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Aseron, Bren Margaret S.

10 – St. Anthony De Padua

The Joy Luck Club

- The Author
- Army Officer’s wife
- The mother and the father of the author
- The girl who has a very well mannered from a rich family in shanghai
- The Girl who has the blackest hair from Nanking
- In San Francisco, Kweilin
- As you can see, Kweilin rapidly lost its allure for me. I was no longer climbing the
heights to exclaim, "How gorgeous are these hills!" 'I was merely curious as to which
slopes the Japanese had reached. I sat in the dark confines of my house, a baby under
each arm, nervously tapping my feet. When the sirens sounded to warn us of bombers,
my neighbors and I sprang to our feet and fled to the deep caverns to hide like wild
Rising Action
- She conceived of Joy Luck on a July night so hot that the moths collapsed to the ground,
their wings so heavy with the moist heat. I didn't go to the window to see. What use
would it have served? That's when I realized I needed to do something to assist myself
- She suggests assembling four women, one for each corner of my mah jong table. I knew
exactly who I wanted to ask. They were all young, like me, with hopeful expressions.
Each week, one of them would throw a party to raise money and spirits.

Falling Action
- It's not that they didn't feel or see suffering. They are all terrified. They all had their own
problems. However, to despair was to hope for someone they had already lost. Or to
make something that was already terrible worse.

- She said that one evening after his youngster begged her to buy a transistor radio and she
refused, her child sulked in silence for an hour. " Why do you believe you're losing out
on something you never had? " She then provided the youngster a whole new finish to
the narrative.
Point Of View (POV)
- First person point of view

- Every week, four ladies gather to feast, laugh, and play in an attempt to forget and still
find delight in past injustices.

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