavior are needed, and perceptions of control from self-efficacy: Predict-
in addition, message design strategies that can ing consumption of a low fat diet using the the-
change these variables need to be identified. ory of planned behavior. Journal of Applied Social
These are challenges that promise exciting Psychology, 29, 72–90.
research, significant theoretical advancement, Armitage, C. J., & Conner, M. (2001). Efficacy of the
and effective practical application. theory of planned behavior: A meta-analytic
review. British Journal of Social Psychology, 40,
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