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MPU UE Up Se Book of bys | ONOGRAMS and FANCY LETTERS ay D. M. CAMPANA CHICAGO, tL creer Tea 4 i i a 4 q i fl ‘ ql / PREFACE G 1 is stated that by combining two or three letters there can be made ten thousand monograms, ‘The collection of such a large number of de- signs would make the book not only extremely expensive but the amount of work not necessarily needed. Those monograms would only be a continuous repetition of the same letters with slight additions of a few lines which work can easily be done by the decorators, as will be clearly demonstrated in these pages ‘The present book contains a variety of more than one thousand different letters, some elaborate and some in simple lines, useful for all kinds of art, be it china, embroidery, engraving, sign-painting or calligraphy of all classes, We feel safe to say that this is a complete book and sold at a very reasonable price. MAKING OF MONOGRAMS AAs understood by everybody, a monogram is nothing else but a combination of two, three or more letters, arranged so as to appear simple and well balanced. Now, if designers have a number of separate letters, some large, some small, some in one style and some in another, they can easily combine the three and pro duce the required monograms. Suppose the monogram in question should be “A. M. B.” These three Ietters will be found in large quantities and varieties in this book and having for instance written the “A” in large size, proceed to copy and draw, within the “A” the letter “M” and then looking up for the fitting letter “B” combine it with the former two letters. It may be difficult for students to do this drawing by hand and in this case there is nothing to do but to trace our own letters with tracing Paper and transfer them with graphite paper to the space you desire to decorate Transfer one letter at first, then the second and finally the third. The work is very easy indeed. Only select letters that combine well when placed together. If one letter is elaborate, have the others with simple and straight lines, so as to appear clear to the observer. Do not attempt to put much work in the monograms, as a mass of lines do not produce beauty. Use simple letters as stated above and have one of the three with more ornamental curves. When the three letters have been traced, begin to outline them and the color will only be a matter of filling in between the spaces. Gold monograms are very effective for china painting, and are generally worked in flat, while for embroid: ery, silk or textiles of all kinds more elaborate lines are used. Tf you are interested in other branches of art, such as decorating china, paint ing in oil color, water color, pastel colors, interior decorating, designing, studies in full colors to copy from or to frame, etc., send for our complete catalog—sent free of charges. We have everything used in studios. We are the largest artist- material dealer in America. Also note the extensive line of art instruction books by D. M. Campana on the cover of this book. Practical and educational. They are sold at popular prices. New books are always added—ask for list of Novelties sent free for the asking KACOLYCHTEEWROP QRSGIGW 123156789083 ABGRETGEIIELE HOPORSTET WETS ARCDEFGHIJKIM eee tw ine CHIIKL NINO RARE TOV ona inert ier ae PLIES, CHICAGO WWEYRCHRM LMUOPOARS ANBOCD GS & BD) ABECDEFHBHIR WXYSTMTUIK DOPHRSTUB BB WSS®l B ? @, NEF | sKas NO PQ RSTUVW X M. CAMPANA ART COMPANY, ARTISTS’ SUPPLIES, CHICAGO QU = U ARCDE £ | GHIIRCMNO} ORS = T UAT YYZ abedetqhiih S lumopgrstummxys &xsz 4 EEE Were. ABC. - ae NL MVOPORSTUVW XYZ « abedefghijkl mnopqrsluvw xyz LTALIVV. VV VULINX LCD. & ABEDESG OPC. 4 3 y y oe YS a @ Coce Ze e . b& OM ) ie Da cil Go i a wx (DP JKEMN OoPOR S EW vw | GHIKLM NOPOR SIU FIO abedefah a 3 g 2 E E : Z es g ° Fi 5 : 3 3 = a 1k WN. ABWUG PUROTUMW eS Gj (iL MANY wOZIOVO! Rag aes pM CAMPANA ART COMPANY, ARTISTS: SUPPLIES, CHICAGO D. M.CAMPANA ART COMPANy, Pictures and Models in Full Colors to Copy From Punished by D. M. Campana Art Co. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS a Noe ee a cat ty print wld ot Stained Glass Decorations MADE AT HOME—NO BAKING NECESSARY Colors, that will stant sm, Waterproof. “Beth Han’ Tor ‘Glass, Ceitaoid, Mica. Glassine Paper, ete Do ot mistake these) Crys fal Colors for Alcohol ‘Tae fauers. Anitines, inainels, ete Tryou" paint your. windows with thote colar: in'a short tne the daylighe ‘wait ‘have Mtestroyed “them. While it Yon put-next to) them Can bana’ crystal “Colors, they Will stay hte and clear, “Try murselt "Any kind of dee ation. ean" be painted “on dows, doors, "panels, Shades, ete. Flowers. birds figures, “ornament, tan fd plies (see ilustration) fr tree hand. roses, parrots, te. Instruction ook very omplete, 6S Twelve shades of color at te bad Outhe, 12 colors, brushes. box, ete $3.75 Outht, 6 colors, brushes, box, ete 278 Aske your dealer or write us. Manufactured only by DM. CAMPANA ART CO., Chicago Finely illustrated instruction book, price 65¢, postage 4c Popular Art Li rary Written and Published by D. M, Campana, Chicago Book of Decorative Detigns. No. I, By D. M. Cam- pene. Pull of pretty borders and ideas for ali kinds BF decorations! {Third Edition.) ‘Price 90. Book of Decorative Designs. No. 2. By D. M. Cam: ‘pans. Conteine 191 complete designs of ell shapes End styien (Third Edition.) Price 800 Book of Decorative Designs. No. 3. By D. M. Cam: pata, A variety of corvsntionalized ssbjecta from ature for all kinds of decorations. Avery popu Ir books (Fourth Esition) Price 906, Book of Decorative Designs. No. 4, An entirely dif ferent collection of decorative Kieas, original and pretty. ‘New Price 90e Br etest Oeics tad the Teacher of Detimnins of Hinorical Ornamente. jow to learn Secigning. Price $1.00. Intatier Decorations, Bock No. 6, By D, M, Cam- pana, Fall of pretty suggestions for interior decors ares tc Designs and Patterns for China and Glass Decors ons, By DM. Campana, Book Nou. A very Tange varity of ideas, good for all kinds of work and craft Price $1.00 Sr ERtESY Brel De-srator, Varge collection of high clast decorations and arte tievtuggestions in all'sylon. A book for ambitious Sworkath such as decorstorn designers, ari travers, About 300 ideas. Price $2.80, Book, "Tha Teacher of China Painting.” By D. M. ‘Campana, Avery complete text-book for, bosin fers and advanced workers, (Fourth Edison) Price 75e. The Teacher of Landscape Painting. By D. M. Cam: pena. (Second Edition) ‘Teacher howe fo start and Bish» landscape, Row vo harmonize fect, color ste. Prive 650 ‘The Teacher of Drawing, By D. M. Campane, A Book giving a systematic method of learning how to draw from navare. (Thind Edition.) Brice $1.00, 5 By D-M, Cams "Fecching Howers, figurens landscape, eter clear menner. (Third Edition)” Price By D. M. Campana. A The Teacher of Oil Painting. By D. M. Campana "Teaches the easiest mathod, to learn il palatine. Untdacape, figures, animal Ife, ail hfe. "A prac tical boske’ (Filth Edition.) Price 65e, ‘The Tancher,of Flower and Fruit Painting. (Second Edition.) This book explains individual colors to in painting flowers and fruit. A practical and trefal Book Price 68 Book—Rotes and How to Paint Them. By D. M. Cam. ‘pana. ‘Teaching method for painting roses in water olgr, china, oil il and other branches, Civen fSxclenvely to voxes with colored studies.” (Third Elion) "Piice 78e. ‘The Teacher of Figure Paintings and Portraits. By D. ‘Compara. Teaches how (a start and how te fr "Gives calors, methods, ste. Price 65. 100 Titsire Color Combinations. By D. M, Campane, Hove to make them, with all the Tate ‘fect. (Second Edition.) Price Bée. [Now Books are published every year—Sond for SOLD AT ALL ART Maurer Campana Art Co. Book on Fiving Porcelain and Glass, By D. M. Cam: bapa, With directions for stacking, vepeisines eve {Second Edition) ‘Price 0c, Jd Etching. ‘By D. M. Campana, vith iluatrationn. Describes from beginning the whole process of etching in om the bods ind glee. Price 7Se, Enamel Decorations, By D. M. Campana, On poree Tein and. glase-wih ilatrations: Teacher ie sales ‘enamels and. colors: ‘Describes ‘cause for g off, ete. Price Bée. On porcelain and all styles’ (thou (tira Editions) "Price 80s By D. M. Cempana, A fw to decorate and fie cryael can be followed with cher ss By D. M. of decoration with mica and any Campana. Giver "photographs om : Price 7c, Leather Craft, By D. Book of Designs and Color Scheme ns in colors and directions, Beiter than @ monthe Price $7.80." (For chi tions. The Teacher of Textile Painting. By’ D, M, Campana. Teaches how to paint all kinds of tlotiy il, velvety solin, cotton dreten, hates tapestiye ete Brice BD Teacher of Lemp Shades Making. By E- Keopp, aches how to build and decorate paper shit, pies catton ah ‘ving all detail The Teacher of Jetso Craft. By E, Kropp. A booklet Guiding you and explaining the best way and decorate plaquer, Book ends, candlestick Tho Teacher of Photograph Painting, By D. M. Cam: pans, Teaches how to paint in oily water colors Figuid colors. ‘etew both art photos or indunte photos for the ‘wade, Price 6c. The Teacher of Mechasical Drawing. By D. M. Com Ie teaches in a very cnny Nay how to fears echanical drawing. Fine for high school indus {lal schools, preparatory schools, ete, Price 68e; The Teachor of Animal Painting, By D. M. Campana, Teaches the best colors for varied animelss Kons gs: horees and all popular animals: Price By D. M. Cam: omplete; 120 pages of The Teacher of Pastel Painting. By D, M. Campana. A thorough book with full instruction ‘on how to pint with pastel color, giving method, papers ete Brice GB, Studies in Seviou, (20 Series.) By D. M. Campana Conventional and realities all i colows and opt nal" Ench series contains 6 designe in colore with Fil disectione. Flowers, fruit, conventional” Each teres Be. our FREE list of colored models to copy from. DEALERS OR AT Chicago, Illinois are

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